Open Channels ============= Create Open Channel ------------------- Upon creation an open channel needs an address, boolean opt-in value, and an open platform. Further params are optional, and can be set when updating an open channel. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='application_key', secret:'master_secret') open_channel = airship) open_channel.opt_in = true open_channel.address = 'address' open_channel.open_platform = 'platform' open_channel.create() .. note:: The creation of an open channel should yield a 201 response. This is the minimum required to create an open channel. `opt_in` must be a boolean, `address` and `open_platform` must be strings. Update Open Channel ------------------- Updating an open channel is done by updating the attributes on the open channel. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='application_key', secret:'master_secret') open_channel = airship) open_channel.opt_in = true open_channel.address = 'address' open_channel.open_platform = 'platform' open_channel.channel_id = 'channel_id' open_channel.tags= ['tag1', 'tag2'] open_channel.identifiers = 'identifiers' #creates the open_channel with all the listed attributes open_channel.create() #updates open_channel tags open_channel.tags = ['tag3', 'tag4'] open_channel.update(set_tags: true) .. note:: Not all of the attributes listed above have to be present to update an open channel. Lookup Open Channel ------------------- Looking up an open channel is done by passing the channel_id in question to the lookup method. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='application_key', secret:'master_secret') open_channel = airship) open_channel.lookup(channel_id: 'channel_id')