Adobe Experience Cloud Integration

Announcing a bidirectional integration with Adobe Experience Platform CDP.

Today the Airship Partner Integration team released our latest technology partner integration with Adobe. (Well, technically, 3 integrations!)

These integrations support bidirectional data flow between Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) and Airship, allowing you to pass Airship event data to Adobe, and pass Adobe segment and attribute data to Airship.

Source Integration

First, we have a Source integration, meaning that Airship is the source of engagement data that you can map to customer profiles in Adobe.

Our source integration uses Real-Time Data StreamingA service that delivers engagement events in real time via the Data Streaming API or an Airship partner integration. to send Airship event data, e.g., Opens, Tag change events, etc., to a cloud storage bucket. You map these events to Adobe profiles in the AEP dashboard.

Example Use Case: Enrich your Adobe dataset with Airship-generated information gleaned from tags and events, e.g., Predicted to Churn, Uninstall, purchase events, etc. This data can then be used for further segmentation, triggering of campaigns in other Adobe tools, and profile enrichment.

To get started with the AEP CDP integration, see our Adobe Experience Platform CDP setup doc.

Destination Integrations

To send Adobe profile data to Airship, we have two new Destination integrations for ingesting TagsMetadata that you can associate with channels or named users for audience segmentation. Generally, they are descriptive terms indicating user preferences or other categorizations, e.g., wine_enthusiast or weather_alerts_los_angeles. Tags are case-sensitive. and AttributesMetadata used for audience segmentation and personalization. They extend the concept of Tags by adding comparison operators and values to determine whether or not to target a user, helping you better evaluate your audience. to support message targeting and personalization on Airship channels and named users.

Attributes Destination

Adobe profile attributes are similar to Airship attributes and can be easily mapped to one another in the Experience Platform.

Example Use Case: Adobe CDP captures purchase transactions from Magento, and Adobe CDP enriches the user profile with the new data. You can then pass those Adobe profile attributes like Name, Product Purchase, and Shipping Status to Airship for personalization on a shipping notification message.

See the Airship Attributes Destination documentation to get started.

Tags Destination

The concept of Adobe Segments is similar to TagsMetadata that you can associate with channels or named users for audience segmentation. Generally, they are descriptive terms indicating user preferences or other categorizations, e.g., wine_enthusiast or weather_alerts_los_angeles. Tags are case-sensitive. in Airship, with slight differences in implementation. This integration maps the status of a user’s membership in an Adobe segment to the presence or non-presence of an Airship tag.

For example, in an Adobe segment where the xdm:status changes to realized, the tag is added to the Airship channel or named user this profile is mapped to. If the xdm:status changes to exited, the tag is removed.

Example Use Case: Adobe CDP captures email data from Adobe Campaign and audience data from Adobe Target. You use that data within the CDP to create a segment of users with high LTV value and “Gold” loyalty status. You can then pass that audience to Airship in the form of a tag for message targeting and triggering. The segment will remain accurate in real time since Adobe will add or remove the Airship tag as end-users fall in or out of that segment.

See the Airship Tags Destination documentation to get started.
