Airship Python Library *********************** ``urbanairship`` is a Python library for using the `Airship `_ web service in support of our messaging product lines and related features. Installation ============= Using ``pip``:: $ pip install urbanairship Using the library ================== The library is intended to be used with the small footprint of a single import. To get started, import the package, and create an :py:class:`Airship` object representing a single Airship project. .. code-block:: python import urbanairship as ua airship = ua.Airship('', '') push = airship.Push(airship=airship) push.audience = ua.ios_channel('074e84a2-9ed9-4eee-9ca4-cc597bfdbef3') push.notification = ua.notification(ios=ua.ios(alert='Hello from Python', badge=1)) push.device_types = ua.device_types('ios') push.send() The library uses `requests`_ for communication with the Airship API, providing connection pooling and strict SSL checking. The ``Airship`` object is threadsafe, and can be instantiated once and reused in multiple threads. EU Base URL ----------- When creating an instance of ``urbanairship.Airship``, an optional argument may be added to specify use of Airship's EU data center. This is required for projects based in our EU data center. If no location argument is passed, the US data center will be used. .. code-block:: python import urbanairship as ua eu_airship = ua.Airship(key='', secret='', location='eu') Logging ------- ``urbanairship`` uses the standard logging module for integration into an application's existing logging. If you do not have logging configured otherwise, your application can set it up like so: .. code-block:: python import logging logging.basicConfig() If you're having trouble with the Airship API, you can turn on verbose debug logging. .. code-block:: python logging.getLogger('urbanairship').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) As of Python 2.7, ``DeprecationWarning`` warnings are silenced by default. To enable them, use the ``warnings`` module: .. code-block:: python import warnings warnings.simplefilter('default') Exceptions ========== .. autoclass:: urbanairship.AirshipFailure .. autoclass:: urbanairship.Unauthorized .. autoclass:: urbanairship.ConnectionFailure Development ============ The library source code is `available on GitHub `_. Tests can be run with nose_: .. code-block:: sh nosetests --with-doctest Contents ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 push.rst devices.rst audience.rst reports.rst custom_events.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _channels: .. _requests: .. _github: .. _nose: