Web Notify Support for Insight

Great news for web push notification and Insight users: both just got better. Insight reporting is now available for Web Notify, in addition to iOS and Android. The new unified view of your customers across both web and mobile app platforms helps you better understand how users interact with your brand.

Here are some examples of the types of reports we’ve added:

  • Message Report by Platform

    This report below shows the detail for messages sent to mobile and web platforms, with the corresponding response metrics. Use these data to better understand adoption and response rates for Mobile vs. Web.

    Access this report from the Shared Spaces menu in Insight. Shared Spaces is where you can find many of the most common views and dashboards that Airship curates for all customers. To learn more about Insight Spaces, see: Dashboards and Spaces.

    Navigate to Spaces » Shared » Messages » Message Report by Platform.

  • Uninstalls

    As a notification company and an analytics provider, we are in a unique position to provide uninstall data. With Web Notify we are able to identify users that blocked a web site’s notifications and never returned to the site.

    Use uninstall data as an early warning sign for ineffective messaging, or as an opportunity for customer feedback to improve their web experience.

    The following report is taken from the Uninstall Report in the Lifecycle Dashboard.

  • Named Users

    With named user support in Web Notify, you can now tie a user to multiple devices across mobile and web.

    In the report below we can see the number of users that have the app only, web only, or web and app. Navigate to Spaces » Shared » Profile » User Platform Groups.