Category Message Limits
Set message limits for specific categories to ensure that you don’t over-message your audience.
You can now set message limits per campaign category as an additional way to cap the number of messages your audience can receive. You can use category message limits to avoid over-messaging your audience. Category message limits are supported in In-App Automation, Web and App push notifications, SMS, and Email. They can be set on their own for each of these channels, or in combination with a standard per channel message limit.
When setting message limits for a channel, you can add a category by clicking the Add a Category button and searching for an existing category or creating a new one.
You can also override limits when you send a message. You may want to override message limits for important messages, like breaking news, account alerts, or location proximity-based messages.
When composing a message, toggle Campaign Categories under Optional Features, select the category and check the box next to “Ignore limit for this message” to override the limit for this category.