Create a survey

Set up surveys that appear in your app when users meet certain conditions. Surveys are an AXP feature.


As of June 27, 2024, the Survey composer is deprecated. It will be removed from the Airship dashboard on September 9, 2024. Instead, use ScenesMulti-screen experiences that are cached on users’ devices and displayed when your users meet certain conditions within your app, such as viewing a particular screen or opening the app a certain number of times. Scenes can include survey questions or be presented as a story. for your survey needs.

  • As of March 21, 2023, all Survey composer functionality is available in Scenes.
  • The minimum SDK required for survey functionality in Scenes is 16.9 for both iOS and Android.

See our What’s New announcement for more information.

To get started, click and select Survey. After completing a step, click in the header to move on. Click if you want to change the survey name or flag it as a test.


Enter the survey name. The name should represent the purpose of the survey, e.g., “Loyalty NPS.” The name appears in reporting and Messages OverviewA view of all your project’s messages, with options for editing their settings, content, status, and more..

After entering a name, configure optional features.


Select your survey audience:


Configure the content of your survey. A preview updates as you type and make selections. See About surveys: Appearance and behavior for configuration details.

First select a template and click Continue with selected template. You cannot change template selection after continuing.

Click Settings in the sidebar to choose the survey style and configure the dismiss button. Enter a hexadecimal color value for the button color.

Click Design in the sidebar to set the appearance of the survey background and buttons, and the text for any header, body, question, and answer. Header and body configuration do not appear here until you add them to the survey. These settings are for this survey only and override your project-level design settings. Enter hexadecimal color values for colors. Enter text size in points.

Edit or delete the default questions to suit the purpose of your survey. To add more content, click Add content and make a selection, then configure:

  • Media — Enter an HTTPS URL that will be accessible by your mobile audience. If your Airship plan includes CDN support, you can also upload media or select from previously uploaded media.
    1. Select Upload and click Insert Media.

      1. Select Choose file and select a file to upload or select from previous uploads.
        • The default sort order is most recent upload first.
        • You can search by file name or keyword.
        • A file preview appears after upload or selection. Select the play icon () to preview audio and video files.
      2. (Optional) Add or edit keywords for the file to help organize your uploads.
        • Enter a term in the search field below the preview and select from results, or select Add keyword: [term].
        • Select the clear icon () to remove a keyword.
      3. Select Insert selected media.

      See also Media library. Contact Support if you are interested in enabling CDN media hosting.

    To reorder your content, including question answers, click and hold and drag and drop in new positions in the survey. The answer order is ignored if you checked Randomize order.


    Customize the Submit button and add more buttons.

    Privacy Terms

    Enable Privacy Terms to add a link to privacy terms to help users understand your data collection practices. Enter the link text and add the URL.


    Configure the trigger that will cause the survey to appear to users. You can also configure cancellation events, display conditions, and set a tag when the survey is displayed.


    Review your survey. If you want to make changes, click EDIT, make your changes, then either click or click the central navigation dot to return to the Review step. If you exit before this final step, the survey is still a draft and not yet active.

    Click Finish to make the survey active.