iOS 12 Support

Today we are releasing support for iOS 12 with Version 10 of our iOS SDK.

iOS 12 has a number of new notification-related features that represent Apple’s continued commitment to end user experience, e.g., critical alerts and grouped notifications. In the same vein, we are very proud to be releasing this new support right on schedule, in keeping with our customer commitment to support major OS versions when they are released.

Our support for iOS 12 includes updates for compatibility, as well as the addition of some exciting new features related to notifications. These features include support for:

  • Grouped Notifications
  • Critical Alerts
  • Provisional Authorization

Grouped Notifications

Grouped notifications are a new way to display notifications in iOS 12, making it easier to view notifications in a consolidated group. This feature can be used to group notifications by specific sporting events, breaking news stories, day of travel updates, order tracking, etc., allowing multiple groups per app.

We have support in both our Push API and dashboard workflows for setting the identifier.

Provisional Authorization

iOS has long differed from Android by requiring all users to opt-in prior to receiving notifications. Provisional authorization is an automatic trial of notifications that doesn’t require an opt-in or consent from the end user. With this new functionality, you can choose to enable provisional authorization in your app and give users a chance to understand the value of your app’s notifications prior to opting in as well as the types of notifications they can expect to see.

These notifications are delivered “quietly” to the user’s device, meaning they go straight to the notification center and don’t include any sounds or badge. Users can then decide whether to keep receiving the notifications quietly or have them delivered prominently to their lock screen.

Critical Alerts

Critical Alerts are a new type of notification in iOS 12 meant to deliver critical information that requires users to take immediate action. Critical alerts are designed to get the users’ attention as they override both the ringer and Do Not Disturb settings. These notifications are meant for medical and health, home and security, and public safety apps.

App developers that would like to send these types of alerts will need to apply for an entitlement from Apple. Once approved by Apple, these alerts can be sent using either our dashboard workflows or API.
