Automations =========== The Automation class harnesses the Pipeline class in order to provide functionality for creating, listing, validating, updating, and deleting pipelines. There are a lot of moving parts that go into creating a pipeline, so please view our docs on that topic here: List Existing Automations ------------------------- This is for viewing existing pipeleines for a project. There are optional parameters that can be passed into the URI to have control over what pipelines are returned. In the following example a limit query of 5 will be added to the URI. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') automation = airship) automation.limit = 5 automation.list_automations .. note:: Should return a 200 HTTP status code, and 5 of the most recent Automations Create Automation ----------------- This will use the Pipeline model to create an automation. You may add several pipelines objects to create several automations/pipelines at once. The example below adds two. If you would like to just add one pipeline, forgo the array, and assign the pipeline payload directly to automation.pipeline_object. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') pipeline_one = airship) pipeline_one.enabled = true pipeline_one.immediate_trigger = { "tag_added": { "tag": "new_customer", "group": "crm" } } pipeline_one.outcome = { "push": { "audience": "triggered", "device_types": "all", "notification": { "alert": "Hello new customer!" } } } pipeline_two = airship) pipeline_two.enabled = true pipeline_two.immediate_trigger = { "tag_added": { "tag": "new_customer", "group": "crm" } } pipeline_two.outcome = { "push": { "audience": "triggered", "device_types": "all", "notification": { "alert": "Here is a different second alert!" } } } pipelines = [pipeline_one.payload, pipeline_two.payload] automation = airship) automation.pipeline_object = pipelines automation.create_automation .. note:: Should return a 201 HTTP status code. List Deleted Automations ------------------------ This is for viewing deleted pipeleines for a project. The optional param here is for "start"; a timestamp of the starting element for paginating results in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') automation = airship) automation.start = 2020-02-20 automation.list_deleted_automations .. note:: Should return a 200 HTTP status code, and the deleted automations from either most current or from a given start date. Validate Automation ------------------- This endpoint is a lot like the create automation endpoint, the basic set up is the same, only difference here is the method selected. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') pipeline = airship) pipeline.enabled = true pipeline.immediate_trigger = { "tag_added": { "tag": "new_customer", "group": "crm" } } pipeline.outcome = { "push": { "audience": "triggered", "device_types": "all", "notification": { "alert": "Hello new customer!" } } } automation = airship) automation.pipeline_object = pipeline.payload automation.validate_automation .. note:: Should return a 200 HTTP status code. Individual Automation Lookup ---------------------------- This is for looking up a single automation with a given ID. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') automation = airship) automation.pipeline_id = '86ad9239-373d-d0a5-d5d8-04fed18f79bc' automation.lookup_automation .. note:: Should return a 200 HTTP status code, and the payload for the automation in question. Update Automation ----------------- This is for updating an existing automation. You must include the full payload from a POST response, with the updates that you want to make within the payload. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') pipeline = airship) pipeline.enabled = true pipeline.immediate_trigger = { "tag_added": { "tag": "new_tag_update", "group": "Locale" } } pipeline.outcome = { "push": { "audience": "triggered", "device_types": "all", "notification": { "alert": "Newly created alert message!" } } } automation = airship) automation.pipeline_id = '0f927674-918c-31ef-51ca-e96fdd234da4' automation.pipeline_object = pipeline.payload automation.update_automation .. note:: Should return a 200 HTTP status code. Delete Automation ----------------- This is for deleting a pipeline with a given ID. .. code-block:: ruby require 'urbanairship' UA = Urbanairship airship ='', secret:'') automation = airship) automation.pipeline_id = '86ad9239-373d-d0a5-d5d8-04fed18f79bc' automation.delete_automation .. note:: Response should be a 204 No Content