Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAirshipDotNet.PreserveAttributeAdds Preserve attribute support to control the linker
 CAirshipDotNet.Attributes.AttributeEditorEditor for Channel and Named User attributes
 CAirshipDotNet.Analytics.CustomEventA Custom Event model object
 CAirshipDotNet.ChannelEventArgsArguments for Channel creation and update events
 CAirshipDotNet.DeepLinkEventArgsArguments for deep link events
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.MessageClosedEventArgsArguments for the Closed event
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.MessageLoadFailedEventArgsArguments for the LoadFailed event
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.MessageLoadFinishedEventArgsArguments for the LoadFinished event
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.MessageLoadStartedEventArgsArguments for the LoadStarted event
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenterEventArgsArguments for Message Center events
 CAirshipDotNet.PushNotificationStatusEventArgsArguments for push notification status update events
 CAirshipDotNet.IAirshipCommon Airship Interface
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.IMessageViewInterface for a View that displays content for a Message Center message
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.MessageViewView that displays content for a Message Center message
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.MauiAppBuilderExtensionsHelper extensions to allow easy integration of Airship's built-in UIs
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.MessageA Message model object
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.Channel.SubscriptionListEditorInterface used to subscribe/unsubscribe from a list
 CAirshipDotNet.Contact.SubscriptionListEditorInterface used to subscribe/unsubscribe from a list
 CAirshipDotNet.Channel.TagEditorEditor for Channel and Named User tags
 CAirshipDotNet.Channel.TagGroupsEditorEditor for Channel and Named User tag groups
 CAirshipDotNet.AirshipProvides cross-platform access to a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Controls.MessageViewView that displays content for a Message Center message
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Handlers.MessageViewHandlerHandler responsible for displaying a single Message Center message via the platform MessageWebView
 CAirshipDotNet.MessageCenter.Handlers.MessageViewHandlerHandler responsible for displaying a single Message Center message via the platform MessageWebView