Jun 6, 2019

Improved Message Organization and Management

At Airship, we understand that just because you sent a message doesn’t mean you’re done with it, so we made it easier to categorize, find, sort, filter, and edit your messages and A/B tests.

Messages Overview

First of all, all your messages and A/B tests are now in one place! The tasks you used to handle in various tabs in Messages » Messages Overview and Messages » A/B Tests are now available right when you open a messaging project. You can return by going to Messages » Messages Overview or clicking your project name in the header.

There are seven views to choose from on the left side of the page:


When we refer to “all composers” within this page, we are not including Apple News.


Within the various views, messages and A/B tests are displayed in a table, last updated first.

You can expand a row to see additional details.

New Functionality

We added some new ways to organize and locate A/B tests and messages, including:

View Persistence

View configuration is persistent. If you configure a view to be collapsed, apply filters, etc., the same configuration will be present when you return to Messages Overview.

Monthly App Metrics

Previously when you opened a messaging project you would land on a page displaying your monthly app metrics and a table of your sent messages. Now you can access this data in Reports » Monthly App Metrics. The message table is no longer a part of the page.
