A/B Test Updates

New delivery options for Airship A/B tests, and Send Test feature for each variant.

Both the A/B Test composer and the /experiments API endpoint now support these delivery features:

  • Delivery by time zone for scheduled messages

    • In the dashboard, you’ll see this option in the Delivery step after selecting Schedule. See: A/B Test Delivery.
    • In the API, use the Local Scheduled Time object in your schedule specifications.
  • Optimal Send Time — Optimal Send Time is an algorithm that determines the best hour for optimal engagement activity — when each individual member of your audience is most likely to receive and act on your message. iOS, Android, and Amazon platforms only. See: Optimal Send Time.

    • In the dashboard, select Optimize in the Delivery step.
    • In the API, use the Best Time object in your schedule specifications.

We also added these dashboard-only features for A/B tests: