Send Frequency in Performance Analytics

Discover optimal send frequencies in Airship Performance Analytics, then alter your messaging strategy and messaging limits to further improve customer engagement.

We developed our new Send Frequency dashboard with Airship customers to address the age-old marketing question How many messages should I send each week?

The dashboard has four sections containing various reports:

  • Engagement by send volume — Learn how many messages you sent last week, and analyze the impact different send volumes had on user behavior.
  • Engagement by send frequency for a given send volume — Understand the impact frequency of messaging has on direct open, uninstall, and opt-out rates.
  • Week over week comparisons — Understand how your send volume changes week over week.
  • The messages you sent within the last week — See the details about your messages: Notification ID, Notification Date, Message, Campaign Category, Audience Size, Direct Open Rate, and Platform.

See detail about each Send Frequency report: Performance Analytics Report Definitions. This initial release includes App channel activity only.


The Send Frequency dashboard requires Airship’s Predictive package. Please contact Airship Sales to purchase.