Airship API

Airship’s REST APIs for messaging, content personalization and audience management.


Airship maintains open source server libraries to support your integrations with our APIs in multiple languages. Click below for library documentation.


Airship provides a number of REST API endpoints collectively known as the Airship API Version 3, in support of our messaging product lines and related features. Version 3 is the current and only supported version of the Airship API.

API Request Format

All API requests are HTTP requests. For all requests with a body, the body may be in JSON format or other formats like CSV as specified for the endpoint. The proper Content-Type for JSON is application/json and the proper content type for CSV is text/csv.

Date-Time Format

All date-time values are represented as a string according to ISO 8601 in UTC.

  • The string must be in the format YYYY-MM-dd['T']hh:mm:ss['Z'] where the T can be replaced by a space and the Z is optional.
  • A T separator is preferred but not required. It will be included in all date-time values generated by the API. For example:
    • 2023-11-13T09:42:30Z
    • 2023-11-13T09:42:30
    • 2023-11-13 09:42:30Z
    • 2023-11-13 09:42:30
  • A trailing time zone identifier or offset should not be included.
  • UTC is implicit.

Color Format

All color values are represented by a string format reminiscent of CSS color values used for web programming. The format is #rrggbb, a literal # character followed by 6 hexadecimal digits representing 3 values in the range 00 to FF. The values are red, green, and blue color components.

API Response Format

All API responses are HTTP responses, making use of appropriate HTTP response codes. When a body is present, it SHALL be in JSON format, except in certain cases where reporting data MAY be returned in CSV format. The body of all JSON responses SHALL consist of a single JSON object, which SHALL contain a boolean ok attribute indicating overall success or failure. When a request results in a return value containing multiple entities, they SHALL be contained in an array-valued attribute, the name of which MAY vary by endpoint. For example, /api/tag will return a list of tags in the tags attribute, while /api/schedules will return a list of schedules in the schedules attribute. The name of the response object attribute containing the list of returned entities SHALL be contained in the Data-Attribute HTTP header.

Operation ID

All API calls that create or modify resources, or cause side effects, SHALL generate an operation ID. An operation ID is an opaque unique string that identifies a single API call, and can be used to group multiple entities or side effects as related, in reporting and troubleshooting logs. For example, the batch push API call can be used to send multiple pushes in one call. Each push has a unique push ID, but they will all share a common operation ID. This enables roll-ups of multiple related operations (such as push to local time or push to language) and better end-to-end tracing in the push pipeline. Operation IDs are returned in the JSON body of the response, in the operation_id attribute of the root response object. An operation ID will be generated even for error responses.

Response Codes

The API makes use of standard HTTP response codes, with standard HTTP semantics. Response codes in the 200 range indicate success. Codes in the 400 range indicate errors of a correctable nature. Codes in the 500 range indicate system errors.

This table lists general response definitions. Refer to the actual response definition per endpoint.

Response codeDescription
200 OKThe payload was accepted.
201 CreatedAn API request to create a new entity or entities was successful, and the entities were created.
202 AcceptedAn API request was successfully accepted into a processing queue to be processed later.
204 No ContentAn entity was successfully deleted.
400 Bad RequestParsing or validating the request failed.
401 UnauthorizedAuthentication information (the app key and secret) was either incorrect or missing.
403 ForbiddenAuthentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API. This can happen if a feature is not included in the user’s Airship plan.
404 Not FoundA request was made for a non-existent entity.
405 Method Not AllowedA request was made using an HTTP method not supported by the endpoint. For example, sending a DELETE to /api/schedules.
406 UnacceptableThe client requested a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.
409 ConflictAn entity could not be updated due to state conflict.
429 Too Many RequestsA request was denied because the app made too many requests to an API in a short period of time.


All requests must be validated. Proper validation at the API level can prevent invalid pushes from using resources in our delivery pipeline and educate API users about their own mistakes without involving Support. In the event of an error processing the request, the response body will contain one or more error objects. Parsing errors, arising from syntactically invalid JSON, should return an HTTP 400 Bad Request response. Semantic errors, arising from requests that are syntactically valid but otherwise malformed (for example, missing required fields), should return an HTTP 400 response, with a JSON body indicating details about the validation failure.

Some examples of specific validation cases that cause pushes to be rejected with an HTTP 400 error:

  • Invalid attributes — Any additional JSON keys that are not explicitly allowed by the spec will result in an HTTP 400 error, except where arbitrary keys are explicitly allowed (for example, the extra sections of a push payload).
  • Unconfigured open platform — Any open platform specified in the device_types array must be configured and active for the appKey. If the open platform is not configured, we will return an HTTP 400.
  • Missing payload — A push that specifies delivery to a platform but does not supply a payload for that platform is invalid.
  • Device identifier/restriction mismatch — A push that includes a device identifier in the audience selection but does not include the corresponding platform in the device_types specifier is invalid.
  • Schedule times — Requests to schedule pushes for times that have already passed will return an HTTP 400 response. However, requests to schedule local time pushes for a time that has elapsed in a local time zone will be accepted.
  • Unsupported platform feature — A push that includes features not supported on all platforms must explicitly target the supported platforms. Location is the only feature not supported across all platforms. This includes location expressions in predefined segments. Location pushes must specify device_types : [ ios, android ], or either iOS or Android explicitly.


Some resource collections, such as tags and segments, may have a very large number of items, necessitating iterating through them in chunks (or pages) if an API consumer wishes to retrieve them all.

Request Parameters

There are two methods for pagination results:

  • start and limit
  • page and page_size

Using a non-unique identifier for the start parameter is unsound and will not paginate correctly. For endpoints that support sorting, if sorting is applied to a non-unique field, a secondary sort on a unique field must be used internally to ensure stable pagination results.

  • start — Optional string or integer. Identifies the starting element for paginating results. It can be either a unique string identifier or a zero-based offset, depending on the API.
  • limit — Optional integer. The maximum number of elements to return.
  • page — Optional integer. Specifies which page to retrieve, starting with 1.
  • page_size — Optional integer. The number of elements to return per page. The last page may have fewer elements.
  • sort — Optional string. The name of the field to sort results by. This is not necessarily supported by all endpoints.
  • order — Optional asc or desc. If the sort parameter is available, this parameter may be used to specify the direction of the sort as ascending or descending.

Link Header

Collections of entities SHALL be paginated by specifying a start point and a limit on the number of returned items as parameters of the request. The response SHALL include the requested items and a link to the next page of results. A link to the previous page MAY also be included if the underlying service supports it. For example, the Segments API supports previous page links. The links SHALL be provided in the Link HTTP header, as per RFC 5988 Web Linking, using the relations next and prev.

Count and Total

The number of items in the response SHALL be returned in the custom HTTP header Count, as well as in the "count" field of the response object. The total number of items in the collection MAY be returned in the custom HTTP header Total-Count, as well as in the "total_count" field of the response object, if the collection is countable and the total number of items is known.

Version Syntax

You must specify the version of the API you are using with the Accept HTTP header. If you do not specify an API version in the Accept header, a 406 is returned.

The content type used is a vendor-specific media type (see RFC 4288 Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures) and must be specified as: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3.

Transport Layer Security

As of October 6, 2020, Airship supports only Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.2 and 1.3 in our APIs, in accordance with PCI Security Standards Council recommendations.

If your API integration uses TLS 1.0 or 1.1, contact our Support team for assistance migrating to TLS 1.2 or 1.3.

Delivery Speed Options

The Airship push API is designed for extremely high throughput to ensure delivery to your entire audience as fast as possible. Depending on the size and/or complexity of your audience and the urgency of the message, you may find that you need to either slow down or speed up the delivery. To that end, we offer the following add-on services: Boost and Throttling.

If you are interested in enabling Boost or Throttling, contact Support.


Boost optimizes your segmented messages through parallel processing. Consider adding Boost if your notifications are extremely time-sensitive. Boost is a paid add-on. Contact your Account Manager for details.


For less time-sensitive messages, our standard delivery speed may cause undue pressure on your internal systems or APIs, for example, when millions of users open your app at the same time. Use Throttling to tune delivery to a level that doesn’t put strain on those systems.

Complex segments can cause delays in processing

When creating segments or pushes with logical expressions, keep in mind that one or more NOT statements may cause latency when sending notifications, as NOT operations are inherently more expensive to perform than OR or AND operations. For example, tag_a AND NOT tag_b is basically the same speed as tag_a AND tag_b, but just NOT tag_b is likely to be slower than just tag_b.

Latency is more significant with larger audiences. We recommend using AND statements in place of NOT statements whenever possible as a best practice.

Device changes can take a few minutes

Some requests to register or unregister information about a device may take a few minutes to process before you are able to see the changes. Keep this in mind when performing PUT or POST requests.

Base URL

Select the domain associated with your Airship project.


For additional information, including steps for creating bearer tokens and OAuth client credentials, see Airship API Security.

  • HTTP Authentication

    Basic Auth (App)
    Authorization header containing the word Basic followed by a space and a Base64-encoded string generated from your App Key and App Secret in appKey:appSecret format. For example, Basic YXBwX2tleTphcHBfc2VjcmV0.
  • HTTP Authentication

    Basic Auth (Master)
    Authorization header containing the word Basic followed by a space and a Base64-encoded string generated from your App Key and Master Secret in appKey:masterSecret format. For example, Basic YXBwX2tleTptYXN0ZXJfc2VjcmV0.
  • HTTP Authentication

    Basic Auth (OAuth)
    Authorization header containing the word Basic followed by a space and a Base64-encoded string generated from your OAuth Client ID and Client Secret in client_id:client_secret format. For example, Basic YXBwX2tleTptYXN0ZXJfc2VjcmV0. Used only for requesting OAuth tokens. See OAuth.
  • HTTP Authentication

    Bearer Token
    Authorization header containing the word Bearer followed by a space and a bearer token generated from the Airship dashboard. You can generate tokens for different roles. If your role does not grant you access to a feature, the endpoint will respond with a 401 status code. Tokens can be revoked at will.
  • OAuth Authentication

    OAuth 2.0
    Authorization header containing the word Bearer followed by a space and an OAuth 2.0 JWT bearer token provided by our authorization server. See OAuth. Make sure your requests are using the appropriate domain.


Request an OAuth 2.0 token using Basic Auth or an assertion.

Request token

Example request token with Basic Auth

POST /token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded string of "client_id:client_secret">

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

  "access_token": "<token>",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "chn nu",
  "expires_in": 3600
OAuthCredentials oAuthCredentials = OAuthCredentials.newBuilder("<client_id>")

UrbanAirshipClient oAuthClient = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

Example request token with assertion

POST /token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

  "access_token": "<token>",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "chn nu",
  "expires_in": 3600
OAuthCredentials oAuthCredentials = OAuthCredentials.newBuilder("<client_id>")

UrbanAirshipClient oAuthClient = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
# The python OAuth client handles JWT creation 
# and token refresh automatically.
# Once instantiated, this can be used as any other Airship client.

airship_client = OAuthClient(
  id_addr=["<ip list>",],
  timeout="<timeout seconds int>",
  retries="<attempts on failure int>"
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
app_key = '<application_key>'

oauth =
  client_id: '<client_id>',
  key: app_key,
  assertion_private_key: '<your_private_key>',
  scopes: ['psh', 'chn'], # Optional
  ip_addresses: [''], # Optional
  oauth_server: '' # Optional

airship = app_key, oauth: oauth)

POST /token

Request an OAuth access token with Basic Auth or an assertion. When making a request with an assertion, do not provide the Basic Auth header. See also OAuth 2.0 in the API Security documentation.

Use for Airship’s North American cloud site and for Airship’s European cloud site when requesting an OAuth token.


When using the OAuth token for Airship API endpoints, make sure your requests are using the appropriate domain.

Here’s an example using the OAuth token to list channels on Airship’s North American cloud site:

 curl --location '' \
 --header 'Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3;' \
 --header 'Authorization: Bearer {OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN}'


  • Content-Type : StringREQUIRED

    The request must have a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    One of
    • Request token with Basic Auth : Object

      • grant_type : StringREQUIRED

        Possible values: client_credentials

      • ipaddr : String

        A list of CIDR representations of valid IP addresses to which the issued token is restricted. IP addresses can be sent as a URL-encoded, space-delimited list (example: ipaddr= or as a list as expected in a query parameter form (example: ipaddr=

      • scope : OAuth Scope

        A list of scopes to which the issued token will be entitled. Scopes can be sent as URL-encoded, space-delimited list (example: scope=chn%20nu) or as a list as expected in a query parameter form (example: scope=chn&scope=nu).

      • sub : SubjectREQUIRED

        A space-delimited set of identifiers for which subjects a token is allowed. An app subject is required. Example: app:JQIMcndxIHWy2QISpt1SpZ.

    • Request token with assertion : Object

      • assertion : Assertion JWTREQUIRED

        An encoded JWT that contains the required headers and claims and is signed with the client credentials’ private key.

      • grant_type : StringREQUIRED

        Possible values: client_credentials


  • 200

    Returned on token request success.

    • Cache-Control : String

      Possible values: no-store

    • Content-Type : String

      Possible values: application/json

    • Pragma : String

      Possible values: no-cache

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Issued access token.

      • access_token : String

        The issued token that can be used for all endpoints as allowed by set scopes.

      • expires_in : Integer

        The number of seconds from the time the token is generated until it expires.

      • scope : OAuth Scope

        A space-delimited list of scopes of the issued token. There may be undocumented scopes in this list.

      • token_type : String

        The type of issued token.

        Possible values: Bearer

  • 400

    Token not generated.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Token request error.

      • error : StringREQUIRED

        Error code.

        Possible values: invalid_scope, invalid_request, invalid_grant, unauthorized_client, unsupported_grant_type, invalid_client

      • error_description : String

        A plain-text description of the error.

  • 401


    • WWW-Authenticate : String

      The HTTP authentication methods that can be used to request an access token.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Authentication via the Authorization request header failed.

      • error : StringREQUIRED

        Error code.

        Possible values: invalid_client

      • error_description : String

        A plain-text description of the error.

  • 406

    Not acceptable.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Unsupported Accept header. The request only supports application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, text/plain.

      • error : StringREQUIRED

        Error code.

        Possible values: invalid_request

      • error_description : String

        A plain-text description of the error.

Key verification

Example key verification

GET /verify/public_key/8817e96 HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/plain
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x-pem-file
Cache-Control: max-age=600, must-revalidate

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PublicKeyVerificationRequest request = PublicKeyVerificationRequest.newRequest("<kid>");
Response<String> response = client.execute(request);
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
app_key = '<application_key>'

oauth =
  client_id: '<client_id>',
  key: app_key,
  assertion_private_key: '<your_private_key>',
  scopes: ['psh', 'chn'], # Optional
  ip_addresses: [''], # Optional
  oauth_server: '' # Optional

public_key = oauth.verify_public_key('<key_id>')

GET /verify/public_key/{kid}

Retrieve the public key of a key ID. Use for Airship’s North American cloud site and for Airship’s European cloud site when when verifying an OAuth public key.

  • kid : StringREQUIRED

    The private key ID used to sign the token. Example: 8817e96


  • 200

    Returned on success with the public key for the given kid.

    • Cache-Control : String

      The response contains a Cache-Control header which must be respected.

    • Content-Type: application/x-pem-file

      The PEM-formatted public key.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      The error includes as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Send notifications or rich messages to supported channels, or validate JSON payloads.

Send a push


POST /api/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "audience": {
        "ios_channel": "9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5"
    "notification": {
        "alert": "Hello!"
    "device_types": [ "ios" ]
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Data-Attribute: push_ids
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
    "push_ids": [
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PushPayload payload = PushPayload.newBuilder()

PushRequest request = PushRequest.newRequest(payload);
Response<PushResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Push

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key="<app key>",
    secret="<master secret>"

push = Push(client)
push.audience = {'ios_channel': '9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5'}
push.notification = {'alert': 'Hello!'}
push.device_types = ['ios']
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

push = airship.create_push
push.audience = UA.or( UA.ios_channel('9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5'))
push.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Hello!')
push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios'])

Example push with localizations

POST /api/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
   "audience": {
      "tag": "needs_a_greeting",
      "group": "new_customer"
   "notification": {
      "alert": "Hi!"
   "localizations": [
          "language": "de",
          "country": "AT",
          "notification": {
             "alert": "Grüss Gott"
          "language": "de",
          "country": "DE",
          "notification": {
             "alert": "Guten Tag"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Data-Attribute: push_ids
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
    "push_ids": [
    "localized_ids": [
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Localization localization = Localization.newBuilder()
        .setNotification(Notifications.alert("Grüss Gott"))

PushPayload payload = PushPayload.newBuilder()
        .setAudience(Selectors.or(Selectors.tagWithGroup("needs_a_greeting", "new_customer")))
        .setDeviceTypes(DeviceTypeData.of(DeviceType.IOS, DeviceType.ANDROID))

PushRequest request = PushRequest.newRequest(payload);
Response<PushResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Push

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key="<app key>",
    secret="<master secret>"

push = Push(client)
push.audience = {
    'tag': 'needs_a_greeting',
    'group': 'new_customer'
push.notification = {'alert': 'Hi!'}
push.localizations = [
        'country': 'at',
        'language': 'de',
        'notification': {'alert': "Grüss Gott"}
        'country': 'de',
        'language': 'de',
        'notification': {'alert': "Guten Tag"}
push.device_types = ['ios', 'android']
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

push = airship.create_push
push.audience = UA.tag("needs_a_greeting", group:'new_customer')
push.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Hi!')
push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios'])
push.localizations = {
  "language": "de",
  "country": "AT",
  "notification": {
  "alert": "Grüss Gott"

Example email being sent using Push API with template ID

POST /api/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "audience": {
        "tag": "needs_a_greeting",
        "group": "new_customer"
    "device_types": [
    "notification": {
      "email": {
        "message_type": "commercial",
        "reply_to": "",
        "sender_address": "",
        "sender_name": "Airship",
        "template": {
            "template_id": "876624ff-0120-4364-bf02-dba3d0cb5b85"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Data-Attribute: push_ids
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "be97b696-8d6b-4aec-ac50-c9cfc4be57d6",
    "push_ids": [
    "message_ids": [],
    "content_urls": [],
    "localized_ids": []
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/push

Send a push notification to a specified audience. The body of the request must be a Push object or an array of push objects.


Request Body

A single push object or an array of push objects.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Push object

      A push object describes everything about a push notification, including the audience and push payload. A push object is composed of up to seven attributes.

    • Array of Push Objects. : Array [Push object]

      Max items: 100 Min items: 1


  • 202

    The push notification has been accepted for processing. The response contains push_id, message_id, and/or content_url arrays based on the type of push.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      A push response contains a list of identifiers for the notifications sent in the request.

      • content_urls : Array [String]

        An array of URLs where the push payload contains a landing page action. Max items: 100

      • localized_ids : Array [String]

        An array of identifiers used for reporting. Each ID represents a localized message (push object with localizations array).

      • message_ids : Array [String]

        An array of message IDs, each uniquely identifying a Message Center message.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

      • push_ids : Array [String]

        An array of push IDs, each uniquely identifying a push. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 429

    There were too many similar requests in a short amount of time.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Validate push


POST /api/push/validate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "audience": {
        "ios_channel": "9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5"
    "notification": {
        "alert": "Hello!"
    "device_types": [ "ios" ]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PushPayload payload = PushPayload.newBuilder()

PushRequest request = PushRequest.newRequest(payload).setValidateOnly(true);
Response<PushResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Push
from urbanairship.push.payload import notification, ios, android, web

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key="<app key>",
    secret="<master secret>"

push = Push(client)
push.audience = {'ios_channel': '9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5'}
push.notification = notification(alert='Hello!')
push.device_types = ['ios']
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/push/validate

Accept the same range of payloads as POSTing to /api/push, but parse and validate only, without sending any pushes. The body of the request must be a Push Object or an array of push objects.


Request Body

A single push object or an array of push objects.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Push object

      A push object describes everything about a push notification, including the audience and push payload. A push object is composed of up to seven attributes.

    • Array of Push Objects. : Array [Push object]

      Max items: 100 Min items: 1


  • 200

    The payload was valid.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete multiple messages from inbox


POST /api/user/messages/batch-delete HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "message_ids": [
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "deleted_message_ids": [
   "errors": []
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "deleted_message_ids": [],
    "errors": [
            "message_id": "drKa4OdxEeyhSwJC9Tkdt1",
            "error_message": "Message not found.",
            "error_code": 40404
            "message_id": "W5ersOdxEeyvwAJCxz92i1",
            "error_message": "Message not found.",
            "error_code": 40404
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
 List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

 InboxBatchDeleteRequest inboxBatchDeleteRequest = InboxBatchDeleteRequest.newRequest(arrayList);
 Response<InboxBatchDeleteResponse> response = client.execute(inboxBatchDeleteRequest);
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/user/messages/batch-delete

Deletes multiple Message Center messages (up to 50 messages per request) completely, removing them from every user’s inbox. This is an asynchronous call; a success response means that the deletion has been queued for processing.

It is not possible to delete Message Center messages generated by an automation, a recurring message, or a Sequence.


Request Body

A request body containing an array of message IDs to be deleted.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    An array of message IDs, each uniquely identifying a Message Center message.

    • message_ids : Array [String]REQUIRED

      Array of Message IDs. Max items: 50 Min items: 1


  • 202

    The request has been accepted for processing.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete message from inbox


DELETE /api/user/messages/(push_id) HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

 InboxDeleteRequest request = InboxDeleteRequest.newRequest("68b2d71f-1c10-4592-bd96-2725aee0ae57");
 Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import BasicAuthClient, Push

client = BasicAuthClient(

Push.message_center_delete(airship=client, push_id="941086fd-f7db-493b-a8a7-1f5a7dc6aae4")
This operation is not currently supported.

DELETE /api/user/messages/{push_id}

Delete a Message Center message completely, removing it from every user’s inbox. This is an asynchronous call; a success response means that the deletion has been queued for processing.

This delete call will work with either the message_id or the push_id of the accompanying push notification.

This endpoint will not work with a group_id from an automated message or a push to local time delivery. To delete a rich message that was part of an automated or local time delivery, you must use the relevant push_id from the operation.


For time-sensitive messages you should consider including an expiry time, as detailed in the In-App Message Object. Setting an expiry value will prevent you from having to manually remove messages.


  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The push_id or message_id of the Rich Message you want to delete from users` inboxes.

    Format: uuid


  • 202

    The request has been accepted for processing.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Schedule notifications.


The API prohibits batch sizes of larger than 1,000 for scheduled pushes, and batches of larger than 100 for push to local time scheduled pushes.

List schedules


GET /api/schedules HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Count: 2
Data-Attribute: schedules
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "count": 2,
    "total_count": 4,
    "next_page": "",
    "schedules": [
            "url": "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/2d69320c-3c91-5241-fac4-248269eed109",
            "schedule": { },
            "push": { }
            "url": "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/2d69320c-3c91-5241-fac4-248269eed10A",
            "schedule": { },
            "push": { }
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ScheduleListingRequest request = ScheduleListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<ListAllSchedulesResponse> response = client.execute(request);
List<SchedulePayloadResponse> schedules = response.getBody().get().getSchedules();
from urbanairship import BasicAuthClient, ScheduledList

client = BasicAuthClient(

for schedule in ScheduledList(client):
    print(, schedule.url, schedule.push_ids,
        schedule.schedule, schedule.push
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

scheduled_push_list = airship)
scheduled_push_list.each do |schedule|

GET /api/schedules

List all existing schedules. Returns an array of schedule objects in the schedules attribute.


  • start : String

    An optional string ID of the starting element for paginating results.

  • limit : Integer

    An optional integer as maximum number of elements to return. The default limit is 200 Schedule Objects per request. Set the limit to 200 or fewer in your API calls.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the scheduled pushes in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • count : Integer

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • ok : Boolean


      • schedules : Array [Schedule object]

        An array of schedule objects.

      • total_count : Integer

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Schedule a notification


POST /api/schedules HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Morning People",
    "schedule": {
        "scheduled_time": "2020-06-03T09:15:00"
    "push": {
        "audience": { "tag": "earlyBirds" },
        "notification": { "alert": "Good Day Sunshine" },
        "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
    "name": "Everybody Else",
    "schedule": {
        "best_time": {
          "send_date": "2020-06-03"
    "push": {
        "audience": { "tag": "normalPeople" },
        "notification": { "alert": "Stay Up Late" },
        "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SchedulePayload schedulePayload = SchedulePayload.newBuilder()
        .setName("Morning People")
                .setDeviceTypes(DeviceTypeData.of(DeviceType.IOS, DeviceType.ANDROID))
                .setNotification(Notifications.alert("Good Day Sunshine"))

ScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = ScheduleRequest.newRequest(schedulePayload);
Response<ScheduleResponse> response = client.execute(scheduleRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ScheduledPush, Push,
    tag, notification, scheduled_time

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create the push payload
push = Push(client)
push.audience = tag('earlyBirds')
push.notification = notification(alert='Good Day Sunshine')
push.device_types = ['ios', 'android']

# Create the schedule
sched = ScheduledPush(client) = 'Morning People'
sched.schedule = scheduled_time(datetime(2020, 6, 3, 9, 15, 0))
sched.push = push

# Send the scheduled push
response = sched.send()
print('Created schedule. URL:', response.schedule_url)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

push = airship.create_push
push.audience = UA.tag('earlyBirds')
push.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Morning People')
push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios','android'])

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule.push = push = "Morning People"
schedule.schedule = UA.scheduled_time( + 60)
response = schedule.send_push
print ("Created schedule. url: " + response.schedule_url)

Example schedule with localizations

POST /api/schedules HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Greetings",
    "schedule": {
        "best_time": {
          "send_date": "2020-11-15"
    "push": {
        "device_types": [
        "audience": {
          "tag": "needs_a_greeting",
          "group": "new_customer"
        "notification": {
          "alert": "Hi!"
        "localizations": [
              "language": "de",
              "country": "AT",
              "notification": {
                "alert": "Grüss Gott"
              "language": "de",
              "country": "DE",
              "notification": {
                "alert": "Guten Tag"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Data-Attribute: schedule_urls
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "operation_id": "efb18e92-9a60-6689-45c2-82fedab36399",
   "schedule_urls": [
    "schedule_ids": [
   "schedules": [
         "url": "",
         "schedule": {
            "scheduled_time": "2020-06-03T09:15:00"
         "name": "Morning People",
         "push": {
            "audience": { "tag": "earlyBirds" },
            "notification": { "alert": "Good Day Sunshine" },
            "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
         "push_ids": [ "83046227-9b06-4114-9f23-0df349792bbd" ]
          "url": "",
          "schedule": {
            "best_time": {
              "send_date": "2020-06-03"
          "name": "Everybody Else",
          "push": {
            "audience": { "tag": "normalPeople" },
            "notification": { "alert": "Stay Up Late" },
            "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
         "push_ids": [ "8438e81-bb31-82a9-5feb-e7fd5b21ca7e" ]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Localization one = Localization.newBuilder()
        .setNotification(Notifications.alert("Grüss Gott"))

Localization two = Localization.newBuilder()
        .setNotification(Notifications.alert("Guten Tag"))

SchedulePayload schedulePayload = SchedulePayload.newBuilder()
                .setDeviceTypes(DeviceTypeData.of(DeviceType.IOS, DeviceType.ANDROID))
                .setAudience(Selectors.tagWithGroup("needs_a_greeting", "new_customer"))

ScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = ScheduleRequest.newRequest(schedulePayload);
Response<ScheduleResponse> response = client.execute(scheduleRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ScheduledPush, Push,
    tag_group, notification, best_time,

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create the push payload
push = Push(client)
push.audience = tag_group('new_customer', 'needs_a_greeting')
push.notification = notification(alert='Hi!')
push.device_types = ['ios', 'android']
push.localizations = [
        notification=notification(alert='Grüss Gott')
        notification=notification(alert='Guten Tag')

# Create the schedule
sched = ScheduledPush(client) = 'Greetings'
sched.schedule = best_time(send_date=datetime(2020, 11, 15))
sched.push = push

# Send the scheduled push
response = sched.send()
print('Created schedule. URL:', response.schedule_url)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

push = airship.create_push
push.audience = UA.tag('needs_a_greeting', group:'new_customer')
push.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Hi!')
push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios', 'android'])
push.localizations = {
  "language": "de",
  "country": "AT",
  "notification": {
  "alert": "Grüss Gott"

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule.push = push = "Greetings"
schedule.schedule = UA.scheduled_time( + 60)
response = schedule.send_push
print ("Created schedule. url: " + response.schedule_url)

POST /api/schedules

Scheduled notifications are created by POSTing to the schedule URI. The body of the request must be one of a single schedule object or an array of one or more schedule objects.


Request Body

A single schedule object or an array of schedule objects. For Local Time Delivery, include no more than 100 Schedule Objects in your batch request.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Array [Schedule object]

      Max items: 1000

    • Schedule object

      A schedule object consists of a schedule, i.e., a future delivery time, an optional name, and a push object.


  • 201

    The response body will contain an array of response objects with the created resource URIs.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string which identifies a single API call, and can be used to group multiple entities or side effects as related, in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

      • schedule_ids : Array [String]

        An array of schedule IDs, each string uniquely identifying a schedule. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • schedule_urls : Array [String]

        An array of schedule URLs. Max items: 100

      • schedules : Array [Schedule object]

        An array of schedule objects.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The number of schedules in the array exceeded the maximum amount (error_code 41301). The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB (error_code 41307).

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

List a specific schedule


GET /api/schedules/5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "name": "I would like to subscribe to your newsletter",
   "schedule": {
      "scheduled_time": "2020-04-01T18:45:30"
   "push": {
      "audience": {
         "tag": [
            "ideas"                       ]
      "notification": {
         "alert": "Check your inbox!"
      "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ScheduleListingRequest request = ScheduleListingRequest.newRequest("5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812");
Response<ListAllSchedulesResponse> response = client.execute(request);
SchedulePayloadResponse schedule = response.getBody().get().getSchedules().get(0);
// Get the schedule's name
Optional<String> name = schedule.getName();
// Get the push IDs
Set<String> pushIds = schedule.getPushIds();
// Get the scheduled time
Schedule sched = schedule.getSchedule();
// Get the associated push payload
PushPayload payload = schedule.getPushPayload();
// Get the URL
Optional<String> url = schedule.getUrl();
This operation is not currently supported.
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
scheduled_push =
schedule_details = scheduled_push.list(schedule_id: '5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812')

GET /api/schedules/{schedule_id}

Fetch the current definition of a single schedule resource. Returns a single schedule object.


  • schedule_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of a schedule.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the scheduled push in the body of the response.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update schedule


PUT /api/schedules/5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "name": "I would like to subscribe to your newsletter",
   "schedule": {
      "scheduled_time": "2020-04-01T18:45:30"
   "push": {
      "audience": {
         "tag": [
      "notification": {
         "alert": "Check your inbox!"
      "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "7c56d013-5599-d66d-6086-6205115d85e2",
    "schedule_urls": [ "" ],
    "schedules": [
            "url": "",
            "schedule": {
                "scheduled_time": "2020-04-01T18:45:30"
            "name": "I would like to subscribe to your newsletter",
            "push": {
                "audience": {"tag": ["intriguing", "ideas", "thought_leadership"] },
                "notification": {"alert": "Check your inbox!"},
                "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
            "push_ids": [ "48fb8e8a-ee51-4e2a-9a47-9fab9b13d846" ]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SchedulePayload schedulePayload = SchedulePayload.newBuilder()
        .setName("I would like to subscribe to your newsletter")
                .setDeviceTypes(DeviceTypeData.of(DeviceType.IOS, DeviceType.ANDROID))
                .setNotification(Notifications.alert("Check your inbox!"))

ScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = ScheduleRequest.newUpdateRequest(schedulePayload, "5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812");
Response<ScheduleResponse> response = client.execute(scheduleRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ScheduledPush, Push,
    tag, notification, scheduled_time

client = BasicAuthClient(
schedule = ua.ScheduledPush.from_url(client, '')

# change scheduled time to tomorrow
schedule.schedule = scheduled_time(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
resp = schedule.update()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule = UA::ScheduledPush.from_url(client: airship, url: '')
# change scheduled time to tomorrow
schedule.schedule = UA.scheduled_time( + (60 * 60 * 24))

PUT /api/schedules/{schedule_id}

Update the state of a single schedule resource. The body must contain a single schedule object. A PUT cannot be used to create a new schedule; it can only be used to update an existing one. A push to local time schedule cannot be updated once it has begun sending pushes to a time zone.


  • schedule_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of a schedule.

Request Body

A single schedule object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Schedule object

    A schedule object consists of a schedule, i.e., a future delivery time, an optional name, and a push object.


  • 200

    Returned if the scheduled push has been successfully updated.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string which identifies a single API call, and can be used to group multiple entities or side effects as related, in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

      • schedule_urls : Array [String]

        An array of schedule URLs. Max items: 100

      • schedules : Array [Schedule object]

        An array of schedule objects.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 409

    Returned if the local time scheduled push is in progress.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete schedule


DELETE /api/schedules/b384ca54-0a1d-9cb3-2dfd-ae5964630e66 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ScheduleDeleteRequest request = ScheduleDeleteRequest.newRequest("b384ca54-0a1d-9cb3-2dfd-ae5964630e66");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import BasicAuthClient, ScheduledPush

client = BasicAuthClient(
schedule = ScheduledPush.from_url(client, '')

# Cancel schedule
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule = UA::ScheduledPush.from_url(client: airship, url: '')

DELETE /api/schedules/{schedule_id}

Delete a schedule resource, which will result in no more pushes being sent. If the resource is successfully deleted, the response does not include a body.


  • schedule_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of a schedule.


  • 204

    The delete operation was successful.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Pause a schedule


POST /api/schedules/5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812/pause HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ScheduleStatusRequest pauseRequest = ScheduleStatusRequest.pauseScheduleRequest("68b2d71f-1c10-4592-bd96-2725aee0ae57");
Response<GenericResponse> pauseResponse = client.execute(pauseRequest);      
from urbanairship import BasicAuthClient, ScheduledPush

client = BasicAuthClient(

sched = ScheduledPush(client)
sched.url = "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812"

This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/schedules/{schedule_id}/pause

Pause a recurring scheduled message, preventing Airship from sending messages on a recurring scheduled message interval. Use the /resume endpoint to resume a schedule. The pause operation cannot be completed for recurring schedules that have schedule end times in the past.


Paused schedules bear a "paused": true boolean.


  • schedule_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the schedule you want to pause.

Request Body

A pause request is empty.

  • Content-Type: application/json



  • 204

    The pause operation was successful.

  • 400

    Returned if the schedule end time for a recurring schedule is in the past.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 500

    Occurs if a schedule fails to pause. The error includes a list of failed_triggers, detailing the schedule triggers that caused this operation to fail.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • error : String

        A description of the error.

      • error_code : Integer

        An error code representing the HTTP status and a more specific Airship error, if known.

      • failed_triggers : Array [Object]

        ARRAY ITEM
          • id : String

            The list of failed schedule triggers. Format: uuid

          • state : String

            The reason that the operation failed.

            Possible values: BLOCKED, FAILED

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, an error occurred.

Resume a schedule


POST /api/schedules/5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812/resume HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ScheduleStatusRequest resumeRequest = ScheduleStatusRequest.resumeScheduleRequest("68b2d71f-1c10-4592-bd96-2725aee0ae57");
Response<GenericResponse> resumeResponse = client.execute(resumeRequest);
from urbanairship import BasicAuthClient, ScheduledPush

client = BasicAuthClient(

sched = ScheduledPush(client)
sched.url = "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/5cde3564-ead8-9743-63af-821e12337812"

This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/schedules/{schedule_id}/resume

Resume a recurring schedule that you previously paused, beginning with the next scheduled interval. The resume operation cannot be completed for recurring schedules that have schedule end times in the past.


Paused schedules bear a "paused": true boolean.


  • schedule_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the schedule you want to resume.

Request Body

A resume request is empty.

  • Content-Type: application/json



  • 204

    The operation was successful.

  • 400

    Returned if the schedule end time is in the past.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 500

    Occurs if a schedule fails to resume. The error includes a list of failed_triggers, detailing the specific schedule IDs that caused the operation to fail.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • error : String

        A description of the error.

      • error_code : Integer

        An error code representing the HTTP status and a more specific Airship error, if known.

      • failed_triggers : Array [Object]

        ARRAY ITEM
          • id : String

            The list of failed schedule triggers. Format: uuid

          • state : String

            The reason that the operation failed.

            Possible values: BLOCKED, FAILED

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, an error occurred.


Manage Automated notifications using the /api/pipelines endpoints.


In the dashboard UI, we refer to pipelines as Automation or Automated Messages.

List existing pipelines


GET /api/pipelines/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "pipelines": [
          "creation_time": "2020-03-20T18:37:23",
          "enabled": true,
          "immediate_trigger": {
            "tag_added": { "tag": "bought_shoes" }
          "last_modified_time": "2020-03-20T19:35:12",
          "name": "Shoe buyers",
          "outcome": {
            "push": {
                "audience": "triggered",
                "device_types": [ "android" ],
                "notification": { "alert": "So you like shoes, huh?" }
          "status": "live",
          "uid": "3987f98s-89s3-cx98-8z89-89adjkl29zds",
          "url": ""
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)

for pipeline in automation.list_automations():
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

automation = airship)
automation.limit = 5

GET /api/pipelines

List existing pipelines. Pipelines are ordered by creation_date from newest to oldest.


  • limit : Integer

    The maximum number of results to return. This is effectively the page size for the response. No default limit. For maximum performance, set your limit between 25 and 100.

    Min: 1

  • enabled : Boolean

    If true, limits the listing to enabled pipelines ("enabled": true). If false or omitted, lists all pipelines, whether enabled is true or false.

  • offset : Integer

    The first result you want to return. This parameter assists in pagination.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with a JSON representation of pipelines matching your query parameters.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for a pipelines request.

      • next_page : String

        An URI that points to the next page of pipelines. The page size is specified by the limit parameter and the start point by the start parameter. If there are no more pipelines for a next page we omit the next page link.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying a single API call. Format: uuid

      • pipeline_ids : Array [String]

        An array of pipeline IDs.

      • pipeline_urls : Array [String]

        An array of of pipeline URIs. If more than one entity was included in the request, the URIs will be in the same order as the objects in the request.

      • pipelines : Array [Pipeline object]

        A list of pipeline objects.

      • prev_page : String

        An URI that points to the previous page of pipelines. The page size is specified by the limit parameter and the start point by the start parameter. If there are no more pipelines for a previous page we omit the previous page link.

      • total_count : Integer

        The total count of pipelines.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create pipeline (automated message)


POST /api/pipelines HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name":"The Darkest Pipeline",
            "alert":"Cool goatee, Abed"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: pipeline_urls
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "86ad9239-373d-d0a5-d5d8-04fed18f79bc",
    "pipeline_urls": [
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)

pipeline = Pipeline(
    name='The Darkest Pipeline',
        'push': {
            'audience': 'triggered',
            'device_types': ['ios', 'android', 'web'],
            'notification': {'alert': 'Cool goatee, Abed'}
        'delay': {'seconds': 7200},
        'schedule': {
            'type': 'local',
            'miss_behavior': 'wait',
            'dayparts': [{
                'days_of_week': ['thursday'],
                'allowed_times': [
                    {'preferred': '21:30:00'}
response = automation.create(pipeline.payload)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

pipeline = airship)
pipeline.enabled = true
pipeline.immediate_trigger = "first_open"
pipeline.outcome = {
    "push": {
        "audience": "triggered",
        "device_types": ['ios','android','web'],
        "notification": {
            "alert": "Cool goatee, Abed"
automation = airship)
automation.pipeline_object = pipeline.payload
details = automation.create_automation

POST /api/pipelines

Create one or more pipelines. You can provide a single pipeline object or an array of pipeline objects.


Request Body

A single pipeline object or an array of pipeline objects.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Pipeline object

      A pipeline object encapsulates the complete set of objects that define an Automation pipeline: Triggers, Outcomes, and metadata. At least one of immediate_trigger or historical_trigger must be supplied.

    • Array [Pipeline object]


  • 201

    If creating more than one pipeline, pipeline URIs are returned in the same order as the pipeline objects in the request.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for a create pipeline request.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying a single API call. Format: uuid

      • pipeline_urls : Array [String]

        An array of of pipeline URIs. If more than one entity was included in the request, the URIs will be in the same order as the objects in the request.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 409

    The application has exceeded the maximum number of active or total pipelines. In order to increase pipeline maximum, contact Airship Support.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

List pipelines constraints


GET /api/pipelines/constraints/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "constraints" : [
            "rate" : {
                "pushes" : 30,
                "lifetimes" : 1
            "rate" : {
                "pushes" : 15,
                "days" : 3
            "rate" : {
                "pushes" : 4,
                "hours" : 6
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/pipelines/constraints

Returns an array of cross-pipeline rate limit constraints. These are the rates that the combination of all pipelines for an app may not exceed.



  • 200

    Returns an array of cross-pipeline rate limit constraints.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • constraints : Array [Object]

        An array of rate objects determining the maximum number of messages each audience member can receive over a period of time.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Rate limit constraint

          A rate limit constraint describes a limit on the number of pushes that can be sent to an individual device per a specified time period.

          • rate : Any

            A rate limit constraint describes a limit on the number of pushes that can be sent to an individual device per a specified time period.

            One of
            • Pushes/days constraint : Object

              Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will receive from the pipeline over a number of days.

              • days : Integer

                An integer, specifying the time period in number of days. Max: 90

              • pushes : Integer

                An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

            • Pushes/hours constraint : Object

              Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will receive from the pipeline over a number of hours.

              • hours : Integer

                An integer, specifying the time period in number of hours. Max: 72

              • pushes : Integer

                An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

            • Pushes/lifetime constraint : Object

              Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will ever receive from the pipeline.

              • lifetimes : Integer

                An integer specifying a lifetime. Max: 1 Min: 1

              • pushes : Integer

                An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

      • ok : Boolean


  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update pipelines constraints


PUT /api/pipelines/constraints/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "constraints" : [
            "rate" : {
                "pushes" : 15,
                "days" : 3
            "rate" : {
                "pushes" : 4,
                "hours" : 6
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

PUT /api/pipelines/constraints

Update the pipelines constraints.


Request Body

An array of no more than 5 cross-pipeline rate limit constraints.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • constraints : Array [Object]

      An array of rate objects determining the maximum number of messages each audience member can receive over a period of time. Max items: 5

      • Rate limit constraint

        A rate limit constraint describes a limit on the number of pushes that can be sent to an individual device per a specified time period.

        • rate : Any

          A rate limit constraint describes a limit on the number of pushes that can be sent to an individual device per a specified time period.

          One of
          • Pushes/days constraint : Object

            Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will receive from the pipeline over a number of days.

            • days : Integer

              An integer, specifying the time period in number of days. Max: 90

            • pushes : Integer

              An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

          • Pushes/hours constraint : Object

            Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will receive from the pipeline over a number of hours.

            • hours : Integer

              An integer, specifying the time period in number of hours. Max: 72

            • pushes : Integer

              An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

          • Pushes/lifetime constraint : Object

            Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will ever receive from the pipeline.

            • lifetimes : Integer

              An integer specifying a lifetime. Max: 1 Min: 1

            • pushes : Integer

              An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

    • ok : Boolean



  • 200

    Returned if the constraints have been successfully updated.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

List deleted pipelines


GET /api/pipelines/deleted/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "pipelines": [
          "deletion_time": "2020-03-31T20:54:45",
          "pipeline_id": "0sdicj23-fasc-4b2f-zxcv-0baf934f0d69"
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)
response = automation.list_deleted_automations()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

automation = airship)
automation.start = 2020-11-23

GET /api/pipelines/deleted

Produces a list of all deleted pipelines starting with the most recently deleted entry.


  • start : String

    The date-time of the starting element for paginating results.

    Format: date-time

  • limit : Integer

    The maximum number of elements to return.


  • 200

    Returns an array of deleted pipeline objects.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean


      • pipelines : Array [Object]

        ARRAY ITEM
          • deletion_time : String

            The date-time indicating when the pipeline was deleted. Format: date-time

          • pipeline_id : String

            The unique identifier for a pipeline. Format: uuid

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

List filtered pipelines

GET /api/pipelines/filtered

Lists all pipelines, which fulfill the provided filter criteria. Returns a response container, which contains an array of pipeline objects in the pipelines attribute. The response container also provides total count and links to the next page next_page and previous page prev_page, if applicable. We also always apply a sort order. By default we apply an ascending sort order on the name name field, but we also support a sort order on the started date started_date field. Pagination is always applied, which means that the pipeline result list is not the complete list of pipelines if the total count is greater than the page limit.


  • start : Integer

    Non-negative zero-based index of the starting element for paginating results. Default value 0.

    Min: 1

  • limit : Integer

    The maximum number of results to return. This is effectively the page size for the response.

    Min: 1

  • enabled : Boolean

    If true, limits the listing to enabled pipelines. If false or omitted, lists all pipelines, whether enabled is true or false.

  • started_date_mills : Integer

    Limits the listing to only pipelines that were started after the specified date in milliseconds.

    Format: int64

  • prefix : String

    Search term, which is used as a prefix search term.

  • triggers : String

    0 or more trigger types. The triggers filter limits the listing of pipelines by the specified trigger types. For example, if you specify REGION_EXITED and REGION_ENTERED, only pipelines that are associated with region entry and region exit triggers will be shown. If no trigger types are specified, no triggers filter will be applied and all pipelines will be listed.


  • sort : String

    Specifies the field, which should be sorted. Two fields are supported: name and started_date. If you omit the sort parameter, the default value name is used. If you provide an unknown field name, we will default to the name field.

    Possible values: name, started_date

  • order : String

    Specifies the sort order as ascending (asc) or descending (desc). If you omit the order parameter, the default value asc is used.

    Possible values: asc, desc


  • 200

    Returned on success, with a JSON representation of pipelines matching your query parameters.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for a pipelines request.

      • next_page : String

        An URI that points to the next page of pipelines. The page size is specified by the limit parameter and the start point by the start parameter. If there are no more pipelines for a next page we omit the next page link.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying a single API call. Format: uuid

      • pipeline_ids : Array [String]

        An array of pipeline IDs.

      • pipeline_urls : Array [String]

        An array of of pipeline URIs. If more than one entity was included in the request, the URIs will be in the same order as the objects in the request.

      • pipelines : Array [Pipeline object]

        A list of pipeline objects.

      • prev_page : String

        An URI that points to the previous page of pipelines. The page size is specified by the limit parameter and the start point by the start parameter. If there are no more pipelines for a previous page we omit the previous page link.

      • total_count : Integer

        The total count of pipelines.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

List pipelines limits


GET /api/pipelines/limits/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "limits" : {
        "total_limit" : 50,
        "active_limit" : 20,
        "total_count" : 23,
        "active_count" : 7
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/pipelines/limits

Return the currently configured limits for number of total and active pipelines, as well as the total and active counts.



  • 200

    Returns a JSON dictionary in the limits attribute.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • limits : Object

        • active_count : Integer

          An integer indicating the number of pipelines created by the application which are currently enabled.

        • active_limit : Integer

          An integer indicating the total number of active pipelines that the app is allowed to have.

        • total_count : Integer

          An integer indicating the total number of pipelines that currently exist for the application, regardless of their enabled state.

        • total_limit : Integer

          An integer indicating the total number of pipelines that the app is allowed to have, regardless of their enabled state.

      • ok : Boolean


  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Validate pipeline


POST /api/pipelines/validate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name":"The Darkest Pipeline",
            "alert":"Cool goatee, Abed"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 11
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)

pipeline = Pipeline(
    name='The Darkest Pipeline',
        'push': {
            'audience': 'triggered',
            'device_types': ['ios', 'android', 'web'],
            'notification': notification(alert='Cool goatee, Abed')
        'delay': {'seconds': 7200},
        'schedule': {
            'type': 'local',
            'miss_behavior': 'wait',
            'dayparts': [{
                'days_of_week': ['thursday'],
                'allowed_times': [
                    {'preferred': '21:30:00'}
response = automation.validate(pipeline.payload)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

pipeline = airship)
pipeline.enabled = true
pipeline.immediate_trigger = "first_open"
pipeline.outcome = {
    "push": {
        "audience": "triggered",
        "device_types": ['ios','android','web'],
        "notification": {
            "alert": "Cool goatee, Abed"
automation = airship)
automation.pipeline_object = pipeline.payload

POST /api/pipelines/validate

This endpoint accepts the same range of payloads as a POST to /api/pipelines, but only parses and validates the payload, without creating the pipeline. The body of the request must be a single pipeline object or an array of pipeline objects.


Request Body

A single pipeline object or an array of pipeline objects.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Pipeline object

      A pipeline object encapsulates the complete set of objects that define an Automation pipeline: Triggers, Outcomes, and metadata. At least one of immediate_trigger or historical_trigger must be supplied.

    • Array of push templates : Array [Pipeline object]


  • 200

    The payload was valid.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Individual pipeline lookup


GET /api/pipelines/4d3ff1fd-9ce6-5ea4-5dc9-5ccbd38597f4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "pipeline": {
      "creation_time": "2020-02-14T19:19:19",
      "enabled": true,
      "immediate_trigger": { "tag_added": "new_customer" },
      "last_modified_time": "2020-03-01T12:12:54",
      "name": "New customer",
      "outcome": {
          "push": {
            "audience": "triggered",
            "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
            "notification": { "alert": "Hello new customer!" }
      "status": "live",
      "uid": "86ad9239-373d-d0a5-d5d8-04fed18f79bc",
      "url": "https://go.urbanairship/api/pipelines/86ad9239-373d-d0a5-d5d8-04fed18f79bc"
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)
pipeline = automation.lookup('4d3ff1fd-9ce6-5ea4-5dc9-5ccbd38597f4')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

automation = airship)
automation.pipeline_id = '4d3ff1fd-9ce6-5ea4-5dc9-5ccbd38597f4'

GET /api/pipelines/{pipeline_id}

Fetch a single pipeline resource. Returns an array containing a single pipeline object in the pipeline attribute.


  • pipeline_id : StringREQUIRED

    The pipeline you want to return or modify.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the pipeline in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for a pipelines request.

      • next_page : String

        An URI that points to the next page of pipelines. The page size is specified by the limit parameter and the start point by the start parameter. If there are no more pipelines for a next page we omit the next page link.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying a single API call. Format: uuid

      • pipeline_ids : Array [String]

        An array of pipeline IDs.

      • pipeline_urls : Array [String]

        An array of of pipeline URIs. If more than one entity was included in the request, the URIs will be in the same order as the objects in the request.

      • pipelines : Array [Pipeline object]

        A list of pipeline objects.

      • prev_page : String

        An URI that points to the previous page of pipelines. The page size is specified by the limit parameter and the start point by the start parameter. If there are no more pipelines for a previous page we omit the previous page link.

      • total_count : Integer

        The total count of pipelines.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update pipeline


PUT /api/pipelines/0f927674-918c-31ef-51ca-e96fdd234da4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json;

    "enabled": true,
    "immediate_trigger": {
      "tag_added": "new_customer"
    "outcome": {
      "push": {
          "audience": "triggered",
          "device_types": [
          "notification": {
            "alert": "Hello new customer!"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)

pipeline = Pipeline(
        'tag_added': 'new_customer'
        'audience': 'triggered',
        'device_types': ['ios'],
        'notification': notification(alert='Hello new customer!')
response = automation.update(
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

pipeline = airship)
pipeline.enabled = true
pipeline.immediate_trigger = {
  "tag_added": {
     "tag": "new_customer",
     "group": "crm"
pipeline.outcome = {
  "push": {
     "audience": "triggered",
     "device_types": ["ios"],
     "notification": {
         "alert": "Hello new customer!"
automation = airship)
automation.pipeline_id = '0f927674-918c-31ef-51ca-e96fdd234da4'
automation.pipeline_object = pipeline.payload

PUT /api/pipelines/{pipeline_id}

Update the state of a single pipeline resource. You must include the complete payload from a POST response, with changes you want to make to the resource. You cannot provide a partial payload. If you omit optional fields during this operation that were already set for the pipeline, they will be nullified.


  • pipeline_id : StringREQUIRED

    The pipeline you want to return or modify.

Request Body

A single pipeline object or an array of pipeline objects.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Pipeline object

    A pipeline object encapsulates the complete set of objects that define an Automation pipeline: Triggers, Outcomes, and metadata. At least one of immediate_trigger or historical_trigger must be supplied.


  • 200

    Returned if the pipeline has been successfully updated.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 409

    The application has exceeded the maximum number of active or total pipelines. In order to increase pipeline maximum, contact Airship Support.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete pipeline


DELETE /api/pipelines/0f927674-918c-31ef-51ca-e96fdd234da4 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Automation
from urbanairship.automation.pipeline import Pipeline

client = BasicAuthClient(
    key='<app key>',
    secret='<master secret>'
automation = Automation(client)
response = automation.delete('0f927674-918c-31ef-51ca-e96fdd234da4')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

automation = airship)
automation.pipeline_id = '0f927674-918c-31ef-51ca-e96fdd234da4'

DELETE /api/pipelines/{pipeline_id}

Delete a pipeline.


  • pipeline_id : StringREQUIRED

    The pipeline you want to return or modify.


  • 204

    Returned if the pipeline has been successfully deleted.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

A/B Tests

Create A/B Tests using the /api/experiments endpoint. An experiment or A/B test is a set of distinct push notification variants sent to subsets of an audience. You can create up to 26 notification variants and send each variant to an audience subset.

Experiment listing


GET /api/experiments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: experiments
Count: 2
Total-Count: 2
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : "true",
   "count" : 2,
   "total_count" : 2,
   "experiments" : [{
     "name" : "Experiment 1",
     "control" : 0.33,
     "audience" : "all",
     "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
     "variants" : [{
       "push" : {
         "notification" : {
           "alert" : "message 1"
       "id" : 0,
       "push" : {
           "notification" : {
             "alert" : "message 2"
       "id" : 1,
     "id" : "b5bc3dd1-9ea4-4208-b5f1-9e7ac3fe0502",
     "created_at" : "2020-03-03T21:08:05",
     "push_id" : "07cec298-6b8c-49f9-8e03-0448a06f4aac"
   }, {
     "name" : "Experiment 2",
     "description" : "The second experiment",
     "audience" : "all",
     "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
     "variants" : [{
       "push" : {
         "notification" : {
           "alert" : "message 1"
       "id" : 0,
       "push" : {
           "notification" : {
             "alert" : "message 2"
       "id" : 1,
     "id" : "e464aa7e-be40-4994-a290-1bbada7187d8",
     "created_at" : "2020-03-03T21:08:05",
     "push_id" : "07cec298-6b8c-49f9-8e03-0448a06f4aac"
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ABTest

client = BasicAuthClient(
ab_test = ABTest(airship=client)
response = ab_test.list_experiments()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

ab_test = airship)
ab_test.limit = 5

GET /api/experiments

List experiments, sorted by created_at date-time from newest to oldest. Responses are paginated. Use optional limit and offset parameters to navigate results.


  • limit : Integer

    Positive maximum number of elements to return per page. The default limit is 10 entries with a maximum of 100 entries.

    Max: 100 Min: 1

  • offset : Integer

    A zero-based integer offset into the result set. If you do not use an offset, results will begin with the most recently sent experiment. If offset is greater than the number of queryable experiments, an empty result will be returned.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the experiments in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • count : Integer

        The number of items returned in this page of results.

      • experiments : Array [Experiment object]

        Experiment objects sorted by either created_at from newest to oldest. The number of objects will never exceed the limit specified in the request.

      • next_page : String

        A relative URL leading to the next page of results. If there are no more results, next_page is absent.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the call was successful.

      • total_count : Integer

        The total number of results.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create experiment (A/B Test)


POST /api/experiments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Experiment 1",
    "audience": {"tag": "earlyBirds"},
    "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
    "variants": [
            "push": {
                "notification": {
                    "alert": "message 1"
            "push": {
                "notification": {
                    "alert": "message 2"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 123
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : "true",
    "operation_id" : "03ca94a3-2b27-42f6-be7e-41efc2612cd4",
    "experiment_id" : "0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a",
    "push_id" : "7e13f060-594c-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Schedule schedule = Schedule.newBuilder()

Variant variantOne = Variant.newBuilder()
                .setAlert("message 1")

Variant variantTwo = Variant.newBuilder()
                .setAlert("message 2")

Experiment experiment = Experiment.newBuilder()
        .setName("Experiment 1")
        .setDescription("Testing description")
        .setDeviceTypes(DeviceTypeData.of(DeviceType.IOS, DeviceType.ANDROID))

ExperimentRequest request = ExperimentRequest.newRequest(experiment);
Response<ExperimentResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ABTest, Experiment, Variant
from urbanairship.push import notification

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create push notifications for variants
push_1 = notification(alert='message 1')
push_2 = notification(alert='message 2')

# Create variants
variants = [

# Create experiment
experiment = Experiment(
    audience={'tag': 'earlyBirds'},
    device_types=['ios', 'android'],
    name='Experiment 1'

# Create and send experiment
ab_test = ABTest(airship=client)
response = ab_test.create(experiment=experiment)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

variant_one = airship)
variant_one.push = {
    "notification": {
        "alert": "message 1"
variant_two = airship)
variant_two.push = {
    "notification": {
        "alert": "message 2"
experiment = airship) = 'Experiment 1'
experiment.description = 'Example experiment'
experiment.audience = UA.tag('earlyBirds')
experiment.device_types = ['ios','android']
experiment.variants << variant_one.payload
experiment.variants << variant_two.payload
ab_test = airship)
ab_test.experiment_object = experiment.payload

POST /api/experiments

Create an experiment. The body of the request should consist of a single experiment object. The experiment is processed and sent immediately unless a schedule is present.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Experiment object

    An experiment object describes an A/B test, including the audience and variant portions.


  • 201

    The experiment was created.

    • Location : String

      The newly created experiment.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/json

      The response body for an experiment request.

      • experiment_id : String

        Unique identifier for an experiment. Format: uuid

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the experiment was successfully created. If false, the experiment was not created.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string that represents a single API call, used to identify the operation or side effects in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

      • push_id : String

        Unique identifier for a push. Format: uuid

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Scheduled experiment listing


GET /api/experiments/scheduled HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: experiments
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": "true",
    "count": 2,
    "total_count": 2,
    "experiments": [
            "id": "0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a",
            "name": "Experiment 1",
            "audience": "all",
            "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
            "variants": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "schedule": {
                        "scheduled_time": "2020-11-17T20:58:00Z"
                    "push": {
                        "notification": {
                            "alert": "message 1"
                    "id": 1,
                    "schedule": {
                        "scheduled_time": "2020-11-17T20:58:00Z"
                    "push": {
                        "notification": {
                            "alert": "message 2"
            "id": "29705c10-5951-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
            "name": "Experiment 2",
            "audience": "all",
            "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
            "variants": [
                    "id": 0,
                    "schedule": {
                        "scheduled_time": "2020-12-17T20:58:00Z"
                    "push": {
                        "notification": {
                            "alert": "message 1"
                    "id": 1,
                    "schedule": {
                        "scheduled_time": "2020-12-17T20:58:00Z"
                    "push": {
                        "notification": {
                            "alert": "message 2"
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ABTest

client = BasicAuthClient(
ab_test = ABTest(client)
response = ab_test.list_scheduled_experiment()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

ab_test = airship)

GET /api/experiments/scheduled

List scheduled experiments in order, from closest to the current date-time to farthest (i.e., the experiments scheduled to occur soonest will appear at the top of the list). Responses are paginated, using optional limit and offset parameters.


  • limit : Integer

    Positive maximum number of elements to return per page. The default limit is 10 entries with a maximum of 100 entries.

    Max: 100 Min: 1

  • offset : Integer

    A zero-based integer offset into the result set. If you do not use an offset, results will begin with experiment scheduled to begin at the soonest date-time. If the offset is greater than the number of queryable experiments, the result set will be empty.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the experiments in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • count : Integer

        The number of items in this page of results.

      • experiments : Array [Experiment object]

        Experiments listed by scheduled_time in ascending time order. The number of objects will never exceed the limit specified in the request.

      • next_page : String

        A relative URL leading to the next page of results. If there are no more results, next_page is absent.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected result set.

      • total_count : Integer

        The total number of results.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete experiment


DELETE /api/experiments/scheduled/0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok" : "true",
  "operation_id" : "03ca94a3-2b27-42f6-be7e-41efc2612cd4"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ExperimentDeleteRequest request = ExperimentDeleteRequest.newRequest("0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a");
Response<ExperimentResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ABTest

client = BasicAuthClient(

ab_test = ua.ABTest(client)
ab_test.experiment_id = "0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a"

response = ab_test.delete()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

ab_test = airship)
ab_test.experiment_id = '0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a'

DELETE /api/experiments/scheduled/{experiment_id}

Delete a scheduled experiment. You can only delete experiments before they start; attempting to delete an experiment that has already started or completed will return an HTTP 405 response (“Method not allowed”).


  • experiment_id : StringREQUIRED

    The unique identifier of the experiment.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned if the experiment has been successfully deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      The response body for a pipeline’s deletion request.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string that represents a single API call, used to identify the operation or side effects in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 405

    Experiments can only be deleted before they start; afterwards, a HTTP 405 is returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Validate experiment


POST /api/experiments/validate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Experiment 1",
    "audience": {"tag": "earlyBirds"},
    "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
    "variants": [
            "push": {
                "notification": {
                    "alert": "message 1"
            "push": {
                "notification": {
                    "alert": "message 2"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok" : "true",
  "operation_id" : "03ca94a3-2b27-42f6-be7e-41efc2612cd4"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Schedule schedule = Schedule.newBuilder()

Variant variantOne = Variant.newBuilder()
                .setAlert("message 1")

Variant variantTwo = Variant.newBuilder()
                .setAlert("message 2")

Experiment experiment = Experiment.newBuilder()
        .setName("Experiment 1")
        .setDescription("Testing description")
        .setDeviceTypes(DeviceTypeData.of(DeviceType.IOS, DeviceType.ANDROID))

ExperimentRequest request = ExperimentRequest.newRequest(experiment).setValidateOnly(true);
Response<ExperimentResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ABTest, Experiment, Variant
from urbanairship.push import notification

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create push notifications for variants
push_1 = notification(alert='message 1')
push_2 = notification(alert='message 2')

# Create variants
variants = [

# Create experiment
experiment = Experiment(
    audience={'tag': 'earlyBirds'},
    device_types=['ios', 'android'],
    name='Experiment 1'

# Validate experiment
ab_test = ABTest(airship=client)
response = ab_test.validate(experiment=experiment)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

variant_one = airship)
variant_one.push = {
    "notification": {
        "alert": "message 1"
variant_two = airship)
variant_two.push = {
    "notification": {
        "alert": "message 2"
experiment = airship) = 'Experiment 1'
experiment.description = 'Example experiment'
experiment.audience = UA.tag('earlyBirds')
experiment.device_types = ['ios','android']
experiment.variants << variant_one.payload
experiment.variants << variant_two.payload
ab_test = airship)
ab_test.experiment_object = experiment.payload

POST /api/experiments/validate

Accepts the same range of payloads as /api/experiments, but only parses and validates the payload without creating the experiment. This does the same amount of validation as the creation endpoint, including platform-specific validation, e.g., APNs byte limit checks. While this operation ensures the experiment is technically valid, it does not guarantee that a resulting push will succeed. An experiment may validate and still fail to be delivered. For example, you may have a valid experiment with no devices in your audience.


Request Body

A single experiment object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Experiment object

    An experiment object describes an A/B test, including the audience and variant portions.


  • 200

    The experiment is valid.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected response.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string that represents a single API call, used to identify the operation or side effects in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Experiment lookup


GET /api/experiments/0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: experiment
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : "true",
   "experiment" : {
      "id" : "0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a",
      "push_id": "d00f07b0-594c-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
      "name" : "Experiment 1",
      "audience" : "all",
      "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
      "variants" : [{
            "push" : {
               "notification" : {
                  "alert" : "message 1"
            "id" : 0,
            "push" : {
               "notification" : {
               "alert" : "message 2"
         "id" : 1,
This operation is not currently supported.
from urbanairship import BasicAuthClient, ABTest

client = BasicAuthClient(
ab_test = ABTest(client)
response = ab_test.lookup(experiment_id='0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a')
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship

airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')
ab_test = airship)

ab_test.experiment_id = '0f7704e9-5dc0-4f7d-9964-e89055701b0a'

GET /api/experiments/{experiment_id}

Look up an experiment (A/B Test).


  • experiment_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the experiment you want to look up.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the experiment in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • experiment : Experiment object

        An experiment object describes an A/B test, including the audience and variant portions.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns a result set.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Use the /templates API to create templates and push templatized notifications.


Consider the /templates API deprecated. You should instead create templates in the Airship dashboard and send using the /create-and-send or /pipelines APIs.

List templates


GET /api/templates HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: templates
Count: 1
Total-Count: 1
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : true,
    "count": 1,
    "total_count": 1,
    "templates": [
            "id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
            "created_at": "2020-08-17T11:10:01Z",
            "modified_at": "2020-08-17T11:10:01Z",
            "last_used": null,
            "name": "Welcome Message",
            "description": "Our welcome message",
            "variables": [
                    "key": "TITLE",
                    "name": "Title",
                    "description": "e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, etc.",
                    "default_value": ""
                    "key": "FIRST_NAME",
                    "name": "First Name",
                    "description": "Given name",
                    "default_value": null
                    "key": "LAST_NAME",
                    "name": "Last Name",
                    "description": "Family name",
                    "default_value": null
            "push": {
                "notification": {
                    "alert": "Hello {{FIRST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!"
    "next_page": null,
    "prev_page": null
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplateListingRequest request = TemplateListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<TemplateListingRequest> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

# List all templates
for template in TemplateList(client):
        f"Template ID: {template.template_id}\n"
        f"Created: {template.created_at}\n"
        f"Modified: {template.modified_at}\n"
        f"Last Used: {template.last_used}\n"
        f"Name: {}\n"
        f"Description: {template.description}\n"
        f"Variables: {template.variables}\n"
        f"Push: {template.push}"
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/templates

List all existing templates. Returns an array of template objects in the templates attribute.


This API is being replaced by new content templating features, currently available in the Airship UI. This API will not be removed until the new content templating feature supports all platforms, but we are no longer adding features to this API or its templating language.


  • page : Integer

    Specifies the desired page number. Defaults to 1.

  • page_size : Integer

    Specifies how many results to return per page. Has a default value of 25 and a maximum value of 100.

  • sort : String

    Specifies the name of the field you want to sort results by. Defaults to created_at.

    Possible values: created_at, modified_at, last_used

  • order : String

    Specifies the sort order as ascending (asc) or descending (desc). Defaults to asc.

    Possible values: asc, desc


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the templates in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • count : Integer

        The number of templates in the current response; this is effectively the page size.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED


      • prev_page : String

        Link to the previous page, if available. Format: url

      • templates : Array [Template object]

        An array of template objects.

      • total_count : Integer

        The total number of templates.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create template


POST /api/templates HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Welcome Message",
    "description": "Our welcome message",
    "variables": [
            "key": "TITLE",
            "name": "Title",
            "description": "e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, etc.",
            "default_value": ""
            "key": "FIRST_NAME",
            "name": "First Name",
            "description": "Given name",
            "default_value": null
            "key": "LAST_NAME",
            "name": "Last Name",
            "description": "Family name",
            "default_value": null
    "push": {
        "notification": {
            "alert": "Hello {{FIRST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : true,
    "operation_id" : "9ce808c8-7176-45dc-b79e-44aa74249a5a",
    "template_id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplateVariable titleVariable = TemplateVariable.newBuilder()
        .setDescription("e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, etc.")

TemplateVariable firstNameVariable = TemplateVariable.newBuilder()
        .setName("First Name")
        .setDescription("Given name")

TemplateVariable lastNameVariable = TemplateVariable.newBuilder()
        .setName("Last Name")
        .setDescription("Family name")

PartialPushPayload partialPushPayload = PartialPushPayload.newBuilder()
                .setAlert("Hello {{TITLE}} {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!")

TemplateRequest request = TemplateRequest.newRequest()
        .setName("Welcome Message")
        .setDescription("Our welcome message")

Response<TemplateResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create a new template
template = Template(client) = 'Welcome Message'
template.description = 'Our welcome message'
template.variables = [
        'key': 'TITLE',
        'name': 'Title',
        'description': 'e.g., Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.',
        'default_value': ''
        'key': 'FIRST_NAME',
        'name': 'First Name',
        'description': 'Given name',
        'default_value': None
        'key': 'LAST_NAME',
        'name': 'Last Name',
        'description': 'Family name',
        'default_value': None
template.push = {
    'notification': {
        'alert': 'Hello {{TITLE}} {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!'
response = template.create()
print(f"Template ID: {template.template_id}")  # To get the template ID for future use

# List all templates
for template in TemplateList(client):
        f"Template ID: {template.template_id}\n"
        f"Created: {template.created_at}\n"
        f"Modified: {template.modified_at}\n"
        f"Last Used: {template.last_used}\n"
        f"Name: {}\n"
        f"Description: {template.description}\n"
        f"Variables: {template.variables}\n"
        f"Push: {template.push}"

# Send a push using a template
push = client.create_push()
push.device_types = ['ios']
push.audience = {
    'ios_channel': 'b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881'
push.merge_data = merge_data(
        'FIRST_NAME': 'Bob',
        'LAST_NAME': 'Smith',
        'TITLE': ''
response = push.send()
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/templates

Create a new template.


This API is being replaced by new content templating features, currently available in the Airship UI. This API will not be removed until the new content templating feature supports all platforms, but we are no longer adding features to this API or its templating language.


Request Body

A single template object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Template object

    A template object is a skeleton for a push. This is the object used for template creation, and returned by the template listing and lookup endpoints.


  • 201

    The template was created.

    • Location : String

      The uri for the template, used for later updates or sends.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected response.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

      • template_id : String

        A unique string identifying the template, used to call the template for pushing and other operations. Format: uuid

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Push to template


POST /api/templates/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "device_types": [ "ios" ],
    "audience": {
       "ios_channel": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881"
    "merge_data": {
        "template_id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
        "substitutions": {
            "FIRST_NAME": "Bob",
            "LAST_NAME": "Smith",
            "TITLE": ""
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: push_ids
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : true,
    "operation_id" : "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
    "push_ids": [
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplatePushPayload payload = TemplatePushPayload.newBuilder()
                .addSubstitution("FIRST_NAME", "Bob")
                .addSubstitution("LAST_NAME", "Smith")
                .addSubstitution("TITLE", "Mr.")

TemplatePushRequest request = TemplatePushRequest.newRequest()

Response<TemplateResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Send a push using a template
push = client.create_push()
push.device_types = ['ios']
push.audience = {
    'ios_channel': 'b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881'
push.merge_data = merge_data(
        'FIRST_NAME': 'Bob',
        'LAST_NAME': 'Smith',
        'TITLE': ''
response = push.send()
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/templates/push

Send a push notification based on a template to a list of devices. The body of the request must be a single push template payload or an array of one or more push template payloads.


This API is being replaced by new content templating features, currently available in the Airship UI. This API will not be removed until the new content templating feature supports all platforms, but we are no longer adding features to this API or its templating language.


Request Body

A single push template payload or an array of push template payloads. Provide an override with any variable that has a null default value. For example, if you created a template with the variable FIRST_NAME, and that variable has null as a default value, you must provide a substitution for FIRST_NAME when pushing to that template.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Push template payload

      A push template payload defines a push by overriding the variables defined in a specific template object. Specifically, a push template object specifies push audience and device types, along with substitutions for the variables defined in a template.

    • Array of push templates : Array [Push template payload]


  • 202

    The push notification has been accepted for processing.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected response.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

      • push_ids : Array [String]

        An array of the push IDs for this operation. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Validate a template


POST /api/templates/push/validate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "device_types": [ "ios" ],
    "audience": {
       "ios_channel": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881"
    "merge_data": {
        "template_id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
        "substitutions": {
            "FIRST_NAME": "Bob",
            "LAST_NAME": "Smith",
            "TITLE": ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: push_ids
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplatePushPayload payload = TemplatePushPayload.newBuilder()
                .addSubstitution("FIRST_NAME", "Bob")
                .addSubstitution("LAST_NAME", "Smith")
                .addSubstitution("TITLE", "Mr.")

TemplatePushRequest request = TemplatePushRequest.newRequest()

Response<TemplateResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/templates/push/validate

This endpoint accepts the same range of payloads as /api/template/push, but only parses and validates the payload. It does not actually send a push.


Request Body

A single push template payload or an array of push template payloads.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Push template payload

      A push template payload defines a push by overriding the variables defined in a specific template object. Specifically, a push template object specifies push audience and device types, along with substitutions for the variables defined in a template.

    • Array [Push template payload]


  • 200

    The payload was valid.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Schedule a templated push


POST /api/templates/schedules HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

        "name": "Hello Bob",
        "schedule": {
           "scheduled_time": "2020-05-02T22:00:00Z"
        "device_types": [ "ios" ],
        "audience": {
           "ios_channel": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881"
        "merge_data": {
            "template_id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
            "substitutions": {
                "FIRST_NAME": "Bob",
                "LAST_NAME": "Takahashi",
                "TITLE": null
        "name": "Hello Joe",
        "schedule": {
           "scheduled_time": "2020-05-05T18:00:00Z"
        "device_types": [ "android" ],
        "audience": {
           "android_channel": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946"
        "merge_data": {
            "template_id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
            "substitutions": {
                "FIRST_NAME": "Joe",
                "LAST_NAME": "Smith",
                "TITLE": "Sir"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: schedule_urls
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : true,
    "operation_id" : "efb18e92-9a60-6689-45c2-82fedab36399",
    "schedule_urls" : [
    "schedule_ids" : [
    "schedules" : [
            "url" : "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/a0cef4f9-1fcd-47ef-b459-01f432b64043",
            "name": "Hello Joe",
            "schedule" : { "..." },
            "push" : { "..." },
            "push_ids": [ "6a5ecb9c-46ee-4af4-9ced-9308121afaf9" ]
            "url" : "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/fe2dab5e-f837-4707-8d0c-0e8c589ef4cf",
            "name": "Hello Bob",
            "schedule" : { "..." },
            "push" : { "..." },
            "push_ids": [ "5162bbf8-7de7-4040-a64d-e018b71f02f6" ]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplateScheduledPushPayload payload = TemplateScheduledPushPayload.newBuilder()
                .addSubstitution("FIRST_NAME", "Bob")
                .addSubstitution("LAST_NAME", "Takahashi")
                .addSubstitution("TITLE", "Dr.")

TemplateScheduledPushRequest request = TemplateScheduledPushRequest.newRequest()
Response<ScheduleResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/templates/schedules

Schedule a push notification based on a template to a list of devices. Like a standard template-based push, the body of the request includes one or more push template payloads along with a schedule object determining when the template-based push should be sent.


Request Body

An array of scheduled pushes.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Array [Object]

    • A scheduled push template object defines a push by overriding the variables defined in a specific template object and the schedule determining when the push should be sent. Specifically, a push template object specifies push audience and device types, along with substitutions for the variables defined in a template.

      • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)REQUIRED

        The audience for the template.

      • campaigns : Campaigns object

        An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

      • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

        An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

      • merge_data : ObjectREQUIRED

        A template selector describing the template ID and variable substitutions to use with it.

        • substitutions : Object

          An object containing overrides for your template’s variables. The key-value pairs in this object are the value of the key items defined in your template, and the values you want to substitute for the default_value of those keys.

        • template_id : StringREQUIRED

          Specifies the template to override. Format: uuid

      • name : String

        An optional name for the scheduled push operation.

      • schedule : Schedule specificationREQUIRED

        Determines when the push is sent.


  • 202

    The scheduled push has been accepted for processing.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string which identifies a single API call, and can be used to group multiple entities or side effects as related, in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

      • schedule_ids : Array [String]

        An array of schedule IDs. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • schedule_urls : Array [String]

        An array of schedule URLs. The URL for each schedule is the schedules endpoint, appended with the schedule_id of the schedule. Max items: 100

      • schedules : Array [Schedule object]

        An array of schedule objects.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Look up a template


GET /api/templates/ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: template
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok" : true,
    "template": {
        "id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
        "created_at": "2020-08-17T11:10:02Z",
        "modified_at": "2020-08-17T11:10:02Z",
        "last_used": null,
        "name": "Welcome Message",
        "description": "Our welcome message",
        "variables": [
                "key": "TITLE",
                "name": "Title",
                "description": "e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, etc.",
                "default_value": ""
                "key": "FIRST_NAME",
                "name": "First Name",
                "description": "Given name",
                "default_value": null
                "key": "LAST_NAME",
                "name": "Last Name",
                "description": "Family name",
                "default_value": null
        "push": {
            "notification": {
                "alert": "Hello {{FIRST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplateListingRequest request = TemplateListingRequest.newRequest("ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161");
Response<TemplateListingResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

template_id = 'ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161'
template = Template(client).lookup(template_id)
    template.template_id, template.created_at, template.modified_at,
    template.last_used,, template.description,
    template.variables, template.push
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/templates/{template_id}

Fetch the current definition of a single template.


This API is being replaced by new content templating features, currently available in the Airship UI. This API will not be removed until the new content templating feature supports all platforms, but we are no longer adding features to this API or its templating language.


  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    A required string ID of the template.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the template in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected response.

      • template : Template object

        A template object is a skeleton for a push. This is the object used for template creation, and returned by the template listing and lookup endpoints.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update template


POST /api/templates/ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Welcome Message",
    "description": "Our welcome message",
    "push": {
        "notification": {
            "alert": "Hello {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PartialPushPayload partialPushPayload = PartialPushPayload.newBuilder()
                .setAlert("Hello {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}, this is your welcome message!")

TemplateRequest request = TemplateRequest.newRequest("ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161")
        .setName("Welcome Message")
        .setDescription("Our welcome message")

Response<TemplateResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

template_id = 'ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161'
updated_template = Template(client)
updated_template.push = {
    'notification': {
        'alert': 'Hi {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}!'
response = updated_template.update(template_id)
This operation is not currently supported.

Alternatively, call the lookup function on your updated template:

from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

template_id = 'ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161'
updated_template = Template(client).lookup(template_id)
updated_template.push = {
    'notification': {
        'alert': 'Greetings {{TITLE}} {{FIRST_NAME}} {{LAST_NAME}}!'
response = updated_template.update()

POST /api/templates/{template_id}

Update a template. The request body is a partially-defined template object, containing the field(s) you want to change and their updated values.


This API is being replaced by new content templating features, currently available in the Airship UI. This API will not be removed until the new content templating feature supports all platforms, but we are no longer adding features to this API or its templating language.


  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    A required string ID of the template.

    Format: uuid

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    A partially-defined template object. Provide only variables and push items that you want to update.

    • description : String

      The description of the template.

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the template.

    • push : Template push object

      A partial push object describing everything about a push notification, except for the audience and device_types keys (which are defined in the Push template payload) and the message key (which is incompatible with templates).

    • variables : Array [Template variables]

      An array of variable specifications.


  • 200

    Returned if the template has been successfully updated.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected response.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete template


DELETE /api/templates/ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "a6394ff8-8a65-4494-ad06-677eb8b7ad6a"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TemplateDeleteRequest request = TemplateDeleteRequest.newRequest("ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161");
Response<TemplateResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Template, TemplateList, merge_data

client = BasicAuthClient(

template_id = 'ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161'

# Delete via template lookup
response = Template(client).lookup(template_id).delete()

# OR, if you want to delete a template without fetching it from the API
response = Template(client).delete(template_id)
This operation is not currently supported.

DELETE /api/templates/{template_id}

Delete a template. If the template is successfully deleted, the response does not include a body.


This API is being replaced by new content templating features, currently available in the Airship UI. This API will not be removed until the new content templating feature supports all platforms, but we are no longer adding features to this API or its templating language.


  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    A required string ID of the template.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    The template with given ID has been successfully deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns an expected response.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


The Region API endpoints provide a listing and detail for all of your defined entry/exit regions, including custom shapes (polygons) and circles (point/radius).

Region listing


GET /api/regions/?limit=100&start=100 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: regions
Link: <>; rel=next
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "next_page": "",
   "count": 100,
   "regions": [
           "region_id": "abe5deb3-01d0-436e-8c5d-94b6421a01e0",
           "name": "My Favorite Place",
           "created_at": "2020-06-09T12:34:56",
           "updated_at": "2020-06-09T12:34:56",
           "geofence": {
               "type": "POLYGON",
               "points": [
                       "latitude": 90.0,
                       "longitude": 120.0
                       "latitude": 45.0,
                       "longitude": 120.0
                       "latitude": 0.0,
                       "longitude": 0.0
           "beacons": [
                   "name": "entryway",
                   "id": "VLSHZAOEXOFCMLDVTKFQ"
                   "name": "Exhibit A",
                   "id": "ZAQYMNOZKRFCRPYEUCZI"
           "attributes": {
               "store_name": "Tonali's Donuts"
           "source_info": {
               "source": "GIMBAL",
               "region_id": "C56654BC0C3243D6A4B7A3673560D6F8",
               "vendor_href": ""
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/regions

Get a paginated list regions. The result is an array of Region objects under the "regions" key.


  • limit : Integer

    Determines the number of results per page. Defaults to 100, with a maximum of 1,000 regions per page. Setting a limit greater than 1,000 returns a 400 response.

    Max: 1000

  • start : Integer

    A zero-based integer offset into the ordered list of regions, useful for addressing pages directly.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • count : Integer

        The total number of regions returned.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • ok : Boolean


      • regions : Array [Region object]

        An array of region objects.

  • 400

    Returned when limit is greater than 1,000.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Region lookup


GET /api/regions/7d4d9a5c-eff5-40f2-b648-4352c166e878 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: region
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "region": {
        "region_id": "7dbd9a5c-eff5-40f2-b648-4352c1668878",
        "created_at": "2020-08-24T23:15:22.900",
        "updated_at": "2020-08-24T23:15:22.900",
        "name": "Alberta Park",
        "source_info": {
            "source": "GIMBAL",
            "region_id": "C56654BC0C3243D6A4B7A3673560D6F8",
            "vendor_href": ""
        "geofence": {
            "type": "CIRCLE",
            "center": {
                "latitude": 45.56447530000002,
                "longitude": -122.64461097354126
            "radius": 200
        "attributes": {
             "park_name": "alberta",
             "type": "park"
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/regions/{region_id}

Get details for a specific region.


  • region_id : StringREQUIRED

    The region you want to lookup.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, indicates success.

      • region : Region object

        A Region object describes a geographical boundary or set of hardware identifiers and associated attributes that correspond to a physical location of relevance to the application or application owner.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Custom Events

User events that occur outside of your app can be submitted to Airship for inclusion in analytics reporting, as triggers for Automation, or for export via Connect. These events can take place on the web, e.g., your website, social media, or in your back office systems such as CRM or POS software. Any event that can be associated with a mobile app user can be submitted as an Airship Custom Event. The events that you submit are associated with channels and are available to use as Custom Event triggers.

Add Custom Events


POST /api/custom-events HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
X-UA-Appkey: <application key>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

      "occurred": "2020-05-02T02:31:22",
      "user": {
         "named_user_id": "hugh.manbeing"
      "body": {
         "name": "purchased",
         "value": 239.85,
         "transaction": "886f53d4-3e0f-46d7-930e-c2792dac6e0a",
         "interaction_id": "",
         "interaction_type": "url",
         "properties": {
            "description": "Sneaker purchase",
            "brand": "Victory Sneakers",
            "colors": [
            "items": [
                  "text": "New Line Sneakers",
                  "price": "$ 79.95"
                  "text": "Old Line Sneakers",
                  "price": "$ 79.95"
                  "text": "Blue Line Sneakers",
                  "price": "$ 79.95"
            "name": "Hugh Manbeing",
            "userLocation": {
               "state": "CO",
               "zip": "80202"
         "session_id": "22404b07-3f8f-4e42-a4ff-a996c18fa9f1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "operation_id": "8c61c0c4-95b0-45a6-bc38-733f7fcb8979"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
        .setBearerToken("<bearer token>")

CustomEventUser customEventUser = CustomEventUser.newBuilder()

CustomEventPropertyValue customEventProperty = CustomEventPropertyValue.of("Victory Sneakers");

List<CustomEventPropertyValue> items = new ArrayList<>();
items.add(CustomEventPropertyValue.of("New Line Sneakers"));
items.add(CustomEventPropertyValue.of("Old Line Sneakers"));

DateTime occurred = new DateTime(2020, 05, 02, 02, 31, 22, DateTimeZone.UTC);

CustomEventBody customEventBody = CustomEventBody.newBuilder()
        .addPropertiesEntry("brand", customEventProperty)
        .addPropertiesEntry("items", CustomEventPropertyValue.of(items))

CustomEventPayload customEventPayload = CustomEventPayload.newBuilder()

CustomEventRequest customEventRequest = CustomEventRequest.newRequest(customEventPayload);
Response<CustomEventResponse> response = client.execute(customEventRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, CustomEvent

client = BearerTokenClient(

event = CustomEvent(
   user={'named_user_id': 'hugh.manbeing'},
      'description': 'Sneaker purchase',
      'brand': 'Victory Sneakers',
      'colors': ['red', 'blue'],
      'items': [
         {'text': 'New Line Sneakers', 'price': '$ 79.95'},
         {'text': 'Old Line Sneakers', 'price': '$ 79.95'},
         {'text': 'Blue Line Sneakers', 'price': '$ 79.95'}
      'name': 'Hugh Manbeing',
      'userLocation': {
         'state': 'CO',
         'zip': '80202'
   occurred=datetime(2020, 5, 2, 2, 31, 22)

response = event.send()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', token: '<token>')

example_events = [
    body: UA.custom_events_body(
      interaction_id: "",
      interaction_type: "url",
      name: "example",
      properties: {
        "who" => "Alf",
        "where" => "In the garage!",
        "from" => "Melmac"
      session_id: "8d168d40-bc9b-4359-800c-a546918354ac",
      transaction: "d768f61f-73ba-495f-9e16-b3b9c3b598b7",
      value: 1
    occurred: "2021-10-01T00:00:00",
    user: UA.custom_events_user(named_user_id: "Gordon Shumway")
event = airship) = example_events

POST /api/custom-events

Submit an externally-generated Custom Event, associated with a Channel ID or Named User, to Airship. You can use these events as Custom Event triggers for Automation or Sequences and can use handlebars to personalize messages using Custom Event properties (information in the object).


  • Requests complete validation before returning a response.
  • Requests are authenticated with a bearer token which can provide access to this resource alone, or to this resource and others.
  • The name value inside body must not contain any uppercase characters, or the event will be rejected with a 400 status code.


  • X-UA-Appkey : StringREQUIRED

    The application key.

Request Body

An array of Custom Event objects.


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the API interaction. You can use the operation_id in support requests if something goes wrong. Format: uuid

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Channels are Airship’s unique identifiers for addressing applications on iOS, Android, Fire OS, and web devices.

Channel listing


GET /api/channels HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Data-Attribute: channels
Link: <>; rel=next

   "ok": true,
   "next_page": "",
   "channels": [
         "channel_id": "9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5",
         "device_type": "android",
         "push_address": "FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660",
         "opt_in": true,
         "installed": true,
         "background": true,
         "created": "2020-03-06T18:52:59",
         "last_registration": "2020-10-07T21:28:35",
         "named_user_id": "some_id_that_maps_to_your_systems",
         "alias": "null",
         "tags": [
         "tag_groups": {
            "tag_group_1": ["tag1", "tag2"],
            "tag_group_2": ["tag1", "tag2"]
         "device_attributes": {
             "ua_device_os": "10",
             "ua_country": "US",
             "ua_device_model": "SM-G973U",
             "ua_local_tz": "America/Los_Angeles",
             "ua_app_version": "2020-02-01T002322-goat",
             "ua_location_settings": "true",
             "ua_language": "en",
             "ua_sdk_version": "12.2.0",
             "ua_carrier": "Verizon "
          "attributes": {
             "first_name": "Cool",
             "last_name": "Person",
             "birthdate": "1983-03-15T00:00:00",
         "channel_id": "bd36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5",
         "device_type": "ios",
         "push_address": null,
         "opt_in": false,
         "installed": true,
         "background": true,
         "created": "2020-03-06T18:52:59",
         "last_registration": "2020-10-07T21:28:35",
         "named_user_id": "some_id_that_maps_to_your_systems",
         "alias": "null",
         "tags": [
         "tag_groups": {
            "tag_group_1": ["tag1", "tag2"],
            "tag_group_2": ["tag1", "tag2"]
         "ios": {
            "badge": 0,
            "quiettime": {
               "start": null,
               "end": null
            "tz": null
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ChannelRequest request = ChannelRequest.newRequest();
Response<ChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
ChannelView channels = response.getBody().get().getChannelView().get();
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ChannelList

client = BasicAuthClient(
channel_id = None

for channel in ChannelList(client):
    channel_id = channel.channel_id
    print(channel.channel_id, channel.device_type, channel.tags,
          channel.push_address, channel.named_user_id, channel.opt_in)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

channel_list = airship)
channel_list.each do |channel|

GET /api/channels

List all channels registered to this app key, along with associated data and metadata.


Tags added to a channel via the Named Users tag endpoint will not appear with a request to this endpoint. To view those tags, you must look up the Named User associated with the channel.


  • limit : Integer

    The default limit is 1,000 channel objects returned per request. Set the limit to 1,000 or fewer in your API calls.

    Max: 1000


  • 200

    Returns OK for success with the JSON response. Tags added to a channel using /named_users/tags are not returned from this endpoint. To view those tags, you must look up the Named User associated with the channel.

    • Provides the URL to the current page of results. The query within the URL contains the limit (the number of results on the page) and start (the first channel_id in the result set) parameters.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • channels : Array [Channel listing object]

        An array of channel objects.

      • next_page : String

        If there is more than one page of results, use this link to get the next page of results. Format: url

      • ok : Boolean


  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Set or remove attributes on channels


POST /api/channels/attributes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "audience": {
       "android_channel": ["13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2"]
    "attributes": [
             "action": "set",
             "key": "major_league",
             "value": "sf_giants"
             "action": "remove",
             "key": "minor_league"
             "action": "set",
             "key": "position",
             "value": "LF"
             "action": "set",
             "key": "specialData",
             "value": {
                  "timestamp": "1983-03-15 10:00:00",
                  "specialties": [
                        "specialty": {
                            "name": "golden",
                            "property": "small"
                        "specialty": {
                            "name": "silver",
                            "property": "medium"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Attribute setMajorLeague = Attribute.newBuilder()

Attribute removeMinorLeague = Attribute.newBuilder()

Attribute setPosition = Attribute.newBuilder()

String specialtiesStr = "{" +
                        "    \"timestamp\": \"1983-03-15 10:00:00\"," +
                        "    \"specialties\": [{" +
                        "            \"specialty\": {" +
                        "                \"name\": \"golden\"," +
                        "                \"property\": \"small\"" +
                        "            }" +
                        "        }," +
                        "        {" +
                        "            \"specialty\": {" +
                        "                \"name\": \"silver\"," +
                        "                \"property\": \"medium\"" +
                        "            }" +
                        "        }" +
                        "    ]" +
JSONObject specialtiesJson = new JSONObject(specialtiesStr);
Attribute setSpecialties = Attribute.newBuilder()

ChannelAttributesPayload payload = ChannelAttributesPayload.newBuilder()
                .addDeviceId(AttributeAudienceType.ANDROID_CHANNEL, "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2")

ChannelAttributesRequest request = ChannelAttributesRequest.newRequest(payload);
Response<ChannelAttributesResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Attribute
import json

client = BasicAuthClient(

set_major_league = Attribute(

remove_minor_league = Attribute(

set_position = Attribute(

specialties_string = "{" + \
                   "    \"timestamp\": \"1983-03-15 10:00:00\"," + \
                   "    \"specialties\": [{" + \
                   "            \"specialty\": {" + \
                   "                \"name\": \"golden\"," + \
                   "                \"property\": \"small\"" + \
                   "            }" + \
                   "        }," + \
                   "        {" + \
                   "            \"specialty\": {" + \
                   "                \"name\": \"silver\"," + \
                   "                \"property\": \"medium\"" + \
                   "            }" + \
                   "        }" + \
                   "    ]" + \
specialties_json = json.loads(specialties_string)
specialties = Attribute(

modifications = Attribute.ModifyAttributes(

require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

channel_info = airship)
channel_info.audience = {"android_channel": '13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2'}
channel_info.attributes =  {
    "action": "set",
    "key": "major_league",
    "value": "sf_giants"

Example request with dates and numbers

POST /api/channels/attributes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "audience": {
       "android_channel": ["13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2"]
    "attributes": [
             "action": "set",
             "key": "birthday",
             "value": "1983-03-15 10:00:00"
             "action": "set",
             "key": "fav_number",
             "value": 42
             "action": "remove",
             "key": "another_attribute"

POST /api/channels/attributes

Set or remove attributes on a channel. Aside from Airship’s default attributes, you must define attributes in the Airship dashboard before you can set them on channels.


Use the Named Users endpoint to set or remove attributes on Named Users.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    Include an audience object and an array of attributes objects in your request.

    • attributes : Attribute assignmentREQUIRED

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The channel(s) you want to set or remove attributes for.

      • amazon_channel : Object

        The unique channel identifier used to target a Fire OS device.

        • amazon_channel : AnyREQUIRED

          One of
          • String

            Format: uuid

          • Array [String]

            Max items: 100 Min items: 1

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Format: uuid

      • android_channel : Object

        The unique channel identifier used to target an Android device.

        • android_channel : AnyREQUIRED

          One of
          • String

            Format: uuid

          • Array [String]

            Max items: 100 Min items: 1

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Format: uuid

      • channel : Object

        The unique channel identifier used to target an open channel device or web device, i.e., web browser.

        • channel : AnyREQUIRED

          One of
          • String

            Format: uuid

          • Array [String]

            Max items: 100 Min items: 1

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Format: uuid

      • email_address : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier used to target an email address. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • ios_channel : Object

        The unique channel identifier used to target an iOS device.

        • ios_channel : AnyREQUIRED

          One of
          • String

            Format: uuid

          • Array [String]

            Max items: 100 Min items: 1

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Format: uuid

      • sms_id : Object

        Selects a single SMS device. The msisdn must be opted_in to receive notifications.

        • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

          The recipient phone number. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

        • sender : StringREQUIRED

          The sender that the app is configured to send SMS messages from. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

      • web_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier used to target a web device. Max items: 100 Min items: 1


  • 200

    The operation was successful.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, your request was successful.

      • warning : String

        Alerts you if your request could not be processed. You may receive a 200 with a warning if you provide a value that does not match your attribute type. For example, an attribute that expects a numeric value will allow a value of “25” but fail if you input “twenty-five”.

  • 400

    Parsing or validating the request failed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Subscribe or unsubscribe channels to/from subscription lists


POST /api/channels/subscription_lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <App Auth>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "subscription_lists": [
   "audience": {
      "ios_channel": [
      "email_address": [
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

 SubscriptionList subscriptionList = SubscriptionList.newBuilder()

 SubscriptionListPayload payload = SubscriptionListPayload.newBuilder()
                .addDeviceId(ChannelAudienceType.ANDROID_CHANNEL, "002b4104-c94f-418d-be86-ead3214b3244").build())

 SubscriptionListRequest request  = SubscriptionListRequest.newRequest(payload);
 Response<SubscriptionListResponse> response = client.execute(request);
import urbanairship as ua

client = ua.BasicAuthClient('<app key>', '<master secret>')

subscription_list = ua.SubscriptionList(client)


This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/channels/subscription_lists

Subscribe or unsubscribe channels to/from Subscription Lists.


If you are using a single-channel Preference Center created before October 10, 2022, that has not been migrated to user-level, use the /api/channels/subscription_lists endpoint to add or remove individual channels to/from your subscription list. Otherwise, use the Scoped Named User batch operations endpoint to do so.


You must first create a subscription list in the dashboard, then you can refer to its ID when subscribing users. When subscribing users, if the list has not already been created in the dashboard, then the list will be created at the same time but will not be accessible from the dashboard; the list will available for API use only.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    The request payload must be a JSON object with the following fields.

    All of


  • 202

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Channel tags


POST /api/channels/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "audience": {
      "ios_channel": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
      "android_channel": "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2"
   "add": {
      "my_fav_tag_group1": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group2": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group3": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "warnings": ["The following tag groups do not exist: my_fav_tag_group2", "The following tag groups are deactivated: my_fav_tag_group3"]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ChannelTagRequest request = ChannelTagRequest.newRequest()
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group1", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group2", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group3", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"));

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
import urbanairship as ua

client = ua.BasicAuthClient('<app key>', '<master secret>')
channel_tags = ua.devices.ChannelTags(client)
ios_audience = ['b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881']
android_audience = ['13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2']
channel_tags.set_audience(ios_audience, android_audience
channel_tags.add('my_fav_tag_group1', ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
channel_tags.remove('my_fav_tag_group2', 'tag4')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

channel_tags = airship)
ios_audience = 'b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881'
android_audience = '13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2'
    ios: ios_audience,
    android: android_audience
channel_tags.add(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group1', tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
channel_tags.remove(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group2', tags: 'tag4')

POST /api/channels/tags

Add, remove, or set tags on a channel.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per channel. Adding more than 1,000 tags per channel can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per channel, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set object. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.

    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      Specifies one or more channels that you want to apply tag operations to.

      • amazon_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for a Fire OS device. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • android_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for an Android device. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for email, sms, open, or web device types. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • ios_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for an iOS device. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list will be removed.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 is returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be CSV-formatted.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, your request was processed normally.

      • warnings : Array [String]

        Returned when some tag groups could not be updated. Contains a string indicating each tag group that could not be updated and the reason the update failed.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed. You will get this error if a tag is present in both the add and remove fields.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Returned in cases when the app does not permit associations from the device. Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Uninstall channels


POST /api/channels/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

      "channel_id": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
      "device_type": "ios"
      "channel_id": "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2",
      "device_type": "android"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

 Set<ChannelUninstallDevice> channels = ImmutableSet.of(
       new ChannelUninstallDevice("00f74677-4616-4958-bd91-30e949814d2c", ChannelUninstallDeviceType.IOS),
       new ChannelUninstallDevice("007f7156-9b82-4cb6-a2f9-e2c8e7fce13d", ChannelUninstallDeviceType.ANDROID)

 ChannelUninstallPayload payload = ChannelUninstallPayload.newBuilder()

 ChannelUninstallRequest request = ChannelUninstallRequest.newRequest(payload);
 Response<ChannelUninstallResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ChannelUninstall

client = BasicAuthClient(

channel_uninstall = ChannelUninstall(client)
channel = {
    "channel_id": 'b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881',
    "device_type": "ios"

require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

cu = airship)

chans = [{"channel_id" => "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
          "device_type" => "ios"},
         {"channel_id" => "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2",
          "device_type" => "android"}]

cu.uninstall(channels: chans)

POST /api/channels/uninstall

Uninstalls a channel, removing it and all accompanying analytic data (including Performance Analytics) from Airship systems in accordance with data privacy law compliance.

Uninstallation is handled automatically by the Airship SDK and push systems. If a user decides to opt in to communications again (either by using your app or other user preferences), they will create a new channel and a new set of analytic data. The value of a Channel ID may be the same as before however none of the associated metadata will persist when a user opts in again. A new Channel ID will be created if the user clears their browser’s cookies and data, deletes and reinstalls the app, etc.

See Individual Data Privacy Rights Under Data Privacy Laws for more information about data privacy law compliance.


Channel uninstallation, like channel creation, is an asynchronous operation, and may take some time to complete.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Array [Object]

    Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

    • Specifies the Channel ID and device type you want to uninstall.

      • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

        The Channel ID.

      • device_type : StringREQUIRED

        The device type of the channel.

        Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, open


  • 202

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Channel lookup


GET /api/channels/9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Data-Attribute: channel

   "ok": true,
   "channel": {
      "channel_id": "9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5",
      "device_type": "ios",
      "installed": true,
      "opt_in": false,
      "background": true,
      "push_address": "FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660",
      "created": "2020-08-08T20:41:06",
      "last_registration": "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
      "named_user_id": "some_id_that_maps_to_your_systems",
      "alias": null,
      "tags": [
      "tag_groups": {
         "tag_group_1": ["tag1", "tag2"],
         "tag_group_2": ["tag1", "tag2"]
      "ios": {
         "badge": 0,
         "quiettime": {
            "start": null,
            "end": null
         "tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
      "open_tracking_opted_in": "2022-11-26T00:00:00",
      "open_tracking_opted_out": "2022-12-11T00:00:00",
      "click_tracking_opted_in": "2022-11-26T00:00:00",
      "click_tracking_opted_out": "2022-12-11T00:00:00"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ChannelRequest request = ChannelRequest.newRequest("9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5");
Response<ChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
ChannelView channel = response.getBody().get().getChannelView().get();
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ChannelInfo

client = BasicAuthClient(
channel = ChannelInfo(client).lookup('9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5')
print(channel.channel_id, channel.device_type, channel.tags,
      channel.push_address, channel.named_user_id, channel.opt_in)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

channel_client = airship)
channel_info = channel_client.lookup(uuid: '9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5')

Example open channel lookup response with all optional keys

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Data-Attribute: channel

   "ok": true,
   "channel": {
      "channel_id": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
      "type": "open",
      "opt_in": true,
      "address": "",

      "created": "2013-08-08T20:41:06",
      "last_registration": "2014-05-01T18:00:27",

      "named_user_id": "john_doe_123",
      "tags": ["asdf"],

      "tag_groups": {
         "timezone" : ["America/Los_Angeles"],
         "locale_country" : ["US"],
         "locale_language" : ["en"],
         "tag_group_1" : ["tag1", "tag2"],
         "tag_group_2" : ["tag1", "tag2"]

      "open" {
         "open_platform_name": "email",
         "identifiers": {
            "com.example.external_id": "df6a6b50-9843-7894-1235-12aed4489489"

Example open channel lookup response with only required keys

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Data-Attribute: channel

   "ok": true,
   "channel": {
      "channel_id": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",

      "type": "open",
      "opt_in": false,
      "address": "",

      "created": "2013-08-08T20:41:06",
      "last_modified": "2014-05-01T18:00:27",

      "tags": [],
      "tag_groups" {},

      "open": {
         "open_platform_name": "email"

GET /api/channels/{channel_id}

Fetch an individual channel registered to the app key, along with associated data and metadata.


Tags added to a channel via the Named Users tag endpoint will not appear with a request to this endpoint. To view those tags, you must look up the Named User associated with the channel.


  • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

    The unique channel identifier.


  • 200

    Tags added to a channel using /named_users/tags are not returned from this endpoint. To view those tags, you must look up the Named User associated with the channel.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • channel : Any

        A channel object.

        One of
        • Channel listing object

          Describes a channel listing object.

        • Open channel object : Object

          Describes an open channel.

          • address : String

            The address to send push notifications to when device_type is email or open.

          • channel_id : String

            The unique channel identifier for a device. Format: uuid

          • created : String

            The creation date-time of this channel. Format: date-time

          • last_registration : String

            The last registration date-time of this channel, if known. Format: date-time

          • locale_country : String

            The two-letter country locale short code. Will set the ua_locale_country tag group to the specified value.

          • locale_language : String

            The two-letter language locale short code. Will set the ua_locale_language tag group to the specified value.

          • named_user_id : String

            A customer-chosen ID that represents the device user, e.g., CRM ID. This ID cannot have leading or trailing whitespace. Pattern: ^[^\s].{1,125}\S$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1

          • open : Object

            Contains options that apply when the device_type is set to open.

            • identifiers : Object

              A set of up to 100 key:value pairs representing identifiers for this channel in your own delivery systems and delivered as a part of webhook payloads.

            • old_address : String

              If a channel exists for the value of old_address, replaces that channel’s address with the value of address. Use infrequently, such as when an end user’s phone number or email address permanently changes.

            • open_platform_name : String

              The name of the open channel that this channel_id is registered on.

          • opt_in : Boolean

            If true, the channel is opted in to push notifications. If false, it is not.

          • set_tags : Boolean

            When true, replaces all device tags on the channel with the set provided in "tags". When false or absent, the "tags" set is unioned with existing device tags.

          • tag_groups : Tag Group object

            One or more tag group objects (including Device Property Tags) associated with this channel.

          • tags : Array [String]

            An array of tags associated with this channel. Max items: 1000

          • timezone : String

            An IANA tzdata identifier for the time zone as a string, e.g., "America/Los_Angeles". Will set the timezone tag group tag with the specified value.

          • type : String

            Specifies the device platform for a channel.

            Possible values: open

      • ok : Boolean


  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Open Channels

Open Channels are custom communication channels that you can configure for messaging, using the same segmentation and scheduling tools available on natively-supported platforms (iOS, Android, etc.). With Open Channels, you define a new open platform, e.g., SMS, Slack, Acme™ Smart Toasters, and register the new platform with Airship.

If you are sending through the Push API, platform overrides for open platforms are covered in Open Channel Overrides. For open channel lookup, use the Channel Lookup endpoint.

Register new / update channel


POST /api/channels/open HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master secret authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "channel": {
      "type": "open",
      "opt_in": true,
      "address": "Number Four",
      "tags": [
      "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "locale_country": "US",
      "locale_language": "en",
      "open": {
         "open_platform_name": "cylon",
         "identifiers": {
            "model": "4"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "channel_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

OpenChannel openChannel = OpenChannel.newBuilder()
        .setOldAddress("Number Four")
        .addIdentifier("model", "4")

Channel channel = Channel.newBuilder()
        .setAddress("Number Four")

OpenChannelPayload payload = new OpenChannelPayload(channel);
OpenChannelRequest request = OpenChannelRequest.newRequest(payload);
Response<OpenChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, OpenChannel

client = BasicAuthClient(
channel = OpenChannel(airship=client)
channel.address = 'Number Four'
channel.open_platform = 'cylon'
channel.opt_in = True
channel.tags = ['toaster', 'caprica']
channel.identifiers = {'model': '4'}
response = channel.create()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

open_channel = airship)
open_channel.opt_in = true
open_channel.address = 'Number Four'
open_channel.open_platform = 'cylon'

POST /api/channels/open

Create a new open channel or update an existing open channel.


A 200 status will be returned if an existing channel was found for the specified open_platform_name and address. Otherwise a new channel will be created, also returning a 200 status.


The master secret is required to update an open channel, otherwise a 401 Unauthorized response is returned.


Request Body

An open channel object.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • channel : ObjectREQUIRED

      Properties of the open channel object.

      • address : StringREQUIRED

        Where notifications sent to this channel_id will be sent. Examples: email address, phone number. If missing, channel_id must be present. The address is one-to-one with the channel_id. New addresses on existing channels will overwrite old associations.

      • locale_country : String

        The two-letter country locale short code. Will set the ua_locale_country tag group to the specified value.

      • locale_language : String

        The two-letter language locale short code. Will set the ua_locale_language tag group to the specified value.

      • open : ObjectREQUIRED

        Open channel-specific properties.

        • identifiers : Object

          Optional object with string-to-string key:value pairs that represent non-segmentable identifiers for the channel in your delivery systems. Delivered as part of webhook payloads. If present, the value will overwrite (not union with) existing identifier records. Max items: 100

          • * : String

        • open_platform_name : StringREQUIRED

          The name of the open platform to which you are registering this channel.

      • opt_in : BooleanREQUIRED

        If false, no payloads will be delivered for the channel.

      • tags : Array [String]

        A list of strings used for audience targeting. When used for this endpoint, operates like the tags { set {}} operation; specified tags are applied, and all other tags are removed. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • timezone : String

        An IANA tzdata identifier for the time zone as a string, e.g., "America/Los_Angeles". Will set the timezone tag group tag with the specified value.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        Required string.

        Possible values: open


  • 200

    Returned if the new channel is created successfully or if an existing channel was found for the specified open_platform_name and address.

    • Location : String

      Used for later API calls for this channel.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • channel_id : String

        Identifies the new open channel or the open channel you successfully updated. Format: uuid

      • ok : Boolean


  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 429

    Too many requests hit the API too quickly. For example, if we are not ready to create a channel for this payload; e.g., it is rate limited. You should wait before retrying the channel creation.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Open channel tags


POST /api/channels/open/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
      "address": "Number Four",
      "open_platform_name": "cylon"
  "add": {
    "my_fav_tag_group1": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
    "my_fav_tag_group2": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
    "my_fav_tag_group3": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

OpenChannelTagRequest openChannelTagRequest =  OpenChannelTagRequest.newRequest()
        .addOpenChannel("Number Four","cyclon")
        .addTags("CRM_Delux", Set.of("tag1","tag2"))
        .removeTags("CRM_Delux",  Set.of("tag3","tag4"));
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(openChannelTagRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, OpenChannel

client = BasicAuthClient(
channel = OpenChannel(airship=client)
channel.address = 'Number Four'
channel.open_platform = 'cylon'
channel.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']
response = channel.update()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

open_channel = airship)
open_channel.opt_in = true
open_channel.address = 'Number Four'
open_channel.open_platform = 'cylon'
open_channel.channel_id = 'df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946'
open_channel.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']
open_channel.update(set_tags: true)

POST /api/channels/open/tags

Manipulate a single open channel’s tags. Open channels are identified by address, not by their channel_id.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per channel. Adding more than 1,000 tags per channel can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per channel, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    Add, remove, or set tags on a channel. A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set field. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.

    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The request body containing an address and open_platform_name.

      • address : StringREQUIRED

        Where notifications sent to this channel_id will be sent. Examples: email address, phone number. If missing, channel_id must be present. The address is one-to-one with the channel_id. New addresses on existing channels will overwrite old associations.

      • open_platform_name : StringREQUIRED

        An alphanumeric string that must be the name of a pre-created open platform object. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list will be removed.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 is returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be CSV-formatted.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Parsing or validating the request failed. You will see this error if the same tag is present in both the add and remove fields.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Returned in cases when the app does not permit associations from the device. Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Uninstall open channels


POST /api/channels/open/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "address": "Number Four",
  "open_platform_name": "cylon"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

OpenChannelUninstallRequest openChannelUninstallRequest = OpenChannelUninstallRequest.newRequest("Number Four","cyclon");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(openChannelUninstallRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, OpenChannel

client = BasicAuthClient(
channel = OpenChannel(airship=client)
channel.address = 'Number Four'
channel.open_platform = 'cylon'
response = channel.uninstall()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

cu = airship)
cu.uninstall(address: 'Number Four', open_platform: 'cylon')

POST /api/channels/open/uninstall

Uninstall a channel needing to know its Channel ID. You cannot send notifications to, or get channel information for, an uninstalled channel.


Request Body

An address and the open_platform_name you want to uninstall the address from.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Open channel identifier : Object

    The request body containing an address and open_platform_name.

    • address : StringREQUIRED

      Where notifications sent to this channel_id will be sent. Examples: email address, phone number. If missing, channel_id must be present. The address is one-to-one with the channel_id. New addresses on existing channels will overwrite old associations.

    • open_platform_name : StringREQUIRED

      An alphanumeric string that must be the name of a pre-created open platform object. Max length: 128 Min length: 1


  • 202

    The request has been accepted for processing.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Register email channels, set opt-in status, and manipulate tags on email channels.

Create email attachment

Example create email attachment

POST /attachments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "filename": "rickroll.png",
  "content_type": "text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"",
HTTP/1.1 201 Accepted
Data-Attribute: attachment_id
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "attachment_ids": [
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
EmailAttachmentRequest emailAttachmentRequest = EmailAttachmentRequest.newRequest()
        .setContentType("text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"")

Response<EmailAttachmentResponse> response = client.execute(emailAttachmentRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, EmailAttachment

client = BearerTokenClient(

attachment = EmailAttachment(
  content_type='image/png; charset="UTF-8"', 
response =

This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/attachments

Create attachments by POSTing to the attachments URI. The body of the request must be a JSON object describing and including the contents of a file to attach.


  • Attachments can be used for transactional sends only, not commercial.

  • Attachments cannot be used in Automations.

  • Attachment size is limited to 2.5 MB per attachment, with a 20 MB content size limit on each message, including content body and all attachments.

  • Attachment count is limited to 10 per email.

  • Sending attachments with malicious content is strictly prohibited. This is enforced in part by blocking file types with .bat and .exe extensions.

  • Attachments have a TTL (Time To Live) of 60 days.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • content_type : StringREQUIRED

      The mimetype of the uploaded file including the charset parameter, if needed. Example: "text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\""

      Max length: 100

    • data : StringREQUIRED

      Base64-encoded bytes of the file contents representing a maximum of 2.5 MiB of data when decoded. Padding with = chars is optional.

    • filename : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the uploaded file (max 255 UTF-8 bytes). Multiple files with the same name are allowed in separate requests.


  • 201

    The email attachment was created. The response body will contain the IDs of the created attachments.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for an email attachment creation request.

      • attachment_id : Array [String]

        The attachment ID for a newly-created attachment. Reference this ID in the attachments list in the Email override.

      • ok : Boolean

        Either true or false. Represents if the operation completed successfully or not. If false, other properties defined here will not necessarily be present.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    The application does not have the proper entitlement to create attachments.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Register email channel


POST /api/channels/email HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

     "channel" : {
        "type": "email",
        "commercial_opted_in": "2020-10-28T10:34:22",
        "open_tracking_opted_in": "2022-12-11T00:00:00",
        "click_tracking_opted_in": "2022-12-11T00:00:00",
        "address": "",
        "timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
        "locale_country" : "US",
        "locale_language" : "en"
    "opt_in_mode" : "classic",
    "properties" : {
        "interests" : "newsletter"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "channel_id": "251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

RegisterEmailChannel emailChannel = RegisterEmailChannel.newBuilder()
        .setEmailOptInLevel(OptInLevel.EMAIL_COMMERCIAL_OPTED_IN, "2020-10-28T10:34:22")

RegisterEmailChannelRequest request = RegisterEmailChannelRequest.newRequest(emailChannel);
Response<EmailChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, Email

client = BearerTokenClient(

email = Email(
response = email.register()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_channel = airship)
email_channel.type = 'email'
email_channel.commercial_opted_in = '2020-10-28T10:34:22'
email_channel.address = ''
email_channel.timezone = 'America/Los_Angeles'
email_channel.locale_country = 'US'
email_channel.locale_language = 'en'

POST /api/channels/email

Create a new email channel or update an existing channel. If you provide the email address of an existing channel, the call is treated as a PUT. To update the address of an existing channel, see the Replace Email Channel endpoint.


Request Body

A single email channel object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Email channel object : Object

    An email channel object is the object used to create channels.

    There are two types of emails: commercial and transactional. Commercial emails are promotional. Transactional emails are functional responses to interactions with a your app or website, like receipts, legal notices, and password reset requests. Users must explicitly opt-in to receive commercial emails; users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails (though they can explicitly opt-out).

    Each channel uses opted_in and opted_out keys for both commercial and transactional emails. The value of each key is the date-time when the user subscribed to or unsubscribed from emails of either type — commercial or transactional. If a user has opted out of a particular email type (or the user never opted in to commercial emails), and the user is a part of your audience for a message of that type, the email designated for the opted-out user is dropped at delivery time. These values are all optional. However, an email channel with no opted_in or opted_out values can only receive transactional emails.

    If a channel has both opt_in and opt_out values for a particular email type, Airship respects the most recent date-time. So, if a user opted in to commercial emails after previously opting out, that user can receive commercial emails from you even though that user’s channel possesses both commercial_opted_in and commercial_opted_out values; if the opt-in date is prior to the opt-out date, the user will not receive commercial emails from you.

    Providing both opt-in and opt-out values for commercial email, transactional email, open tracking, or click tracking in a single request is considered invalid.

    • channel : ObjectREQUIRED

      • address : StringREQUIRED

        The email address being registered.

      • click_tracking_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user opted in to click tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • click_tracking_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user opted out of click tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • commercial_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive commercial emails.

        Format: date-time

      • commercial_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive commercial emails.

        Format: date-time

      • locale_country : String

        The device property tag related to locale country setting.

      • locale_language : String

        The device property tag related to locale language setting.

      • open_tracking_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user opted in to open tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • open_tracking_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user opted out of open tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • suppression_state : String

        If an email channel is suppressed, the reason for its suppression. Email channels with any suppression state set will not have any delivery to them fulfilled. If a more specific reason is not known, use imported.

        Possible values: spam_complaint, commercial_spam_complaint, bounce, imported

      • timezone : String

        The device property tag related to time zone setting.

      • transactional_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive transactional emails. Users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails unless they have previously opted out.

        Format: date-time

      • transactional_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive transactional emails.

        Format: date-time

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        The type of channel you are registering.

        Possible values: email

    • opt_in_mode : String

      The opt-in mode for registering the channel. classic is the default when unspecified, double creates a double_opt_in event.

      Possible values: classic, double

    • properties : Object

      An object containing event properties. You can use these properties to filter the double opt-in event and reference them in your message content by using handlebars. Items in the properties object are limited to a 255-character maximum string length.


  • 200

    An existing email channel was found matching the address and was updated.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for an email channel request.

      • channel_id : String

        A unique string identifying the email channel. Format: uuid

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        If true, the operation was successful. If false, other properties defined here will not necessarily be present.

  • 201

    The email channel was created.

    • Location : String

      The newly created email channel.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      The response body for an email channel request.

      • channel_id : String

        A unique string identifying the email channel. Format: uuid

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        Either true or false. Represents if the operation completed successfully or not. If false, other properties defined here will not necessarily be present.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Custom unsubscribe email channel


GET /api/channels/email/custom-unsubscribe?ua_redirect= HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
HTTP/1.1 302 Found

GET /api/channels/email/custom-unsubscribe

Opts-out an email address using a custom unsubscribe token. Requires Custom Unsubscribe be enabled for your project.

This endpoint is public and does not require authentication.

  • ua_unsubscribe_token : StringREQUIRED

    The token for the unsubscribe request.

  • ua_redirect : String

    URL of the page to redirect to after unsubscribe. A default confirmation page will be used if not provided.

    Format: uri


  • 302

    The channel was successfully opted out and will be redirected to a confirmation page.

    • Location : String

      URL of the page to redirect to after unsubscribe.

      Format: uri

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Replace email channel


POST /api/channels/email/replace/9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "channel" : {
      "type": "email",
      "commercial_opted_in": "2022-02-13T11:58:59",
      "address": "",
      "timezone" : "America/Los_Angeles",
      "locale_country" : "US",
      "locale_language" : "en"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "channel_id": "251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

RegisterEmailChannel emailChannel = RegisterEmailChannel.newBuilder()
        .setEmailOptInLevel(OptInLevel.EMAIL_COMMERCIAL_OPTED_IN, "2022-02-13T11:58:59")

ReplaceEmailChannelRequest request = ReplaceEmailChannelRequest.newRequest("9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5", emailChannel);
Response<EmailChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_channel = airship)
email_channel.channel_id = '251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd'
email_channel.address = ''
email_channel.type = 'email'
email_channel.commercial_opted_in = '2020-10-28T10:34:22'

POST /api/channels/email/replace/{channel_id}

Creates a new email channel in place of the provided channel. You may use this endpoint to change a contact’s email address. When called with an email channel, this endpoint will:

  • Register a new channel
  • Associate the new email channel with the same user as the source channel
  • Uninstall the source channel


  • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

    The email channel_id you want to modify.

Request Body

A single email channel object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Email channel object : Object

    An email channel object is the object used to create channels.

    There are two types of emails: commercial and transactional. Commercial emails are promotional. Transactional emails are functional responses to interactions with a your app or website, like receipts, legal notices, and password reset requests. Users must explicitly opt-in to receive commercial emails; users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails (though they can explicitly opt-out).

    Each channel uses opted_in and opted_out keys for both commercial and transactional emails. The value of each key is the date-time when the user subscribed to or unsubscribed from emails of either type — commercial or transactional. If a user has opted out of a particular email type (or the user never opted in to commercial emails), and the user is a part of your audience for a message of that type, the email designated for the opted-out user is dropped at delivery time. These values are all optional. However, an email channel with no opted_in or opted_out values can only receive transactional emails.

    If a channel has both opt_in and opt_out values for a particular email type, Airship respects the most recent date-time. So, if a user opted in to commercial emails after previously opting out, that user can receive commercial emails from you even though that user’s channel possesses both commercial_opted_in and commercial_opted_out values; if the opt-in date is prior to the opt-out date, the user will not receive commercial emails from you.

    Providing both opt-in and opt-out values for commercial email, transactional email, open tracking, or click tracking in a single request is considered invalid.

    • channel : ObjectREQUIRED

      • address : StringREQUIRED

        The email address being registered.

      • click_tracking_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user opted in to click tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • click_tracking_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user opted out of click tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • commercial_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive commercial emails.

        Format: date-time

      • commercial_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive commercial emails.

        Format: date-time

      • locale_country : String

        The device property tag related to locale country setting.

      • locale_language : String

        The device property tag related to locale language setting.

      • open_tracking_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user opted in to open tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • open_tracking_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user opted out of open tracking.

        Format: date-time

      • suppression_state : String

        If an email channel is suppressed, the reason for its suppression. Email channels with any suppression state set will not have any delivery to them fulfilled. If a more specific reason is not known, use imported.

        Possible values: spam_complaint, commercial_spam_complaint, bounce, imported

      • timezone : String

        The device property tag related to time zone setting.

      • transactional_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive transactional emails. Users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails unless they have previously opted out.

        Format: date-time

      • transactional_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive transactional emails.

        Format: date-time

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        The type of channel you are registering.

        Possible values: email

    • opt_in_mode : String

      The opt-in mode for registering the channel. classic is the default when unspecified, double creates a double_opt_in event.

      Possible values: classic, double

    • properties : Object

      An object containing event properties. You can use these properties to filter the double opt-in event and reference them in your message content by using handlebars. Items in the properties object are limited to a 255-character maximum string length.


  • 201

    The operation was successful.

    • Location : String

      The newly created email channel.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      The response body for an email channel request.

      • channel_id : String

        A unique string identifying the email channel. Format: uuid

      • ok : Boolean

        Either true or false. Represents if the operation completed successfully or not. If false, other properties defined here will not necessarily be present.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Suppress an email channel


POST /api/channels/email/suppress HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "address": "",
    "reason": "spam_complaint"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SuppressEmailChannelRequest request = SuppressEmailChannelRequest.newRequest("","reason");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/channels/email/suppress

Suppress an existing email channel, disallowing any future delivery from being fulfilled for the channel.


Suppression state types that only apply to commercial messages, such as commercial_spam_complaint, cannot overwrite suppression state types that also apply to transactional messages.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • address : StringREQUIRED

      The email address for the channel to be suppressed.

    • reason : StringREQUIRED

      The reason for suppressing the channel. If there is no specific reason, use imported.

      Possible values: spam_complaint, commercial_spam_complaint, bounce, imported


  • 202

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    Returned if no channel was found associated to the specified address.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Email tags


POST /api/channels/email/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "audience": {
      "email_address": ""
   "add": {
      "my_fav_tag_group1": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group2": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group3": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

EmailTagRequest request = EmailTagRequest.newRequest();
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group1", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group2", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group3", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"));

Response<EmailChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, EmailTags

client = BearerTokenClient(

# replaces all existing tags on an email channel
email_tags = EmailTags(airship=client,
              tags=['one', 'two', 'three'])

# adds and removes tags from an email channel
email_tags = EmailTags(airship=client,
                  tags=['one', 'two', 'three'])
              tags=['some', 'new', 'tags'])
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_tags = airship)
#set an audience
email_tags.set_audience(email_address: '')
#add a tag
email_tags.add(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group1', tags: 'tag2')
#remove a tag
email_tags.remove(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group1', tags: 'tag1')

POST /api/channels/email/tags

Add, remove, or set tags for a single email channel.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per channel. Adding more than 1,000 tags per channel can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per channel, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

A single request body can contain an add and/or remove field, or a single set field. One or more of the add, remove, or set keys must be present in the request.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      Specifies the email address you want to perform tag operations against. Must contain a single email_address key. Max properties: 1

      • email_address : StringREQUIRED

        The email address you want to modify tags for. Accepts a single string value representing an email address.

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list are removed.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 will be returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be CSV format.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed. If a tag is present in both the add and remove fields, a HTTP 400 response will be returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Forbidden. Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., the app does not permit associations from the device. Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags, otherwise a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Uninstall email channel


POST /api/channels/email/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "email_address": ""
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

UninstallEmailChannel uninstallEmailChannel = UninstallEmailChannel.newBuilder()

UninstallEmailChannelRequest request = UninstallEmailChannelRequest.newRequest(uninstallEmailChannel);
Response<EmailChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, Email

client = BearerTokenClient(
email = Email(airship=client,
resp = email.uninstall()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_channel = airship)
email_channel.address = ''

POST /api/channels/email/uninstall

Removes an email address from Airship. Use with caution. If the uninstalled email address opts-in again, it might generate a new channel_id. If a user generates a new channel_id when they opt-in again, the new channel_id cannot be reassociated with any opt-in information, tags, Named Users, Performance Analytics reports, or other information from the that belonged to the previously-uninstalled email channel.


Request Body

An email address of the channel to uninstall.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • email_address : StringREQUIRED

      The email address of the channel to uninstall.


  • 202

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Remove suppression from an email channel


POST /api/channels/email/unsuppress HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "address": ""
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

UnsuppressEmailChannelRequest request = UnsuppressEmailChannelRequest.newRequest("");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/channels/email/unsuppress

Remove the suppression reason for an existing email channel, allowing the channel to receive emails, depending on the channel’s commercial and transactional opt-in status.


Calling this endpoint will not modify commercial or transactional opt-in status to opted-in.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • address : StringREQUIRED

      The email address for the channel to be unsuppressed.


  • 202

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    Returned if no channel was found associated to the specified address.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Look up an email address


GET /api/channels/email/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "channel": {
      "channel_id": "01234567-890a-bcde-f012-3456789abc0",
      "device_type": "email",
      "installed": true,
      "created": "2020-08-08T20:41:06",
      "named_user_id": "some_id_that_maps_to_your_systems",
      "email_address": "",
      "tag_groups": {
         "tag_group_1": ["tag1", "tag2"],
         "tag_group_2": ["tag1", "tag2"]
      "address": null,
      "opt_in": true,
      "commercial_opted_in": "2020-10-28T10:34:22",
      "commercial_opted_out": "2020-06-03T09:15:00",
      "transactional_opted_in": "2020-10-28T10:34:22",
      "open_tracking_opted_in": "2022-12-11T00:00:00",
      "click_tracking_opted_in": "2022-12-11T00:00:00",
      "open_tracking_opted_out": "2022-12-12T00:00:00",
      "click_tracking_opted_out": "2022-12-12T00:00:00",
      "last_registration": "2020-05-01T18:00:27"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
ChannelRequest channelRequest = ChannelRequest.newEmailLookupRequest("");
Response<ChannelResponse> response = client.execute(channelRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, Email

client = BearerTokenClient(

response = Email.lookup(airship=client, address='')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_channel = airship)
email_channel.address = ''

GET /api/channels/email/{email}

Returns a channel by email address. For security, email addresses are one-way hashed and aren’t returned when you look up a channel by ID. Use this endpoint to find a channel belonging to a particular email address.

You may need to escape the @ character in URLs using%40.


Emails with an opted_out date that is after or equal to the opted_in date will not be sent for that channel.

A commercial_opted_in date is required for sending commercial emails. Transactional emails do not require a transactional_opted_in. This field is used in the case where a user has unsubscribed to transactional email and would like to reassert consent to receive transactional emails.

The opt_in property is always set to true for an email channel, thus it should be ignored.


  • email : StringREQUIRED

    The email address of the channel you want to look up.


  • 200

    A channel exists for the email address

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update an email channel

Example update email address

PUT /api/channels/email/251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

     "channel" : {
        "device_type": "email",
        "address": "",
        "commercial_opted_in": "2020-10-28T10:34:22"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "channel_id": "251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
UpdateEmailChannel updateEmailChannel = UpdateEmailChannel.newBuilder()
        .setEmailOptInLevel(OptInLevel.EMAIL_COMMERCIAL_OPTED_IN, "2021-10-28T10:34:22")

UpdateEmailChannelRequest updateEmailChannelRequest = UpdateEmailChannelRequest.newRequest("6c8f1d3a-64d8-4ef9-b7a1-9b128013327e", updateEmailChannel);
Response<EmailChannelResponse> response = client.execute(updateEmailChannelRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, Email

client = BearerTokenClient(

email = Email(

response = email.update(channel_id='251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_channel = airship)
email_channel.channel_id = '251d3318-b3cb-4e9f-876a-ea3bfa6e47bd'
email_channel.type = 'email'
email_channel.commercial_opted_in = '2020-10-28T10:34:22'

PUT /api/channels/email/{email}

Update an email channel. You can use this endpoint to update the subscription/unsubscription values.


If you provide an address in this request, it must be the one that is associated with the channel you are updating. You may not update the user’s email address with this endpoint.


  • email : StringREQUIRED

    The email channel_id you want to modify.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Email channel update object : Object

    An email channel object is the object used to update channels.

    There are two types of emails: commercial and transactional. Commercial emails are promotional. Transactional emails are functional responses to interactions with a your app or website, like receipts, legal notices, and password reset requests. Users must explicitly opt-in to receive commercial emails; users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails (though they can explicitly opt-out).

    Each channel uses opted_in and opted_out keys for both commercial and transactional emails. The value of each key is the date-time when the user subscribed to or unsubscribed from emails of either type — commercial or transactional. If a user has opted out of a particular email type (or the user never opted in to commercial emails), and the user is a part of your audience for a message of that type, the email designated for the opted-out user is dropped at delivery time. These values are all optional. However, an email channel with no opted_in or opted_out values can only receive transactional emails.

    If a channel has both opt_in and opt_out values for a particular email type, Airship respects the most recent date-time. So, if a user opted in to commercial emails after previously opting out, that user can receive commercial emails from you even though that user’s channel possesses both commercial_opted_in and commercial_opted_out values; if the opt-in date is prior to the opt-out date, the user will not receive commercial emails from you.

    • channel : ObjectREQUIRED

      • address : String

        The email address associated with the email channel. If provided, it must match the existing email address or the request will be rejected with a 400 status code.

      • commercial_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive commercial emails.

        Format: date-time

      • commercial_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive commercial emails.

        Format: date-time

      • device_type : String

        The type of channel you are updating.

        Possible values: email

      • locale_country : String

        The device property tag related to locale country setting.

      • locale_language : String

        The device property tag related to locale language setting.

      • suppression_state : String

        If an email channel is suppressed, the reason for its suppression. Email channels with any suppression state set will not have any delivery to them fulfilled. If a more specific reason is not known, use imported.

        Possible values: spam_complaint, commercial_spam_complaint, bounce, imported

      • timezone : String

        The device property tag related to time zone setting.

      • transactional_opted_in : String

        The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive transactional emails. Users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails unless they have previously opted out.

        Format: date-time

      • transactional_opted_out : String

        The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive transactional emails.

        Format: date-time


  • 200

    The email channel was updated.

    • Location : String

      The updated email channel.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      The response body for an email channel request.

      • channel_id : String

        A unique string identifying the email channel. Format: uuid

      • ok : Boolean

        Either true or false. Represents if the operation completed successfully or not. If false, other properties defined here will not necessarily be present.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Register and manage SMS channels. See SMS Platform Information to get started with SMS notifications.

Register SMS channel


POST /api/channels/sms HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "msisdn" : "15035556789",
  "sender": "12345",
  "opted_in": "2020-02-13T11:58:59",
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "locale_country": "US",
  "locale_language": "en"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SmsRegistrationRequest request = SmsRegistrationRequest
        .newRegistrationRequest("12345", "15035556789", DateTime.parse("2020-02-13T11:58:59Z"));

Response<SmsRegistrationResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, Sms
from datetime import datetime

client = BearerTokenClient(

sms_channel = Sms(

response = sms_channel.register()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

sms_channel = airship)
sms_channel.msisdn = '15035556789'
sms_channel.sender = '12345'
sms_channel.opted_in = '2020-02-13T11:58:59'

Response (With 'opted_in')

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok": true,
  "operation_id": "62077236-d032-11e9-af71-ab156113d166",
  "channel_id": "7c5d7328-9bb4-4ff7-86b0-96a5f1da5868"

Response (Without 'opted_in')

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok": true,
  "operation_id": "62077236-d032-11e9-af71-ab156113d166",
  "push_id": "26350f60-d033-11e9-80e3-33def0e528d1",
  "channel_id": "79fbe330-d033-11e9-adfb-df10b89c5e04",
  "status": "pending"

Response (Project not configured with sender)

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": false,
    "errors": "Unable to retrieve details for sender 12345 with app_key <application key>"

POST /api/channels/sms

Create an SMS channel. If the channel has not opted in yet (the request did not contain opted_in), Airship creates the channel with opt_in set to false and the user receives a message prompting them to complete the opt-in flow; you can assign tags and organize pending channels before the user has finished the opt-in process, but you cannot send messages to channels until they opt in to your audience.

SMS notifications require a sender - a number that recipients will receive SMS notifications from. Contact Airship Sales or your Account Manager to provision your project for SMS notifications and complete the configuration.


Avoid repeated registration attempts. Repeated registrations of the same msisdn and sender without an opted_in value will result in multiple opt-in instruction messages being sent to the msisdn.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • locale_country : String

      The ISO 3166 two-character country code. The value for this field becomes a tag in the ua_locale_country tag group.

    • locale_language : String

      The ISO 639-1 two-character language code. The value for this field becomes a tag in the ua_locale_language tag group.

    • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

      The mobile phone number you want to register as an SMS channel (or send a request to opt-in). Must be numeric characters only, without leading zeros. Pattern: ^[0-9]*$ Max length: 15

    • opted_in : String

      The date-time that represents the date and time when explicit permission was received from the user to receive messages. Format: date-time

    • sender : StringREQUIRED

      A long or short code the app is configured to send from. For example, 12345.

    • timezone : String

      The IANA identifier for a time zone, e.g., America/Los_Angeles. The value in this field becomes a tag in the timezone tag group.


  • 200

    A channel with this msisdn/sender combination already exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      One of
      • New channel with opt-in : Object

        The request included a valid opted_in value. Airship creates a channel that is opted in to your audience.

        • channel_id : String

          Unique Channel ID for the SMS channel. Format: uuid

        • ok : Boolean

          If true, Airship creates a channel value with opt_in set to true.

        • operation_id : String

          A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

      • New channel without opt-in : Object

        Response to a request that does not include an opted_in value. Airship creates a channel with opt_in set to false and sends the user a message prompting them to opt in.

        • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

          Unique Channel ID for the SMS channel. This channel is created with opt_in set to false, as the user has not yet opted in to your audience. Format: uuid

        • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

          If true, Airship creates a channel with opt_in set to false and Airship sends a message prompting the user to opt in to your audience.

        • operation_id : StringREQUIRED

          A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

        • push_id : StringREQUIRED

          Identifies the message prompting the user to opt in to your audience, sent as a result of a request without an opted_in value. Format: uuid

        • status : StringREQUIRED

          The channel has been created but has not yet opted-in.

          Possible values: pending

  • 201

    The channel was created. If the request did not contain an opted_in value, the channel is created with a pending status and the channel’s opt_in value is set to false; you can assign assign tags and organize pending channels before the user has finished the opt-in process, but you cannot send messages to channels until they complete the opt-in flow.

    • location : String

      URI of the channel, used for later registrations.

      Format: url

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      One of
      • New channel with opt-in : Object

        The request included a valid opted_in value. Airship creates a channel that is opted in to your audience.

        • channel_id : String

          Unique Channel ID for the SMS channel. Format: uuid

        • ok : Boolean

          If true, Airship creates a channel value with opt_in set to true.

        • operation_id : String

          A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

      • New channel without opt-in : Object

        Response to a request that does not include an opted_in value. Airship creates a channel with opt_in set to false and sends the user a message prompting them to opt in.

        • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

          Unique Channel ID for the SMS channel. This channel is created with opt_in set to false, as the user has not yet opted in to your audience. Format: uuid

        • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

          If true, Airship creates a channel with opt_in set to false and Airship sends a message prompting the user to opt in to your audience.

        • operation_id : StringREQUIRED

          A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

        • push_id : StringREQUIRED

          Identifies the message prompting the user to opt in to your audience, sent as a result of a request without an opted_in value. Format: uuid

        • status : StringREQUIRED

          The channel has been created but has not yet opted-in.

          Possible values: pending

  • 400

    The channel could not be created. This error occurs when the project is not configured with a valid sender, the request was missing required fields, or the MSISDN does not meet the E.164 international standard.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • errors : String

        Returned with 40x responses; explains reason for the unsuccessful request.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, the request was unsuccessful.

Opt-out of SMS messages


POST /api/channels/sms/opt-out HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "sender": "12345",
    "msisdn": "15035556789"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SmsRegistrationRequest request = SmsRegistrationRequest
        .newOptOutRequest("12345", "15035556789");

Response<SmsRegistrationResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Sms

client = BasicAuthClient(

sms = Sms(
response = sms.opt_out()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

sms_channel = airship)
sms_channel.msisdn = '15035556789'
sms_channel.sender = '12345'

POST /api/channels/sms/opt-out

This will mark an SMS channel as opted-out (inactive) and it will not receive alerts even when they are addressed in the future. To opt the user back in, call the registration function again with a valid opted_in value.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

      The mobile phone number you want to opt-out of SMS messages. Must be numeric characters only, without leading zeros. 15 digits maximum. Pattern: ^[0-9]*$ Max length: 15

    • sender : StringREQUIRED

      A long or short code the app is configured to send from. For example, 12345.


  • 202

    The msisdn/channel is opted-out of SMS notifications.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, the operation completed successfully.

  • 400

    The request body is not valid.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • details : Object

        • error : String

          Specific error message that explains why the request was unsuccessful.

      • error : String

        Returned with 40x responses; explains why the request was unsuccessful.

      • error_code : Integer

        The 5-digit Airship error code, pointing to a more specific error than the HTTP status.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, the request was unsuccessful.

Uninstall SMS channel


POST /api/channels/sms/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "sender": "12345",
    "msisdn": "15035556789"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SmsRegistrationRequest request = SmsRegistrationRequest
        .newUninstallRequest("12345", "15035556789");

Response<SmsRegistrationResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Sms

client = BasicAuthClient(

sms = Sms(
response = sms.uninstall()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

sms_channel = airship)
sms_channel.msisdn = '15035556789'
sms_channel.sender = '12345'

POST /api/channels/sms/uninstall

Removes phone numbers and accompanying data from Airship. Use with caution. Uninstalling an SMS channel will prevent you from retrieving opt-in and opt-out history for the corresponding msisdn. If the uninstalled msisdn opts-in again, it will generate a new channel_id. The new channel_id cannot be reassociated with any opt-in information, tags, Named Users, Performance Analytics reports, or other information from the uninstalled SMS channel.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

      The mobile phone number you want to remove from the Airship system. Must be numeric characters only, without leading zeros. 15 digits maximum. Pattern: ^[0-9]*$ Max length: 15

    • sender : StringREQUIRED

      A long or short code the app is configured to send from. For example, 12345.


  • 202

    The SMS channel and all information associated with the msisdn is uninstalled.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, the operation was successful.

  • 400

    The request body is not valid.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • details : Object

        • error : String

          Specific error message that explains why the request was unsuccessful.

      • error : String

        Returned with 40x responses; explains why the request was unsuccessful.

      • error_code : Integer

        The 5-digit Airship error code, pointing to a more specific error than the HTTP status.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, the request was unsuccessful.

Update SMS channel


PUT /api/channels/sms/{channel_id} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "msisdn": "15035556789",
  "sender": "12345",
  "opted_in": "2020-02-13T11:58:59",
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "locale_country": "US",
  "locale_language": "en"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok": true,
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

UpdateSmsChannel updateSmsChannel = UpdateSmsChannel.newBuilder()

UpdateSmsChannelRequest updateSmsChannelRequest = UpdateSmsChannelRequest.newRequest("308303cf-9c10-4d71-9bc2-d9f3a671ed0c", updateSmsChannel);

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(updateSmsChannelRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, Sms
from datetime import datetime

client = BearerTokenClient(

sms_channel = Sms(

# Update properties
sms_channel.locale_country = "FR"
sms_channel.opted_in = datetime.fromisoformat("2020-02-13T11:58:59")

response = sms_channel.update()
This operation is not currently supported.

PUT /api/channels/sms/{channel_id}

Update an existing SMS channel to reflect opt-in date, time zone and/or locale changes. The msisdn and sender in the request must match the existing channel or the request will 404.


  • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

    The identifier for the SMS channel you want to update.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • locale_country : String

      The ISO 3166 two-character country code. The value for this field becomes a tag in the ua_locale_country tag group.

    • locale_language : String

      The ISO 639-1 two-character language code. The value for this field becomes a tag in the ua_locale_language tag group.

    • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

      The phone number corresponding to the channel_id in the request. You cannot change this value for the existing channel. Pattern: ^[0-9]*$ Max length: 15

    • opted_in : String

      The date-time that represents when explicit permission was received from the user to receive messages. Format: date-time

    • sender : StringREQUIRED

      The sender corresponding to the channel_id in the request. You cannot change this value for an existing channel.

    • timezone : String

      The IANA identifier for a time zone, e.g., America/Los_Angeles. The value in this field becomes a tag in the timezone tag group.


  • 200

    The SMS channel was updated successfully.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        True if the request was successful.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

  • 400

    The request to update the channel failed. This error occurs when the MSISDN does not fall into the geographical region supported by the sender or the request is incorrect, e.g., missing or mismatching msisdn or sender, the msisdn is not a valid E.164 standard MSISDN, or invalid timezone/locale values are supplied.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • errors : String

        Returned with 40x responses; explains reason for the unsuccessful request.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, the request was unsuccessful.

  • 404

    Occurs when the msisdn and/or sender don’t match any existing channel_id.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • errors : String

        A plain-text explanation of the error.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, your request was unsuccessful.

SMS channel lookup


GET /api/channels/sms/15035556789/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: channel
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "channel": {
      "channel_id": "84e36d69-873b-4ffe-81cd-e74c9f002057",
      "device_type": "sms",
      "installed": true,
      "push_address": null,
      "named_user_id": null,
      "alias": null,
      "tags": [],
      "tag_groups": {
         "ua_channel_type": [
         "ua_sender_id": [
         "ua_opt_in": [
      "created": "2020-04-27T22:06:21",
      "opt_in": true,
      "opt_in_date": "2022-07-07T03:23:13",
      "msisdn": "150355551234",
      "last_registration": "2020-05-14T19:51:38"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ChannelRequest channelRequest = ChannelRequest.newSmsLookupRequest("15035556789","12345");
Response<ChannelResponse> response = client.execute(channelRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Sms

client = BasicAuthClient(

sms = Sms(
channel_info = sms.lookup()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

sms_channel = airship)
sms_channel.msisdn = '15035556789'
sms_channel.sender = '12345'

Example opt_out_date

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: channel
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "channel": {
      "channel_id": "84e36d69-873b-4ffe-81cd-e74c9f002057",
      "device_type": "sms",
      "installed": true,
      "push_address": null,
      "named_user_id": null,
      "alias": null,
      "tags": [],
      "tag_groups": {
         "ua_channel_type": [
         "ua_sender_id": [
         "ua_opt_in": [
      "created": "2020-04-27T22:06:21",
      "opt_in": false,
      "opt_in_date": "2022-07-07T03:23:13",
      "opt_out_date": "2022-07-08T03:23:13",
      "msisdn": "150355551234",
      "last_registration": "2020-05-14T19:51:38"

GET /api/channels/sms/{msisdn}/{sender}

Lookup an SMS channel by msisdn and sender.


  • msisdn : IntegerREQUIRED

    The mobile phone number you want to lookup a channel for. 15 digits maximum; may not contain leading zeroes.

    Pattern: ^[0-9]*$ Max length: 15

  • sender : IntegerREQUIRED

    A long or short code the app is configured to send from.


  • 200

    Returns an SMS channel object. An SMS channel object includes tag groups for ua_channel_type, ua_sender_id, and ua_opt_in.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  • 404

    A channel_id does not exist for the msisdn and sender.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • error : String

        Returned with 40x responses; explains why the request was unsuccessful.

      • error_code : Integer

        The 5-digit Airship error code, pointing to a more specific error than the HTTP status.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, the request was unsuccessful.

Custom SMS response

SMS example

POST /api/sms/custom-response HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
X-UA-Appkey: <app key>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "sms" : {
      "alert": "Your balance is $1234.56. Go to to see more about your account.",
      "shorten_links": true
  "mobile_originated_id" : "28883743-4868-4083-ab5d-77ac4542531a"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")

CustomSmsResponseSmsPayload customSmsResponseChannelSms = CustomSmsResponseSmsPayload.newBuilder()
        .setAlert("Your balance is $1234.56. Go to to see more about your account.")

CustomSmsResponseRequest customSmsResponseRequest = CustomSmsResponseRequest.newRequest(customSmsResponseChannelSms);
Response<CustomSmsResponseResponse> response = client.execute(customSmsResponseRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, SmsCustomResponse,
    sms, mms

client = BearerTokenClient(

custom_response = SmsCustomResponse(

custom_response.sms = sms(
    alert="Your balance is $1234.56. Go to to see more about your account.",

response = custom_response.send()
This operation is not currently supported.

MMS example

POST /api/sms/custom-response HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <bearer token>
X-UA-Appkey: <app key>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "mms" : {
    "fallback_text": "See fun cat pics at",
    "slides": [
        "media": {
          "url": "",
          "content_type": "image/gif",
          "content_length": 23098
    "shorten_links": true
  "mobile_originated_id" : "3e1e4fb3-2d3c-431e-96bf-9b235a12f84b"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      "ok": true,
      "operation_id": "f3d0993e-e3e1-4aae-b1c0-864a715bfaff",
      "push_id": "7502abe6-e6ea-4f2b-906f-ebbab612c69e"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")

MmsSlides mmsSlides = MmsSlides.newBuilder()

CustomSmsResponseMmsPayload customSmsResponseMmsPayload = CustomSmsResponseMmsPayload.newBuilder()
        .setFallbackText("See fun cat pics at")

CustomSmsResponseRequest customSmsResponseRequest = customSmsResponseRequest.newRequest(customSmsResponseMmsPayload);
Response<CustomSmsResponseResponse> response = client.execute(customSmsResponseRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, SmsCustomResponse,

client = BearerTokenClient(

custom_response = SmsCustomResponse(

custom_response.mms = mms(
    fallback_text="See fun cat pics at",
        "media": {
            "url": "",
            "content_type": "image/gif",
            "content_length": 23098

response = custom_response.send()

POST /api/sms/custom-response

Respond to a mobile-originated message based on a keyword consumed by your custom-response webhook, using a mobile-originated ID. See SMS Keyword Webhooks for information about setting up a custom response webhook server.


  • X-UA-Appkey : StringREQUIRED

    The application key.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Object

      • mobile_originated_id : StringREQUIRED

        The identifier that you received through your SMS webhook corresponding to the mobile-originated message that you’re issuing a custom response to. The mobile_originated_id is valid for 10 minutes from the received_timestamp in the payload sent to your webhook server’s /inbound-sms endpoint.

        Format: uuid

      • sms : ObjectREQUIRED

        • alert : StringREQUIRED

          Your custom SMS message.

        • shorten_links : Boolean

          If true, Airship will shorten HTTP/HTTPS links (space delimited) in the message text fields, producing unique, 25 character URLs for each member of your audience. Airship produces short_link_click events in the Real-Time Data Stream for each link that a user engages with.

          When this setting is enabled, you can add or remove tags from users who click your links by adding query strings to your URLs. You can serialize tag operations with &:

          • ?ua-tag-add=tag_group:tag&another_group:tag2 — adds a tag in tag_group to the channel_id.
          • ?ua-tag-remove=tag_group:tag&another_group:tag2 — removes a tag in tag group from the channel_id.
          • ?ua-list-add=subscription_list_id — adds the user’s channel to the subscription list.
          • ?ua-list-remove=subscription_list_id — removes the user’s channel from the subscription list.

    • Object

      • mms : MMS platform overridesREQUIRED

        Provides the content for a push to MMS channels. If sms is in the device_type array, your request may include this object. It cannot be combined with an SMS Platform Override as a single push can only include either an SMS or MMS payload.

      • mobile_originated_id : StringREQUIRED

        The identifier that you received through your SMS webhook corresponding to the mobile-originated message that you’re issuing a custom response to. The mobile_originated_id is valid for 10 minutes from the received_timestamp in the payload sent to your webhook server’s /inbound-sms endpoint.

        Format: uuid


  • 200

    The operation was successful.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, your request was successful.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

      • push_id : String

        A unique identifier for a push operation. Format: uuid

  • 404

    The mobile_originated_id could not be found.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • error : String

        A plain-text explanation of the error.

      • ok : Boolean

        If false, your request was unsuccessful.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique identifier for an operation; you can use this identifier to find the operation for troubleshooting purposes. Format: uuid

Manually trigger a keyword interaction


POST /api/sms/15035556789/keywords HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Apache-HttpAsyncClient/4.0.1 (java 1.5)
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <user:pass>
Connection: close

  "keyword" : "stop",
  "sender_ids" : [ "54321", "1234"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

KeywordInteractionRequest request = KeywordInteractionRequest.newRequest("15035556789")

Response<CustomSmsResponseResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, KeywordInteraction
from datetime import datetime

client = BasicAuthClient(

interaction = KeywordInteraction(
    sender_ids=["54321", "1234"],
    timestamp=datetime(2021, 10, 8, 12, 0, 0)
response =
This operation is not currently supported.

Failure response (Keyword not configured for Sender ID)

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : false,
  "error" : "The following sender(s) are not configured for the 'stop' keyword: ['1234']",
  "error_code" : 400

POST /api/sms/{msisdn}/keywords

Trigger Mobile Originated (MO) keyword interactions on behalf of an MSISDN.


  • X-UA-Appkey : StringREQUIRED

    The application key.

  • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

    The identifier for the SMS channel you want to trigger a mobile originated keyword from.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • keyword : StringREQUIRED

      The keyword you want to trigger an action for. Must be an alphanumeric string with no spaces.

    • sender_ids : Array [String]REQUIRED

      The sender IDs with keyword actions that you want to test. Airship returns a 400 if the keyword is not configured for one or more of the senders in the array. Min items: 1

    • timestamp : String

      The date-time when the MO keyword was sent. If absent, Airship uses the server-time of your request. Format: date-time


  • 200

    The operation was successful.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, your request was successful.

  • 400

    The operation was not successful. If the request is formatted correctly, one or more sender_ids does not exist or the keyword is not configured for one or more of the sender_ids.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users

A Named User is a proprietary identifier that maps customer-chosen IDs, e.g., CRM data, to Channels. It is useful to think of a Named User as an individual consumer who might have more than one mobile device registered with your app. For example, Named User “john_doe_123” might have a personal Android phone and an iPad, on both of which he has opted in for push notifications. If you want to reach John on both devices, associate the Channel (device) identifiers for each device to the Named User “john_doe_123,” and push to the Named User. Notifications will then fan out to each associated device.

Named User listing or lookup

Example Named User lookup

GET /api/named_users/?id=user-456 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok": true,
  "named_user": {
      "named_user_id": "user-456",
      "created" : "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
      "last_modified" : "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
      "tags": {
        "my_fav_tag_group": [
      "subscription_lists": [
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-1", "example_listId-5"],
          "scope": "web"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-2", "example_listId-3"],
          "scope": "app"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-2"],
          "scope": "web"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-3"],
          "scope": "email"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-4"],
          "scope": "sms"
      "attributes": {
        "item_purchased": "Fur removal tool",
        "cats_name": "Sammy",
        "pets_age": 12
      "user_attributes": {
        "ua_country": "US",
        "ua_language": "en",
        "ua_tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
      "channels": [
            "channel_id": "dceafd02-b852-4305-83df-98b65fa40dd4",
            "device_type": "ios",
            "installed": true,
            "opt_in": true,
            "push_address": "FFFF",
            "created": "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
            "last_registration": "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
            "tags": [
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserListingRequest request = NamedUserListingRequest.newRequest("user-456");
Response<NamedUserListingResponse> response = client.execute(request);
NamedUserView namedUser = response.getBody().get().getNamedUserView().get();

// The Named User ID
String namedUserId = namedUser.getNamedUserId();

// Map of tag groups and the associated sets of tags
ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableSet<String>> namedUserTags = namedUser.getNamedUserTags();

// All channel objects associated with the Named User
ImmutableSet<ChannelView> channelViews = namedUser.getChannelViews();
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-456')
response = named_user.lookup()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user = airship)
named_user.named_user_id = 'user-456'
user = named_user.lookup

Example Named User listing

GET /api/named_users HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: named_users
Link: <>; rel=next
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "next_page": "",
   "named_users": [
         "named_user_id": "user-id-1234",
         "created" : "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
         "last_modified" : "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
         "tags": {
            "my_fav_tag_group": ["tag1", "tag2"]
         "subscription_lists": [
            "list_ids": ["example_listId-1", "example_listId-5"],
            "scope": "web"
            "list_ids": ["example_listId-2", "example_listId-3"],
            "scope": "app"
            "list_ids": ["example_listId-2"],
            "scope": "web"
            "list_ids": ["example_listId-3"],
            "scope": "email"
            "item_purchased":"Fur removal tool",
            "cats_name":"fluffy butt",
         "user_attributes": {
            "ua_country": "US",
            "ua_language": "en",
            "ua_tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
         "channels": [
               "channel_id": "dceafd02-b852-4305-83df-98b65fa40dd5",
               "device_type": "ios",
               "installed": true,
               "opt_in": true,
               "push_address": "FFFF",
               "created": "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
               "last_registration": "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
               "alias": "xxxx",
               "tags": ["asdf"],
               "ios": {
                  "badge": 0,
                  "quiettime": {
                     "start": "22:00",
                     "end": "06:00"
                  "tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserListingRequest request = NamedUserListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<NamedUserListingResponse> response = client.execute(request);
ImmutableList<NamedUserView> namedUsers = response.getBody().get().getNamedUserViews().get();
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUserList

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user_list = NamedUserList(airship=client)

for n in named_user_list:
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user_list = airship)
named_user_list.each do |named_user|

GET /api/named_users

Return a list of Named Users or lookup a single Named User by named_user_id.


  • id : String

    The named_user_id you want to look up. When querying a named_user_id, the response contains a single named_user object. If you do not query a specific named_user_id, the response returns an array of named_users, in which each object represents an individual Named User.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      One of
      • Named User lookup response object : Object

        Response for a single named_user_id query.

        • named_user : Named User object

          The response body for a Named User listing, including tags, channels and attributes associated with the Named User.

        • ok : BooleanREQUIRED


      • Named User listing response body : Object

        Response returned when performing this operation without a query.

        • named_users : Array [Named User object]

        • next_page : String

          There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next page of results. Format: url

        • ok : BooleanREQUIRED


  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users association

Example associate an iOS channel with a Named User

POST /api/named_users/associate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "channel_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
   "device_type": "ios",
   "named_user_id": "user-id-1234"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserRequest request = NamedUserRequest.newAssociationRequest()
        .setChannel("df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946", ChannelType.IOS)

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-id-1234')
response = named_user.associate(channel_id='df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946', device_type='ios')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user = airship)
named_user.named_user_id = 'user-id-1234'
named_user.associate(channel_id: 'df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946', device_type: 'ios')

Example associate a web channel with Named User (do not declare device type)

POST /api/named_users/associate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "channel_id": "wf6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
   "named_user_id": "user-id-1234"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserRequest request = NamedUserRequest.newAssociationRequest()
        .setChannel("wf6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946", ChannelType.WEB)

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-id-1234')
response = named_user.associate(channel_id='wf6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user = airship)
named_user.named_user_id = 'user-id-1234'
named_user.associate(channel_id: 'wf6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946')

Example associate an email channel with Named User

POST /api/named_users/associate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "email_address": "",
   "named_user_id": "user-id-1234"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserRequest request = NamedUserRequest.newAssociationRequest()
        .setChannel("em6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946", ChannelType.EMAIL)

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-id-1234')
response = named_user.email_associate(email_address='')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user = airship)
named_user.named_user_id = 'user-id-1234'
named_user.associate(channel_id: 'em6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946')

POST /api/named_users/associate

Associate a channel or email address with a Named User (named_user_id). If the named_user_id does not already exist, this operation will create it. If the channel_id or email address is already associated with the named_user_id, this operation will do nothing.


If a channel has an assigned Named User and you make an additional call to associate that same channel with a new Named User, the original Named User association will be removed and the new Named User and associated data will take its place. Additionally, all tags associated to the original Named User cannot be used to address this channel unless they are also associated with the new Named User.


Request Body

Named User association requires a channel_id or email_address. Do not provide both in the same request. You can associate up to 100 Channel IDs to a Named User.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Named User association payload with Channel ID : Object

      • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

        The Channel ID you want to associate with a Named User. Format: uuid

      • device_type : String

        The device type of the channel.

        Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, open, email, sms

      • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

        A string value identifying the user with no leading or trailing whitespace. If the named_user_id does not already exist, this operation will create a new Named User. Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • Named User association payload with email address : Object

      • email_address : StringREQUIRED

        The email address you want to associate with a Named User. Format: email

      • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

        The existing Named User ID Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1


  • 200

    The request was accepted but is not guaranteed to be successfully processed. If the Named User has more than 1,000 channels associated with it, the request will be ignored.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users disassociation


POST /api/named_users/disassociate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "channel_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
   "device_type": "ios",
   "named_user_id": "user-id-1234"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserRequest request = NamedUserRequest.newDisassociationRequest()
        .setChannel("df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946", ChannelType.IOS);

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-id-1234')
response = named_user.disassociate(channel_id='df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946', device_type='ios')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user = airship)
named_user.disassociate(channel_id: 'df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946', device_type: 'ios')

Example disassociate an email channel from Named User

POST /api/named_users/disassociate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "email_address": "",
   "named_user_id": "user-id-1234"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserRequest request = NamedUserRequest.newDisassociationRequest()
        .setChannel("em6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946", ChannelType.EMAIL)

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-id-1234')
response = named_user.email_disassociate(email_address='')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user = airship)
named_user.disassociate(channel_id: 'em6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946')

POST /api/named_users/disassociate

Disassociate a channel or an email address from a named_user_id.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Named User disassociation payload with Channel ID : Object

      • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

        The Channel ID you want to disassociate from a Named User. Format: uuid

      • device_type : String

        The device type of the channel.

        Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, email, sms, open

      • named_user_id : String

        The existing Named User ID. Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • Named User disassociation payload with email address : Object

      • email_address : StringREQUIRED

        The email address you want to disassociate from a Named User. Format: email

      • named_user_id : String

        A string value identifying the new user with no leading or trailing whitespace. If the named_user_id does not already exist, this operation will create a new Named User and associate the channel_id with it. Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1


  • 200

    The request was accepted but is not guaranteed to be successfully processed.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Scoped Named User batch operations

Example scoped Named User batch operations

POST /api/named_users/scoped/b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "scoped": [
          "scope": ["app"],
          "subscription_lists": {
              "subscribe": ["stickers", "gifs"],
              "unsubscribe": ["cookies"]
          "scope": ["web"],
          "subscription_lists": {
              "subscribe": ["daily_snacks", "brunch"],
              "unsubscribe": ["promotions"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Set<NamedUserScopeType> scopeTypes1 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(NamedUserScopeType.APP));
Set<String> subscribeLists1 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("stickers", "gifs"));
Set<String> unsubscribeLists1 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("cookies"));

Set<NamedUserScopeType> scopeTypes2 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(NamedUserScopeType.WEB));
Set<String> subscribeLists2 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("daily_snacks", "brunch"));
Set<String> unsubscribeLists2 = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("promotions"));

NamedUserScope namedUserScope1 = NamedUserScope.newBuilder()

NamedUserScope namedUserScope2 = NamedUserScope.newBuilder()

NamedUserScopedPayload namedUserScopedPayload = NamedUserScopedPayload.newBuilder()

NamedUserScopedRequest request = NamedUserScopedRequest.newRequest("named_user_id", namedUserScopedPayload);
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/named_users/scoped/{named_user_id}

Supports multiple operations on a Named User within a single request for a specified scope. The supported operation is subscription_lists. The behavior of each of these operations are the same as their individual request counterpart.


If you are using a single-channel Preference Center created before October 10, 2022, that has not been migrated to user-level, use the /api/channels/subscription_lists endpoint to add or remove individual channels to/from your subscription list.


The path parameter named_user_id should be url encoded to ensure it is handled correctly. Requirements of named_user_id can be found here.


  • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

    A string value identifying the user with no leading or trailing whitespace. If this value contains reserved or special characters they must be URL encoded.

    Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json




  • 200

    The scoped Named User batch operations succeeded.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users tags


POST /api/named_users/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
      "named_user_id": [
  "add": {
      "crm": [
      "loyalty": [
  "remove": {
      "loyalty": [
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserTagRequest request = NamedUserTagRequest.newRequest()
        .addNamedUsers("user-1", "user-2", "user-3")
        .addTags("crm", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("loyalty", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag4", "tag5"))
        .removeTags("loyalty", ImmutableSet.of("tag6", "tag7"));

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-1')

resp1 = named_user.tag(
    add=['tag2', 'tag3', 'tag4'],

resp2 = named_user.tag(
    set=['tag5', 'tag6']
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user_tags = airship)
named_user_ids = ['user-1', 'user-2', 'user-3']
named_user_tags.set_audience(user_ids: named_user_ids)
named_user_tags.add(group_name: 'crm', tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
named_user_tags.remove(group_name: 'loyalty', tags: ['tag6', 'tag7'])

POST /api/named_users/tags

Add, remove, or set tags on a Named User. A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set field. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per Named User. Adding more than 1,000 tags per Named User can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per Named User, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • add : Tag Group object

      Add the list of tags to the Named User(s), but do not remove any. If the tags are already present, they are not modified.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The Named User(s) you want to associate/disassociate tags with.

      • named_user_id : Array [String]

        Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Remove the list of tags from the Named User(s), but do not remove any others. If the tags are not currently present, nothing happens.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Set these tags for the audience; any tags previously associated with the audience tags that are not in this current list are removed.


  • 200

    If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 will be returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be in CSV format.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Body may contain warnings about portions of the request which were not processed.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        Set to true when status code is 200.

      • tag_warnings : String

        Warnings encountered when processing tags for this Named User.

  • 400

    Parsing or validating the request failed. You will see this error if the same tag is present in both the add and remove fields.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags, otherwise a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users uninstall

Example delete all users and their associated channels

POST /api/named_users/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "named_user_id": ["user-id-1234","user-id-5678"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserUninstallRequest namedUserUninstallRequest = NamedUserUninstallRequest

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(namedUserUninstallRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(

response = NamedUser.uninstall(
    named_users=["user-id-1234", "user-id-5678"]
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user_uninstall = airship)
named_user_uninstall.named_user_ids = ['user-id-1234']

POST /api/named_users/uninstall

Disassociate and delete all channels associated with the named_user_id(s) and also delete the named_user_id(s). This call removes all channels associated with a Named User from Airship systems in compliance with data privacy laws.

Uninstalling channels also removes accompanying analytic data (including Performance Analytics) from the system.

See Individual Data Privacy Rights Under Data Privacy Laws for more information about data privacy law compliance.


Channel uninstallation, like channel creation, is an asynchronous operation, and may take some time to complete.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • named_user_id : Array [String]REQUIRED

      Array of strings representing the named_user_id(s) you wish to be uninstalled. Must have between 1 to 100 items in the array with a 128 character/byte maximum per item. Max items: 100 Min items: 1


  • 200

    All channels have been deleted and disassociated from the Named User.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named User update

Create a Named User by associating an email and SMS channel and setting tags and attributes.

POST /api/named_users/john_doe HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application or master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "associate": [
        "email_address": ""
        "channel_id": "f5346fa3-99f1-496d-be37-2895ef58f5a5",
        "device_type": "sms"
  "tags": {
      "set": {
          "subscription_status": ["gold"],
          "favorites" : ["sports", "stocks"]
  "attributes": [
      "action": "set",
      "key": "name",
      "value": "John"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserUpdateChannel namedUserUpdateChannel = NamedUserUpdateChannel.newBuilder()
        .addChannel(NamedUserUpdateDeviceType.ANDROID_CHANNEL, "aa2ae18c-f4b0-48ac-a859-55f26d2a7439")

Attribute lastName = Attribute.newBuilder()

NamedUserUpdatePayload namedUserUpdatePayload = NamedUserUpdatePayload.newBuilder()
        .addTags("go", List.of("test1","test2"))

NamedUserUpdateRequest request = NamedUserUpdateRequest.newRequest("john", namedUserUpdatePayload);
Response<NamedUserUpdateResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(

associate = [
  {"email_address": ""},
  {"channel_id": "f5346fa3-99f1-496d-be37-2895ef58f5a5", "device_type": "sms"}
tags = {
  "set": {
      "subscription_status": ["gold"],
      "favorites" : ["sports", "stocks"]
attributes = [
      "action": "set",
      "key": "name",
      "value": "John"

named_user = NamedUser(

response = named_user.update(
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/named_users/{named_user_id}

Create or update a Named User by associating/disassociating channels and adding/removing tags and attributes in a single request.


If a channel has an assigned Named User and you make an additional call to associate that same channel with a new Named User, the original Named User association will be removed and the new Named User and associated data will take its place. Additionally, all tags associated to the original Named User cannot be used to address this channel unless they are also associated with the new Named User.


We support up to 1,000 tags per Named User. Adding more than 1,000 tags per Named User can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per Named User, and they will help you find an alternative.


  • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

    A string value identifying the user with no leading or trailing whitespace. If this value contains reserved or special characters they must be URL encoded.

    Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Named User update payload

    At least one of associate, disassociate, tags, or attributes must be provided. If a channel is provided in both associate and disassociate sections, a 400 will be returned.


  • 200

    Request was accepted.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Body may contain warnings about portions of the request which were not processed.

      • attribute_warnings : String

        Warnings encountered when processing attributes for this Named User.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        Set to true when status code is 200.

      • tag_warnings : String

        Warnings encountered when processing tags for this Named User.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Set or remove attributes on Named Users


POST /api/named_users/my_named_user/attributes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "attributes": [
            "action": "set",
            "key": "firstName",
            "value": "Gyuri",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-19 12:00:00"
            "action": "remove",
            "key": "birthDate",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-19 12:00:00"
            "action": "set",
            "key": "lastName",
            "value": "Pataki",
            "timestamp": "2020-09-19 12:00:00"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

Attribute firstName = Attribute.newBuilder()

Attribute birthDate = Attribute.newBuilder()

Attribute lastName = Attribute.newBuilder()

NamedUserAttributePayload payload = NamedUserAttributePayload.newBuilder()

NamedUserAttributeRequest request = NamedUserAttributeRequest.newRequest("my_named_user", payload);
Response<NamedUserAttributeResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Attribute, ModifyAttributes

client = BasicAuthClient(

set_major_league = Attribute(

remove_minor_league = Attribute(

set_position = Attribute(

modifications = ModifyAttributes(

This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/named_users/{named_user_id}/attributes

Set or remove attributes on a Named User.

A single request body may contain a set or remove field, or both, or a single set field. If both set and remove fields are present and the intersection of the attributes in these fields is not empty, then a 400 will be returned.

If an attribute request is partially valid, i.e., at least one attribute exists, Airship returns a 200 with a warning about the attributes that failed to update. The attributes listed in the warnings string will be in CSV format.


Airship returns a 200 with a warning if you attempt to set attributes on a Named User that does not exist.


If you wish to set attributes on multiple Named Users at once, we recommend using /api/channels/attributes which supports an audience object in the request body.


  • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

    The Named User you are setting the attributes for.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Array [Attribute assignment]

    Include an array of attributes objects in your request.


  • 200

    Success. If an attribute request is partially valid, i.e., at least one attribute exists, Airship returns a 200 with a warning string containing a CSV list of attributes that failed to update. Airship also returns a 200 with a warning if you attempt to set attributes on a named_user, even if the named_user does not exist.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Body may contain warnings about portions of the request which were not processed.

      • ok : Boolean

        Set to true when status code is 200.

      • warnings : String

        Warnings encountered when updating Named User attributes.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Operations to assign or unassign tags for Channels and Named Users. Tags belong to Tag Groups and can help you organize channels using identifiers relevant to your operations. See the linked for information about, and strategies for using, tag groups.


If you previously used the /api/tags endpoint to set tags, it is strongly recommended that you transition to the endpoints and methods specified in this document.

Email tags


POST /api/channels/email/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "audience": {
      "email_address": ""
   "add": {
      "my_fav_tag_group1": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group2": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group3": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

EmailTagRequest request = EmailTagRequest.newRequest();
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group1", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group2", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group3", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"));

Response<EmailChannelResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BearerTokenClient, EmailTags

client = BearerTokenClient(

# replaces all existing tags on an email channel
email_tags = EmailTags(airship=client,
              tags=['one', 'two', 'three'])

# adds and removes tags from an email channel
email_tags = EmailTags(airship=client,
                  tags=['one', 'two', 'three'])
              tags=['some', 'new', 'tags'])
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_tags = airship)
#set an audience
email_tags.set_audience(email_address: '')
#add a tag
email_tags.add(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group1', tags: 'tag2')
#remove a tag
email_tags.remove(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group1', tags: 'tag1')

POST /api/channels/email/tags

Add, remove, or set tags for a single email channel.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per channel. Adding more than 1,000 tags per channel can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per channel, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

A single request body can contain an add and/or remove field, or a single set field. One or more of the add, remove, or set keys must be present in the request.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      Specifies the email address you want to perform tag operations against. Must contain a single email_address key. Max properties: 1

      • email_address : StringREQUIRED

        The email address you want to modify tags for. Accepts a single string value representing an email address.

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list are removed.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 will be returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be CSV format.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed. If a tag is present in both the add and remove fields, a HTTP 400 response will be returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Forbidden. Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., the app does not permit associations from the device. Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags, otherwise a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Open channel tags


POST /api/channels/open/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
      "address": "Number Four",
      "open_platform_name": "cylon"
  "add": {
    "my_fav_tag_group1": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
    "my_fav_tag_group2": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
    "my_fav_tag_group3": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

OpenChannelTagRequest openChannelTagRequest =  OpenChannelTagRequest.newRequest()
        .addOpenChannel("Number Four","cyclon")
        .addTags("CRM_Delux", Set.of("tag1","tag2"))
        .removeTags("CRM_Delux",  Set.of("tag3","tag4"));
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(openChannelTagRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, OpenChannel

client = BasicAuthClient(
channel = OpenChannel(airship=client)
channel.address = 'Number Four'
channel.open_platform = 'cylon'
channel.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']
response = channel.update()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

open_channel = airship)
open_channel.opt_in = true
open_channel.address = 'Number Four'
open_channel.open_platform = 'cylon'
open_channel.channel_id = 'df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946'
open_channel.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3']
open_channel.update(set_tags: true)

POST /api/channels/open/tags

Manipulate a single open channel’s tags. Open channels are identified by address, not by their channel_id.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per channel. Adding more than 1,000 tags per channel can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per channel, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    Add, remove, or set tags on a channel. A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set field. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.

    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The request body containing an address and open_platform_name.

      • address : StringREQUIRED

        Where notifications sent to this channel_id will be sent. Examples: email address, phone number. If missing, channel_id must be present. The address is one-to-one with the channel_id. New addresses on existing channels will overwrite old associations.

      • open_platform_name : StringREQUIRED

        An alphanumeric string that must be the name of a pre-created open platform object. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list will be removed.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 is returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be CSV-formatted.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Parsing or validating the request failed. You will see this error if the same tag is present in both the add and remove fields.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Returned in cases when the app does not permit associations from the device. Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Channel tags


POST /api/channels/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "audience": {
      "ios_channel": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
      "android_channel": "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2"
   "add": {
      "my_fav_tag_group1": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group2": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
      "my_fav_tag_group3": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "warnings": ["The following tag groups do not exist: my_fav_tag_group2", "The following tag groups are deactivated: my_fav_tag_group3"]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ChannelTagRequest request = ChannelTagRequest.newRequest()
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group1", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group2", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("my_fav_tag_group3", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"));

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
import urbanairship as ua

client = ua.BasicAuthClient('<app key>', '<master secret>')
channel_tags = ua.devices.ChannelTags(client)
ios_audience = ['b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881']
android_audience = ['13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2']
channel_tags.set_audience(ios_audience, android_audience
channel_tags.add('my_fav_tag_group1', ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
channel_tags.remove('my_fav_tag_group2', 'tag4')
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

channel_tags = airship)
ios_audience = 'b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881'
android_audience = '13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2'
    ios: ios_audience,
    android: android_audience
channel_tags.add(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group1', tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
channel_tags.remove(group_name: 'my_fav_tag_group2', tags: 'tag4')

POST /api/channels/tags

Add, remove, or set tags on a channel.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per channel. Adding more than 1,000 tags per channel can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per channel, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set object. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.

    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      Specifies one or more channels that you want to apply tag operations to.

      • amazon_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for a Fire OS device. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • android_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for an Android device. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for email, sms, open, or web device types. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

      • ios_channel : Array [String]

        The unique channel identifier for an iOS device. Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list will be removed.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 is returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be CSV-formatted.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, your request was processed normally.

      • warnings : Array [String]

        Returned when some tag groups could not be updated. Contains a string indicating each tag group that could not be updated and the reason the update failed.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed. You will get this error if a tag is present in both the add and remove fields.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Returned in cases when the app does not permit associations from the device. Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users tags


POST /api/named_users/tags HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
      "named_user_id": [
  "add": {
      "crm": [
      "loyalty": [
  "remove": {
      "loyalty": [
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserTagRequest request = NamedUserTagRequest.newRequest()
        .addNamedUsers("user-1", "user-2", "user-3")
        .addTags("crm", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag2", "tag3"))
        .addTags("loyalty", ImmutableSet.of("tag1", "tag4", "tag5"))
        .removeTags("loyalty", ImmutableSet.of("tag6", "tag7"));

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(
named_user = NamedUser(airship=client, named_user_id='user-1')

resp1 = named_user.tag(
    add=['tag2', 'tag3', 'tag4'],

resp2 = named_user.tag(
    set=['tag5', 'tag6']
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user_tags = airship)
named_user_ids = ['user-1', 'user-2', 'user-3']
named_user_tags.set_audience(user_ids: named_user_ids)
named_user_tags.add(group_name: 'crm', tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'])
named_user_tags.remove(group_name: 'loyalty', tags: ['tag6', 'tag7'])

POST /api/named_users/tags

Add, remove, or set tags on a Named User. A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set field. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.


A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response. We support up to 1,000 tags per Named User. Adding more than 1,000 tags per Named User can cause latency and service interruptions. We strongly recommend removing unused tags whenever possible, and using Custom Events when appropriate. Please contact Support if you believe your use case requires more than 1,000 tags per Named User, and they will help you find an alternative.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • add : Tag Group object

      Add the list of tags to the Named User(s), but do not remove any. If the tags are already present, they are not modified.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The Named User(s) you want to associate/disassociate tags with.

      • named_user_id : Array [String]

        Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Remove the list of tags from the Named User(s), but do not remove any others. If the tags are not currently present, nothing happens.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Set these tags for the audience; any tags previously associated with the audience tags that are not in this current list are removed.


  • 200

    If a tag request is partially valid, i.e., at least one tag group exists and is active, a 200 will be returned with a warning in the response about the tag groups that failed to update. The tag groups listed in the warning will be in CSV format.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Body may contain warnings about portions of the request which were not processed.

      • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

        Set to true when status code is 200.

      • tag_warnings : String

        Warnings encountered when processing tags for this Named User.

  • 400

    Parsing or validating the request failed. You will see this error if the same tag is present in both the add and remove fields.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Secure tag groups require master secret to modify tags, otherwise a 403 Forbidden response is returned.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


Segments are portions of your audience that have arbitrary metadata (e.g., tags, location data, etc.) attached. You can create, delete, update, or request information on a Segment via the /api/segments/ endpoint. Pushing to a Segment is done through the /api/push/ endpoint. See the Audience selection section for more information.

Segment listing


GET /api/segments/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <>;rel=next
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "next_page": "",
   "segments": [
         "creation_date": 1346248822221,
         "display_name": "A segment",
         "id": "00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b",
         "modification_date": 1346248822221
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SegmentListingRequest request = SegmentListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<SegmentListingResponse> response = client.execute(request);

// Get the first segment in the list
SegmentListingView segment = response.getBody().get().getSegmentListingViews().get(0);

// Get the segment display name
String displayName = segment.getDisplayName();

// Get the segment ID
String id = segment.getSegmentId();
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, SegmentList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# List all segments
segment_list = SegmentList(client)
for segment in segment_list:
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

segment_list = airship)

segment_list.each do |segment|

GET /api/segments

List all segments for the application.


  • limit : Integer

    Set the limit to 200 or fewer Segment objects per request.

    Max: 200


  • 200

    Returned on success a JSON object containing segments.

    • A link to the next page of results. If present, follow this URL to the next page of segments. Also available in the next_page value in the response body.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • next_page : String

        An optional relative URL which can be used to retrieve the next page of results. If no more results are available, next_page will be absent.

      • segments : Array [Object]REQUIRED

        An array of segments for the application.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • creation_date : IntegerREQUIRED

            The original creation date of Segment in epoch milliseconds.

          • display_name : StringREQUIRED

            The Segment display name.

          • id : StringREQUIRED

            A unique identifier for the Segment.

          • modification_date : IntegerREQUIRED

            Latest modification date of the Segment in epoch milliseconds.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create Segment


POST /api/segments HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "display_name": "News but not sports",
   "criteria": {
      "and": [
         {"tag": "news"},
            {"tag": "sports"}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true,
   "segment_id": "f35da41d-59c1-4106-a192-9594bd480cb6",
   "operation_id": "1d154121-951f-45b9-896d-e70718b5865b"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

// Define the segment criteria
Selector compound = Selectors.and(Selectors.tag("news"), Selectors.not(Selectors.tag("sports")));

SegmentRequest request = SegmentRequest.newRequest();
request.setDisplayName("News but not sports");

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Segment,
    tag, not_, and_

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create a new segment
segment = Segment()
segment.display_name = "News but not sports"
segment.criteria = and_(

# Create the segment
response = segment.create(client)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

segment = airship)
segment.display_name = 'Display Name'
segment.criteria = { 'tag' => 'existing_tag' }

POST /api/segments

Create a new Segment.


Request Body

A single Segment object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Segment object : Object

    A set of audience selection criteria that you can reuse as a segment.

    • criteria : AnyREQUIRED

      Defines the set of devices to send notifications to. criteria is a JSON expression containing the same information as the audience selector, including Event Segmentation. See Audience selection for more information.

      One of
      • Compound selector

        Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

      • Atomic selector

        Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

    • display_name : StringREQUIRED

      Human readable name for this Segment. This will be used in the dashboard.


  • 201

    The Segment was created.

    • Location : String

      The newly created Segment.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • ok : Boolean

        If true, the operation completed successfully and returns expected results.

      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying an API call, and can be used to identify operations in reporting and troubleshooting logs. Format: uuid

      • segment_id : String

        The ID of the newly created Segment. Format: uuid

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Segment lookup


GET /api/segments/00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "criteria": {
      "and": [
            "tag": "ipad"
            "not": {
               "tag": "foo"
   "display_name": "A segment"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SegmentLookupRequest request = SegmentLookupRequest.newRequest("00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b");
Response<SegmentView> response = client.execute(request);

// Get the segment criteria
Selector criteria = response.getBody().get().getCriteria();

// Get the segment display name
String displayName = response.getBody().get().getDisplayName();
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Segment

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Look up a segment by ID
segment = Segment()
response = segment.from_id(client, "00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b")
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

segment = airship)
details = segment.from_id(id: '00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b')

GET /api/segments/{segment_id}

Lookup a Segment.


  • segment_id : StringREQUIRED

    The Segment you want to retrieve.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A set of audience selection criteria that you can reuse as a segment.

      • criteria : AnyREQUIRED

        Defines the set of devices to send notifications to. criteria is a JSON expression containing the same information as the audience selector, including Event Segmentation. See Audience selection for more information.

        One of
        • Compound selector

          Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

        • Atomic selector

          Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

      • display_name : StringREQUIRED

        Human readable name for this Segment. This will be used in the dashboard.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update Segment


PUT /api/segments/00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "display_name": "Entertainment but not sports",
   "criteria": {
      "and": [
         {"tag": "entertainment"},
            {"tag": "sports"}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 65
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json;version=3

   "ok": true,
   "operation_id": "1f93ca85-b8fd-4833-8d1a-6e2b7f4ceea9"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

// Define the segment criteria
Selector compound = Selectors.and(Selectors.tag("entertainment"), Selectors.not(Selectors.tag("sports")));

SegmentRequest request = SegmentRequest.newUpdateRequest("00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b");
request.setDisplayName("Entertainment but not sports");

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Segment,
    tag, not_, and_

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Update an existing segment
segment = Segment()
segment.from_id(client, "00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b")

# Update segment properties
segment.display_name = "Entertainment but not sports"
segment.criteria = and_(

# Save the changes
response = segment.update(client)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

segment = airship)
segment.from_id(id: '00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b')
segment.display_name = 'New Display Name'
segment.criteria = { 'tag' => 'new_tag' }

PUT /api/segments/{segment_id}

Change the definition of the Segment.


Segmentation data is evaluated at send time. If you schedule a message that targets a Segment and then edit that Segment, the scheduled message automatically uses the updated Segment criteria. “Scheduled” includes recurring messages.


  • segment_id : StringREQUIRED

    The Segment you want to retrieve.

Request Body

A single Segment object.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Segment object : Object

    A set of audience selection criteria that you can reuse as a segment.

    • criteria : AnyREQUIRED

      Defines the set of devices to send notifications to. criteria is a JSON expression containing the same information as the audience selector, including Event Segmentation. See Audience selection for more information.

      One of
      • Compound selector

        Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

      • Atomic selector

        Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

    • display_name : StringREQUIRED

      Human readable name for this Segment. This will be used in the dashboard.


  • 200

    Returned if the Segment has been successfully updated.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete Segment


DELETE /api/segments/00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SegmentDeleteRequest request = SegmentDeleteRequest.newRequest("00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, Segment

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Delete a segment
segment = Segment()
segment.from_id(client, "00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b")
response = segment.delete(client)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

segment = airship)
segment.from_id(id: '00c0d899-a595-4c66-9071-bc59374bbe6b')

DELETE /api/segments/{segment_id}

Remove the Segment.


  • segment_id : StringREQUIRED

    The Segment you want to retrieve.


  • 204

    The delete operation was successful.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Attribute Lists

Define and manage attribute lists; upload corresponding attribute data in CSV format.

Retrieve lists


GET /api/attribute-lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: lists
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok": true,
  "lists": [
        "name": "ua_attributes_my_list",
        "description": "My first list",
        "extra": {
            "filename": "list.csv",
            "source": "crm"
        "created": "2020-05-13T21:41:25",
        "last_updated": "2020-05-13T21:45:17",
        "channel_count": 0,
        "error_path": "",
        "status": "ready"
        "name": "ua_attributes_another_list",
        "description": "My second list",
        "extra": {
            "filename": "list2.csv",
            "source": "api"
        "created": "2020-05-14T21:41:25",
        "last_updated": "2020-05-14T21:45:17",
        "channel_count": 0,
        "error_path": "",
        "status": "ready"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

AttributeListsListingRequest attributeListsListingRequest = AttributeListsListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<AttributeListsListingResponse> response = client.execute(attributeListsListingRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, AttributeList

client = BasicAuthClient(

listing = AttributeList.list(airship=client)

This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/attribute-lists

Retrieve information about all Attributes lists. This call returns a list of metadata that will not contain the actual lists of users.



  • 200

    Lists metadata retrieved successfully.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create Attributes list


POST /api/attribute-lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "ua_attributes_my_new_list",
  "description": "First of many attributes lists!",
  "extra": {
      "filename": "attributes.csv",
      "source": "CRM"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
AttributeListsCreateRequest attributeListsCreateRequest = AttributeListsCreateRequest.newRequest("ua_attributes_list")
        .addExtra("filename", "attributes.csv")

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(attributeListsCreateRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, AttributeList

client = BasicAuthClient(

attribute_list = AttributeList(
  description="First of many attributes lists!", 
      "filename": "attributes.csv",
      "source": "CRM"

This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/attribute-lists

Create a new Attributes list by defining it in the Airship system. The body of the request contains the name, description, and optional metadata for the list. After you define a list, you populate it with a call to the Upload Attribute List endpoint.


You must prefix Attribute list names with ua_attributes_.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    List metadata object : Object

    Contains all user-specified data when defining a static list or attributes list in Airship.

    • description : String

      An optional description for the list. Max length: 1000 Min length: 1

    • extra : Object

      An optional JSON map of up to 100 key-value (string-to-string) pairs associated with the list. Keys in this object have a 64-character maximum; values can be up to 1,024 characters.

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the list, consists of up to 64 URL-safe characters. The name is how the list is identified, so it should be unique and memorable.

      Note: Since the name portion of the URL may represent any Unicode string, it must be encoded properly as a URI path component. The encodeURIComponent function in JavaScript can be used. Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ Max length: 64 Min length: 1


  • 201

    The list was created successfully.

    • Location : String

      The URI of the list, used for later updates.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Malformed JSON payload.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Forbidden. Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., the API may not be used to create or modify lists with a ua_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 409

    The app has reached the maximum number of allowed lists (error_code 40906). A list with that name already exists (error_code 40907). List is already processing recently uploaded CSV (error_code 40910).

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Upload Attribute list


PUT /api/attribute-lists/ua_attributes_list/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: text/csv

channel_id,Magic Score,Preferred Sport
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
File dataDirectory = new File("src/data");
String filePath = dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/attributes_list.csv";
AttributeListsUploadRequest attributeListsUploadRequest = AttributeListsUploadRequest.newRequest("ua_attributes_list", filePath);

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(attributeListsUploadRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, AttributeList

client = BasicAuthClient(

attribute_list = AttributeList(
  description="example list", 

This operation is not currently supported.

Attribute list CSV upload for SMS

PUT /api/attribute-lists/ua_attributes_list/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: text/csv

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : true
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, AttributeList

client = BasicAuthClient(

attribute_list = AttributeList(
  description="example list", 


PUT /api/attribute-lists/{list_name}/csv

Upload a CSV that will set Attribute values on the specified channels or Named Users.

The first entry in the uploaded CSV must be a header row. The first field must be one of the following identifier types: channel_id, msisdn, named_user, email_address.

Only one identifier type is allowed per file unless the identifier type name matches a custom Attribute schema for the associated app key.

You must include both msisdn and sms_sender columns when targeting SMS or MMS channel types. See example to the right.

Uploads must be newline-delimited identifiers (text/CSV) as described in RFC 4180, with commas as the delimiter, optionally double-quoted values, UTF-8 encoded, and with CRLF or LF line separators.

Target typeRequired column headers
Open Channelchannel_id
Named Usernamed_user
  • msisdn (numeric and no leading 0)
  • sms_sender (numeric, e.g., 1234)
  • msisdn (numeric and no leading 0)
  • sms_sender (numeric, e.g., 1234)

Optional Fields: Opt-in dates can optionally be set for new channels when the identifier is an email_address or msisdn.

Target typeOptional column headers
SMSua_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)
MMSua_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)
  • ua_transactional_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)
  • ua_commercial_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)


The maximum number of rows that may be uploaded to a list is 10 million, and the maximum number of columns is 101 (1 identifier column and 100 Attribute or internal header columns). Content-Encoding: gzip is supported (and recommended) on this endpoint to reduce network traffic.


If your upload times out due to a poor connection, you must re-upload the list from scratch. Because we want to ensure that the entirety of a given list is successfully uploaded, we do not support partial list uploads.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list you want to retrieve or update.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: text/csv


    Format: binary


  • 202

    The list was uploaded successfully and is now being processed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed.

    Error codeDescription
    40002CSV contains too many identifiers
    40003CSV header contains too many columns
    40013CSV header’s first field must be an identifier
    40014CSV header contains an unknown Attribute name
    40015CSV header contains duplicate Attribute names
    40017CSV header contains duplicate column names
    40018CSV header does not contain required column for identifier type

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    The API may only be used to create or modify lists with a ua_attributes_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Download list errors


GET /api/attribute-lists/ua_attributes_list/errors HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+csv; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv

8b4de669-16f1-4e71-9a1f-0c62a8235a65,ERROR,"Unable to parse number: forty-two"
d5ebe607-a3e6-4601-b97e-83ec604223fe,ERROR,"Unable to parse date: monday"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

AttributeListsErrorsRequest attributeListsErrorsRequest = AttributeListsErrorsRequest.newRequest("ua_attributes_list");
Response<String> response = client.execute(attributeListsErrorsRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, AttributeList

client = BasicAuthClient(

attribute_list = AttributeList(
  description="example list", 

errors = attribute_list.get_errors()
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/attribute-lists/{list_name}/errors

During processing, after a list is uploaded, errors can occur. Depending on the type of list processing, an error file may be created, showing a user exactly what went wrong.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list.


  • 200

    The response will contain the errors found during list processing.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Contains all user-specified data about a static list or attributes list (metadata), but does not contain CSV list contents. Use the /api/lists/{name}/csv endpoints to upload or download list contents.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists or the list has not yet successfully processed an uploaded CSV.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Static Lists

With the Static List API endpoint, you can target and manage lists of devices that are defined in systems outside of Airship. Any list or grouping of devices for which the canonical source of data about the members is elsewhere is a good candidate for Static Lists, e.g., members of a customer loyalty program. In the dashboard, they are referred to as Uploaded Lists.

Airship automatically deletes a Static list and all its versions after 90 days of inactivity. Timestamps used to calculate the 90-day period are the creation date, when updating list contents or metadata, and when sending a message (pushing) to the list. The creation date is the initial day one of the 90-day period. Each instance of updating or sending to the list resets the timestamp to day one.

After automatic deletion or deleting from the Airship dashboard, the list is removed from the upload history, is no longer visible in the Airship dashboard or through API calls, and is no longer available for audience segmentation.

Retrieve lists


GET /api/lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: lists
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true,
   "lists" : [
         "name" : "platinum_members",
         "description" : "loyalty program platinum members",
         "extra" : { "key" : "value" },
         "created" : "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
         "last_modified" : "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
         "channel_count": 3145,
         "status": "ready"
         "name": "gold_members",
         "description": "loyalty program gold member",
         "extra": { "key": "value" },
         "created": "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
         "last_updated": "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
         "channel_count": 678,
         "status": "ready"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

StaticListListingRequest request = StaticListListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<StaticListListingResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticLists

client = BasicAuthClient(

# List all static lists
static_lists = StaticLists(client)
for static_list in static_lists:
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

static_lists = airship)

static_lists.each do |static_list|

GET /api/lists

Retrieve information about all static lists. This call returns a list of metadata that will not contain the actual lists of users.



  • 200

    Lists metadata retrieved successfully.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create list


POST /api/lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "name" : "platinum_members",
   "description" : "loyalty program platinum members",
   "extra" : {
      "key" : "value",
      "another" : "etc."
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

StaticListRequest request = StaticListRequest.newRequest("platinum_members")
                .setDescription("loyalty program platinum members")
                .addExtra("key", "value");

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Create a new static list
static_list = StaticList(
static_list.description = 'loyalty program platinum members'
static_list.extra = {'key': 'value'}

response = static_list.create()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

static_list = airship) = 'platinum_members'
static_list.create(description: 'loyalty program platinum members')

POST /api/lists

Create a static list. The body of the request will contain several of the list object parameters, but the actual list content will be provided by a second call to the upload endpoint. You can upload up to 100 lists per project.


Content-Encoding: gzip is supported (and recommended) on this endpoint to reduce network traffic.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    List response object

    Contains all user-specified data about a static list or attributes list (metadata), but does not contain CSV list contents. Use the /api/lists/{name}/csv endpoints to upload or download list contents.


  • 201

    The list was created successfully.

    • Location : String

      The URI of the list, used for later updates.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Forbidden. Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., the API may not be used to create or modify lists with a ua_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 409

    The app has reached the maximum number of allowed lists (error_code 40906). A list with that name already exists (error_code 40907). List is already processing recently uploaded CSV (error_code 40910).

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Get single list metadata


GET /api/lists/platinum_members/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Attribute: static_list
Link: <>; rel=next
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true,
   "name" : "platinum_members",
   "description" : "loyalty program platinum members",
   "extra" : { "key" : "value" },
   "created" : "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
   "last_updated" : "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
   "channel_count" : 1000,
   "status" : "ready"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

StaticListLookupRequest request = StaticListLookupRequest.newRequest("platinum_members");

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Look up a static list
static_list = StaticList(
response = static_list.lookup()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

static_list = airship) = 'platinum_members'

GET /api/lists/{list_name}

Retrieve information about one static list, specified in the URL. When looking up lists, the returned information may actually be a combination of values from both the last uploaded list and the last successfully processed list. If you create a list successfully, and then you update it and the processing step fails, then the list status will read failed, but the channel_count and last_modified fields will contain information on the last successfully processed list.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list.


  • 200

    List metadata retrieved successfully.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • description : String

        An optional description for the list. Max length: 1000 Min length: 1

      • extra : Object

        An optional JSON map of up to 100 key-value (string-to-string) pairs associated with the list. Keys in this object have a 64-character maximum; values can be up to 1,024 characters.

      • name : String

        The name of the list, consists of up to 64 URL-safe characters. The name is how the list is identified, so it should be unique and memorable. Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ Max length: 64 Min length: 1

      • ok : Boolean


  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update list metadata


PUT /api/lists/platinum_members HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "name" : "platinum_members",
   "description" : "loyalty program platinum members",
   "extra" : {
      "key" : "value"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

StaticListRequest request = StaticListRequest.newUpdateRequest("platinum_members")
                .setDescription("loyalty program platinum members")
                .addExtra("key", "value");

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Update an existing static list
static_list = StaticList(
static_list.description = 'loyalty program platinum members'
static_list.extra = {'key': 'value'}

response = static_list.update()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

static_list = airship) = 'platinum_members'
static_list.update(description: 'loyalty program platinum members')

PUT /api/lists/{list_name}

Update the metadata (description, extras, etc.) of a static list.


If you are trying to update the list contents, please see the list upload endpoint. The update endpoint is used to update a list’s metadata rather than the actual list of device identifiers.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list.

Request Body

The body of the request will contain a list metadata object, though you can omit the name attribute. If present, it must match the name provided in the URL. You cannot change the name of a list; it is the primary identifier for the list.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    List metadata object : Object

    Contains all user-specified data when defining a static list or attributes list in Airship.

    • description : String

      An optional description for the list. Max length: 1000 Min length: 1

    • extra : Object

      An optional JSON map of up to 100 key-value (string-to-string) pairs associated with the list. Keys in this object have a 64-character maximum; values can be up to 1,024 characters.

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the list, consists of up to 64 URL-safe characters. The name is how the list is identified, so it should be unique and memorable.

      Note: Since the name portion of the URL may represent any Unicode string, it must be encoded properly as a URI path component. The encodeURIComponent function in JavaScript can be used. Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ Max length: 64 Min length: 1


  • 200

    The list metadata was updated successfully.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed. error_code 40001: Attempted list rename. List renaming is not allowed.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Forbidden. Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., the API may not be used to create or modify lists with a ua_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete a list


DELETE /api/lists/platinum_members HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

StaticListDeleteRequest request = StaticListDeleteRequest.newRequest("platinum_members");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Delete a static list
static_list = StaticList(
response = static_list.delete()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

static_list = airship) = 'platinum_members'

DELETE /api/lists/{list_name}

Delete a static list.


If you are attempting to update a current list by deleting it and then recreating it with new data, stop and go to the upload endpoint. There is no need to delete a list before uploading a new CSV file. Moreover, once you delete a list, you will be unable to create a list with the same name as the deleted list.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list.


  • 204

    List was deleted successfully. (This response has no payload.)

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    You cannot delete or modify lists with a ua_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Download a list of channels


GET /api/lists/foobar/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+csv; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv

UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

StaticListDownloadRequest request = StaticListDownloadRequest.newRequest("foobar");
Response<String> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Download a static list
response =
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/lists/{list_name}/csv

Allows you to download the contents of a static list (as opposed to a GET /api/lists/{list_name}, which will return metadata about the list). The CSV output from this endpoint will only include entries originally uploaded as ios_channel, android_channel, or amazon_channel.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list you want to retrieve or update.


  • 200

    Returns a CSV list of channels.

    • Content-Type: text/csv

  • 403

    List is too large to download.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists or the list has not yet successfully processed an uploaded CSV.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update list contents


PUT /api/lists/platinum_members/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: text/csv

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

File dataDirectory = new File("src/data");
String filePath = dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/platinum.csv";
StaticListUploadRequest request = StaticListUploadRequest.newRequest("platinum_members", filePath);

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, StaticList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Upload a CSV file to a static list
static_list = StaticList(

with open('list.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
    response = static_list.upload(csv_file)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

static_list = airship) = 'platinum_members''csv_file', 'rb') do |csv|
    static_list.upload(csv_file: csv, gzip: false)

Example request with header row

PUT /api/lists/foobar/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: text/csv

Identifier Type,Identifier
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

PUT /api/lists/{list_name}/csv

Replace the contents of an existing static list via CSV file upload. Uploads must be newline-delimited identifiers (text/CSV) with commas as the delimiter.

The CSV format is two columns: identifier_type and identifier. The identifier is the associated identifier you wish to send to. The identifier_type must be one of:

  • named_user
  • ios_channel
  • android_channel
  • amazon_channel
  • sms_channel
  • email_channel
  • open_channel
  • web_channel

The first entry in the uploaded CSV may be a header row, which will be ignored. If present, the header row must contain exactly two entries, and the first column must not be an identifier_type as specified above.


The maximum number of identifier_type,identifier pairs that may be uploaded to a list is 10 million. Content-Encoding: gzip is supported (and recommended) on this endpoint to reduce network traffic.


If an attempt to upload a list times out due to a poor connection, you must re-upload the list from scratch. Because we want to ensure that the entirety of a given list is successfully uploaded, we do not support partial list uploads.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list you want to retrieve or update.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: text/csv


    Format: binary


  • 202

    The list was uploaded successfully and is now being processed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed.

    Error codeDescription
    40002CSV contains too many identifiers
    40003CSV contains an entry with a column count other than 2
    40004CSV contains an invalid identifier_type
    40005CSV contains a channel identifier that is not a valid UUID

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Forbidden. Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., the API may not be used to create or modify lists with a ua_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create and Send

Simultaneously send a notification to an audience of SMS, email, or open channel addresses and register channels for new addresses in your audience. Create and Send can help you immediately notify new open::, email, or sms contacts without having to wait for channel registration.

Addresses in the audience that are not yet associated with channels are registered as new channels. Addresses in the payload that are already registered to opted-in, or have an opted_in value that is newer than an opted_out value for their channel_id will still receive notifications, but are not registered as new channels.


You cannot update channel information or opt-in status from these endpoints. If you want to update channels, refer to the appropriate email, SMS, or open channel endpoints.

Create and Send

Example create-and-send using email

POST /api/create-and-send HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_address": "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22",
        "ua_open_tracking_opted_in": "2022-11-02T10:35:00",
        "ua_click_tracking_opted_in": "2022-11-02T10:36:00" 
        "ua_address" : "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10",
        "ua_open_tracking_opted_out": "2022-11-02T10:35:00",
        "ua_click_tracking_opted_out": "2022-11-02T10:36:00"
  "device_types" : [ "email" ],
  "notification" : {
    "email": {
      "subject": "Welcome to the Winter Sale! ",
      "html_body": "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
      "plaintext_body": "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
      "message_type": "commercial",
      "sender_name": "Airship",
      "sender_address": "",
      "reply_to": "",
      "click_tracking": false,
      "open_tracking": false
  "campaigns": {
      "categories": ["winter sale", "west coast"]
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

String htmlBodyString = "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>";
String plaintextBodyString = "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]";

EmailChannel newChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

EmailChannel benChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendAudience audience = new CreateAndSendAudience(EmailChannels.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendEmailPayload createAndSendEmailPayload = CreateAndSendEmailPayload.newBuilder()
        .setSubject("Welcome to the Winter Sale! ")

Notification notification = Notification.newBuilder()
        .addDeviceTypeOverride(DeviceType.EMAIL, createAndSendEmailPayload)

Campaigns campaign = Campaigns.newBuilder()
        .addCategory("winter sale")
        .addCategory("west coast")

CreateAndSendPayload payload = CreateAndSendPayload.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendRequest request = CreateAndSendRequest.newRequest(payload);
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, CreateAndSendPush, email, sms, mms, campaigns

client = BasicAuthClient(key='<app_key>', secret='<master_secret>')

# Create and send an email
push = CreateAndSendPush(client)
push.audience = {
    "create_and_send": [
            "ua_address": "",
            "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
            "ua_address": "",
            "ua_commercial_opted_out": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
            "ua_address": "",
            "ua_email_suppression_state": "BOUNCE"
push.device_types = ["email"]
push.notification = email(
    subject="Welcome to the Winter Sale!",
    html_body="<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
    plaintext_body="Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
        {"id": "0e10a6b9-725c-4f6b-9af2-9ef5b31328c0"},
        {"id": "5503b5fe-ed69-4609-bef6-6fef0e6e428f"}
push.campaigns = campaigns(categories=["winter sale", "west coast"])

response = push.send()
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_notification = airship)
email_notification.bypass_opt_in_level = false
email_notification.html_body = "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>"
email_notification.message_type = 'transactional'
email_notification.plaintext_body = 'Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]'
email_notification.reply_to = ''
email_notification.sender_address = ''
email_notification.sender_name = 'Airship'
email_notification.subject = 'Welcome to the Winter Sale!'
override = email_notification.email_override
send_it = airship)
send_it.addresses = [
    "ua_address": "",
    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
    "ua_address": "",
    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
send_it.device_types = [ "email" ]
send_it.campaigns = ["winter sale", "west coast"]
send_it.notification = email_notification.email_override

Example create-and-send with stored template

POST /api/create-and-send HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_address": "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22",
        "name": "New Person, Esq.",
        "location": "City, State"
        "ua_address" : "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10",
        "name": "Ben Wyatt",
        "location": "Pawnee, IN"
  "device_types": [
  "notification": {
      "email": {
        "bcc": [
        "message_type": "commercial",
        "reply_to": "",
        "sender_address": "",
        "sender_name": "Airship",
        "template": {
            "template_id": "9335bb2a-2a45-456c-8b53-42af7898236a"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "67c65146-c27f-431f-b54a-83aca694fdd3",
    "push_ids": [
    "message_ids": [],
    "content_urls": []
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

EmailChannel newChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

EmailChannel benChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendAudience audience = new CreateAndSendAudience(EmailChannels.newBuilder()

EmailTemplate template = EmailTemplate.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendEmailPayload createAndSendEmailPayload = CreateAndSendEmailPayload.newBuilder()

Notification notification = Notification.newBuilder()
        .addDeviceTypeOverride(DeviceType.EMAIL, createAndSendEmailPayload)

CreateAndSendPayload payload = CreateAndSendPayload.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendRequest request = CreateAndSendRequest.newRequest(payload);
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_notification = airship)
email_notification.message_type = 'transactional'
email_notification.reply_to = ''
email_notification.sender_address = ''
email_notification.sender_name = 'Airship'
email_notification.template_id = "9335bb2a-2a45-456c-8b53-42af7898236a"
inline_template = email_notification.email_with_inline_template
send_it = airship)
send_it.addresses = [
    "ua_address": "",
    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
    "ua_address": "",
    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
send_it.device_types = [ "email" ]
send_it.notification = inline_template

POST /api/create-and-send

Send a notification to an audience of SMS, email, or open channel addresses and simultaneously register new addresses in the audience as new channels. Addresses that are not yet associated with channels are registered as new channels. Addresses in the payload that are already registered to a channel_id and are either opted_in or have an opted_in value in the payload that is newer than the opted_out value associated with a channel will receive the notification, but are not re-registered as new channels. You cannot update opted_in values for existing channels through this endpoint.


Duplicate addresses in the create-and-send array might receive redundant notifications, or fewer notifications than expected. You should remove duplicate addresses from your request before sending a create-and-send notification.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Create and Send to email channels

      The payload for a Create and Send operation to email channels. When registering and sending to email channels, device_types must be set to email.

    • Create and Send to SMS channels

      The payload for a Create and Send operation to SMS channels. When registering and sending to SMS channels, device_types must be set to sms.

    • Create and Send MMS notification

      The payload for a Create and Send operation that registers SMS channels and sends a multimedia payload (MMS). When sending an MMS payload, device_types must be set to mms.

    • Create and Send to open channels

      When registering and sending to open channels, the device_type must be set to open::<open_channel_name>.


  • 202

    Because this operation sends messages, a successful response is nearly identical to a /api/push response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      A push response contains a list of identifiers for the notifications sent in the request.

      • content_urls : Array [String]

        An array of URLs where the push payload contains a landing page action. Max items: 100

      • localized_ids : Array [String]

        An array of identifiers used for reporting. Each ID represents a localized message (push object with localizations array).

      • message_ids : Array [String]

        An array of message IDs, each uniquely identifying a Message Center message.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

      • push_ids : Array [String]

        An array of push IDs, each uniquely identifying a push. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

  • 400

    You can only create-and-send to a single platform per request. Attempting to register channels and send notifications for multiple device_types in the same request will cause a 400 response.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Validate Create and Send payload

Example validating create-and-send payload

POST /api/create-and-send/validate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_address": "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
        "ua_address" : "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
  "device_types" : [ "email" ],
  "notification" : {
    "email": {
      "subject": "Welcome to the Winter Sale! ",
      "html_body": "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
      "plaintext_body": "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
      "message_type": "commercial",
      "sender_name": "Airship",
      "sender_address": "",
      "reply_to": ""
  "campaigns": {
      "categories": ["winter sale", "west coast"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

String htmlBodyString = "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>";
String plaintextBodyString = "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]";

EmailChannel newChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

EmailChannel benChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendAudience audience = new CreateAndSendAudience(EmailChannels.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendEmailPayload createAndSendEmailPayload = CreateAndSendEmailPayload.newBuilder()
        .setSubject("Welcome to the Winter Sale! ")

Notification notification = Notification.newBuilder()
        .addDeviceTypeOverride(DeviceType.EMAIL, createAndSendEmailPayload)

Campaigns campaign = Campaigns.newBuilder()
        .addCategory("winter sale")
        .addCategory("west coast")

CreateAndSendPayload payload = CreateAndSendPayload.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendRequest request = CreateAndSendRequest.newRequest(payload)
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(request);
This operation is not currently supported.
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_notification = airship)
email_notification.bypass_opt_in_level = false
email_notification.html_body = "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>"
email_notification.message_type = 'transactional'
email_notification.plaintext_body = 'Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]'
email_notification.reply_to = ''
email_notification.sender_address = ''
email_notification.sender_name = 'Airship'
email_notification.subject = 'Welcome to the Winter Sale!'
override = email_notification.email_override
send_it = airship)
send_it.addresses = [
    "ua_address": "",
    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
send_it.device_types = [ "email" ]
send_it.campaigns = ["winter sale", "west coast"]
send_it.notification = email_notification.email_override

POST /api/create-and-send/validate

Validate a create-and-send payload. This endpoint will not create channels or send notifications; it only parses and validates your payload.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Create and Send to email channels

      The payload for a Create and Send operation to email channels. When registering and sending to email channels, device_types must be set to email.

    • Create and Send to SMS channels

      The payload for a Create and Send operation to SMS channels. When registering and sending to SMS channels, device_types must be set to sms.

    • Create and Send MMS notification

      The payload for a Create and Send operation that registers SMS channels and sends a multimedia payload (MMS). When sending an MMS payload, device_types must be set to mms.

    • Create and Send to open channels

      When registering and sending to open channels, the device_type must be set to open::<open_channel_name>.


  • 200

    The payload was valid.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Schedule a Create and Send operation

Example scheduled create-and-send

POST /api/schedules/create-and-send HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "schedule": {
    "scheduled_time" : "2020-11-11T12:00:00"
  "name" : "scheduled winter sale email",
  "push" : {
    "audience": {
      "create_and_send" : [
          "ua_address": "",
          "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
          "ua_address" : "",
          "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
    "device_types" : [ "email" ],
    "notification" : {
      "email": {
        "subject": "Welcome to the Winter Sale! ",
        "html_body": "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
        "plaintext_body": "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
        "message_type": "commercial",
        "sender_name": "Airship",
        "sender_address": "",
        "reply_to": ""
    "campaigns": {
        "categories": ["winter sale", "west coast"]
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok": true,
  "operation_id": "67c65146-c27f-431f-b54a-83aca694fdd3",
  "push_ids": [
  "schedule_urls": [
  "schedules": [
        "push": {
            "audience": {
              "create_and_send": [
                    "ua_address": "",
                    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
                    "ua_address": "",
                    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
            "device_types": [
            "notification": {
              "campaigns": {
                  "categories": [
                    "winter sale",
                    "west coast"
              "email": {
                  "html_body": "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
                  "message_type": "commercial",
                  "plaintext_body": "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
                  "reply_to": "",
                  "sender_address": "",
                  "sender_name": "Airship",
                  "subject": "Welcome to the Winter Sale! "
        "schedule": {
            "scheduled_time": "2020-11-11T12:00:00"
        "url": "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/2d69320c-3c91-5241-fac4-248269eed109"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

String htmlBodyString = "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>";
String plaintextBodyString = "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]";

EmailChannel newChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

EmailChannel benChannel = EmailChannel.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendAudience audience = new CreateAndSendAudience(EmailChannels.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendEmailPayload createAndSendEmailPayload = CreateAndSendEmailPayload.newBuilder()
        .setSubject("Welcome to the Winter Sale! ")

Notification notification = Notification.newBuilder()
        .addDeviceTypeOverride(DeviceType.EMAIL, createAndSendEmailPayload)

Campaigns campaign = Campaigns.newBuilder()
        .addCategory("winter sale")
        .addCategory("west coast")

CreateAndSendPayload payload = CreateAndSendPayload.newBuilder()

CreateAndSendSchedulePayload schedulePayload = CreateAndSendSchedulePayload.newBuilder()
        .setName("scheduled winter sale email")

CreateAndSendScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = CreateAndSendScheduleRequest.newRequest(schedulePayload)
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(scheduleRequest);
This operation is not currently supported.
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

email_notification = airship)
email_notification.bypass_opt_in_level = false
email_notification.html_body = "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>"
email_notification.message_type = 'transactional'
email_notification.plaintext_body = 'Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]'
email_notification.reply_to = ''
email_notification.sender_address = ''
email_notification.sender_name = 'Airship'
email_notification.subject = 'Welcome to the Winter Sale!'
override = email_notification.email_override
send_it = airship)
send_it.addresses = [
    "ua_address": "",
    "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-10-28T10:34:22"
send_it.device_types = [ "email" ]
send_it.campaigns = ["winter sale", "west coast"]
send_it.notification = email_notification.email_override = "scheduled winter sale email"
send_it.scheduled_time = "2020-12-08T11:06:00"

POST /api/schedules/create-and-send

Schedule a notification to an audience of SMS, email, or open channel addresses and simultaneously register those addresses as new channels. Addresses that are not yet associated with channels are registered as new channels. Addresses in the payload that are already registered to a channel_id and are either opted_in or have an opted_in value in the payload that is newer than the opted_out value associated with a channel will receive the notification, but are not re-registered as new channels.

You cannot update opted_in values for existing channels through this endpoint.


Duplicate addresses in the create-and-send array might receive redundant notifications, or fewer notifications than expected. You should remove duplicate addresses from your request before scheduling a create-and-send notification.


Request Body

The request is much like other create-and-send operations, with a leading schedule object. The standard create-and-send payload sits inside a push object.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • name : String

      A name for the schedule.

    • push : AnyREQUIRED

      One of
      • Create and Send to email channels

        The payload for a Create and Send operation to email channels. When registering and sending to email channels, device_types must be set to email.

      • Create and Send to SMS channels

        The payload for a Create and Send operation to SMS channels. When registering and sending to SMS channels, device_types must be set to sms.

      • Create and Send MMS notification

        The payload for a Create and Send operation that registers SMS channels and sends a multimedia payload (MMS). When sending an MMS payload, device_types must be set to mms.

      • Create and Send to open channels

        When registering and sending to open channels, the device_type must be set to open::<open_channel_name>.

    • schedule : ObjectREQUIRED

      Similar to other schedule objects. However, create-and-send requests support scheduled_time only.

      • scheduled_time : StringREQUIRED

        The date-time when you want to perform your create-and-send operation. Users will receive the notification as soon as possible after the specified date-time. Format: date-time


  • 202

    Because this operation sends messages, a successful response is nearly identical to a /api/push response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      A push response contains a list of identifiers for the notifications sent in the request.

      • content_urls : Array [String]

        An array of URLs where the push payload contains a landing page action. Max items: 100

      • localized_ids : Array [String]

        An array of identifiers used for reporting. Each ID represents a localized message (push object with localizations array).

      • message_ids : Array [String]

        An array of message IDs, each uniquely identifying a Message Center message.

      • ok : Boolean


      • operation_id : String

        A unique string identifying the operation, useful for reporting and troubleshooting. Format: uuid

      • push_ids : Array [String]

        An array of push IDs, each uniquely identifying a push. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

  • 400

    You can only create-and-send to a single platform per request. Attempting to register channels and send notifications for multiple device_types in the same request will cause a 400 response.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 413

    The request included a payload larger than the maximum size of 5 MiB.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


The Airship Reports APIs are available in only certain account plans. Please contact Support or your Account Manager if you are unable to use them for an app key that you believe is on an appropriate plan.

Activity log report

Example (response truncated)

GET /api/reports/activity/details?start=2020-06-02T20:47:20&end=2023-01-31T20:47:20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "app_key": "Wz9d8TlSWk0lZTAwzHA2qc",
    "start": "2020-06-02T20:47:20",
    "end": "2023-01-31T20:47:20",
    "limit": 10,
    "next_page": "",
    "activities": [
            "push_id": "ecb8eaf0-0430-4dfa-93d8-c3149f479d96",
            "timestamp": "2023-01-31 20:47:20",
            "type": "GROUP",
            "experiment": true,
            "details": {
                "interaction": {
                    "web": {
                        "clicks": 20,
                        "sessions": 13
                    "app": {
                        "influenced": 13,
                        "direct": 12,
                        "indirect": 10,
                        "rich_read": 5
                "delivery": {
                    "web": {
                        "total": 13
                    "app": {
                        "silent": 125,
                        "alerting": 13,
                        "rich": 5,
                        "in_app": {
                            "impressions": 10,
                            "impressions_opted_in": 5,
                            "impressions_opted_out": 5
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/activity/details

Returns the activity log data, including non-unicast pushes. The series begins with the earliest time given in which the group of pushes were sent.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • limit : Integer

    Number of results to return per request. Defaults to 100. Results paginate if requesting narrow precision over a long period of time.

    Min: 1


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The activity log data.

      • activities : Array [Object]

        An array of activity log data.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • The activity log data.

          • delivery : Object

            • app : Object

              • alerting : Integer

                The number of alerting pushes sent.

              • in_app : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • impressions : Integer

                  The number of impressions from the push.

                • impressions_opted_in : Integer

                  The number of opted in impressions from the push.

                • impressions_opted_out : Integer

                  The number of opted out impressions from the push.

              • rich : Integer

                The number of rich pushes sent.

              • silent : Integer

                The number of silent pushes sent.

            • web : Object

              • total : Integer

                The number of web pushes delivered.

          • details : Object

            • interaction : Object

              • app : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct : Integer

                  The number of direct opens of your app.

                • indirect : Integer

                  The number of indirect opens of your app.

                • influenced : Integer

                  The number of influenced opens of your app.

                • rich_read : Integer

                  The number of app rich messages read.

              • web : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • clicks : Integer

                  The number of direct clicks on the web notification.

                • sessions : Integer

                  The number of sessions created during the specified timeframe.

          • experiment : Boolean

            A boolean value indicating whether or not the push is an experiment.

          • push_id : String

            Unique identifier that represents a specific push message delivery. Format: uuid

          • timestamp : String

            A date-time for the end of the report. Format: date-time

          • type : String

            The type of push. GROUP is for a group message, like push to local time or automation. PUSH is for other pushes.

            Possible values: PUSH, GROUP

      • app_key : String

        The app key for the application.

      • end : String

        The end date-time for the report. Format: date-time

      • limit : Integer

        The optional limit for the number of entries to return per request. Defaults to 100.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • start : String

        The start date-time for the report. Format: date-time

Devices report


GET /api/reports/devices?date=2020-08-28T00:00:00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "total_unique_devices": 13186,
    "date_closed": "2020-08-28 00:00:00",
    "date_computed": "2020-08-29 13:30:45",
    "counts": {
        "ios": {
            "unique_devices": 231,
            "opted_in": 142,
            "opted_out": 89,
            "uninstalled": 2096
        "android": {
            "unique_devices": 11795,
            "opted_in": 226,
            "opted_out": 11569,
            "uninstalled": 1069
        "amazon": {
            "unique_devices": 29,
            "opted_in": 22,
            "opted_out": 7,
            "uninstalled": 9
        "sms": {
            "unique_devices": 26,
            "opted_in": 23,
            "opted_out": 3,
            "uninstalled": 17
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

DevicesReportRequest request = DevicesReportRequest.newRequest()

Response<DevicesReportResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, DevicesReport

client = BasicAuthClient(
date = datetime(2020, 8, 28)
response = DevicesReport(airship=client).get(date=date)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

d = airship)
devices = d.get(date: '2020/08/28')

GET /api/reports/devices

Get an app’s opted-in and installed device counts by device type.


  • date : StringREQUIRED

    All device events counted occurred before this date-time.

    Format: date-time


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the device counts in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for the device report.

      • counts : Object

        The counts for each device type.

        • amazon : Object

          The count object for a device type.

          • opted_in : Integer

            Opted in to receiving push notifications.

          • opted_out : Integer

            Opted out of receiving push notifications.

          • uninstalled : Integer

            Devices for which Reports has seen an uninstall event.

          • unique_devices : Integer

            Devices considered by Airship Reports to have the app installed.

        • android : Object

          The count object for a device type.

          • opted_in : Integer

            Opted in to receiving push notifications.

          • opted_out : Integer

            Opted out of receiving push notifications.

          • uninstalled : Integer

            Devices for which Reports has seen an uninstall event.

          • unique_devices : Integer

            Devices considered by Airship Reports to have the app installed.

        • ios : Object

          The count object for a device type.

          • opted_in : Integer

            Opted in to receiving push notifications.

          • opted_out : Integer

            Opted out of receiving push notifications.

          • uninstalled : Integer

            Devices for which Reports has seen an uninstall event.

          • unique_devices : Integer

            Devices considered by Airship Reports to have the app installed.

      • date_closed : String

        All device events counted occurred before this date-time. Format: date-time

      • date_computed : String

        The date-time the device event data was tallied and stored. Format: date-time

      • total_unique_devices : Integer

        Sum of the unique devices for every device type.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Custom Events detail listing


GET /api/reports/events?start=2020-08-01T10:00:00.000Z&end=2020-08-15T20:00:00.000Z&precision=MONTHLY&page_size=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "total_value": 2,
    "total_count": 709,
    "next_page": "",
    "events": [
            "name": "banner_image",
            "conversion": "indirect",
            "location": "ua_mcrap",
            "count": 1,
            "value": 1
            "name": "bounce",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "location": "custom",
            "count": 23,
            "value": 0
            "name": "button-click-Do it ",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "location": "in_app_message",
            "count": 1,
            "value": 0
            "name": "button-click-Get Notifications",
            "conversion": "unattributed",
            "location": "in_app_message",
            "count": 3,
            "value": 0
            "name": "button-click-RATE NOW",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "location": "in_app_message",
            "count": 1,
            "value": 0
            "name": "button-click-Rate the app.",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "location": "in_app_message",
            "count": 1,
            "value": 0
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

DateTime startDate = DateTime.parse("2022-01-01T10:00:00");
DateTime endDate =  DateTime.parse("2023-01-01T10:00:00");

CustomEventsDetailsListingRequest customEventsDetailsListingRequest = CustomEventsDetailsListingRequest
        .newRequest(startDate, endDate)

Response<CustomEventsDetailsListingResponse> response = client.execute(customEventsDetailsListingRequest);
List<CustomEventsDetailResponse> customEventsDetailResponses = response.getBody().get().getEvents().get();
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, CustomEventsList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 8, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 8, 15)
for event in CustomEventsList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision='MONTHLY'):
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/events

Get a summary of Custom Event counts and values, by Custom Event, within the specified time period.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : String

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY

  • page : Integer

    Identifies the desired page number. Defaults to 1. If page is given a negative or out of bounds value, the default value will be used.

  • page_size : Integer

    Specifies how many results to return per page. Has a default value of 25 and a maximum value of 100.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the events in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for Custom Events detail listing.

      • events : Array [Object]

        An array of Custom Events and its details.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Detail information about the Custom Event, including its counts and values.

          • conversion : String

            The type of conversion. direct means the conversion happened during an app session that started by tapping a push notification (direct open). indirect means the conversion happened during an app session that wasn’t direct, or was submitted by the app via API, and occurred within 12 hours of receiving a push.

            Possible values: direct, indirect

          • count : Integer

            Number of instances of this event.

          • location : String

            The source from which the event originates, e.g., Message Center, Landing Page, custom, etc.

          • name : String

            The name of the Custom Event.

          • value : Integer

            The value generated by the event.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • ok : Boolean


      • prev_page : String

        Link to the previous page, if available. Format: url

      • total_count : Integer

        Sum of all the count fields in the above array.

      • total_value : Integer

        Sum of all the value fields in the above array.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Custom Events per group summary

Example request

GET /api/reports/events/summary/pergroup/8bd09679-f672-4783-a31a-d4e516f9e99c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

Response with Group ID parameter

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "group_id": "8bd09679-f672-4783-a31a-d4e516f9e99c",
    "events": [
            "name": "custom_event_name",
            "location": "custom",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "count": 4,
            "value": 16.4
    "total_count": 12,
    "total_value": 321.2,
    "next_page": "",
    "prev_page": ""

GET /api/reports/events/summary/pergroup/{group_id}

Get a summary of Custom Event counts and values associated with the provided Push ID. Includes all Custom Events from the time of the push up to current time.


  • variant : Integer

    Variant number (0 to 25), or -1 for control events.

  • page : Integer

    Identifies the desired page number. Defaults to 1. If page is given a negative or out of bounds value, the default value will be used.

  • page_size : Integer

    Specifies how many results to return per page. Has a default value of 25 and a maximum value of 100.

  • group_id : StringREQUIRED

    The UUID for the requested group push ID.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the events in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for Custom Events per group.

      All of
      • Object

        • group_id : String

          The UUID representing a specific group push. Format: uuid

      • Object

        The response body for Custom Events per push or per group.

        • events : Array [Object]

          An array of Custom Events and its details.

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Detail information about the Custom Event, including its counts and values.

            • conversion : String

              The type of conversion. direct means the conversion happened during an app session that started by tapping a push notification (direct open). indirect means the conversion happened during an app session that wasn’t direct, or was submitted by the app via API, and occurred within 12 hours of receiving a push.

              Possible values: direct, indirect

            • count : Integer

              Number of instances of this event.

            • location : String

              The source from which the event originates, e.g., Message Center, Landing Page, custom, etc.

            • name : String

              The name of the Custom Event.

            • value : Integer

              The value generated by the event.

        • next_page : String

          There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Will only be present if there are successive pages. Format: url

        • ok : Boolean


        • prev_page : String

          Link to the previous page, if available. Will only be present if there are preceding pages. Format: url

        • total_count : Integer

          Sum of all the count fields in the above array.

        • total_value : Integer

          Sum of all the value fields in the above array.

        • variant : Integer

          Variant number (0 to 25) or -1 for control events.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Custom Events per push summary

Example request

GET /api/reports/events/summary/perpush/8bd09679-f672-4783-a31a-d4e516f9e99c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

Response with Push ID parameter

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "push_id": "8bd09679-f672-4783-a31a-d4e516f9e99c",
    "events": [
            "name": "custom_event_name",
            "location": "custom",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "count": 4,
            "value": 16.4
    "total_count": 12,
    "total_value": 321.2,
    "next_page": "",
    "prev_page": ""

Response with variant parameter

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "push_id": "8bd09679-f672-4783-a31a-d4e516f9e99c",
    "variant": 1,
    "events": [
            "name": "custom_event_name",
            "location": "custom",
            "conversion": "direct",
            "count": 4,
            "value": 16.4
    "total_count": 12,
    "total_value": 321.2,
    "next_page": "",
    "prev_page": ""

GET /api/reports/events/summary/perpush/{push_id}

Get a summary of Custom Event counts and values associated with the provided Push ID. Includes all Custom Events from the time of the push up to current time.


  • variant : Integer

    Variant number (0 to 25), or -1 for control events.

  • page : Integer

    Identifies the desired page number. Defaults to 1. If page is given a negative or out of bounds value, the default value will be used.

  • page_size : Integer

    Specifies how many results to return per page. Has a default value of 25 and a maximum value of 100.

  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The UUID for the requested push.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the events in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      The response body for Custom Events per push.

      All of
      • Object

        • push_id : String

          The UUID representing a specific push. Format: uuid

      • Object

        The response body for Custom Events per push or per group.

        • events : Array [Object]

          An array of Custom Events and its details.

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Detail information about the Custom Event, including its counts and values.

            • conversion : String

              The type of conversion. direct means the conversion happened during an app session that started by tapping a push notification (direct open). indirect means the conversion happened during an app session that wasn’t direct, or was submitted by the app via API, and occurred within 12 hours of receiving a push.

              Possible values: direct, indirect

            • count : Integer

              Number of instances of this event.

            • location : String

              The source from which the event originates, e.g., Message Center, Landing Page, custom, etc.

            • name : String

              The name of the Custom Event.

            • value : Integer

              The value generated by the event.

        • next_page : String

          There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Will only be present if there are successive pages. Format: url

        • ok : Boolean


        • prev_page : String

          Link to the previous page, if available. Will only be present if there are preceding pages. Format: url

        • total_count : Integer

          Sum of all the count fields in the above array.

        • total_value : Integer

          Sum of all the value fields in the above array.

        • variant : Integer

          Variant number (0 to 25) or -1 for control events.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Experiment variant report


GET /api/reports/experiment/detail/b43ae1b2-3ff6-4c02-adb2-79deac0bbb19/2 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "app_key": "some_app_key",
    "experiment_id": "a7806815-6483-4cb9-9d74-bc3b4f3dc1b8",
    "push_id": "b43ae1b2-3ff6-4c02-adb2-79deac0bbb19",
    "created": "2020-02-25 23:03:12",
    "variant": 2,
    "variant_name": "thing_two",
    "sends": 64,
    "direct_responses": 3,
    "influenced_responses": 1,
    "platforms": {
        "android": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 0,
            "sends": 22
        "ios": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 36
        "amazon": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 0,
            "sends": 0
        "web": {
            "direct_responses": 3,
            "indirect_responses": 0,
            "sends": 6
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ExperimentVariantReportRequest experimentVariantReportRequest = ExperimentVariantReportRequest.newRequest("b43ae1b2-3ff6-4c02-adb2-79deac0bbb19", "1");
Response<ExperimentVariantReportResponse> response = client.execute(experimentVariantReportRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ExperimentReport

client = BasicAuthClient(

experiment_report = ExperimentReport(airship=client)
variant_report = experiment_report.get_variant(
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/experiment/detail/{push_id}/{variant_id}

Returns statistics and metadata about a specific variant in an experiment (A/B Test).


  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The push_id of the requested experiment.

    Format: uuid

  • variant_id : IntegerREQUIRED

    The specific variant you want to return results for.

    Max: 26 Min: 1


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      • app_key : String

        The app key for the given push_id.

      • created : String

        The date-time when the variant was created. Format: date-time

      • direct_responses : Integer

        The number of direct responses to the variant.

      • experiment_id : String

        ID of the experiment that the variant belongs to. Format: uuid

      • influenced_responses : Integer

        The total number of influenced responses to the variant.

      • platforms : Object

        • amazon : Object

          • direct_responses : Integer

            The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the variant notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

          • influenced_responses : Integer

            The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

          • sends : Integer

            The total number of audience members that accounted the variant on the specified platform.

        • android : Object

          • direct_responses : Integer

            The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the variant notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

          • influenced_responses : Integer

            The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

          • sends : Integer

            The total number of audience members that accounted the variant on the specified platform.

        • ios : Object

          • direct_responses : Integer

            The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the variant notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

          • influenced_responses : Integer

            The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

          • sends : Integer

            The total number of audience members that accounted the variant on the specified platform.

        • web : Object

          • direct_responses : Integer

            The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the variant notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

          • influenced_responses : Integer

            The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

          • sends : Integer

            The total number of audience members that accounted the variant on the specified platform.

      • push_id : String

        The specific push_id that the variant belonged to. Format: uuid

      • variant : Integer

        The individual variant you want to return results for. Variants are ordered 1-26 in the order that they are arranged in the variants array when you created the experiment. Max: 26 Min: 1

      • variant_name : String

        The name of the variant specified in the endpoint.

Experiment overview report


GET /api/reports/experiment/overview/b43ae1b2-3ff6-4c02-adb2-79deac0bbb19 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "app_key": "some_app_key",
   "experiment_id": "a7806815-6483-4cb9-9d74-bc3b4f3dc1b8",
   "push_id": "b43ae1b2-3ff6-4c02-adb2-79deac0bbb19",
   "created": "2020-02-25 23:03:12",
   "sends": 532,
   "direct_responses": 50,
   "influenced_responses": 60,
   "web_clicks": 6,
   "web_sessions": 8,
   "variants": [
         "id" : 0,
         "name": "call to action",
         "audience_pct": 45.0,
         "sends": 238,
         "direct_responses": 32,
         "direct_response_pct": 13.44,
         "indirect_responses": 0,
         "indirect_response_pct": 0.0
         "id" : 1,
         "name": "gentle reminder",
         "audience_pct": 45.0,
         "sends": 251,
         "direct_responses": 20,
         "direct_response_pct": 7.97,
         "indirect_responses": 4,
         "indirect_response_pct": 1.59
   "control": {
     "audience_pct": 10.0,
     "sends": 50,
     "responses": 1,
     "response_rate_pct": 2.0
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ExperimentOverviewReportRequest experimentOverviewReportRequest = ExperimentOverviewReportRequest.newRequest("4b83d756-cc64-45e0-b140-3f5ec04170fb");
Response<ExperimentOverviewReportResponse> response = client.execute(experimentOverviewReportRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ExperimentReport

client = BasicAuthClient(

experiment_report = ExperimentReport(airship=client)
overview_report = experiment_report.get_overview(
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/experiment/overview/{push_id}

Returns statistics and metadata about an experiment (A/B Test).


  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The push_id of the requested experiment.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      • app_key : String

        The app key for the given push_id.

      • control : Object

        JSON object describing the control group, i.e., those devices that receive no notification, for the experiment.

        • audience_pct : Number

          The percentage of the total audience belonging to the control group.

        • response_rate_pct : Number

          The response rate from the control group.

        • responses : Integer

          The number of responses from the control group.

        • sends : Integer

          The number of pushes sent to native mobile platforms, e.g., iOS. Exclusive of open_channel_sends, which are broken out under open_channel_sends.

      • direct_responses : Integer

        The number of direct responses to the experiment.

      • experiment_id : String

        ID for the requested experiment. Format: uuid

      • influenced_responses : Integer

        The number of influenced responses to the experiment.

      • variants : Object

        Single variant reporting object or array of variant reporting objects, including associated metadata, audience percentage and response statistics.

        • audience_pct : Number

        • direct_response_pct : Number

          The percentage direct responses to the notification measured by the SDK.

        • direct_responses : Integer

          The number of direct responses to the variant measured by the SDK.

        • id : Integer

        • indirect_response_pct : Number

          The percentage indirect responses to the notification measured by the SDK.

        • indirect_responses : Integer

          The number of indirect responses to the variant measured by the SDK.

        • name : String

        • sends : Integer

          The number of pushes sent SDK-supporting platforms, e.g., iOS, Android, and Web. Exclusive of open_channel_sends, which are broken out under open_channel_sends.

      • web_clicks : Integer

        The number of web notifications that the audience clicked on.

      • web_sessions : Integer

        The total number of web sessions that resulted in a notification. Use in conjunction with web_clicks to determine the effectiveness of your web notification experiments.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

App opens report


GET /api/reports/opens?start=2020-08-01T10:00&end=2020-08-15T20:00&precision=MONTHLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "opens": [
            "date": "2020-08-01 00:00:00",
            "ios": 350,
            "android": 250
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PlatformStatsRequest request = PlatformStatsRequest.newRequest(PlatformStatsRequestType.APP_OPENS)

Response<PlatformStatsResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, AppOpensList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 8, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 8, 15)
for open in AppOpensList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision='DAILY'):
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

listing =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020-08-01',
    end_date: '2020-08-15',
    precision: 'MONTHLY')
listing.each do |app_opens|

GET /api/reports/opens

Get the number of users who have opened your app within the specified time period.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : StringREQUIRED

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the app opens in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for app opens report.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • opens : Array [Object]

        An array of App opens objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • android : Integer

            The number of app opens for Android.

          • date : String

            The date-time of when the users opened your app. Format: date-time

          • ios : Integer

            The number of app opens for iOS.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Opt-in report


GET /api/reports/optins?start=2020-08-01T10:00&end=2020-08-15T20:00&precision=MONTHLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "optins": [
         "android": 50,
         "date": "2020-05-01 00:00:00",
         "ios": 500
   "next_page": ""
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PlatformStatsRequest request = PlatformStatsRequest.newRequest(PlatformStatsRequestType.OPT_INS)

Response<PlatformStatsResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, OptInList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 8, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 8, 15)
for opt_in in OptInList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision='DAILY'):
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

listing =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020-08-01',
    end_date: '2020-08-15',
    precision: 'MONTHLY')
listing.each do |opt_ins|

GET /api/reports/optins

Get the number of opted-in Push users who access the app within the specified time period.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : StringREQUIRED

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the opt-ins in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for opt-in report.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • optins : Array [Object]

        An array of OptIn objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • android : Integer

            The number of users who opt-in for Android.

          • date : String

            The date-time of when the users opt-in. Format: date-time

          • ios : Integer

            The number of users who opt-in for iOS.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Opt-out report


GET /api/reports/optouts?start=2020-08-01T10:00&end=2020-08-15T20:00&precision=MONTHLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "optouts": [
         "android": 5,
         "date": "2020-05-01 00:00:00",
         "ios": 25
   "next_page": ""
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PlatformStatsRequest request = PlatformStatsRequest.newRequest(PlatformStatsRequestType.OPT_OUTS)

Response<PlatformStatsResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, OptOutList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 8, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 8, 15)
for opt_out in OptOutList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision='DAILY'):
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

listing =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020-08-01',
    end_date: '2020-08-15',
    precision: 'MONTHLY')
listing.each do |opt_outs|

GET /api/reports/optouts

Get the number of opted-out Push users who access the app within the specified time period.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : StringREQUIRED

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the opt-outs in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for opt-out report.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • optouts : Array [Object]

        An array of OptOut objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • android : Integer

            The number of users who opt-out for Android.

          • date : String

            The date-time of when the users opt-out. Format: date-time

          • ios : Integer

            The number of users who opt-out for iOS.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Per group push detail report


GET /api/reports/pergroup/detail/57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "app_key": "some_app_key",
    "group_id": "57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97",
    "created": "2023-07-25 23:03:12",
    "rich_deletions": 0,
    "rich_responses": 0,
    "rich_sends": 0,
    "sends": 103,
    "alerting_sends": 103,
    "silent_sends": 0,
    "direct_responses": 0,
    "influenced_responses": 3,
    "platforms": {
        "android": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 0,
            "sends": 22
        "ios": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 36
        "amazon": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 5
        "web": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 40
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/pergroup/detail/{group_id}

Returns statistics and other information for a given group push message.


  • group_id : StringREQUIRED

    The group_id of the requested report.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for detail reporting per push group.

      All of
      • Object

        • group_id : String

          The UUID representing a specific group push. Format: uuid

      • Object

        The response body for detail reporting per push or per group.

        • alerting_sends : Integer

          The number of alerting sends.

        • app_key : String

          The app key for the given push.

        • created : String

          The date-time when the push was created. Format: date-time

        • direct_responses : Integer

          The number of direct responses.

        • influenced_responses : Integer

          The total number of influenced responses.

        • platforms : Object

          • amazon : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

          • android : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

          • ios : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

          • web : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

        • rich_deletions : Integer

          The number of rich deletions.

        • rich_responses : Integer

          The number of rich responses.

        • rich_sends : Integer

          The number of rich sends.

        • sends : Integer

          The number of pushes sent.

        • silent_sends : Integer

          The number of silent sends.

Per group push time series report

Example (response truncated to 2 items)

GET /api/reports/pergroup/series/57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "app_key": "some_app_key",
    "group_id": "57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97",
    "start": "2023-07-25 23:00:00",
    "end": "2023-07-26 11:00:00",
    "precision": "HOURLY",
    "counts": [
            "push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 1,
                    "sends": 58
                "android": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 22
                "ios": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 1,
                    "sends": 36
            "rich_push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
            "time": "2023-07-25 23:00:00"
            "push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
                "android": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
                "ios": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
            "rich_push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
            "time": "2023-07-26 00:00:00"
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/pergroup/series/{group_id}

Returns the default time series data (hourly precision for 12 hours) for a given group push message. The series begins with the hour in which the push was sent. By specifying the precision without providing a time range, the default number of periods at each precision returned are as follows: Hourly: 12, Daily: 7, Monthly: 3. Results paginate if requesting narrow precision over a long period of time.


  • precision : String

    The precision of the report. Defaults to HOURLY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY

  • start : String

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : String

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • group_id : StringREQUIRED

    The group_id of the requested report.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for per push time series report.

      All of
      • Object

        • group_id : String

          The UUID representing a specific group push. Format: uuid

      • Object

        • app_key : String

          The app key for the application.

        • end : String

          The end date-time for the report. Format: date-time

        • precision : String

          The precision of the report.

          Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY

        • start : String

          The start date-time for the report. Format: date-time

      • Object

        • counts : Array [Object]

          Array of total count objects, each representing counts within the given date-time range and precision.

          ARRAY ITEM
            • push_platforms : Object

              • all : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct_responses : Integer

                  The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

                • influenced_responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

                • sends : Integer

                  The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

              • android : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct_responses : Integer

                  The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

                • influenced_responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

                • sends : Integer

                  The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

              • ios : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct_responses : Integer

                  The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

                • influenced_responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

                • sends : Integer

                  The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

            • rich_push_platforms : Object

              • all : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks to the notification.

                • sends : Integer

                  The number of sends for the given push.

            • time : String

              The date-time when the count was tallied and stored. Format: date-time

Per push detail report


GET /api/reports/perpush/detail/57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "app_key": "some_app_key",
    "push_id": "57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97",
    "created": "2023-07-25 23:03:12",
    "rich_deletions": 0,
    "rich_responses": 0,
    "rich_sends": 0,
    "sends": 103,
    "alerting_sends": 103,
    "silent_sends": 0,
    "direct_responses": 0,
    "influenced_responses": 3,
    "platforms": {
        "android": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 0,
            "sends": 22
        "ios": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 36
        "amazon": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 5
        "web": {
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "influenced_responses": 1,
            "sends": 40
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/perpush/detail/{push_id}

Returns statistics and other information for a given push message.


  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The push_id of the requested report.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for detail reporting per push.

      All of
      • Object

        • push_id : String

          The UUID representing a specific push. Format: uuid

      • Object

        The response body for detail reporting per push or per group.

        • alerting_sends : Integer

          The number of alerting sends.

        • app_key : String

          The app key for the given push.

        • created : String

          The date-time when the push was created. Format: date-time

        • direct_responses : Integer

          The number of direct responses.

        • influenced_responses : Integer

          The total number of influenced responses.

        • platforms : Object

          • amazon : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

          • android : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

          • ios : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

          • web : Object

            • direct_responses : Integer

              The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

            • influenced_responses : Integer

              The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

            • sends : Integer

              The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

        • rich_deletions : Integer

          The number of rich deletions.

        • rich_responses : Integer

          The number of rich responses.

        • rich_sends : Integer

          The number of rich sends.

        • sends : Integer

          The number of pushes sent.

        • silent_sends : Integer

          The number of silent sends.

Push body per push


GET /api/reports/perpush/pushbody/57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "push_body": "<Base64-encoded string>"
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/perpush/pushbody/{push_id}

Returns the push body for the given push message.


  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The push_id of the requested push body.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      • push_body : String

        The push body as a base64 encoded JSON value.

Per push time series report

Example (response truncated to 2 items)

GET /api/reports/perpush/series/57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "app_key": "some_app_key",
    "push_id": "57ef3728-79dc-46b1-a6b9-20081e561f97",
    "start": "2023-07-25 23:00:00",
    "end": "2023-07-26 11:00:00",
    "precision": "HOURLY",
    "counts": [
            "push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 1,
                    "sends": 58
                "android": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 22
                "ios": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 1,
                    "sends": 36
            "rich_push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
            "time": "2023-07-25 23:00:00"
            "push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
                "android": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
                "ios": {
                    "direct_responses": 0,
                    "influenced_responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
            "rich_push_platforms": {
                "all": {
                    "responses": 0,
                    "sends": 0
            "time": "2023-07-26 00:00:00"
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/perpush/series/{push_id}

Returns the default time series data (hourly precision for 12 hours) for a given push message. The series begins with the hour in which the push was sent. By specifying the precision without providing a time range, the default number of periods at each precision returned are as follows: Hourly: 12, Daily: 7, Monthly: 3. Results paginate if requesting narrow precision over a long period of time.


  • precision : String

    The precision of the report. Defaults to HOURLY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY

  • start : String

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : String

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The push_id of the requested report.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for per push time series report.

      All of
      • Object

        • push_id : String

          The UUID representing a specific push. Format: uuid

      • Object

        • app_key : String

          The app key for the application.

        • end : String

          The end date-time for the report. Format: date-time

        • precision : String

          The precision of the report.

          Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY

        • start : String

          The start date-time for the report. Format: date-time

      • Object

        • counts : Array [Object]

          Array of total count objects, each representing counts within the given date-time range and precision.

          ARRAY ITEM
            • push_platforms : Object

              • all : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct_responses : Integer

                  The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

                • influenced_responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

                • sends : Integer

                  The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

              • android : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct_responses : Integer

                  The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

                • influenced_responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

                • sends : Integer

                  The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

              • ios : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • direct_responses : Integer

                  The number of direct responses (clicks/app opens) to the notification on this platform as measured by the SDK.

                • influenced_responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks resulting from your notification (directly or indirectly).

                • sends : Integer

                  The total number of audience members accounted on the specified platform.

            • rich_push_platforms : Object

              • all : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • responses : Integer

                  The number of opens or clicks to the notification.

                • sends : Integer

                  The number of sends for the given push.

            • time : String

              The date-time when the count was tallied and stored. Format: date-time

Response report


GET /api/reports/responses?start=2020-05-01T10:00&end=2020-05-30T10:00&precision=MONTHLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "next_page": "",
   "responses": [
         "android": {
            "direct": 25,
            "influenced": 118
         "date": "2020-05-01 00:00:00",
         "ios": {
            "direct": 16,
            "influenced": 87
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

ResponseReportRequest request = ResponseReportRequest

Response<ResponseReportResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ResponseReportList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 5, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 5, 30)
for response in ResponseReportList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision='DAILY'):
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

listing =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020-05-01',
    end_date: '2020-05-30',
    precision: 'MONTHLY'
listing.each do |resp|

GET /api/reports/responses

Get the number of direct and influenced opens of your app.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : String

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the responses in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for response report.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • responses : Array [Object]

        An array of response objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • android : Object

            • direct : Integer

              The number of direct opens of your app.

            • influenced : Integer

              The number of influenced opens of your app.

          • date : String

            The date-time for direct and influenced opens. Format: date-time

          • ios : Object

            • direct : Integer

              The number of direct opens of your app.

            • influenced : Integer

              The number of influenced opens of your app.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Response listing


GET /api/reports/responses/list?start=2020-08-01T10:00&end=2020-08-15T10:00&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "next_page": "",
    "pushes": [
            "push_uuid": "f4db3752-a982-4a2b-994e-7b5fd1c7f02f",
            "push_time": "2020-08-15 02:12:22",
            "push_type": "UNICAST_PUSH",
            "group_id": "4e768dc7-4ebc-4206-890a-60b5627763a7",
            "direct_responses": 0,
            "sends": 1,
            "open_channels_sends": {
                "platforms": []
            "push_uuid": "5a4ade58-fbd3-43a2-ac3c-e834ee190151",
            "push_time": "2020-08-14 19:58:15",
            "push_type": "UNICAST_PUSH",
            "group_id": "c5664e1f-106e-4616-9820-7d9ecce8a3f3",
            "direct_responses": 1,
            "sends": 2,
            "open_channels_sends": {
                "platforms": []
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PushListingRequest request = PushListingRequest.newRequest()

Response<PushListingResponse> response = client.execute(request);

// Get the first item in an array of push info responses. You can use all of the getters
// listed in the "Individual Push Response Statistics" section.
PushInfoResponse pushInfo = response.getBody().get().getPushInfoList().get().get(0);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ResponseList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 8, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 8, 15)
for response in ResponseList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date):
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

response_list =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020-08-01',
    end_date: '2020-08-30',
    limit: 20,
    push_id_start: 'start_id'
response_list.each do |resp|

GET /api/reports/responses/list

Get a listing of all pushes, plus basic response information, in a given timeframe. Start and end date times are required parameters. The time defaults to 00:00 UTC if not specified.


If you don’t specify a start and end time, our system assumes 00:00 UTC, which will give you results just through the prior day.

Use timestamps to get results for a specific timeframe, or if you are only using date, set it in the future to ensure you will see the most recent listing.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • limit : Integer

    Number of results to return at one time (for pagination).

    Min: 1


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the listing in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for response listing.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • pushes : Array [Object]

        An array of all pushes and its basic response information.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • The push and its basic response information.

          • direct_responses : Integer

            The number of direct responses to the notification measured by the SDK.

          • group_id : String

            An identifier set by the server to logically group a set of related pushes, e.g., in a push to local time. Format: uuid

          • open_channel_sends : Object

            Contains an array of the number of send counts per open platform. If there were no open channels sends associated with the push ID, an empty result will be returned.

            • platforms : Array [Object]

              An array of objects indicating the total sends by open platform.

              ARRAY ITEM
              • An object containing the send counts per platform.

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • id : String

                  The key representing the canonical identifier in the Airship system for the given open platform.

                • sends : Integer

                  The number of sends for the given push ID and the given open platform.

          • push_time : String

            The date-time indicating the time that the push was initially sent. Format: date-time

          • push_type : String

            This string describes the push operation, which is often comparable to the audience selection.


          • push_uuid : String

            The UUID for the requested push. Format: uuid

          • sends : Integer

            The number of pushes sent to native mobile platforms, e.g., iOS. Exclusive of open_channel_sends, which are broken out under open_channel_sends.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Individual push response statistics


GET /api/reports/responses/90f28bc6-6c9b-4c99-b970-973afc266e08 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "push_uuid": "90f28bc6-6c9b-4c99-b970-973afc266e08",
   "push_time": "2020-02-25 23:03:12",
   "push_type": "UNICAST_PUSH",
   "sends": 167,
   "direct_responses": 15,
   "open_channels_sends": {
      "platforms": [
           "id": "PLATFORM_NAME",
           "sends": 22
           "id": "ANOTHER_PLATFORM",
           "sends": 145
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PushInfoRequest request = PushInfoRequest.newRequest("90f28bc6-6c9b-4c99-b970-973afc266e08");

Response<PushInfoResponse> response = client.execute(request);
PushInfoResponse pushInfo = response.getBody().get();

// Number of sends
int sends = pushInfo.getSends();
// Number of direct responses to the push
int directResponses = pushInfo.getDirectResponses();
// When the push was sent
DateTime date = pushInfo.getPushTime();
PushInfoResponse.PushType type = pushInfo.getPushType();
// The unique identifier for the push
UUID pushId = pushInfo.getPushId();
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, IndividualResponseStats

client = BasicAuthClient(
push_id = '90f28bc6-6c9b-4c99-b970-973afc266e08'
response = IndividualResponseStats(airship=client).get(push_id)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

d = airship)
statistics = d.get(push_id: '90f28bc6-6c9b-4c99-b970-973afc266e08')

GET /api/reports/responses/{push_id}

Returns detailed reports information about a specific push notification. Use the push_id, which is the identifier returned by the API that represents a specific push message delivery.


  • push_id : StringREQUIRED

    The UUID for the requested push.

    Format: uuid


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the push statistics in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for an individual push response statistics report.

      • direct_responses : Integer

        The number of native-platform direct responses to the notification measured by the SDK.

      • open_channels_sends : Object

        Contains an array of the number of send counts per open platform. If there were no open channels sends associated with the push ID, an empty result will be returned.

        • platforms : Array [Object]

          An array of objects indicating the total sends by open platform.

          ARRAY ITEM
          • An object containing the send counts per platform.

            • id : String

              The key representing the canonical identifier in the Airship system for the given open platform.

            • sends : Integer

              The number of sends for the given push ID and the given open platform.

      • push_time : String

        The date-time indicating the time that the push was initially sent. Format: date-time

      • push_type : String

        This string describes the push operation, which is often comparable to the audience selection.


      • push_uuid : String

        The UUID for the requested push. Format: uuid

      • sends : Integer

        The number of pushes sent to native mobile platforms, e.g., iOS. Exclusive of open_channel_sends, which are broken out under open_channel_sends.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Push report


GET /api/reports/sends?start=2020-05-01T10:00&end=2020-05-30T20:00&precision=MONTHLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "sends": [
         "android": 50,
         "date": "2020-05-01 00:00:00",
         "ios": 500
   "next_page": ""
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PlatformStatsRequest request = PlatformStatsRequest.newRequest(PlatformStatsRequestType.SENDS)

Response<PlatformStatsResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, PushList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 5, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 5, 30)
precision = 'MONTHLY'
listing = PushList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision=precision)

for resp in listing:
  print(,, resp.ios)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

listing =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020/05/01',
    end_date: '2020/05/30',
    precision: 'MONTHLY'
listing.each do |resp|

GET /api/reports/sends

Get the number of pushes you have sent within a specified time period.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : StringREQUIRED

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the sends in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for push report.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • sends : Array [Object]

        An array of send objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • android : Integer

            The number of pushes sent to the Android platform.

          • date : String

            The date-time the pushes were sent. Format: date-time

          • ios : Integer

            The number of pushes sent to the iOS platform.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Time in app report


GET /api/reports/timeinapp?start=2020-05-01T10:00&end=2020-05-15T20:00&precision=MONTHLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "timeinapp": [
         "android": 50,
         "date": "2020-05-01 00:00:00",
         "ios": 500
   "next_page": ""
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

PlatformStatsRequest request = PlatformStatsRequest.newRequest(PlatformStatsRequestType.TIME_IN_APP)

Response<PlatformStatsResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, TimeInAppList

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 5, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 5, 15)
precision = 'MONTHLY'
listing = TimeInAppList(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision=precision)
for resp in listing:
    print(,, resp.ios)
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

listing =
    client: airship,
    start_date: '2020-05-01',
    end_date: '2020-05-30',
    precision: 'MONTHLY')
listing.each do |time_in_app|

GET /api/reports/timeinapp

Get the average amount of time users have spent in your app within the specified time period.


  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : StringREQUIRED

    Granularity of results to return. Defaults to DAILY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the time in app in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for time in app report.

      • next_page : String

        There might be more than one page of results for this listing. Follow this URL if it is present to the next batch of results. Format: url

      • sends : Array [Object]

        An array of TimeInApp objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • android : Integer

            The number of seconds users have spent in your app for Android.

          • date : String

            The date-time of when the users have spent time in your app. Format: date-time

          • ios : Integer

            The number of seconds users have spent in your app for iOS.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Web response report


GET /api/reports/web/interaction?app_key=ZGIwZTY3YjEtZTRiMi00ZG&start=2020-05-01T10:00&end=2020-05-03T20:00&precision=HOURLY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "app_key": "ZGIwZTY3YjEtZTRiMi00ZG",
   "end": "2020-05-03 00:00:00",
   "precision": "HOURLY",
   "start": "2020-05-01 00:00:00",
   "total_counts": [
      {"counts": {"clicks": 36, "sessions": 55 }, "date": "2020-05-01 10:00:00"},
      {"counts": {"clicks": 50, "sessions": 79 }, "date": "2020-05-01 11:00:00"},
      {"counts": {"clicks": 67, "sessions": 75 }, "date": "2020-05-03 20:00:00"}
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

WebResponseReportRequest webResponseReportRequest = WebResponseReportRequest.newRequest("<app key>", DateTime.parse("2020-08-01T10:34:22Z"));
Response<WebResponseReportResponse> response = client.execute(webResponseReportRequest);
from datetime import datetime
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, WebResponseReport

client = BasicAuthClient(
start_date = datetime(2020, 5, 1)
end_date = datetime(2020, 5, 3)
for web_response in WebResponseReport(airship=client, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, precision='DAILY'):
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/reports/web/interaction

Get the web interaction data for the given app key. Accepts a required start time and optional end time and precision parameters.


If you don’t specify an end time, our system assumes 00:00 UTC, which will give you results just through the prior day.


  • app_key : StringREQUIRED

    The app key for your web project.

  • start : StringREQUIRED

    A date-time for start of report.

    Format: date-time

  • end : String

    A date-time for end of report.

    Format: date-time

  • precision : String

    The precision of the report. Defaults to HOURLY.

    Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the web data in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      The response body for web response report.

      All of
      • Object

        • app_key : String

          The app key for the application.

        • end : String

          The end date-time for the report. Format: date-time

        • precision : String

          The precision of the report.

          Possible values: HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY

        • start : String

          The start date-time for the report. Format: date-time

      • Object

        • total_counts : Array [Object]

          Array of total count objects, each representing counts within the given date-time range and precision.

          ARRAY ITEM
            • counts : Object

              • clicks : Integer

                Number of direct clicks on the web notification during the specified timeframe.

              • sessions : Integer

                Number of sessions created during this timeframe. Sessions are created by site visits after 30 minutes of inactivity or by notification clicks that open the site.

            • date : String

              A date-time for the count period. Format: date-time

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.


The Feed API is used to add and remove RSS or Atom feeds used to trigger push notifications. For most users the API is unnecessary, and you should use the dashboard instead.

Create a new feed


POST /api/feeds/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "feed_url": "",
   "template": {
      "audience": "all",
      "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
      "notification": {
         "alert": "Check this out! - {{ title }}",
         "ios": {
            "alert": "New item! - {{ title }}"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "feed_url": "",
   "last_checked": null,
   "url": "",
   "id": "SL_QBv8nT2yw5W9m_kDhQA",
   "api_version": "v3",
   "template": {
      "audience": "all",
      "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
      "notification": {
         "alert": "Check this out! - {{ title }}",
         "ios": {
            "alert": "New item! - {{ title }}"
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

POST /api/feeds

Create a new feed.


Request Body

An object containing the feed_url and template to create a new feed.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • feed_url : String

      The full URL to the RSS or Atom feed.

    • template : Object

      A template for the API v3 push object.

      • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)

        An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

      • device_types : Array [String]

        An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

      • notification : Notification object

        The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.


  • 201

    The feed was created.

    • Location : String

      The newly created feed.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      • api_version : String

        The API version.

      • feed_url : String

        The full URL to the RSS or Atom feed.

      • id : String

        The newly created feed ID.

      • last_checked : String

        The last time we saw a new entry for this feed.

      • template : Object

        A template for the API v3 push object.

        • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)

          An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

        • device_types : Array [String]

          An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

        • notification : Notification object

          The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

      • url : String

        The location of the feed entry. Can be used for altering or removing the feed later.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Feed details


GET /api/feeds/SL_QBv8nT2yw5W9m_kDhQA/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "feed_url": "",
   "last_checked": "2020-03-08 21:52:21",
   "url": "",
   "id": "SL_QBv8nT2yw5W9m_kDhQA",
   "api_version": "v3",
   "template": {
      "audience": "all",
      "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
      "notification": {
         "alert": "New Item! - {{ title }}"
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/feeds/{feed_id}

Returns information about a particular feed.


  • feed_id : StringREQUIRED

    A required string ID of the feed.


  • 200

    Returned on success, with the JSON representation of the feed in the body of the response.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      • api_version : String

        The API version.

      • feed_url : String

        The full URL to the RSS or Atom feed.

      • id : String

        The newly created feed ID.

      • last_checked : String

        The last time we saw a new entry for this feed.

      • template : Object

        A template for the API v3 push object.

        • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)

          An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

        • device_types : Array [String]

          An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

        • notification : Notification object

          The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

      • url : String

        The location of the feed entry. Can be used for altering or removing the feed later.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Update a feed


PUT /api/feeds/SL_QBv8nT2yw5W9m_kDhQA/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "template": {
      "audience": { "tag": "new_customer" },
      "device_types": [ "android" ],
      "notification": {
         "alert": "New item! - {{ title }}"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

PUT /api/feeds/{feed_id}

Updates a feed with a new template.


  • feed_id : StringREQUIRED

    A required string ID of the feed.

Request Body

A single feed template.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Feed template : Object

    A template for the API v3 push object.

    • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)

      An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

    • device_types : Array [String]

      An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

      • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

    • notification : Notification object

      The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.


  • 200

    Returned if the feed has been successfully updated.

    • Content-Type: application/json;

      • api_version : String

        The API version.

      • feed_url : String

        The full URL to the RSS or Atom feed.

      • id : String

        The newly created feed ID.

      • last_checked : String

        The last time we saw a new entry for this feed.

      • template : Object

        A template for the API v3 push object.

        • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)

          An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

        • device_types : Array [String]

          An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

        • notification : Notification object

          The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

      • url : String

        The location of the feed entry. Can be used for altering or removing the feed later.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete a feed


DELETE /api/feeds/SL_QBv8nT2yw5W9m_kDhQA/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

DELETE /api/feeds/{feed_id}

Removes a feed from the monitoring service, and stops new pushes from being sent.


  • feed_id : StringREQUIRED

    A required string ID of the feed.


  • 204

    An API request was successful, but there is no response body to return.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    The requested resource doesn’t exist.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Data Privacy Laws Compliance

Uninstall channels


POST /api/channels/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

      "channel_id": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
      "device_type": "ios"
      "channel_id": "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2",
      "device_type": "android"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

 Set<ChannelUninstallDevice> channels = ImmutableSet.of(
       new ChannelUninstallDevice("00f74677-4616-4958-bd91-30e949814d2c", ChannelUninstallDeviceType.IOS),
       new ChannelUninstallDevice("007f7156-9b82-4cb6-a2f9-e2c8e7fce13d", ChannelUninstallDeviceType.ANDROID)

 ChannelUninstallPayload payload = ChannelUninstallPayload.newBuilder()

 ChannelUninstallRequest request = ChannelUninstallRequest.newRequest(payload);
 Response<ChannelUninstallResponse> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, ChannelUninstall

client = BasicAuthClient(

channel_uninstall = ChannelUninstall(client)
channel = {
    "channel_id": 'b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881',
    "device_type": "ios"

require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

cu = airship)

chans = [{"channel_id" => "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
          "device_type" => "ios"},
         {"channel_id" => "13863b3c-f860-4bbf-a9f1-4d785379b8a2",
          "device_type" => "android"}]

cu.uninstall(channels: chans)

POST /api/channels/uninstall

Uninstalls a channel, removing it and all accompanying analytic data (including Performance Analytics) from Airship systems in accordance with data privacy law compliance.

Uninstallation is handled automatically by the Airship SDK and push systems. If a user decides to opt in to communications again (either by using your app or other user preferences), they will create a new channel and a new set of analytic data. The value of a Channel ID may be the same as before however none of the associated metadata will persist when a user opts in again. A new Channel ID will be created if the user clears their browser’s cookies and data, deletes and reinstalls the app, etc.

See Individual Data Privacy Rights Under Data Privacy Laws for more information about data privacy law compliance.


Channel uninstallation, like channel creation, is an asynchronous operation, and may take some time to complete.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Array [Object]

    Max items: 1000 Min items: 1

    • Specifies the Channel ID and device type you want to uninstall.

      • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

        The Channel ID.

      • device_type : StringREQUIRED

        The device type of the channel.

        Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, open


  • 202

    Returns OK for success.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named Users uninstall

Example delete all users and their associated channels

POST /api/named_users/uninstall HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

   "named_user_id": ["user-id-1234","user-id-5678"]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserUninstallRequest namedUserUninstallRequest = NamedUserUninstallRequest

Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(namedUserUninstallRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, NamedUser

client = BasicAuthClient(

response = NamedUser.uninstall(
    named_users=["user-id-1234", "user-id-5678"]
require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship = '<app key>', secret: '<master secret>')

named_user_uninstall = airship)
named_user_uninstall.named_user_ids = ['user-id-1234']

POST /api/named_users/uninstall

Disassociate and delete all channels associated with the named_user_id(s) and also delete the named_user_id(s). This call removes all channels associated with a Named User from Airship systems in compliance with data privacy laws.

Uninstalling channels also removes accompanying analytic data (including Performance Analytics) from the system.

See Individual Data Privacy Rights Under Data Privacy Laws for more information about data privacy law compliance.


Channel uninstallation, like channel creation, is an asynchronous operation, and may take some time to complete.


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • named_user_id : Array [String]REQUIRED

      Array of strings representing the named_user_id(s) you wish to be uninstalled. Must have between 1 to 100 items in the array with a 128 character/byte maximum per item. Max items: 100 Min items: 1


  • 200

    All channels have been deleted and disassociated from the Named User.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    There was a parsing or validation error in the request. Bad Request errors typically include path and location in the response, to help you find the cause of the error.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    Authentication was correct, but the user does not have permission to access the requested API, e.g., if the feature in question is not included in your pricing plan.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 406

    Return when the client requests a version of the API that cannot be satisfied, because no compatible version is currently deployed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Subscription Lists

Subscription lists listing


GET /api/subscription_lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true,
   "subscription_lists": [
           "list_id": "example_listId-1",
           "name": "A nice readable name 1",
           "scopes": ["email"],
           "messaging_type": "transactional",
           "default_opted_in": false
           "list_id": "example_listId-2",
           "name": "A nice readable name 2",
           "description": "A very nice description for you.",
           "scopes": ["app", "web"],
           "default_opted_in": true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

SubscriptionListListingRequest subscriptionListListingRequest = SubscriptionListListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<SubscriptionListListingResponse> response = client.execute(subscriptionListListingRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, SubscriptionList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# List all subscription lists
subscription_lists = SubscriptionList(client).list()
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/subscription_lists

Provides a list of subscription lists IDs that are associated with this app key.



  • 200

    Returns OK for success, with the list of subscription lists for the app.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Named User subscription lists listing


GET /api/subscription_lists/named_users/4cbd1c1c-42e1-4606-bc93-9b707bcedcbc HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

   "ok" : true,
   "subscription_lists": [
         "list_ids": ["example_listId-2", "example_listId-4"],
         "scope": "app"
         "list_ids": ["example_listId-2"],
         "scope": "web"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

NamedUserSubscriptionListsListingRequest namedUserSubscriptionListsListingRequest = NamedUserSubscriptionListsListingRequest.newRequest("4cbd1c1c-42e1-4606-bc93-9b707bcedcbc");
Response<NamedUserSubscriptionListsListingResponse> response = client.execute(namedUserSubscriptionListsListingRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, SubscriptionList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# Get subscription lists for a named user
named_user_lists = SubscriptionList(client).list_by_named_user('4cbd1c1c-42e1-4606-bc93-9b707bcedcbc')
This operation is not currently supported.

GET /api/subscription_lists/named_users/{named_user_id}

Provides the subscription lists that are associated with a given Named User.


  • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

    The Named User being looked up.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success, with the Named User subscription list IDs.

  • 304

    An If-Modified-Since request header exists and the result is unchanged.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Tag Lists

Retrieve lists


GET /api/tag-lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data-Tag: lists
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  "ok" : true,
  "lists" : [
      "name" : "ua_tags_foo",
      "description" : "",
      "extra" : { "key": "value" },
        "tag-group-name": [
        "tag-group-name2": [
      "remove": {
        "tag-group-name3": [
      "set": {
        "tag-group-name4": [
      "created" : "2013-08-08T20:41:06",
      "last_updated" : "2014-05-01T18:00:27",
      "channel_count" : 0,
      "mutation_success_count": 1000,
      "mutation_error_count": 10,
      "error_path":  "",
      "status" : "ready"
      "..." : "..."
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TagListListingRequest tagListListingRequest = TagListListingRequest.newRequest();
Response<TagListListingResponse> response = client.execute(tagListListingRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, TagList

client = BasicAuthClient(

# List all tag lists
response = TagList.list(airship=client)
tag_lists = response.json()
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')

tag_list = airship)
list_response = tag_list.list

GET /api/tag-lists

Retrieve information about all tag lists. This call returns a list of metadata that will not contain the actual lists of users.


The tag list content will return the data that is provided in the tag list creation. Although add, remove, and set are optional, one or more must be present.



  • 200

    Lists metadata retrieved successfully.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Create a tag list


POST /api/tag-lists HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

  "description":"Description of the file being uploaded",
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TagListRequest tagListRequest = TagListRequest.newRequest()
        .setDescription("First of many tags lists!")
        .addTags("tag_group1", ImmutableSet.of("tag1","tag2"))
        .removeTags("tag_group2", ImmutableSet.of("tag3","tag4"))
        .setTags("tag_group3", ImmutableSet.of("tag4","tag5"))
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(tagListRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, TagList

client = BasicAuthClient(

tag_list = TagList(
    description="First of many tags lists!",
        "filename": "tags.csv",
        "source": "CRM"
        "tag-group-name": ["tag-value"],
        "tag-group-name2": ["tag-value2a", "tag-value2b"]
        "tag-group-name3": ["tag-value"]
        "tag-group-name4": ["tag-value"]

require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')
tags = {'tag_group_name': ['tag1', 'tag2']}

tag_list = airship) = 'ua_tags_list_name'
tag_list.create(description: 'description', extra: {'key': 'value'}, add: tags)

POST /api/tag-lists

Add tags to your contacts by creating a list and uploading CSV file with user identifiers. The body of the request contains the name, description, and optional metadata for the list. After you define a list, you populate it with a call to the Upload Tag List endpoint.


You must prefix tag list names with "ua_tags_".


Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Tag list metadata object

    Contains all user-specified data when defining a tag list in Airship. Although add, remove, and set are optional, one or more must be present.


  • 201

    The list was created successfully.

    • Location : String

      The URI of the list, used for later updates.

      Format: uri

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Malformed JSON payload.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    The API may only be used to create or modify lists with a ua_tags_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 409

    The app has reached the maximum number of allowed lists (error_code 40906). A list with that name already exists (error_code 40907). List is already processing recently uploaded CSV (error_code 40910).

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Delete tag list


DELETE /api/tag-lists/ua_tags_foobar HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+csv; version=3
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

DELETE /api/tag-lists/{list_name}

Delete a list. Deleting a list will not affect any previous uploads but will prevent new uploads to the deleted list. For example, this does not remove the tags associated with the previously-uploaded file from the channels in that file.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list.


  • 204

    The delete operation was successful.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Upload tag list


PUT /api/tag-lists/ua_tags_foobar/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: text/csv

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")
TagListUploadRequest tagListUploadRequest = TagListUploadRequest.newRequest("ua_tags_cool_list", "path/to/file.csv");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(tagListUploadRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, TagList

client = BasicAuthClient(

tag_list = TagList(
    description="example list"

require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')

tag_list = airship) = 'ua_tags_list_name'
tag_list.upload(csv_file: 'file_content', gzip: true)

Tag list CSV upload for SMS

PUT /api/tag-lists/ua_tags_foobar/csv HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: text/csv

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json

  "ok" : true
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TagListUploadRequest tagListUploadRequest = TagListUploadRequest.newRequest("ua_tags_cool_list", "path/to/sms_file.csv.csv");
Response<GenericResponse> response = client.execute(tagListUploadRequest);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, TagList

client = BasicAuthClient(

tag_list = TagList(
    description="example list"

require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')

tag_list = airship) = 'ua_tags_list_name'
tag_list.upload(csv_file: 'sms_file_content', gzip: true)

PUT /api/tag-lists/{list_name}/csv

Upload a CSV that will set tag values on the specified channels or Named Users.

The first entry in the uploaded CSV must be a header row. The first field must be one of the following identifier types: channel_id, msisdn, named_user, email_address.

Only one identifier type is allowed per file.

You must include both msisdn and sms_sender columns when targeting SMS or MMS channel types. See example to the right.

Uploads must be newline-delimited identifiers (text/CSV) as described in RFC 4180, with commas as the delimiter, optionally double-quoted values, UTF-8 encoded, and with CRLF or LF line separators.

Target typeRequired column headers
Open Channelchannel_id
Named Usernamed_user
  • msisdn (numeric and no leading 0)
  • sms_sender (numeric)
  • msisdn (numeric and no leading 0)
  • sms_sender (numeric)

Optional Fields: Opt-in dates can optionally be set for new channels when the identifier is an email_address or msisdn.

Target typeOptional column headers
SMSua_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)
MMSua_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)
  • ua_transactional_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)
  • ua_commercial_opted_in (UTC Timestamp)


The maximum number of rows that may be uploaded to a list is 10 million. Content-Encoding: gzip is supported (and recommended) on this endpoint to reduce network traffic.


If your upload times out due to a poor connection, you must re-upload the list from scratch. Because we want to ensure that the entirety of a given list is successfully uploaded, we do not support partial list uploads.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list you want to retrieve or update.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: text/csv


    Format: binary


  • 202

    The list was uploaded successfully and is now being processed.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

  • 400

    Bad Request. Parsing or validating the request failed.

    Error codeDescription
    40002CSV contains too many identifiers
    40003CSV header contains too many columns
    40013CSV header’s first field must be an identifier
    40018CSV header does not contain required column for identifier type

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 403

    The API may only be used to create or modify lists with a ua_tags_ prefixed name.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Download list errors


GET /api/tag-lists/ua_tags_foobar/errors HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <application authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+csv; version=3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv

8b4de669-16f1-4e71-9a1f-0c62a8235a65,ERROR,"Unknown channel"
abcd,ERROR,"Invalid msisdn"
UrbanAirshipClient client = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder()
        .setKey("<app key>")
        .setSecret("<master secret>")

TagListErrorsRequest request = TagListErrorsRequest.newRequest("ua_tags_foobar");
Response<String> response = client.execute(request);
from urbanairship import (
    BasicAuthClient, TagList

client = BasicAuthClient(

tag_list = TagList(
  description="example list", 

errors = tag_list.get_errors()
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')

tag_list = airship)
error_csv = tag_list.errors

GET /api/tag-lists/{list_name}/errors

During processing, after a list is uploaded, errors can occur. Depending on the type of list processing, an error file may be created, showing a user exactly what went wrong.


  • list_name : StringREQUIRED

    The name of the list.


  • 200

    Returns OK for success. The response will contain the errors found during list processing.

    • Content-Type: text/csv

  • 401

    Authentication information (the app key and secret or bearer token) was either incorrect or missing.

    • Content-Type: text/plain

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

  • 404

    No list with that name exists or the list has not yet successfully processed an uploaded CSV.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json

      Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

Data Formats

Event Segmentation

Event Segmentation lets you target audiences based on lifecycle actions or Custom Events that have occurred.

To Segment based on event activity, include an Activity Object in your audience, and an optional Where Object to filter on specific event properties.

Activity audience object

Activity audience object

   "audience": {
      "activity": "app_open",
      "operator": "greater",
      "value": 2,
      "after": 3,
      "precision": "days",
      "where": {
         "property": "/_triggering_push/campaigns/categories",
         "operator": "equals",
         "value": "neowise"
  • The activity object defines the target audience based on lifecycle actions or Custom Event activity, using comparison operators on activity count and recency. Optionally include a where object, which filters for specific activity values.

    In the example to the right, the target audience is users who have opened your app from a notification from the “neowise” campaign at least twice, 3 days ago.

    • activity : StringREQUIRED

      The target event activity, e.g., app_open.

      Default event values are enumerated below. If you create a custom or predefined event that you wish to segment users on, you must register the event in the Airship dashboard under Settings » Project Configuration » Events.

      Possible values: app_open, message_received, message_center_read, message_center_delivered, message_center_deleted, in_app_message_display, in_app_message_resolution, in_app_message_expiration, screen_view, web_session, web_click, short_link_click, first_seen, sms_aborted, sms_delivered, sms_dispatched, sms_expired, sms_failed, sms_rejected, sms_undeliverable, sms_unknown, email_bounce, email_click, email_delay, email_delivered, email_injection, email_open, email_unsubscribe, scene_displayed, scene_completed, scene_incomplete, survey_displayed, survey_submitted, survey_not_submitted

    • after : Any

      A date value for an absolute comparison or an integer value for a relative comparison.

      One of
      • String

        A date-time, for example: "after": "2020-08-01T12:00:00". Format: date-time

      • Integer

    • before : Any

      A date value for an absolute comparison or an integer value for a relative comparison.

      One of
      • String

        A date-time, for example: "before": "2020-08-01T12:00:00". Format: date-time

      • Integer

    • metric : String

      The metric you are targeting for the event.

      When using the metric count or total_value, operator and value are required.

      When using either first or last, operator and value are not allowed. Use one of the following combinations instead:

      • before/precision
      • after/precision
      • on/on_precision
      countEvaluate based on the number of event occurrences.
      total_valueEvaluate based on the cumulative event value associated with the target user.
      lastEvaluate based on the last occurrence of an event for a given user/time window.
      firstEvaluate based on the first occurrence of an event for a given user/time window.

      Possible values: count, total_value, last, first

    • on : Any

      Use on in conjunction with the first or last metric to indicate either a specific date or period with precision. Use either:

      • A date in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2020-08-10T17:28:34+0000 or
      • An integer that, when combined with the on_precision property, specifies the time period. For example, use "on": 12 with "on_precision: "month" to target events that occurred in December.

      One of
    • on_precision : String

      When using the first or last metric with the on property to target events on. For example, for the 5th of any month, or only in March, use on_precision.

      Possible values: day, month, month_day, year_month, year_month_day

    • operator : StringREQUIRED

      The comparison operator used to evaluate the activity expression. Use these operators (greater/less than, equal to, equal or greater/equal or less) when the metric is either count or total_value.

      Possible values: greater, less, equals, greater_eq, less_eq

    • precision : String

      If using a relative number (integer) for the before/after/on property, the precision value will be interpreted as the number of time units ago, e.g., 7 days ago. Defaults to days.

      Possible values: days, weeks, months, years

    • value : NumberREQUIRED

      The value that the operator uses to evaluate the target audience.

    • where : Object

      The Where Object.

Where object

Example payload to an audience of users who have opened your app as a result of receiving a specific push ID.

   "audience": {
      "activity": "app_open",
      "metric": "count",
      "operator": "greater",
      "value": 0,
      "where": {
         "property": "/_triggering_push/push_id",
         "operator": "equals",
         "compare_as": "text",
         "value": "636abb88-5642-4035-998d-a04c93c499ad"
   "device_types": [
      "ios", "android"
   "notification": {
      "alert": "Did you get that thing I sent you?"
  • where is an object that filters on the existence of prior user activity, specified by event properties that you provide.

    • compare_as : String

      Selects the property type for comparison.

      Possible values: text, number, date, boolean

    • operator : StringREQUIRED

      The operator in question

      Possible values: greater, less, equals, greater_eq, less_eq, contains, present, range, before, after

    • precision : String

      Used only for date values.

      Possible values: minutes, days, months, years

    • property : StringREQUIRED

      The Custom Event property on which to filter for inclusion in the audience. See Event Segmentation Properties for properties reference.

    • relative_to : String

      Used only for date values.

      Possible values: future, past

    • value : AnyREQUIRED

      The value of the property you are filtering for in the where object. Use compare_as to select the type for comparison.

      One of
      • String

        A date-time, e.g., 2020-08-10T17:28:34+0000. Format: date-time

      • Number

      • Boolean


Attributes appear on channels and Named Users. You can target an audience using attribute selectors. Available attribute types are Text, Number, Date, and JSON.


Use compound selectors to negate (NOT) or select a value range.

Device Attributes

  • Native attribute properties that Airship gathers automatically assigns to a channel. Varies by channel type. See: Default Attributes.

    For segmentation, when using ua_app_version, ua_sdk_version, or ua_device_os, only semantic versioning formatting is accepted, and anything after the third decimal place is excluded, e.g., 12.2.3-alpha is compared as 12.2.3. You can use operators equals, contains, less, greater, is_empty with values in the formats 1, 1.2, 1.2.3.

    • ua_app_version : String

      The app version that the channel uses.

    • ua_browser_name : String

      The browser associated with a web channel.

    • ua_browser_type : String

      The browser type associated with a web channel.

      Possible values: mobile, desktop

    • ua_browser_version : String

      The browser version associated with a web channel.

    • ua_carrier : String

      The cellular carrier of the device associated with an app channel.

    • ua_country : String

      The 2-letter country code for an app or web channel.

    • ua_country_code : String

      The country dialing code derived from the MSISDN associated with an SMS channel.

    • ua_device_model : String

      The model of the device associated with an app channel.

    • ua_device_os : String

      The operating system of the device associated with an app channel.

    • ua_language : String

      The 2-letter language code for an app or web channel.

    • ua_local_tz : String

      The time zone that the SDK registers for an app or web channel.

    • ua_location_settings : String

      If true, location settings are enabled for an app channel.

      Possible values: true, false

    • ua_ndc : String

      The National Destination Code aka area code derived from the MSISDN on an SMS channel.

    • ua_sdk_version : String

      The Airship SDK version associated with an app or web channel.

    • ua_subdivision : String

      The ISO 3166-2 code derived from the MSISDN on an SMS channel.

Custom and predefined Attributes

Example Attributes object

   "device_attributes": {
      "ua_device_os": "10",
      "ua_country": "US",
      "ua_device_model": "SM-G973U",
      "ua_local_tz": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "ua_app_version": "2020-02-01T002322-goat",
      "ua_location_settings": "true",
      "ua_language": "en",
      "ua_sdk_version": "13.1.0",
      "ua_carrier": "Verizon "
   "attributes": {
      "first_name": "Cool",
      "last_name": "Person",
      "birthdate": "1983-03-15T00:00:00",
  • Attributes associated with a channel or Named User. This object contains predefined attributes that you enable and assign to the channel, or custom attributes that you create and assign.

    This object enumerates predefined attributes, but you can create your own in the Airship dashboard.

    • account_creation : String

      The date-time when the user created their account. Format: date-time

    • advertising_id : String

      The IDFA associated with a user.

    • age : Integer

      The user’s age.

    • altitude : Number

      The altitude associated with a user.

    • birthdate : String

      The user’s birthdate.

    • city : String

      The city associated with the user.

    • company : String

      The company that a user is associated with.

    • country : String

      The country associated with the user.

    • email : String

      A user’s email address.

    • first_name : String

      The first name of a user.

    • full_name : String

      A user’s first and last names.

    • gender : String

      A user’s gender.

    • home_phone : Integer

      The user’s home phone number — similar to an SMS channel msisdn.

    • last_name : String

      The last name of a user.

    • latitude : Number

      The latitude associated with a user — maybe their default location.

    • longitude : Number

      The longitude associated with a user — maybe their default location.

    • loyalty_tier : String

      The loyalty program tier that a user is associated with, e.g., gold, platinum, etc.

    • mobile_phone : Integer

      The user’s mobile phone number — similar to an SMS channel msisdn.

    • region : String

      The state, province, principality, etc. associated with the user.

    • title : String

      A default attribute. You must enable this attribute in the dashboard before you can assign it.

    • username : String

      A user’s username — generally a part of their login information.

    • work_phone : Integer

      The user’s work phone number — similar to an SMS channel msisdn.

    • zipcode : Integer

      A user’s zipcode. This is different from the SMS channel ua_ndc attribute, that records user’s area code or phone number prefix.

    • * : Any

      One of
      • String

      • Number

      • Integer

NPS survey Attributes

  • Attributes automatically generated by Airship based on data from your NPS surveys.

    • ua_nps_category : String

      A category based on the score a user submits in an NPS survey. Scores of 9 and 10 are categorized as promoter, 7 and 8 are categorized as passive, and 0-6 are detractor.

    • ua_nps_score : Number

      The score (0-10) a user submits in an NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey.

Attribute assignment

Attributes assignment

  "attributes": [
      "action": "remove",
      "key": "minor_league"
      "action": "set",
      "key": "position",
      "value": "LF"
    • attributes : Array [Any]REQUIRED

      The attributes that you want to set for, or remove from, your audience. You can have both set and remove actions in the same request.

      Min items: 1

      • One of
        • Set Attribute

          Add a new attribute, or edit the value of an existing attribute, for the audience.

        • Remove Attribute

          Remove an existing attribute from the audience.

Set Attribute

Set Attribute with string value

  "action": "set",
  "key": "position",
  "value": "LF"

Set JSON Attribute with its required object value

  "action": "set",
  "key": "position#instance_42",
  "value": {
    "exp": 1731531110,
    "name": "LeftField",
    "rank": 2,
    "active" true,
    "extras": [
  • Add a new attribute, or edit the value of an existing attribute, for the audience.

    • action : StringREQUIRED

      Indicate that you want to set an attribute on the audience.

      Possible values: set

    • key : StringREQUIRED

      The attribute ID for the attribute you want to set. JSON attribute key values must be in format <attribute_ID>#<instance_ID>. See JSON Attributes in About Attributes. Max length: 255

    • timestamp : String

      The date-time when the attribute changed. If you don’t enter a timestamp, Airship uses the current time.

      Format: date-time

    • value : AnyREQUIRED

      The value that you want to set for an attribute. Accepts numbers and strings for integer/number type attributes, but your string must be convertible to a number or the request will fail. You can also set an object, which must be valid JSON or the request will fail.

      One of
      • String

      • Number

      • Object

        • exp : Number

          The JSON attribute expiration date, set as the number of seconds since the epoch (January 1st, 1970). After expiration, Airship ignores the Attribute where used in segmentation and personalization. If omitted, Airship automatically sets a value of 90 days from the current date and time. The maximum expiry delay for a JSON Attribute is 731 days.

        • * : Any

          One of
          • String

          • Number

          • Boolean

          • Array

            The array can hold string, number, boolean, objects, and array. Accepts numbers and strings for integer/number type attributes, but your string must be convertible to a number or the request will fail. Objects must be valid JSON or the request will fail.

Remove Attribute

Remove Attribute

  "action": "remove",
  "key": "minor_league"
  • Remove an existing attribute from the audience.

    • action : StringREQUIRED

      Indicate that you want to remove an attribute from the audience.

      Possible values: remove

    • key : StringREQUIRED

      The attribute ID for the attribute you want to set. JSON attribute key values must be in format <attribute_ID>#<instance_ID>. See JSON Attributes in About Attributes. Max length: 255

    • timestamp : String

      The date-time when the attribute changed. If you don’t enter a timestamp, Airship uses the current time.

      Format: date-time

Date Attribute selector

Date Attribute example

{ "audience":
      "attribute": "birth_date",
      "operator": "equals",
      "precision": "month_day",
      "value": "05-04"

Add four days to the current date

{ "audience":
      "attribute": "day_of_travel",
      "operator": "equals",
      "value": "4",
      "precision": "days",
      "relative_to": "future"

Compound selector using before and after date operators

   "audience": {
      "AND": [
               "attribute": "birth_date",
               "operator": "after",
               "value": 55,
               "precision": "years"
               "attribute": "birth_date",
               "operator": "before",
               "value": 40,
               "precision": "years"
   "device_types": [
   "notification": {
      "alert": "Hello, Generation X!"

Audience who purchased jeans

{ "audience":
      "attribute": "item_purchased",
      "operator": "contains",
      "value": "jeans"

Audience who did not purchase jeans

{ "audience":
         "attribute": "item_purchased",
         "operator": "contains",
         "value": "jeans"

Audience who did not make any purchase

{ "audience":
      "attribute": "item_purchased",
      "operator": "is_empty",

Integer value range

{ "audience":
            "attribute": "size",
            "operator": "greater",
            "attribute": "size",
            "operator": "less",
            "value": 15
  • An attribute object with a DATE schema type. Performs absolute date comparisons for ISO-formatted date values or a relative date comparisons given an integer value and precision, e.g., days, months. Use a date attribute to target a channel or Named User based on the date values.

    • attribute : StringREQUIRED

      The key for the date attribute that you previously defined in the Airship UI, e.g., "birth_date". Max length: 256 Min length: 1

    • operator : StringREQUIRED

      The operator used to evaluate the attribute expression. The operator that you use with a date attribute will determine which additional properties will be required in the object. See table for required fields.

      OperatorRequired properties
      beforeattribute, value, precision*
      afterattribute, value, precision*
      rangeattribute, value
      equalsattribute, value, precision**

      * precision is required, but enum values are different than with an equals operator

      ** precision is required, but enum values are different than with a before or after operator

      Date Attribute Operators:

      • is_empty— Evaluates to true if a channel or Named User does not have a value for the attribute.

      • before— Value is one of:

        • String, ISO 8601 inclusive date, optionally including an offset, e.g., 2007-03-01T13:00:00+08:00. The value will be converted and stored as UTC.

        • Integer, Relative number of units from the current time (i.e., now) into the past. Example: "before": 20 indicates “at least 20 years ago” given a precision of years.

        • String with the value "now", representing the current date-time, i.e., “before now”. When using the now value, no precision is required.

          Note: When using the before operator, precision value must be one of years, months, days, hours, or minutes.

      • after— Values for after behave identically to before, as described above.

      • range— An ISO 8601 time interval. The format consists of an inclusive start and an exclusive end time date separated with a /, e.g., 2019-03-01T13:00:00/2019-05-11T15:30:00. range does not have a precision.

      • equals— allows for selecting specific or non-specific dates as determined by the precision provided in the attribute object.

        Note: When using the equals operator, precision must be one of:

        • day — an integer which represents the day of the month or “now”.
        • month — an integer which represents the month of the year starting with 1 for Jan or “now” which will use the value of the current month.
        • month_day — a string in the format of “mm-dd” which represents a month and day. Ex. 05-04 is May 4th. Value can also be “now”. If today is 2020-03-09, then value will be “03-09”.
        • year_month — a string in the format of “yyyy-mm” which represents a year and month. Ex. 2020-05 is May 2020. Value can also be “now”. If today is 2020-03-09, then value will be “2020-03”.
        • year_month_day — a string in the format of “yyyy-mm-dd” which represents a specific year, month, and day. Ex. 2020-05-04. Value can also be “now”. If today is 2020-03-09, then value will be “2020-03-09”.
        • or value can be “now” which is the current date-time.

      Possible values: is_empty, before, after, range, equals

    • precision : String

      The precision, expressed as a timing interval unit, that Airship uses to evaluate a date attribute expression.

      Possible values: years, months, days, hours, minutes, day, month, month_day, year_month, year_month_day

    • relative_to : String

      Specifies whether the date is in the future or in the past. If missing, it defaults to past.

      Possible values: future, past

    • value : Any

      One of
      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

      • Integer

        An integer specifying the relative number of units, e.g., days, years, from the current time into the past.

JSON Attribute selector

JSON Attribute examples

  // Example 1
      "attribute": "books_on_books",
      "where": {
         "property": "$[*].title",
         "operator": "equals",
         "value": "Dracula",
         "compare_as": "text"
  // Example 2
      "attribute": "oh_look_a_book",
      "where": {
         "property": "$.x['store']['book'][0]['title']",
         "operator": "equals",
         "value": "Dracula",
         "compare_as": "text"
  // Example 3
      "attribute": "another_one",
      "where": {
         "property": "$[*].sneakers",
         "operator": "equals",
         "value": 178394549,
         "compare_as": "number"
  // Example 4
      "attribute": "and_one_more",
      "where": {
         "property": "$.x['store']['codes'][0]['available']",
         "operator": "equals",
         "value": "true",
         "compare_as": "boolean"
  • An attribute object with a JSON schema type. Performs value comparisons based on the JSON value for an attribute on a channel or Named User.

    • attribute : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the attribute. Max length: 1024 Min length: 1

    • where : ObjectREQUIRED

      An object that filters on the JsonPath expression that you provide.

      • compare_as : String

        Selects the property type for comparison.

        Possible values: text, number, boolean

      • operator : StringREQUIRED

        The operator used to evaluate the attribute expression. If the JsonPath expression maps to an array, the only available operators are is_empty, not_empty, contains, or not_contains.

        Possible values: equals, contains, not_contains, less, greater, is_empty, not_empty

      • property : StringREQUIRED

        The JsonPath expression that will be used to look up the value in a predefined attribute, for example "$.x['store']['book'][0]['title']". This is different from selecting based on primitive string attributes, because the JsonPath expression can map to a single attribute or an array of attributes. See JsonPath for more information about JsonPath expressions and usage.

      • value : Any

        The value of the property you are filtering for in the where object. Use compare_as to select the type for comparison. This is required for all operators except is_empty and not_empty.

        One of
        • String

        • Number

        • Boolean

Number Attribute selector

Number Attribute example

{ "audience":
      "attribute": "lifetime_value",
      "operator": "greater",
      "value": 15000
  • An attribute object with a NUMBER schema type. Performs value comparisons based on the number value for an attribute on a channel or Named User.

    • attribute : StringREQUIRED

      The key for the number attribute that you previously defined in the Airship UI, e.g., "lifetime_value". Max length: 256 Min length: 1

    • operator : StringREQUIRED

      The operator used to evaluate the attribute expression.

      Possible values: equals, contains, less, greater, is_empty

    • value : NumberREQUIRED

      The value of the number attribute that you are targeting. For example, 15000.

Text Attribute selector

Text Attribute example

{ "audience":
      "attribute": "item_purchased",
      "operator": "contains",
      "value": "jeans"
  • An attribute object with a TEXT schema type. Evaluates for the inclusion or exclusion of a text (string) attribute on a channel or Named User.

    • attribute : StringREQUIRED

      The key for the text attribute that you previously defined in the Airship UI, e.g., "item_purchased". Max length: 256 Min length: 1

    • operator : StringREQUIRED

      The operator used to evaluate the attribute expression.

      Possible values: equals, contains, less, greater, is_empty

    • value : StringREQUIRED

      The string you want to match when evaluating the attribute expression, e.g., "jeans".

Response format

Success and error responses typically conform to the following formats.

Error response

400 response

  "ok" : false,
  "error" : "Could not parse request body.",
  "error_code" : 40000,
  "details" : {
      "error" : "The key 'alert1' is not allowed in this context",
      "path" : "notification.alert1",
      "location" : {
          "line" : 5,
          "column" : 18

400 response without location

    "ok": false,
    "error": "Could not parse request body.",
    "error_code": 40902,
    "details": {
        "error": "malformed sender"

404 response

    "ok": false,
    "error": "Entity not found",
    "error_code": 40401
  • Errors returned with 4xx responses. Errors include as much information as possible to help you understand the reason for the failure.

    • details : Object

      Provides information relating to the specific error_code when possible. For 400 errors, this object may include the path and location of validation failures.

      • error : String

        Specific information about the semantic error, helping you better understand why the request failed.

      • location : Object

        The specific line and column where the validation error occurred, if known.

        • column : Integer

          The column containing the semantic error.

        • line : Integer

          The line containing the semantic error.

      • path : String

        The path to the key containing the validation error.

    • error : StringREQUIRED

      A plain-text explanation of the error.

    • error_code : Integer

      The Airship error code. This is normally the HTTP error code appended with a 2-digit identifier, helping provide more specific details about the error.

    • ok : BooleanREQUIRED

      2xx responses return true; 4xx responses return false.

OK response

OK response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,

OK with identifiers

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Data-Attribute: push_ids
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "df6a6b50-9843-0304-d5a5-743f246a4946",
    "push_ids": [
  • Returned with 2xx Responses. At a minimum, successful calls return true for the ok key. If your call includes a verbose response (as with GET requests, etc.), the ok key will appear in the top-most object, outside the verbose response.

    • ok : BooleanREQUIRED


    • operation_id : String

      A unique string identifying the operations that modify resources. Use the operation ID to locate and track grouped operations (i.e., a batch push operation may generate multiple push_id strings, but a single operation_id) or operations that change an existing resource. Format: uuid

Platform overrides

Override push settings and provide content for specific platforms (selected by device_type). The following schemas represent overrides for each platform.

Fire OS override

  • The platform override section for Kindle Fire (for Amazon Device Messaging).

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • alert : String

      A string that override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

    • consolidation_key : String

      A string representing a key to suppress previous messages sent with the same key.

    • expires_after : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • icon : String

      A string representing an image file included in the application’s resources.

    • icon_color : String

      A string representing the icon color in API Color Format. i.e., #rrggbb

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • notification_channel : String

      A string representing a notification channel. Used to group notifications with similar behavior.

    • notification_tag : String

      A string representing a notification tag. If a message is currently displaying and has a tag set, sending another message with the same tag will replace the posted notification.

    • sound : String

      A string representing a sound file name included in the application’s resources.

    • style : Object

      Advanced styles big text, big picture, and inbox are available on Android 4.3+ by adding the style to the platform specific notification payload on Android platforms. This object must contain a string field type which must be one of big_picture, big_text, or inbox. It may also contain title and summary override fields.

      • big_picture : String

        If the type is set to big_picture, then there must also be a big_picture string field which contains the URL for an image. Format: url

      • big_text : String

        If the type is set to big_text, then a big_text string field must be present with the text to be shown in big text style.

      • lines : Array [String]

        An array of strings if the type field is set to inbox. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • summary : String

        A string field which will override the summary of the notification.

      • title : String

        A string field which will override the title of the notification.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        Possible values: big_picture, big_text, inbox

    • summary : String

      A string representing a summary/subtitle of the notification.

    • title : String

      A string representing the title of the notification. The default value is the name of the app.

Android override

Android override in a notification

   "android": {
      "title": "Shoe sale",
      "alert": "All the shoes are on sale!",
      "summary": "Don't miss out!",
      "extra": {
          "url": "",
          "story_id": "1234",
          "moar": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
      "icon": "shoes",
      "icon_color": "#8B4513",
      "notification_channel": "promos"

Example wearable notification

   "android": {
      "local_only": true,
      "wearable": {
         "background_image": "",
         "extra_pages": [
               "title": "Page 1 title - optional title",
               "alert": "Page 1 title - optional alert"
               "title": "Page 2 title - optional title",
               "alert": "Page 2 title - optional alert"
         "interactive": {
            "type": "ua_yes_no_foreground",
            "button_actions": {
               "yes": {
                  "add_tag": "butter",
                  "remove_tag": "cake",
                  "open": {
                     "type": "url",
                     "content": ""
               "no": {
                  "add_tag": "nope"

Android override in a notification with notification_tag

   "android": {
       "notification_tag": "push-xyz"
  • The platform override section for Android. Maximum 4,096 bytes.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • alert : String

      A string that override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

    • category : String

      Helps determine notification sort order. Available on Android Lollipop+.

      Possible values: alarm, call, email, err, event, msg, promo, recommendation, service, social, status, sys, transport

    • collapse_key : String

      A key indicating that this message can replace, or be replaced by, another message with the same collapse_key. This feature comes into play when a device is offline (e.g., airplane mode) or in doze mode; if multiple messages are available with the same collapse_key when a device comes back online, it will display only the most recent message and discard previous messages using the same collapse_key.

    • delay_while_idle : BooleanDEPRECATED

      After November 15, 2016, this was still accepted by GCM, but ignored. When set to true, it indicates that the message should not be sent until the device becomes active. The default value is false.

    • delivery_priority : String

      Sets the FCM/GCM priority of the message. Defaults to normal if not provided.

      Possible values: high, normal

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. The keys from, message_type, data and keys that start with google or gcm are disallowed.

      • * : String

    • icon : String

      A string representing an image file included in the application’s resources.

    • icon_color : String

      A string representing the icon color in API Color Format. i.e., #rrggbb

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • live_update : Object

      JSON object that represents the content sent to a Live Update notification. Live Updates are an AXP feature.

      Note: Using this object transforms the Android notification to a Live Update notification. When event is equal to start, the entire targeted audience will receive the Live Update content. When event is equal to update or end, only devices that have a Live Update started for the specified name field will receive the Live Update content.

      • content_state : Object

        A dictionary of string keys to arbitrary JSON values that represents the content state to be updated by the Live Activity or Live Update notification.

        • * : Object

      • dismissal_date : Integer

        An optional epoch timestamp in seconds, used when you end the Live Update. Format: int32

      • event : String

        Use start to start a Live Update. Use update to update a current Live Update. Use end to emit the last update and end the Live Update.

        Possible values: start, update, end

      • name : String

        The name of the Live Update to target. When event is equal to update or end, the audience will be limited to devices that have a Live Update started for the specified name.

      • timestamp : Integer

        An optional epoch timestamp in seconds, used to enforce the Live Update ordering. If you don’t provide one, the current timestamp is used. Format: int32

      • type : String

        Used to map Live Update events to the corresponding handler in your app.

    • local_only : Boolean

      If true, the notification is only shown on wearable devices.

    • notification_channel : String

      A string representing a notification channel. Used to group notifications with similar behavior.

    • notification_tag : String

      A string representing a notification tag. If a message is currently displaying and has a tag set, sending another message with the same tag will replace the posted notification. Similar to the iOS collapse_id.

    • priority : Integer

      An integer in the range from -2 to 2 inclusive. Used to help determine notification sort order. 2 is the highest priority, -2 is the lowest, and 0 is the default priority. Format: int32 Max: 2 Min: -2

    • public_notification : Object

      An optional notification to show on lock screen instead of the redacted one. This is only useful with visibility set to -1 (private). The object may contain any of the following string fields title, alert, and summary.

      • alert : String

      • summary : String

      • title : String

    • sound : String

      A string representing a sound file name included in the application’s resources.

    • style : Object

      Advanced styles big text, big picture, and inbox are available on Android 4.3+ by adding the style to the platform specific notification payload on Android platforms. This object must contain a string field type which must be one of big_picture, big_text, or inbox. It may also contain title and summary override fields.

      • big_picture : String

        If the type is set to big_picture, then there must also be a big_picture string field which contains the URL for an image. Format: url

      • big_text : String

        If the type is set to big_text, then a big_text string field must be present with the text to be shown in big text style.

      • lines : Array [String]

        An array of strings if the type field is set to inbox. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • summary : String

        A string field which will override the summary of the notification.

      • title : String

        A string field which will override the title of the notification.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        Possible values: big_picture, big_text, inbox

    • summary : String

      A string representing a summary/subtitle of the notification.

    • time_to_live : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • title : String

      A string representing the title of the notification. The default value is the name of the app.

    • visibility : Integer

      An integer in the range from -1 to 1 inclusive. 1 = public (default), 0 = private, -1 = secret. Secret does not show any notifications. Private shows a redacted version of the notification.

      Possible values: -1, 0, 1 Format: int32

    • wearable : Object

      Provides options for messages displayed on wearable Android devices.

      • background_image : String

        The URL to a background image to display on the wearable device.

      • extra_pages : Array [Object]

        An array of objects, each with a title and alert string attributes specifying extra pages of text to appear as pages after the notification alert on the wearable device.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • alert : String

          • title : String

      • interactive : Interactive notification object

        An interactive notification.

        Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

Email override

Example with email notification

   "audience": {
      "named_user": "jane_doe"
   "device_types": [
   "notification": {
      "android": {
         "alert": "Hello Android user!"
      "email": {
         "subject": "Did you get that thing I sent you?",
         "html_body": "<h2>Richtext body goes here</h2><p>Wow!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
         "plaintext_body": "Plaintext version goes here [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
         "message_type": "transactional",
         "sender_name": "Airship",
         "sender_address": "",
         "reply_to": "",
         "click_tracking": false,
         "open_tracking": false,
         "attachments": [
               "id": "0e10a6b9-725c-4f6b-9af2-9ef5b31328c0",
               "id": "5503b5fe-ed69-4609-bef6-6fef0e6e428f"
         "url_parameters": {
           "utm_source": "airship",
           "utm_channel": "email"
  • Notification fields specific to email messages. This object is required when email is enabled for an appKey and email is specified in the payload’s device_types field.

    • attachments : Array [Object]

      Optional list of objects, each containing an id string which represents an email attachment.

      See Email Attachments

      Min items: 1

      • A key/value pair representing an existing email attachment.

        • id : StringREQUIRED

          The email attachment id.

    • bcc : Array [String]

      An array of email addresses that you want to blind copy on this email. Contact your Account Manager to enable BCC addresses. Using addresses that your Airship Account Manager has not enabled for BCC will return a 400.

    • bypass_opt_in_level : Boolean

      You can set this toggle when message_type is set to transactional to send a business-critical email. If true, the message will be sent to your entire audience, ignoring transactional_opted_out status.

    • click_tracking : Boolean

      True by default. Set to false to prevent click tracking for GDPR compliance.

    • html_body : String

      The rich-text HTML body of the email, no larger than 100 KB.

      • When "message_type": "commercial", the body must contain an unsubscribe link in the format <a data-ua-unsubscribe=“1” title=“unsubscribe”>Unsubscribe</a>. You can send the user to a custom “goodbye” page by providing an href attribute in the link: <a data-ua-unsubscribe=“1” title=“unsubscribe” href=“YOUR_URL”>Unsubscribe</a>. If your unsubscribe link includes an href, Airship unsubscribes the user before redirecting to your page. Additionally, <a data-ua-opt-in=“1” title=“subscribe”>Subscribe and <a data-ua-opt-in=“1” title subscribe" href=“YOUR_URL_HERE”>Subscribe will be replaced by a link that will opt the user in to both commercial and transactional messaging and optionally redirect the user to a customer-supplied landing page.
      • See: Email image recommendations.

    • message_type : StringREQUIRED

      Must be transactional or commercial. If a message type is specified in the push payload, the email message type must match. Otherwise, it will result in a 400-level error.

      Possible values: transactional, commercial

    • open_tracking : Boolean

      True by default. Set to false to prevent open tracking for GDPR compliance.

    • plaintext_body : StringREQUIRED

      The plain text body of the email, no larger than 100 KB.

      When "message_type": "commercial", the body must contain a [[ua_unsubscribe]] link, which will be replaced by the unsubscribe link in Airship. You can send the user to a custom “goodbye” page by providing an href in the format [[ua-unsubscribe href=“your url here”]]. If you include an href, Airship unsubscribes the user before redirecting to your page. Additionally, [[ua-opt-in]] and [[ua-opt-in href=“YOUR_URL_HERE”]] will be replaced by a link that will opt the user in to both commercial and transactional messaging and optionally redirect the user to a customer-supplied landing page.

    • reply_to : StringREQUIRED

      The reply-to address.

    • sender_address : StringREQUIRED

      The email address of the sender. The domain of the email must be enabled in the email provider at the delivery tier (ie: Sparkpost).

    • sender_name : StringREQUIRED

      The common name for the sender, visible to email recipients.

    • subject : StringREQUIRED

      The subject line of the email.

    • url_parameters : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs as UTM or custom parameters. Each key and value will become a query parameter key and URL-encoded value that are automatically appended to all link URLs in an email. These parameters are used for tracking campaign performance.

      If a query parameter defined in this object already exists in a link, it will not be overwritten in the link. Dynamic values are supported using Handlebars, with limitations. See URL parameters in the Email content guide for more information.

iOS override

Example with media attachment

    "audience": "all",
    "device_types": [
    "notification": {
        "ios": {
            "thread_id": "sfGiants_news",
            "alert": {
                "title": "Kevin Gausman Throws a Perfect Game",
                "body": "Kevin Gausman stymies the Houston Astros for San Francisco's second perfect game in franchise history.",
                "summary-arg": "San Francisco Giants",
                "summary-arg-count": 1
            "relevance-score": 1.0,
            "interruption_level": "passive",
            "sound": "strike-call",
            "media_attachment": {
                "content": {
                    "title": "Kevin Gausman",
                    "body": "Gausman strikes out Justin Turner"
                "options": {
                    "crop": {
                        "height": 0.5,
                        "width": 0.5,
                        "x": 0.25,
                        "y": 0.25
                    "time": 15
                "url": ""
            "mutable_content": 1

iOS override in a notification with collapse_id

   "ios": {
       "collapse_id": "push-xyz"
  • The platform override section for iOS. Maximum 4,096 bytes.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • alert : Any

      Override the alert value provided at the top level, if any. May be a JSON string or an object which conforms to Apple’s push service spec.

      One of
      • String

        Alert override text for iOS devices.

      • Object

        JSON object that conforms to Apple’s Payload Key Reference.

        When using thread_id to group notifications, you might want to use the summary-arg and summary-arg-count keys to help users identify the group.

        • action-loc-key : String

          If a string is specified, the system displays an alert that includes the Close and View buttons. The string is used as a key to get a localized string in the current localization to use for the right button’s title instead of “View”.

        • body : String

          The content of the alert message.

        • launch-image : String

          The name of the launch image file you want to display with the alert. If the user chooses to launch your app, the contents of the specified image or storyboard file are displayed instead of your app’s normal launch image.

        • loc-args : Array [String]

          An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your message text. Each %@ character in the string specified by loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.

        • loc-key : String

          The key for a localized message string. Use this key, instead of the body key, to retrieve the message text from your app’s Localizable.strings file. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.

        • subtitle : String

          Additional information explaining the purpose of the notification.

        • subtitle-loc-args : Array [String]

          An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your subtitle string. Each %@ character in the string specified by subtitle-loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.

        • subtitle-loc-key : String

          The key for a localized subtitle string. Use this key, instead of the subtitle key, to retrieve the subtitle from your app’s Localizable.strings file. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.

        • summary-arg : String

          A string added to the summary of grouped notifications represented by the thread_id

        • summary-arg-count : Integer

          The number of summary-arg strings that a group of notifications represented by a thread_id will display.

        • title : String

          The title of the notification. Apple Watch displays this string in the short look notification interface. Specify a string that is quickly understood by the user.

        • title-loc-args : Array [String]

          An array of strings containing replacement values for variables in your title string. Each %@ character in the string specified by the title-loc-key is replaced by a value from this array. The first item in the array replaces the first instance of the %@ character in the string, the second item replaces the second instance, and so on.

        • title-loc-key : String

          The key for a localized title string. Specify this key instead of the title key to retrieve the title from your app’s Localizable.strings files. The value must contain the name of a key in your strings file.

    • badge : Integer

      May be an integer, the value auto, or an increment value. Increments are expressed by integers formatted as strings, and prefixed with either + (U+002B) or - (U+002D). The numeric portion may be an integer value. Format: int32

    • category : String

      Sets the APNs category for the push. This maps directly to the category field in the aps section of the APNs payload. Any interactive notification specified for the IOS platform will take precedence and this value will be ignored (the interactive notification type will be used for the category).

    • collapse_id : String

      When there is a newer message that renders an older, related message irrelevant to the client app, the new message replaces the older message with the same collapse_id. Similar to the Android notification_tag. The value of this key must not exceed 64 bytes. iOS 10 or above.

    • content_available : Boolean

      If true, the payload is delivered to your app in the background.

      This flag is automatically set to true if there is an In-App Message in the payload. Attempting to override this value to false when there is an in-app message will result in a 400 Bad Request response from the API.

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A dictionary of string keys to arbitrary JSON values. The key aps would conflict with the generated APNs payload and is disallowed.

      • * : String

    • filter_criteria : String

      The criteria the system evaluates to determine if it displays the notification in the current Focus.

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • interruption_level : String

      Indicates the importance and delivery timing of a notification.

      Note: Using a critical interruption level requires a special entitlement from Apple. If you have this entitlement, please contact your Airship Account Manager or our Support team to enable usage for your project.

      Possible values: passive, active, time-sensitive, critical

    • live_activity : Object

      JSON object that represents the content sent to a Live Activity Notification. Live Activities are an AXP feature.

      Note: Using this object transforms the iOS notification to a Live Activity notification. Only devices targeted by the Live Activity name field will receive the Live Activity update. Fields outside of the live_activity object will be ignored.

      • alert : Object

        An optional alert content for the Live Activity push payload.

        On Apple Watch, the system uses the title and body attributes for the alert. On iPhone, the system doesn’t show a regular alert but instead shows the expanded Live Activity in the Dynamic Island. On devices that don’t support the Dynamic Island, the system displays a banner on the Home Screen that uses the expanded view of your Live Activity.

        • body : String

          The content of the Apple Watch alert message.

        • sound : String

          The name of the sound file in your app’s bundle that you want to play for the alert.

        • title : String

          The title of the Apple Watch notification. Apple Watch displays this string in the short look notification interface. Specify a string that is quickly understood by the user.

      • attributes : Object

        The attributes that describe the Live Activity for a start event.

        • * : String

      • attributes_type : String

        The type of attributes that describe the Live Activity for a start event.

      • content_state : Object

        A dictionary of string keys to arbitrary JSON values that represents the content state to be updated by the Live Activity or Live Update notification.

        • * : Object

      • dismissal_date : Integer

        An optional epoch timestamp in seconds, used when you end the Live Activity. If you don’t provide one, the default behavior (after 4 hours) is used. Format: int32

      • event : String

        Use start to start a Live Activity. Use update to update a current Live Activity. Use end to emit the last update and end the Live Activity.

        Possible values: start, update, end

      • name : String

        The name of the Live Activity to target. The audience will be limited to devices that have a Live Activity registered for the specified name.

      • priority : Integer

        Sets the APNs priority of the Live Activity delivery. Valid values are 10 (immediate delivery) and 5 (conserve battery). enum: [5, 10] Format: int32

      • relevance_score : Number

        An optional number, determines which of the Live Activities appears in the Dynamic Island and the order of your Live Activities on the lock screen. Format: double

      • stale_date : Integer

        An optional epoch timestamp in seconds, tells the system when the Live Activity content becomes outdated. Format: int32

      • timestamp : Integer

        An optional epoch timestamp in seconds, used to enforce the Live Activity updates ordering. If you don’t provide one, the current timestamp is used. Format: int32

    • media_attachment : Object

      The media_attachment key on the iOS override is a JSON object that describes a media attachment to be handled by the Airship Media Attachment extension in iOS 10.

      • content : Object

        A JSON object that describes portions of the notification that should be modified if the media attachment succeeds, with any of the following fields

        • body : String

        • subtitle : String

        • title : String

      • options : Object

        A JSON object that describes how to display the resource at the URL specified above, with any of the following fields.

        • crop : Object

          A JSON object that describes the crop parameters to be used in the thumbnail. Each field is a decimal, normalized from 0 to 1. Before displaying the thumbnail, iOS additionally crops the thumbnail down to a square. See: Media guidelines.

          • height : Number

            The height of the final crop. Format: double

          • width : Number

            The width of the final crop. Format: double

          • x : Number

            The X offset where the crop begins. Format: double

          • y : Number

            The Y offset where the crop begins. Format: double

        • hidden : Boolean

          A boolean, when true, the thumbnail will be hidden.

        • time : Integer

          A decimal, the frame of the animated resource that should be used in the thumbnail. For GIFs, this value should be the frame number (an integer, with the first frame being frame 1) to show in the thumbnail. For video, the value should be the time (in seconds) into the video from which to grab the thumbnail. This value should not be set for static resources like JPGs. If the time does not exist in the resource, either because it is out of bounds or because the resource is static, the thumbnail will not show. Format: int32

      • url : StringREQUIRED

        The URL to be downloaded by the Airship Media Attachment extension. The media file should be one of the following types, and not exceed the maximum file size. Image (5 MB): JPEG, GIF, PNG. Audio (10 MB): AIFF, WAV, MP3, M4A. Video (50 MB): MPEG, MPEG2, MP4, AVI. Although these are the theoretical file size maximums, for performance the actual resources should be much smaller. See Media Guidelines.

    • mutable_content : Boolean

      When set to true, content may be modified by an extension. This flag will be automatically set to true if there is a media_attachment in the payload. iOS 10 or above. Defaults to false.

    • priority : Integer

      Sets the APNs priority of the delivery. Valid values are 10 (immediate delivery) and 5 (conserve battery). The default value will be 10 if the notification is user-visible (In-App Message payload does not count towards visibility) which means there is either an alert, badge, or sound. If the notification is not user-visible, the priority will default to 5 and it is not legal to override this value to 10. Attempts to do so will cause the API respond with a 400 Bad Request response. enum: [5, 10] Format: int32

    • relevance_score : Number

      A number from 0.0 to 1.0. Used to sort notifications for an app. The notification with highest score is featured in the notification summary. Format: double

    • sound : String

      The name of the sound file in your app’s bundle that you want to play for the alert. If the notification is critical, the dictionary has a key for "name" (equivalent to the current sound string), "volume" (a number between 0 and 1 indicating the volume), and "critical" (a boolean indicating if the alert should override local device settings and still notify).

    • subtitle : String

      A string that will display below the title of the notification. This is provided as a convenience for setting the subtitle in the alert JSON object. If a subtitle is also defined in the alert JSON object, this value is ignored. iOS 10.

    • target_content_id : String

      The identifier of the window to bring forward when the notification is opened. Used for multi-window content, such as App Clips.

    • thread_id : String

      A unique identifier used to group notifications into separate threads in the Notification Center and on the lock screen. Grouped notifications are available beginning with iOS 12.

    • title : String

      A short string describing the purpose of the notification. This is provided as a convenience for setting the title in the alert JSON object. If a title is also defined in the alert JSON object, this value is ignored.

MMS platform overrides

Example MMS notification

   "mms": {
      "subject" : "Double Rainbows",
      "fallback_text": "See for double rainbows!",
      "shorten_links": true,
      "slides" : [
            "text": "A double rainbow is a wonderful sight where you get two spectacular natural displays for the price of one.",
            "media": {
               "url": "",
               "content_type": "image/jpeg",
               "content_length": 238686
   "device_types": ["sms"]
  • Provides the content for a push to MMS channels. If sms is in the device_type array, your request may include this object. It cannot be combined with an SMS Platform Override as a single push can only include either an SMS or MMS payload.

    • fallback_text : StringREQUIRED

      If a member of your audience cannot receive MMS messages, they will receive your fallback text with a link to the original content.

      Max length: 160 Min length: 1

    • If true, Airship will shorten HTTP/HTTPS links (space delimited) in the message text fields, producing unique, 25 character URLs for each member of your audience. Airship produces short_link_click events in the Real-Time Data Stream for each link that a user engages with.

      When this setting is enabled, you can add or remove tags from users who click your links by adding query strings to your URLs. You can serialize tag operations with &:

      • ?ua-tag-add=tag_group:tag&another_group:tag2 — adds a tag in tag_group to the channel_id.
      • ?ua-tag-remove=tag_group:tag&another_group:tag2 — removes a tag in tag group from the channel_id.
      • ?ua-list-add=subscription_list_id — adds the user’s channel to the subscription list.
      • ?ua-list-remove=subscription_list_id — removes the user’s channel from the subscription list.

    • slides : Array [Object]REQUIRED

      An array containing a single slide object. A slide is a multimedia object.

      Max items: 1 Min items: 1

        • media : ObjectREQUIRED

          Contains information about the media you want to send.

          • content_length : Integer

            The length of the attachment in bytes. Maximum size is 2 MB for image/jpeg and image/png, 1,024 KB for image/gif or audio/.* MIME types, and 2,048 KB for text/vcard. While this is optional, it is recommended since pushes will get dropped if the content size is incorrect.

          • content_type : StringREQUIRED

            The MIME type of the image specified in the URL. The MIME type must match the extension in the url.

            Possible values: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, text/vcard, audio/wav, audio/3gpp, audio/3gpp2, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg

          • url : StringREQUIRED

            The HTTP or HTTPS URL of the media attachment for the slide. The URL must end in one of .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .m1a, .m2a, .mpa, .wav, .3gp, .3g2, .m4a, .m4b, .m4r, or .vcf (case-insensitive).

            While the content_length field is optional, your image must still be under 2 MB for JPEGs and PNGs, 1 MB for GIFs, or 2,048 KB for text/vcard.

            Max length: 2000

        • text : String

          Text that you want to display along with the media attachment. The order of media and text in the message is not guaranteed.

          Max length: 5000

    • subject : String

      The subject for the MMS message, normally displayed in bold. The subject might not appear for recipients if the Sender is a Toll-Free number. An empty string is valid.

      Max length: 80

Open channel override

Example push with open channel override

   "audience" : {
      "OR" : [
            { "tag" : ["sports", "entertainment"]},
            { "device_token" : "871922F4F7C6DF9D51AC7ABAE9AA5FCD7188D7BFA19A2FA99E1D2EC5F2D76506" },
            { "open_channel" : "6bcf3e63-a38a-44d8-8b0d-2fb5941e74ab" } ]
   "notification" : {
      "alert" : "Someone did sports!",
      "ios" : {
         "extra" : {
            "url" : "" } },
      "open::sms" : {
         "alert" : "SMS override alert value! I will replace the top-level alert.",
         "extra" : {
            "sms_key" : "Some SMS specific payload data for all SMS devices." } },
      "open::email" : {
         "alert" : "Email override alert value! I will replace the top-level alert.",
         "title" : "A title for email payloads - neat!" }
   "options" : { "expiry" : 60 },
   "device_types" : [ "ios", "open::sms", "open::email" ]

Open platform example

   "alert": "A generic alert sent to all open platforms",
   "device_types" : ["open::sms", "open::email"],
   "open::sms": {
      "title": "SMS Alert!",
      "alert": "A shorter alert for SMS users",
      "summary": "A longer summary of some content or whatever",
      "media_attachment": "",
      "extra": {
         "some_info": "For SMS only",
         "some_id": "671ecd12-ad56-4b2f-98f1-107ce33d33e6" },
      "interactive": {
         "type": "ua_yes_no_foreground",
         "button_actions": {
            "yes": {
               "open": {
                  "type": "url",
                  "content": "" } },
            "no": {
               "app_defined": {
                  "foo": "bar" } } } }
   "open::email": {
      "alert": "A longer alert for users of email, who have more space." }
  • The platform override section for open platforms uses the prefix attribute open:: before the configured open platform name. The open::<open_platform_name> object will contain an object with the following attributes.

    • alert : String

      Override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • media_attachment : String

      A URI for an image or video somewhere on the internet. Format: uri

    • summary : String

      A string value for providing a content summary.

    • title : String

      A string representing the title of the notification.

SMS platform overrides

Example SMS notification

    "audience": {
       "named_user": "user"
    "notification": {
       "alert": "A generic alert sent to all platforms without overrides in device_types",
       "sms": {
          "alert": "A shorter alert with a link for SMS users to click",
          "expiry": 172800,
          "shorten_links": true
    "device_types": [ "sms" ]
  • Provides override options when sms is one of the device_types specified in the payload.

    • alert : String

      Overrides the alert provided at the top level of the notification for SMS channels. The maximum length of an SMS alert is 1,600 characters. The alert will be split into multiple messages by CLX if needed.

      Max length: 1600

    • expiry : Any

      The time after which Airship will stop trying to deliver an SMS message. The maximum expiry period is 48 hours; this is also the default expiry period.

      One of
      • String

        A date-time. The timestamp must be within the next 48 hours. Format: date-time

      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. Max: 172800

    • If true, Airship will shorten HTTP/HTTPS links (space delimited) in the message text fields, producing unique, 25 character URLs for each member of your audience. Airship produces short_link_click events in the Real-Time Data Stream for each link that a user engages with.

      When this setting is enabled, you can add or remove tags from users who click your links by adding query strings to your URLs. You can serialize tag operations with &:

      • ?ua-tag-add=tag_group:tag&another_group:tag2 — adds a tag in tag_group to the channel_id.
      • ?ua-tag-remove=tag_group:tag&another_group:tag2 — removes a tag in tag group from the channel_id.
      • ?ua-list-add=subscription_list_id — adds the user’s channel to the subscription list.
      • ?ua-list-remove=subscription_list_id — removes the user’s channel from the subscription list.

Web override

Example with web override

   "audience": {
      "channel": "cab69081-0196-4f6b-91dc-53bc88a2e6ce"
   "device_types": [
   "notification": {
      "alert": "Hello, world!",
      "web": {
         "alert": "Hello Web World",
         "title": "A Custom Web Title",
         "require_interaction": true,
         "buttons": [
               "id": "yes",
               "label": "Yes",
               "actions": {
                  "open": {
                     "type": "home"
                  "add_tag": [
               "id": "no",
               "label": "No"
         "extra": {
            "story_id": "1234",
            "moar": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
  • The web platform overrides determine message behaviors for web notifications.

    Safari behaves differently from other browsers and supports only the alert and title overrides. It ignores all other web overrides.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • alert : String

      Override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

    • buttons : Array [Object]

      Contains one or two buttons that perform actions for the web notification. If you do not specify actions for a button, the button closes the notification without performing an action. Max items: 2 Min items: 1

        • actions : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • id : StringREQUIRED

          The action ID on the service worker notification event that fires when your audience clicks the button.

        • label : StringREQUIRED

          The button label.

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • icon : Object

      A JSON object that describes an icon to be used with the notification.

      • url : StringREQUIRED

        The URL to be used for the icon.

    • image : Object

      A JSON object that describes an image to be used with the web alert.

      • url : StringREQUIRED

        The URL to be used for the image.

    • require_interaction : Boolean

      If true, a feature that requires a user to interact with the notification in order to remove it from their computer screen.

    • time_to_live : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • title : String

      A string representing the title of the notification.

Platform overrides with templates

Override push settings and provide content for specific platforms (selected by device_type) using a template. Templated platform overrides automatically allow personalization using Handlebars.


The fields key under template is deprecated. This old method is still supported, but has been superseded by just using {{handlebars}} directly in the payload.

Fire OS override with template

Fire OS override with a template

   "amazon": {
      "title": "Shoe sale on {{level}} floor!",
      "alert": "All the shoes are on sale {{name}}!",
      "summary": "Don't miss out!",
      "icon": "shoes",
      "icon_color": "{{iconColor}}"

Fire OS override with a template_id

   "amazon": {
       "template": {
           "template_id": "608f1f6c-8860-c617-a803-b187b491568e"
  • Use a template with a Fire OS-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • consolidation_key : String

      A string representing a key to suppress previous messages sent with the same key.

    • expires_after : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • notification_channel : String

      A string representing a notification channel. Used to group notifications with similar behavior.

    • notification_tag : String

      A string representing a notification tag. If a message is currently displaying and has a tag set, sending another message with the same tag will replace the posted notification.

    • sound : String

      A string representing a sound file name included in the application’s resources.

    • style : Object

      Advanced styles big text, big picture, and inbox are available on Android 4.3+ by adding the style to the platform specific notification payload on Android platforms. This object must contain a string field type which must be one of big_picture, big_text, or inbox. It may also contain title and summary override fields.

      • big_picture : String

        If the type is set to big_picture, then there must also be a big_picture string field which contains the URL for an image. Format: url

      • big_text : String

        If the type is set to big_text, then a big_text string field must be present with the text to be shown in big text style.

      • lines : Array [String]

        An array of strings if the type field is set to inbox. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • summary : String

        A string field which will override the summary of the notification.

      • title : String

        A string field which will override the title of the notification.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        Possible values: big_picture, big_text, inbox

    • template : Any

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          Items in the field object are personalizable with handlebars.

          • alert : String

            A string that override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

          • icon : String

            A string representing an image file included in the application’s resources.

          • icon_color : String

            A string representing the icon color in API Color Format. i.e., #rrggbb

          • summary : String

            A string representing a summary/subtitle of the notification.

          • title : String

            A string representing the title of the notification. The default value is the name of the app.

Android override with template

Android override with a template

   "android": {
      "title": "Shoe sale on {{level}} floor!",
      "alert": "All the shoes are on sale {{name}}!",
      "summary": "Don't miss out!",
      "icon": "shoes",
      "icon_color": "{{iconColor}}",
      "extra": {
            "url": "",
            "story_id": "1234",
            "moar": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
      "notification_channel": "promos"

Android override with a template_id

   "android": {
      "template": {
            "template_id": "608f1f6c-8860-c617-a803-b187b491568e"
      "extra": {
            "url": "",
            "story_id": "1234",
            "moar": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
      "notification_channel": "promos"
  • Use a template with an Android-specific fields. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • category : String

      Helps determine notification sort order. Available on Android Lollipop+.

      Possible values: alarm, call, email, err, event, msg, promo, recommendation, service, social, status, sys, transport

    • collapse_key : String

      A key indicating that this message can replace, or be replaced by, another message with the same collapse_key. This feature comes into play when a device is offline (e.g., airplane mode) or in doze mode; if multiple messages are available with the same collapse_key when a device comes back online, it will display only the most recent message and discard previous messages using the same collapse_key.

    • delay_while_idle : BooleanDEPRECATED

      After November 15, 2016, this was still accepted by GCM, but ignored. When set to true, it indicates that the message should not be sent until the device becomes active. The default value is false.

    • delivery_priority : String

      Sets the FCM/GCM priority of the message. Defaults to normal if not provided.

      Possible values: high, normal

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. The keys from, message_type, data and keys that start with google or gcm are disallowed.

      • * : String

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • local_only : Boolean

      If true, the notification is only shown on wearable devices.

    • notification_channel : String

      A string representing a notification channel. Used to group notifications with similar behavior.

    • notification_tag : String

      A string representing a notification tag. If a message is currently displaying and has a tag set, sending another message with the same tag will replace the posted notification. Similar to the iOS collapse_id.

    • priority : Integer

      An integer in the range from -2 to 2 inclusive. Used to help determine notification sort order. 2 is the highest priority, -2 is the lowest, and 0 is the default priority. Format: int32 Max: 2 Min: -2

    • public_notification : Object

      An optional notification to show on lock screen instead of the redacted one. This is only useful with visibility set to -1 (private). The object may contain any of the following string fields title, alert, and summary.

      • alert : String

      • summary : String

      • title : String

    • sound : String

      A string representing a sound file name included in the application’s resources.

    • style : Object

      Advanced styles big text, big picture, and inbox are available on Android 4.3+ by adding the style to the platform specific notification payload on Android platforms. This object must contain a string field type which must be one of big_picture, big_text, or inbox. It may also contain title and summary override fields.

      • big_picture : String

        If the type is set to big_picture, then there must also be a big_picture string field which contains the URL for an image. Format: url

      • big_text : String

        If the type is set to big_text, then a big_text string field must be present with the text to be shown in big text style.

      • lines : Array [String]

        An array of strings if the type field is set to inbox. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

      • summary : String

        A string field which will override the summary of the notification.

      • title : String

        A string field which will override the title of the notification.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        Possible values: big_picture, big_text, inbox

    • template : Any

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          Items in the field object are personalizable with handlebars.

          • alert : String

            A string that override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

          • icon : String

            A string representing an image file included in the application’s resources.

          • icon_color : String

            A string representing the icon color in API Color Format. i.e., #rrggbb

          • summary : String

            A string representing a summary/subtitle of the notification.

          • title : String

            A string representing the title of the notification. The default value is the name of the app.

    • time_to_live : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • visibility : Integer

      An integer in the range from -1 to 1 inclusive. 1 = public (default), 0 = private, -1 = secret. Secret does not show any notifications. Private shows a redacted version of the notification.

      Possible values: -1, 0, 1 Format: int32

    • wearable : Object

      Provides options for messages displayed on wearable Android devices.

      • background_image : String

        The URL to a background image to display on the wearable device.

      • extra_pages : Array [Object]

        An array of objects, each with a title and alert string attributes specifying extra pages of text to appear as pages after the notification alert on the wearable device.

        ARRAY ITEM
          • alert : String

          • title : String

      • interactive : Interactive notification object

        An interactive notification.

        Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

Email notification with template

Example with inline template

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_address": "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "cart" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "email" ],
  "notification" : {
    "email": {
      "message_type": "commercial",
      "sender_name": "Airship",
      "sender_address": "",
      "reply_to": "",
      "template": {
        "fields": {
          "subject": "Hi {{customer.first_name}}, your products are ready!",
          "plaintext_body": "Hi {{customer.first_name}},/n Your order is ready for pickup at our {{customer.location}} store!/n Your order:/n {{#each cart}}{{this.qty}}x {{}}/n{{/each}} Thanks,/n Your local AwesomeStore."
      "url_parameters": {
        "utm_source": "airship",
        "utm_channel": "email"

Example with template_id

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_address": "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "cart" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "email" ],
  "notification" : {
    "email": {
      "message_type": "commercial",
      "sender_name": "Airship",
      "sender_address": "",
      "reply_to": "",
      "template": {
        "template_id": "9335bb2a-2a45-456c-8b53-42af7898236a"
      "url_parameters": {
        "utm_source": "airship",
        "utm_channel": "email"
  • Notification fields specific to email messages with an inline template for use in a /api/create-and-send payload. Using a template enables you to provide and populate variables in your notification. You can also add conditional statements based on those variables, determining message text that to send to each member of your audience. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

    • bcc : Array [String]

      An array of email addresses that you want to blind copy on this email. Contact your Account Manager to enable BCC addresses. Using addresses that your Airship Account Manager has not enabled for BCC will return a 400.

    • click_tracking : Boolean

      True by default. Set to false to prevent click tracking for GDPR compliance.

    • message_type : StringREQUIRED

      The type of email you are sending, transactional or commercial.

      Possible values: transactional, commercial

    • open_tracking : Boolean

      True by default. Set to false to prevent open tracking for GDPR compliance.

    • reply_to : StringREQUIRED

      The reply-to address.

    • sender_address : StringREQUIRED

      The email address of the sender. The domain of the email must be enabled in the email provider at the delivery tier.

    • sender_name : StringREQUIRED

      The common name for the sender, visible to email recipients.

    • template : AnyREQUIRED

      Specify a template_id created in the Airship UI or use an inline template.

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : ObjectREQUIRED

          The template you want to construct for the message. Provide variables in the template in double curly brackets — {{variable_name}}. The variable name must be a case-sensitive match of a key in your create-and-send objects to be replaced as a part of the template.

          • html_body : String

            The rich-text HTML body of the email, no larger than 100 KB.

            • When "message_type": "commercial", the body must contain an unsubscribe link in the format <a data-ua-unsubscribe=“1” title=“unsubscribe”>Unsubscribe</a>. You can send the user to a custom “goodbye” page by providing an href attribute in the link: <a data-ua-unsubscribe=“1” title=“unsubscribe” href=“YOUR_URL”>Unsubscribe</a>. If your unsubscribe link includes an href, Airship unsubscribes the user before redirecting to your page. Additionally, <a data-ua-opt-in=“1” title=“subscribe”>Subscribe and <a data-ua-opt-in=“1” title subscribe" href=“YOUR_URL_HERE”>Subscribe will be replaced by a link that will opt the user in to both commercial and transactional messaging and optionally redirect the user to a customer-supplied landing page.
            • See Email image recommendations.

          • plaintext_body : StringREQUIRED

            The plain text body of the email, no larger than 100 KB.

            When "message_type": "commercial", the body must contain a [[ua_unsubscribe]] link, which will be replaced by the unsubscribe link in Airship. You can send the user to a custom “goodbye” page by providing an href in the format [[ua-unsubscribe href=“your url here”]]. If you include an href, Airship unsubscribes the user before redirecting to your page. Additionally, [[ua-opt-in]] and [[ua-opt-in href=“YOUR_URL_HERE”]] will be replaced by a link that will opt the user in to both commercial and transactional messaging and optionally redirect the user to a customer-supplied landing page.

          • subject : StringREQUIRED

            The subject line of the email you want to send.

    • url_parameters : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs as UTM or custom parameters. Each key and value will become a query parameter key and URL-encoded value that are automatically appended to all link URLs in an email. These parameters are used for tracking campaign performance.

      If a query parameter defined in this object already exists in a link, it will not be overwritten in the link. Dynamic values are supported using Handlebars, with limitations. See URL parameters in the Email content guide for more information.

iOS override with template

iOS override with a template

   "ios": {
      "thread_id": "sfGiants_news",
      "title": "{{NAME}} Throws a Perfect Game",
      "body": "{{NAME}} stymies the {{OTHER_TEAM}} for San Francisco's first perfect game in franchise history.",
      "subtitle": "San Francisco Giants {{DATE}}",
      "sound": "strike-call",
      "media_attachment": {
         "content": {
            "title": "Kevin Gausman",
            "body": "Gausman strikes out Justin Turner"
         "options": {
            "crop": {
               "height": 0.5,
               "width": 0.5,
               "x": 0.25,
               "y": 0.25
            "time": 15
         "url": ""
      "mutable_content": 1

iOS override with a template_id

   "ios": {
      "template": {
            "template_id": "608f1f6c-8860-c617-a803-b187b491568e"
  • Use a template with iOS-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • badge : Integer

      May be an integer, the value auto, or an increment value. Increments are expressed by integers formatted as strings, and prefixed with either + (U+002B) or - (U+002D). The numeric portion may be an integer value. Format: int32

    • category : String

      Sets the APNs category for the push. This maps directly to the category field in the aps section of the APNs payload. Any interactive notification specified for the IOS platform will take precedence and this value will be ignored (the interactive notification type will be used for the category).

    • collapse_id : String

      When there is a newer message that renders an older, related message irrelevant to the client app, the new message replaces the older message with the same collapse_id. Similar to the Android notification_tag. The value of this key must not exceed 64 bytes. iOS 10 or above.

    • content_available : Boolean

      If true, the payload is delivered to your app in the background.

      This flag is automatically set to true if there is an In-App Message in the payload. Attempting to override this value to false when there is an in-app message will result in a 400 Bad Request response from the API.

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A dictionary of string keys to arbitrary JSON values. The key aps would conflict with the generated APNs payload and is disallowed.

      • * : String

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • media_attachment : Object

      The media_attachment key on the iOS override is a JSON object that describes a media attachment to be handled by the Airship Media Attachment extension in iOS 10.

      • content : Object

        A JSON object that describes portions of the notification that should be modified if the media attachment succeeds, with any of the following fields.

        • body : String

        • subtitle : String

        • title : String

      • options : Object

        A JSON object that describes how to display the resource at the URL specified above, with any of the following fields.

        • crop : Object

          A JSON object that describes the crop parameters to be used in the thumbnail. Each field is a decimal, normalized from 0 to 1. Before displaying the thumbnail, iOS additionally crops the thumbnail down to a square. See: Media guidelines.

          • height : Number

            The height of the final crop. Format: double

          • width : Number

            The width of the final crop. Format: double

          • x : Number

            The X offset where the crop begins. Format: double

          • y : Number

            The Y offset where the crop begins. Format: double

        • hidden : Boolean

          A boolean, when true, the thumbnail will be hidden.

        • time : Integer

          A decimal, the frame of the animated resource that should be used in the thumbnail. For GIFs, this value should be the frame number (an integer, with the first frame being frame 1) to show in the thumbnail. For video, the value should be the time (in seconds) into the video from which to grab the thumbnail. This value should not be set for static resources like JPGs. If the time does not exist in the resource, either because it is out of bounds or because the resource is static, the thumbnail will not show. Format: int32

      • url : StringREQUIRED

        The URL to be downloaded by the Airship Media Attachment extension. The media file should be one of the following types, and not exceed the maximum file size. Image (5 MB): JPEG, GIF, PNG. Audio (10 MB): AIFF, WAV, MP3, M4A. Video (50 MB): MPEG, MPEG2, MP4, AVI. Although these are the theoretical file size maximums, for performance the actual resources should be much smaller. See Media Guidelines.

    • mutable_content : Boolean

      When set to true, content may be modified by an extension. This flag will be automatically set to true if there is a media_attachment in the payload. iOS 10 or above. Defaults to false.

    • priority : Integer

      Sets the APNs priority of the delivery. Valid values are 10 (immediate delivery) and 5 (conserve battery). The default value will be 10 if the notification is user-visible (In-App Message payload does not count towards visibility) which means there is either an alert, badge, or sound. If the notification is not user-visible, the priority will default to 5 and it is not legal to override this value to 10. Attempts to do so will cause the API respond with a 400 Bad Request response. enum: [5, 10] Format: int32

    • sound : String

      The name of the sound file in your app’s bundle that you want to play for the alert. If the notification is critical, the dictionary has a key for "name" (equivalent to the current sound string), "volume" (a number between 0 and 1 indicating the volume), and "critical" (a boolean indicating if the alert should override local device settings and still notify).

    • template : Any

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          Items in the field object are personalizable with handlebars.

          • alert : String

            Alert override text for iOS devices.

          • subtitle : String

            A string that will display below the title of the notification. This is provided as a convenience for setting the subtitle in the alert JSON object. If a subtitle is also defined in the alert JSON object, this value is ignored. iOS 10.

          • title : String

            A short string describing the purpose of the notification. This is provided as a convenience for setting the title in the alert JSON object. If a title is also defined in the alert JSON object, this value is ignored.

    • thread_id : String

      A unique identifier used to group notifications into separate threads in the Notification Center and on the lock screen. Grouped notifications are available beginning with iOS 12.

Message Center with template

Message Center with template using handlebars example

   "message": {
      "title": "Save on {{product}} through {{end_date}}!",
      "body": "<html><body><h1>here's a cool {{offer}}</h1> etc...</html>",
      "content_type": "text/html",
      "expiry": "2020-04-01T12:00:00",
      "extra": {
         "offer_id": "608f1f6c-8860-c617-a803-b187b491568e"
      "icons": {
         "list_icon": ""

Message Center with template by ID example

   "message": {
      "template": {
         "template_id": "my_template_id"
  • Use a template with a message center message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • content_encoding : String

      A string denoting encoding type of the data in body. Defaults to utf-8. base64 encoding can be used in cases which would be complex to escape properly, just as HTML containing embedded javascript code, which itself may contain embedded JSON data.

    • content_type : String

      A string denoting the MIME type of the data in body. Defaults to text/html.

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • icons : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string key and value pairs representing icons. At this time, only the list_icon key is supported. Values must be URI/URLs to icon resources. For resources hosted by UA, use the following URI format ua:<resource_id>.

      • list_icon : String

    • template : Any

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          Items in the field object are personalizable with handlebars.

          • html_body : String

            The body of the message. This can be a full HTML message.

          • title : String

            The title of the message.

MMS notification with inline template

Example object with merge fields in audience object

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_sender" : "12345",
        "ua_msisdn" : "15558675309",
        "ua_opted_in" : "2020-08-30T22:35:00",
        "delivery_image": "url",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "order" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "mms" ],
  "notification" : {
    "mms" : {
      "subject" : "Your order is on the way!",
      "fallback_text": "Hi, {{customer.first_name}}, your {{#each order}}{{}}{{/each}} just shipped",
      "slides": [
          "media": {
            "url": "",
            "content_type": "image/jpeg",
            "content_length": 123100
          "text": "Hi, {{customer.first_name}}, your {{#each order}}{{}}{{/each}} just shipped."

Example with inline template

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_sender" : "12345",
        "ua_msisdn" : "15558675309",
        "ua_opted_in" : "2020-08-30T22:35:00",
        "delivery_image": "",
        "content-length": "1234567",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "order" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "mms" ],
  "notification" : {
    "mms" : {
      "subject": "Your order is on the way!",
      "fallback_text": "Hi, {{customer.first_name}}, your {{#each order}}{{}}{{/each}} was delivered!",
      "slides": [
          "media": {
            "url": "",
            "content_type": "image/jpeg",
            "content_length": 123100
          "text" : "Hi, {{customer.first_name}}, your {{#each order}}{{}}{{/each}} was delivered!"

Example with template_id

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_sender" : "12345",
        "ua_msisdn" : "15558675309",
        "ua_opted_in" : "2020-08-30T22:35:00",
        "delivery_image": "",
        "content-length": "1234567",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "order" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "mms" ],
  "notification" : {
    "mms" : {
      "template" : {
        "template_id" : "9335bb2a-2a45-456c-8b53-42af7898236a"
      "slides": [
          "media": {
            "url": "",
            "content_type": "image/jpeg",
            "content_length": 123100
  • Template and notification overrides for a Create and Send payload with device_types set to mms. With a template, you can provide and populate variables and conditional statements based on those variables. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

    • slides : Array [Object]

      An array containing a single slide object. A slide is a multimedia object.

      Max items: 1 Min items: 1

        • media : ObjectREQUIRED

          • content_length : Integer

            The length of the attachment in bytes. Maximum size is 2 MB for image/jpeg and image/png, 1,024 KB for image/gif or audio/.* MIME types, and 2,048 KB for text/vcard. While this is optional, it is recommended since pushes will get dropped if the content size is incorrect.

          • content_type : StringREQUIRED

            The MIME type of the image specified in the URL. The MIME type must match the extension in the url.

            Possible values: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, text/vcard, audio/wav, audio/3gpp, audio/3gpp2, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg

          • url : StringREQUIRED

            The HTTP or HTTPS URL of the media attachment for the slide. The URL must end in one of .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .m1a, .m2a, .mpa, .wav, .3gp, .3g2, .m4a, .m4b, .m4r, or .vcf (case-insensitive).

            While the content_length field is optional, your image must still be under 2 MB for JPEGs and PNGs, 1 MB for GIFs, or 2,048 KB for text/vcard.

            Max length: 2000

    • template : Any

      Specify a template_id created in the Airship UI or use an inline template.

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          • fallback_text : StringREQUIRED

            If a member of your audience cannot receive MMS messages, they will receive your fallback text with a link to the original content.

            Max length: 160 Min length: 1

          • subject : String

            The subject for the MMS message, normally displayed in bold. The subject might not appear for recipients if the Sender is a Toll-Free number. An empty string is valid.

            Max length: 80

          • text : Object

            Text that you want to display along with the media attachment. The order of media and text in the message is not guaranteed.

            Max length: 5000

Open channel override with template

  • Use a template with an open channel-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • template : AnyREQUIRED

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          • alert : String

            Override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

          • media_attachment : String

            A URI for an image or video somewhere on the internet. Format: uri

          • summary : String

            A string value for providing a content summary.

          • title : String

            A string representing the title of the notification.

SMS notification with template

Example object with merge fields in audience object

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_sender" : "12345",
        "ua_msisdn" : "15558675309",
        "ua_opted_in" : "2020-08-30T22:35:00",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "cart" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "sms" ],
  "notification" : {
    "sms" : {
      "alert" : "Hi, {{customer.first_name}}, your {{#each cart}}{{}}{{/each}} are ready to pickup at our {{customer.location}} location!"
  "campaigns" : {
    "categories" : [ "order-pickup" ]

Example object with template_id

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_sender" : "12345",
        "ua_msisdn" : "15558675309",
        "ua_opted_in" : "2020-08-30T22:35:00",
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "Jenny",
            "last_name": "Smith",
            "location": "Vancouver"
        "cart" : [
            "name" : "Rubber Gloves",
            "code" : "abaccgdsagsde",
            "qty": 1
            "name" : "Bleach Alternative",
            "code" : "cacadgdesgaga",
            "qty": 1
  "device_types" : [ "sms" ],
  "notification" : {
    "sms" : {
      "template" : {
        "template_id": "9335bb2a-2a45-456c-8b53-42af7898236a"
  • Notification fields specific to SMS messages with an inline template for use in a /api/create-and-send payload. Using a template enables you to provide and populate variables in your notification. You can also add conditional statements based on those variables, determining message text that to send to each member of your audience. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • template : AnyREQUIRED

      Specify a template_id created in the Airship UI or use an inline template.

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          The template you want to construct for the message. Provide variables in the template in double curly brackets — {{variable_name}}. The variable name must be a case-sensitive match of a key in your create-and-send objects to be replaced as a part of the template.

          • alert : StringREQUIRED

            The notification you want to send to an SMS audience.

Web override with template

Web override with a template

   "web": {
      "alert": "Vote now, {{name}}!",
      "title": "Geese? Or ducks!",
      "icon": "{{icon}}",
      "require_interaction": true,
      "buttons": [
            "id": "yes",
            "label": "Yes",
            "actions": {
               "open": {
                  "type": "home"
               "add_tag": ["new_tag"]
         "id": "no",
         "label": "No"
      "extra": {
         "story_id": "1234",
         "moar": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"

Web override with a template_id

   "web": {
      "template": {
         "template_id": "1ad69081-c196-af21-41dc-53bc89a2edc5"
      "require_interaction": true,
      "extra": {
         "story_id": "1234",
         "moar": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
  • Use a template with a Web-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    Safari behaves differently from other browsers and supports only the alert and title overrides. It ignores all other web overrides.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • buttons : Array [Object]

      Contains one or two buttons that perform actions for the web notification. If you do not specify actions for a button, the button closes the notification without performing an action. Max items: 2 Min items: 1

        • actions : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • id : StringREQUIRED

          The action ID on the service worker notification event that fires when your audience clicks the button.

        • label : StringREQUIRED

          The button label.

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • icon : Object

      A JSON object that describes an icon to be used with the notification.

      • url : StringREQUIRED

        The URL to be used for the icon.

    • image : Object

      A JSON object that describes an image to be used with the web alert.

      • url : StringREQUIRED

        The URL to be used for the image.

    • require_interaction : Boolean

      If true, a feature that requires a user to interact with the notification in order to remove it from their computer screen.

    • template : Any

      One of
      • Object

      • Object

        • fields : Object

          Items in the field object are personalizable with handlebars.

          • alert : String

            Override the alert value provided at the top level, if any.

          • icon : Object

            A JSON object that describes a icon to be used with the web alert.

            • url : StringREQUIRED

              The URL to be used for the icon.

          • title : String

            A string representing the title of the notification.

    • time_to_live : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

Region data formats

The following schemas represent ways to target by location, region, or geofence.

Geofence object

Polygon Geofence

    "type": "POLYGON",
    "points": [
            "latitude": 1.000,
            "longitude": 90
            "latitude": 2.000,
            "longitude": 90
            "latitude": 3.000,
            "longitude": 0

Circle Geofence

    "type": "CIRCLE",
    "center": {
        "latitude": 0,
        "longitude": 0
    "radius": 1000

Confidential Geofence

    "type": "CONFIDENTIAL",
    "source": "Maponics",
    "version": "1.0.17-BETA",
    "id": "TheLouvreMuseumFloodZoneParis"
  • A Geofence object describes a geographical boundary corresponding to a physical location of relevance to the application or application owner. The geofence type can be a polygon, a circle, or provided by a confidential source.

    One of
    • Polygon Geofence object : Object

      A Geofence subtype describing a polygon.

      • points : Array [Point object]REQUIRED

        An ordered array of Points that correspond to the vertices of the polygon on the globe.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        The key type indicating a polygon geofence subtype.

        Possible values: POLYGON

    • Circle Geofence object : Object

      A Geofence subtype describing a circle.

      • center : Point objectREQUIRED

        A single Point indicating the center fo the circle.

      • radius : IntegerREQUIRED

        An integer indicating the size (in meters) of the radius of the circle whose edge is the geofence boundary.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        The key type indicating a circle geofence subtype.

        Possible values: CIRCLE

    • Confidential Geofence object : Object

      A confidential Geofence subtype.

      • id : StringREQUIRED

        The source-specific identifier for this geofence.

      • source : StringREQUIRED

        The name of the company providing the geofence.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        The key type indicating a confidential geofence subtype.

        Possible values: CONFIDENTIAL

      • version : StringREQUIRED

        The version number for the source of this geofence.

Point object

Coordinate point example

    "latitude": 45,
    "longitude": 179.999999
  • A Point object is a simple JSON object corresponding to a point on the globe, consisting of only two keys: latitude and longitude.

    • latitude : NumberREQUIRED

      Decimal with maximum 6 digits of decimal precision in the range [-90,90]. Format: float

    • longitude : NumberREQUIRED

      Decimal with maximum 6 digits of decimal precision in the range of [0, 180) Format: float

Region object

Example polygon-type Geofence imported from Gimbal

    "region_id": "abe5deb3-00d0-446e-8c5d-94b6421a01e0",
    "name": "My Favorite Place",
    "created_at": "2020-06-09T12:34:56",
    "updated_at": "2020-06-09T12:34:56",
    "geofence": {
        "type": "POLYGON",
        "points": [
                "latitude": 90.0,
                "longitude": 180.0
                "latitude": 90.0,
                "longitude": 180.0
                "latitude": 0.0,
                "longitude": 0.0
    "beacons": [
            "name": "entryway",
            "id": "VLSHLAOEXOFCMLDVTKFQ"
            "name": "Exhibit A",
            "id": "ZAQQMNOZKRFCRPYEUCZI"
    "attributes": {
        "store_name": "REI"
    "source_info": {
        "source": "GIMBAL",
        "region_id": "4BPSFLKJSDFLKJSDFLKJ",
        "vendor_href": ""
  • A Region object describes a geographical boundary or set of hardware identifiers and associated attributes that correspond to a physical location of relevance to the application or application owner.

    • attributes : Object

      An attribute object is an object containing the customer-provided region attributes associated with a particular region.

    • beacons : Array [Object]

      An array of beacon objects.

        • id : StringREQUIRED

          The hardware ID of the beacon.

        • name : String

          The user-supplied name of the beacon.

    • created_at : StringREQUIRED

      The creation date-time for the region. Format: date-time

    • geofence : Geofence object

      A Geofence object describes a geographical boundary corresponding to a physical location of relevance to the application or application owner. The geofence type can be a polygon, a circle, or provided by a confidential source.

    • name : String

      A human-readable name for the region.

    • region_id : StringREQUIRED

      A string containing a UUID that is the canonical identifier for this object, elsewhere referred to as region_id. Format: uuid

    • source_info : Object

      A Source Info object is a simple JSON object providing the details about the origin of the region data.

      • region_id : StringREQUIRED

        Internal identifier used by source for this region.

      • source : StringREQUIRED

        Name of the company who originated the region data.

      • vendor_href : String

        URI indicating the location of the original source of this region data.

    • updated_at : StringREQUIRED

      The last updated date-time for the region. Format: date-time

Audience selection

Objects that help you select and target an audience.

Atomic selector

Example audience selection by tag

   "audience": {
      "tag": "sfGiants",
      "group": "favorite_teams"

Example SMS channel audience

    "audience" : {
        "sms_id" :  {
            "sender" : "12345",
            "msisdn" : "15552243311"

Example audience segment

    "audience" : {
        "segment" : "<segment-id>"

Example audience of Named Users

   "audience" : {
      "named_user" : "user-id-54320"

Example audience of static list

   "audience" : {
      "static_list" : "name_of_list"
  • Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

    One of
    • All selector : String

      The simplest selector, which targets the entire audience.

      Possible values: all

    • Tag selector : Object

      A tag is an arbitrary bit of metadata used for targeting devices. A tag specifier may or may not have an associated group declaration, indicating a tag group the tag belongs to, for example, {"tag": "silver-member", "group": "loyalty"}. If no tag group is specified, the default device group is used.

      • group : String

      • tag : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Max length: 128 Min length: 1

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • Segment selector : Object

      The Segment ID.

      • segment : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Format: uuid

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Format: uuid

    • Channel selector : Object

      The unique channel identifier used to target an open channel device or web device, i.e., web browser.

      • channel : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Format: uuid

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Format: uuid

    • Named User selector : Object

      A named_user is an alternate, non-unique name, mapped to a user profile in a different database, e.g., CRM, that can be used to target devices associated with that profile.

      • named_user : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Max length: 128 Min length: 1

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • Fire OS channel selector : Object

      The unique channel identifier used to target a Fire OS device.

      • amazon_channel : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Format: uuid

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Format: uuid

    • Android channel selector : Object

      The unique channel identifier used to target an Android device.

      • android_channel : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Format: uuid

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Format: uuid

    • Open channel selector : Object

      The unique channel identifier used to target a device on an open platform.

      • open_channel : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Format: uuid

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Format: uuid

    • SMS sender selector : String

      A long or short code the app is configured to send from. For example, 12345.

      • sms_sender : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Max length: 16 Min length: 1

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Max length: 16 Min length: 1

    • SMS ID selector : Object

      Selects a single SMS device. The msisdn must be opted_in to receive notifications.

      • msisdn : StringREQUIRED

        The recipient phone number. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

      • sender : StringREQUIRED

        The sender that the app is configured to send SMS messages from. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • Static list selector : Object

      A static_list is a subset of your audience defined by a CSV file containing Channel IDs or Named Users.

      • static_list : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Max length: 128 Min length: 1

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • Subscription List selector : Object

      An single instance or array of subscription list IDs.

      • subscription_list : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
    • Text Attribute selector

      An attribute object with a TEXT schema type. Evaluates for the inclusion or exclusion of a text (string) attribute on a channel or Named User.

    • Number Attribute selector

      An attribute object with a NUMBER schema type. Performs value comparisons based on the number value for an attribute on a channel or Named User.

    • Date Attribute selector

      An attribute object with a DATE schema type. Performs absolute date comparisons for ISO-formatted date values or a relative date comparisons given an integer value and precision, e.g., days, months. Use a date attribute to target a channel or Named User based on the date values.

    • JSON Attribute selector

      An attribute object with a JSON schema type. Performs value comparisons based on the JSON value for an attribute on a channel or Named User.

    • Alias selector : ObjectDEPRECATED

      A legacy mechanism used for mapping devices to a customer ID, e.g., a CRM identifier. Superseded by named_user.

      • alias : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Max length: 128 Min length: 1

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • APID selector : ObjectDEPRECATED

      A legacy identifier for targeting Android and Windows devices, superseded by android_channel.

      • apid : AnyREQUIRED

        One of
        • String

          Format: uuid

        • Array [String]

          Max items: 100 Min items: 1

          ARRAY ITEM
          • Format: uuid

    • Activity audience object

      The activity object defines the target audience based on lifecycle actions or Custom Event activity, using comparison operators on activity count and recency. Optionally include a where object, which filters for specific activity values.

      In the example to the right, the target audience is users who have opened your app from a notification from the “neowise” campaign at least twice, 3 days ago.

    • Triggered selector : String

      A special selector used in Pipelines to indicate that the audience of the push is composed of the device or devices that activated the trigger. See Pipeline objects for more information.

      Possible values: triggered

Audience selector (max 100)

  • An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 100

    One of
    • Compound selector

      Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

    • Atomic selector

      Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

Audience selector (max 1000)

  • An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

    One of
    • Compound selector

      Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

    • Atomic selector

      Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

Compound selector

Example with implicit `OR`

   "audience" : {
      "tag" : ["apples", "oranges", "bananas"]

Example with nested selectors

   "audience": {
      "AND": [
         {"OR": [
            {"tag": "sports"},
            {"tag": "entertainment"}
         {"tag": "language_en"}

Example `NOT` selector

   "audience": {
      "AND": [
         { "tag": "Federer fan" },
         { "NOT":
            { "tag": "Messi fan" }
  • Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

    One of
    • AND selector : Object

      AND selector

      • AND : Array [Any]

        Max items: 10 Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
        • One of
          • Compound selector

            Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

          • Atomic selector

            Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

    • OR Selector : Object

      OR selector

      • OR : Array [Any]

        Max items: 10 Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
        • One of
          • Compound selector

            Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

          • Atomic selector

            Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

    • NOT Selector : Object

      NOT selector

      • NOT : Any

        One of
        • Compound selector

          Compound selectors combine boolean operators (AND, OR, or NOT) with atomic or nested compound selectors.

        • Atomic selector

          Atomic selectors are the simplest way to identify a single device, i.e., app or browser installation, or a group of devices. These selectors are either a unique identifier for the device such as a Channel ID or metadata that maps to the device (or multiple devices) such as a tag.

Automation timing

Options to set delays and delivery time windows for automated messages.

Absolute window of time

Example absolute time window

{ "audience":
      "date": {
         "days": {
            "start": "2020-01-01",
            "end": "2020-01-15"
  • An object with start and end attributes containing ISO-formatted dates specifying an absolute window of time.

    • end : StringREQUIRED

      A date-time specifying the end date. Format: date-time

    • start : StringREQUIRED

      A date-time specifying the start date. Format: date-time

Relative window of time

Example relative time window

  "date": {
     "days": {
        "recent": 1
  • A relative window of time is indicated by setting the recent attribute. The value is an object with a single integer-valued attribute set.

    • recent : Integer

      The hours valid range is 1-48 (Up to the last two days). The days valid range is 1-60 (Up to the last 60 days). The weeks valid range is 1-10 (Up to the last 10 weeks). The months valid range is 1-48 (Up to the last 4 years). The years valid range is 1-10 (Up to the last 10 years).

Personalization template objects

Personalization templates objects, including pushes to templates and template listing.

Push template payload

Push template payload example

   "audience": {
      "tag": [
   "device_types": [
   "merge_data": {
      "template_id": "8cce6cc8-7d78-43c7-80b5-81ac24c07672",
      "substitutions": {
         "FIRST_NAME": "Bob",
         "LAST_NAME": "Takahashi",
         "TITLE": null
   "campaigns": {
      "categories": [
         "winter sale",
         "west coast"
  • A push template payload defines a push by overriding the variables defined in a specific template object. Specifically, a push template object specifies push audience and device types, along with substitutions for the variables defined in a template.

    • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)REQUIRED

      The audience for the template.

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

      • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

    • merge_data : ObjectREQUIRED

      A template selector describing the template ID and variable substitutions to use with it.

      • substitutions : Object

        An object containing overrides for your template’s variables. The key-value pairs in this object are the value of the key items defined in your template, and the values you want to substitute for the default_value of those keys.

      • template_id : StringREQUIRED

        Specifies the template to override; corresponds to the id in /templates responses. Format: uuid

Template object

Basic template object

   "name": "<template name>",
   "description": "<template description>",
   "variables": ["<variable specifications>"],
   "push": "<push-object>",
   "id": "<template-id>",
   "created_at" : "timestamp",
   "modified_at" : "timestamp",
   "last_used" : "timestamp"
  • A template object is a skeleton for a push. This is the object used for template creation, and returned by the template listing and lookup endpoints.

    • created_at : String

      The date-time when this template was created. Format: date-time

    • description : String

      The description for the template.

    • id : String

      The unique ID assigned to this template. Used to retrieve or use the template in other endpoints. Format: uuid

    • last_used : String

      The date-time when this template’s definition was last used. This attribute cannot template-based specified when the template is created and will only be present when template objects are provided by the template retrieval and template listing endpoints. Format: date-time

    • modified_at : String

      The date-time when this template was last modified. Format: date-time

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the template.

    • push : Template push object

      A partial push object describing everything about a push notification, except for the audience and device_types keys (which are defined in the Push template payload) and the message key (which is incompatible with templates).

    • variables : Array [Template variables]REQUIRED

      An array of variable specifications. Variables can be customized when pushing based on the template.

Template push object


    "audience" : {
        "OR" : [
            { "tag" : ["sports", "entertainment"]},
            { "device_token" : "871922F4F7C6DF9D51AC7ABAE9AA5FCD7188D7BFA19A2FA99E1D2EC5F2D76506" },
            { "apid" : "5673fb25-0e18-f665-6ed3-f32de4f9ddc6" }
    "device_types" : [ "ios" ],
    "merge_data": {
        "template_id": "ef34a8d9-0ad7-491c-86b0-aea74da15161",
        "substitutions": {
            "FIRST_NAME": "Bob"
  • A partial push object describing everything about a push notification, except for the audience and device_types keys (which are defined in the Push template payload) and the message key (which is incompatible with templates).

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • in_app : In-app message

      A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

    • no_throttle : Boolean

      If true, the push will ignore global throttling rates that have been configured for the application, resulting in delivery as quickly as possible.

    • notification : Notification object

      The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

    • options : Object

      A JSON dictionary for specifying non-payload options related to the delivery of the push.

      • expiry : Any

        Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

        One of
        • Integer

          Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

        • String

          A date-time. Format: date-time

Template variables

Template variable example

   "key" : "<key>",
   "name" : "<variable name>",
   "description" : "<variable description>",
   "default_value" : "<fallback value>"
  • A template variable object describes the pieces of your template to override when creating template-based pushes. These are the fields you want to customize when you send a push based on the template.

    • default_value : String

      A default value for the variable. If the key for this variable is not specified in a Template Selector (substitutions) when issuing push notifications based on this template, the push will use this value.

    • description : String

      A description of the variable.

    • key : StringREQUIRED

      The key used to reference the variable inside the template push. (32 chars, starting and ending with alphanumeric characters, and consisting of alphanumeric characters and underscores). Max length: 32 Min length: 1

    • name : String

      A friendly name for the variable.

Pipeline objects

Objects and samples for pipelines (Automation) endpoints.

Event selector

Compound event selector using 'and'

   "and": [
         "key": "name",
         "value": {
            "equals": "POWER_LEVEL"
         "key": "value",
         "value": {
            "greater_than": 9000,
            "at_most": 10000
  • An event selector is a JSON dictionary consisting of a set of (possibly negated) event-specific selectors joined together by a doubly-nested set of operators, in disjunctive or conjunctive normal form. That is, only queries of the pattern “single AND of ORs” or “single OR of ANDs” are allowed (no further nesting is allowed), and only leaf nodes of such queries may be negated. Elision of single-value operators is allowed for the sake of brevity/usability on writes, but responses from our servers will always be fully qualified.

    Event-specific selectors are allowed to reference any field in a potentially matching event, at any nesting depth therein, with the goal of matching their structure to existing API formats, both inbound and outbound.

    Top-level operator dictionaries are of the form {"and": []} or {"or": []}, where the members of the array will be operator dictionaries of the other type (“AND of ORs” or “OR of ANDs”), or if eliding on ingress, negation operator dictionaries or event-specific selectors.

    Negation operator dictionaries are of the form {"not": {}} where the inner object is strictly an event-specific selector. I.e., only leaf nodes may be negated, in keeping with the tenets of conjunctive/disjunctive normal form.

    One of
    • Event value selector : Object

      Defines an event value to match.

      • key : StringREQUIRED

        The field you want to match a value against.

      • scope : String

        Specifies an inner-dictionary on a potentially-matching event.

      • value : ObjectREQUIRED

        Specifies the criteria qualifying a value as a match. Integer values support up to 6 digits of decimal precision. You can specify a range of values using at_least/greater_than and at_most/less_than, but the value for at_least/greater_than must be less than the value of at_most/less_than or your request will return an error.

        • array_contains : String

          Matches if an array contains the specified string value.

        • at_least : Integer

          Matches values greater than the specified value.

        • at_most : Integer

          Matches values less than the specified value.

        • equals : Any

          Specifies an exact match. String values are case sensitive and must match exactly.

          Any of
          • Boolean

          • String

          • Integer

        • greater_than : Integer

          Matches values greater than the specified value.

        • less_than : Integer

          Matches values less than the specified value.

    • AND selector : Object

      AND selector

      • and : Array [Any]

        ARRAY ITEM
        • One of
          • Event selector

            An event selector is a JSON dictionary consisting of a set of (possibly negated) event-specific selectors joined together by a doubly-nested set of operators, in disjunctive or conjunctive normal form. That is, only queries of the pattern “single AND of ORs” or “single OR of ANDs” are allowed (no further nesting is allowed), and only leaf nodes of such queries may be negated. Elision of single-value operators is allowed for the sake of brevity/usability on writes, but responses from our servers will always be fully qualified.

            Event-specific selectors are allowed to reference any field in a potentially matching event, at any nesting depth therein, with the goal of matching their structure to existing API formats, both inbound and outbound.

            Top-level operator dictionaries are of the form {"and": []} or {"or": []}, where the members of the array will be operator dictionaries of the other type (“AND of ORs” or “OR of ANDs”), or if eliding on ingress, negation operator dictionaries or event-specific selectors.

            Negation operator dictionaries are of the form {"not": {}} where the inner object is strictly an event-specific selector. I.e., only leaf nodes may be negated, in keeping with the tenets of conjunctive/disjunctive normal form.

    • OR selector : Object

      OR selector

      • or : Array [Any]

        ARRAY ITEM
        • One of
          • Event selector

            An event selector is a JSON dictionary consisting of a set of (possibly negated) event-specific selectors joined together by a doubly-nested set of operators, in disjunctive or conjunctive normal form. That is, only queries of the pattern “single AND of ORs” or “single OR of ANDs” are allowed (no further nesting is allowed), and only leaf nodes of such queries may be negated. Elision of single-value operators is allowed for the sake of brevity/usability on writes, but responses from our servers will always be fully qualified.

            Event-specific selectors are allowed to reference any field in a potentially matching event, at any nesting depth therein, with the goal of matching their structure to existing API formats, both inbound and outbound.

            Top-level operator dictionaries are of the form {"and": []} or {"or": []}, where the members of the array will be operator dictionaries of the other type (“AND of ORs” or “OR of ANDs”), or if eliding on ingress, negation operator dictionaries or event-specific selectors.

            Negation operator dictionaries are of the form {"not": {}} where the inner object is strictly an event-specific selector. I.e., only leaf nodes may be negated, in keeping with the tenets of conjunctive/disjunctive normal form.

    • NOT selector : Object

      NOT selector

      • not : Object

        Defines an event value to match.

        • key : StringREQUIRED

          The field you want to match a value against.

        • scope : String

          Specifies an inner-dictionary on a potentially-matching event.

        • value : ObjectREQUIRED

          Specifies the criteria qualifying a value as a match. Integer values support up to 6 digits of decimal precision. You can specify a range of values using at_least/greater_than and at_most/less_than, but the value for at_least/greater_than must be less than the value of at_most/less_than or your request will return an error.

          • array_contains : String

            Matches if an array contains the specified string value.

          • at_least : Integer

            Matches values greater than the specified value.

          • at_most : Integer

            Matches values less than the specified value.

          • equals : Any

            Specifies an exact match. String values are case sensitive and must match exactly.

            Any of
            • Boolean

            • String

            • Integer

          • greater_than : Integer

            Matches values greater than the specified value.

          • less_than : Integer

            Matches values less than the specified value.

Event identifier

Simple `open` event identifier

  "event": "open"

Tag added example

  "tag_added": "cool_user"

Custom Event example

  "custom_event": {
    "key": "name",
    "value": {
      "equals": "christmas"
  • Event identifiers describe events that Automation can detect and act on. They may be described by a simple string, e.g., open, or by an object for parameterized events, e.g., { "tag_added" : "<t>" }.

    One of
    • Simple event identifier : String

      Triggers the pipeline whenever an event of the following types occurs. first_open and first_opt_in are only available in immediate triggers.

      • open events occur whenever your audience opens your app.
      • first_open events occur when your audience opens your app for the first time.
      • first_opt_in events represent the first time your audience opts into email (commercial only), sms, or open notifications.
      • double_opt_in events occur when a new email channel registration occurs with the "opt_in_mode": "double" parameter.
      • When used without a value, region_entered and region_exited types cause the trigger to fire whenever an audience member enters or exits any region.

      Possible values: open, first_open, first_opt_in, double_opt_in, region_entered, region_exited

    • Compound event identifier : Object

      A compound event identifier is a JSON dictionary with a single key indicating the event type, and a value specifying the specific parameter to match on.

      • activation_time : String

        The date-time indicating a time at which the trigger will automatically become active.

        Format: date-time

      • condition : Array [Any]

        A single condition set or array of condition sets. It is a collection of one or more conditions and an operator for combining them, in the case that there are multiple conditions. A condition set follows the same general syntax as a compound selector. It is a JSON dictionary with a single key indicating the operator. The key’s value is an array of one or more condition objects. Taken together, the operator and set of conditions form a boolean expression which must evaluate to true for a pipeline to be activated and its outcomes executed. Valid operators for a condition set are and and or. This field is evaluated before the pipeline is entered and only evaluated against events for the triggers on which they are set, which is noticeable when using multiple triggers.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • One of
          • AND selector : Object

            • and : Array [Object]

              ARRAY ITEM
              • Condition object

                Evaluated when determining whether or not to execute the outcomes of a pipeline. Condition objects are JSON dictionaries with a key indicating the type of condition and a value containing necessary parameters for that condition. Valid condition types are tag and subscription.

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • subscription : Subscription conditions

                  Subscription conditions have two possible attributes: list_name and negated.

                • tag : Tag conditions

                  Tag conditions have three possible attributes: tag_name, group, and negated. Tag conditions can be replaced by segmentation conditions, which offer more features. But note that the behavior of tag conditions is slightly different than a segmentation condition using tag selectors when it comes to contacts. Tag conditions evaluate against a combined set of all tags of all channels. Segmentation conditions evaluate against all the channels of a contact individually to see if at least one channel satisfies the condition.

          • OR selector : Object

            • or : Array [Object]

              ARRAY ITEM
              • Condition object

                Evaluated when determining whether or not to execute the outcomes of a pipeline. Condition objects are JSON dictionaries with a key indicating the type of condition and a value containing necessary parameters for that condition. Valid condition types are tag and subscription.

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • subscription : Subscription conditions

                  Subscription conditions have two possible attributes: list_name and negated.

                • tag : Tag conditions

                  Tag conditions have three possible attributes: tag_name, group, and negated. Tag conditions can be replaced by segmentation conditions, which offer more features. But note that the behavior of tag conditions is slightly different than a segmentation condition using tag selectors when it comes to contacts. Tag conditions evaluate against a combined set of all tags of all channels. Segmentation conditions evaluate against all the channels of a contact individually to see if at least one channel satisfies the condition.

      • custom_event : Event selector

        A Custom Event selector is an event selector that describes the specific criteria a Custom Event must fulfill in order to trigger an automation. Supported Custom Event fields in the default scope are "name" (string) and ["value"]. Custom Events also have a map of properties that may also be selected under the "properties" scope. Values for the "properties" key may be string, boolean, number, or an array of strings.

      • deactivation_time : String

        The date-time indicating a time at which the trigger will automatically become inactive.

        Format: date-time

      • double_opt_in : Any

        Matches when a double opt-in registration matching the specified criteria was made for a channel. A double opt-in selector is a complex selector that describes the specific criteria a double opt-in registration must fulfill in order for it to qualify as a match for triggering pipelines. The only supported value for scope is properties. All value selectors, except for date, are supported. The key object supports a simple string to select the value of a top-level key or any JsonPath query for maximum flexibility. For situations where a compound event identifier is necessary (e.g., when including trigger_id), but no selector is present or desired, an empty object {} is allowed. "immediate_trigger": "double_opt_in" and "immediate_trigger": { "id": "8e1a61d7-7e9d-4870-a548-2d4d6eb6405f", "double_opt_in": {} } are equivalent (assuming the ID is correct).

        One of
        • Event selector

          An event selector is a JSON dictionary consisting of a set of (possibly negated) event-specific selectors joined together by a doubly-nested set of operators, in disjunctive or conjunctive normal form. That is, only queries of the pattern “single AND of ORs” or “single OR of ANDs” are allowed (no further nesting is allowed), and only leaf nodes of such queries may be negated. Elision of single-value operators is allowed for the sake of brevity/usability on writes, but responses from our servers will always be fully qualified.

          Event-specific selectors are allowed to reference any field in a potentially matching event, at any nesting depth therein, with the goal of matching their structure to existing API formats, both inbound and outbound.

          Top-level operator dictionaries are of the form {"and": []} or {"or": []}, where the members of the array will be operator dictionaries of the other type (“AND of ORs” or “OR of ANDs”), or if eliding on ingress, negation operator dictionaries or event-specific selectors.

          Negation operator dictionaries are of the form {"not": {}} where the inner object is strictly an event-specific selector. I.e., only leaf nodes may be negated, in keeping with the tenets of conjunctive/disjunctive normal form.

      • pipeline_event : Object

        A JSON dictionary describing which pipeline events for a specified pipeline should be considered a match and should therefore trigger the pipeline.

        • cancellation_reason : String

          For cancelled type selectors, the specific cancellation reason to consider for triggering. All others will be ignored.

          Possible values: cancellation_trigger, timing, condition, rewritten, rate_limit

        • message_id : String

          Unique identifier for an In-App Automation. This is required when type is in_app_fallback.

        • pipeline_id : String

          The UUID of a pipeline whose events should be considered. If this is not provided, then trigger_ids must be provided. This is not required if message_id is provided.

        • trigger_ids : Array [String]

          The list of trigger IDs that should be considered. If this is not provided, then pipeline_id must be provided. This is not required if message_id is provided. Min items: 1

        • type : StringREQUIRED

          The type of event for the specified pipeline which should be considered.

          Possible values: entered, cancelled, fulfilled, in_app_fallback

      • region_entered : Object

        A region selector is an event selector that describes the specific criteria a region must fulfill in order to qualify as a match (for triggering pipelines).

        Supported default scope region keys are currently: name (string) and region_id (string).

        Under the source_info scope, we support the following key: region_id (string).

        We also have support for the arbitrary scope attributes, which has no key restrictions because it is user-supplied in its entirety.

      • region_exited : Object

        A region selector is an event selector that describes the specific criteria a region must fulfill in order to qualify as a match (for triggering pipelines).

        Supported default scope region keys are currently: name (string) and region_id (string).

        Under the source_info scope, we support the following key: region_id (string).

        We also have support for the arbitrary scope attributes, which has no key restrictions because it is user-supplied in its entirety.

      • subscription_added : String

        Matches when the specified subscription list is added. The value of the identifier is a simple string identifying the subscription list.

      • subscription_removed : String

        Matches when the specified subscription list is removed. The value of the identifier is a simple string identifying the subscription list.

      • tag_added : Any

        Defines a tag selector.

        One of
        • Object

          • group : String

            The tag group. If you do not specify a group, Airship uses the default device tag group; this group is represented by a channel’s tags array rather than the tag_groups object.

          • tag : StringREQUIRED

            The tag.

        • String

          The device tag.

      • tag_removed : Any

        Defines a tag selector.

        One of
        • Object

          • group : String

            The tag group. If you do not specify a group, Airship uses the default device tag group; this group is represented by a channel’s tags array rather than the tag_groups object.

          • tag : StringREQUIRED

            The tag.

        • String

          The device tag.

Pipeline object


   "name":"The Darkest Pipeline",
            "alert":"Cool goatee, Abed"

Example email pipeline

 "name":"Read Receipt",
 "immediate_trigger": {
    "tag_added": "newSubscription"
       "device_types": [
       "notification": {
          "email": {
             "subject": "Did you get that thing I sent you?",
             "html_body": "<h2>Richtext body goes here</h2><p>Wow!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
             "plaintext_body": "Plaintext version goes here [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
             "message_type": "commercial",
             "sender_name": "Airship",
             "sender_address": "",
             "reply_to": ""
  • A pipeline object encapsulates the complete set of objects that define an Automation pipeline: Triggers, Outcomes, and metadata. At least one of immediate_trigger or historical_trigger must be supplied.

    • activation_time : String

      The date-time when the pipeline becomes active and begins processing triggers and issuing push notifications.

      If this value is in the future, the pipeline’s status is pending.

      Format: date-time

    • cancellation_trigger : Any

      One of
      • Event identifier

        Event identifiers describe events that Automation can detect and act on. They may be described by a simple string, e.g., open, or by an object for parameterized events, e.g., { "tag_added" : "<t>" }.

      • Array [Event identifier]

        Defines event conditions that will cancel the fulfillment of a pipeline. If a pipeline has multiple cancellation triggers, they’re combined via an implicit OR operation. Any one of the triggers will cancel the fulfillment of the pipeline. Cancellation triggers are only allowed when a pipeline has no historical triggers and it is possible for a pipeline’s fulfillment to be delayed using the Timing Object. The first_open event identifier is not valid as a cancellation trigger.

    • condition : Array [Any]

      One or more conditions, combined by operators. A condition set may contain a maximum of 20 conditions. Taken together, the operator and set of conditions form a boolean expression which must evaluate to true for a pipeline to be activated and its outcomes executed. Valid operators for a condition set are and and or. Nesting of operators is not supported within a condition set, i.e., you may not combine and logic with or logic.

      • One of
        • AND selector : Object

          • and : Array [Object]

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Condition object

              Evaluated when determining whether or not to execute the outcomes of a pipeline. Condition objects are JSON dictionaries with a key indicating the type of condition and a value containing necessary parameters for that condition. Valid condition types are tag and subscription.

              • subscription : Subscription conditions

                Subscription conditions have two possible attributes: list_name and negated.

              • tag : Tag conditions

                Tag conditions have three possible attributes: tag_name, group, and negated. Tag conditions can be replaced by segmentation conditions, which offer more features. But note that the behavior of tag conditions is slightly different than a segmentation condition using tag selectors when it comes to contacts. Tag conditions evaluate against a combined set of all tags of all channels. Segmentation conditions evaluate against all the channels of a contact individually to see if at least one channel satisfies the condition.

        • OR selector : Object

          • or : Array [Object]

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Condition object

              Evaluated when determining whether or not to execute the outcomes of a pipeline. Condition objects are JSON dictionaries with a key indicating the type of condition and a value containing necessary parameters for that condition. Valid condition types are tag and subscription.

              • subscription : Subscription conditions

                Subscription conditions have two possible attributes: list_name and negated.

              • tag : Tag conditions

                Tag conditions have three possible attributes: tag_name, group, and negated. Tag conditions can be replaced by segmentation conditions, which offer more features. But note that the behavior of tag conditions is slightly different than a segmentation condition using tag selectors when it comes to contacts. Tag conditions evaluate against a combined set of all tags of all channels. Segmentation conditions evaluate against all the channels of a contact individually to see if at least one channel satisfies the condition.

    • constraint : Array [Object]

      An array of rate objects determining the maximum number of messages each audience member can receive over a period of time. You can set a lifetimes constraint as well, limiting a pipeline to an absolute maximum number of messages ever. Max items: 3 All items must be unique

      • Rate limit constraint

        A rate limit constraint describes a limit on the number of pushes that can be sent to an individual device per a specified time period.

        • rate : Any

          A rate limit constraint describes a limit on the number of pushes that can be sent to an individual device per a specified time period.

          One of
          • Pushes/days constraint : Object

            Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will receive from the pipeline over a number of days.

            • days : Integer

              An integer, specifying the time period in number of days. Max: 90

            • pushes : Integer

              An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

          • Pushes/hours constraint : Object

            Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will receive from the pipeline over a number of hours.

            • hours : Integer

              An integer, specifying the time period in number of hours. Max: 72

            • pushes : Integer

              An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

          • Pushes/lifetime constraint : Object

            Limits the number of pushes any individual audience member will ever receive from the pipeline.

            • lifetimes : Integer

              An integer specifying a lifetime. Max: 1 Min: 1

            • pushes : Integer

              An integer, specifying the maximum number of pushes to any individual audience member per time period.

    • creation_time : String

      Read-only timestamp. The date-time indicating the time that the pipeline was initially created. This is a read-only field that is present on GET responses. If it is included in a POST or PUT request it will be ignored. Format: date-time

    • deactivation_time : String

      The date-time when the pipeline becomes inactive and quits processing triggers and issuing push notifications.

      If this value is in the past, the pipeline’s status is completed.

      Format: date-time

    • enabled : BooleanREQUIRED

      A boolean value indicating whether or not the pipeline is active.

    • historical_trigger : Any

      One of
      • Historical trigger object : Object

        Defines a condition that matches against event data trended over time. It consists of an event identifier, a time period, and a matching operator with a value indicating the number of occurrences of the event. The operator indicates whether to match greater than, less than, or exactly the number of occurrences specified. Valid matching operators are equals, greater_than, or less_than. The matching window is specified in days, with an upper limit of 90 days. A historical trigger will be periodically evaluated against the event history for every active device belonging to the application. Pipelines with historical triggers cannot also have a timing object.

        • creation_time : String

          A date-time returned when getting a pipeline with a historical_trigger. Include this field in a PUT request to ensure that the historical_trigger is not reset. Format: date-time

        • days : Integer

          A time period key. An integer indicating the length of the matching window, in days. Maximum 90 days. Max: 90 Min: 1

        • equals : Integer

          A matching operator. Since we are measuring inactivity with the historical trigger object, 0 is the only value supported with the equals operator, i.e., we are measuring number of events in a defined time window. Any number higher than zero would therefore represent activity.

        • event : Event identifier

          Event identifiers describe events that Automation can detect and act on. They may be described by a simple string, e.g., open, or by an object for parameterized events, e.g., { "tag_added" : "<t>" }.

        • greater_than : Integer

          A matching operator. Specifies the number of events that must be targeted before the historical trigger will fire.

        • less_than : Integer

          A matching operator. Specifies the number of events that must be targeted before the historical trigger will fire.

      • Array [Object]

        Historical trigger objects are limited to inactivity triggers, which trigger when a user fails to open the app within a defined number of days.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Historical trigger object

          Defines a condition that matches against event data trended over time. It consists of an event identifier, a time period, and a matching operator with a value indicating the number of occurrences of the event. The operator indicates whether to match greater than, less than, or exactly the number of occurrences specified. Valid matching operators are equals, greater_than, or less_than. The matching window is specified in days, with an upper limit of 90 days. A historical trigger will be periodically evaluated against the event history for every active device belonging to the application. Pipelines with historical triggers cannot also have a timing object.

          • creation_time : String

            A date-time returned when getting a pipeline with a historical_trigger. Include this field in a PUT request to ensure that the historical_trigger is not reset. Format: date-time

          • days : Integer

            A time period key. An integer indicating the length of the matching window, in days. Maximum 90 days. Max: 90 Min: 1

          • equals : Integer

            A matching operator. Since we are measuring inactivity with the historical trigger object, 0 is the only value supported with the equals operator, i.e., we are measuring number of events in a defined time window. Any number higher than zero would therefore represent activity.

          • event : Event identifier

            Event identifiers describe events that Automation can detect and act on. They may be described by a simple string, e.g., open, or by an object for parameterized events, e.g., { "tag_added" : "<t>" }.

          • greater_than : Integer

            A matching operator. Specifies the number of events that must be targeted before the historical trigger will fire.

          • less_than : Integer

            A matching operator. Specifies the number of events that must be targeted before the historical trigger will fire.

    • immediate_trigger : Any

      One of
      • Event identifier

        Event identifiers describe events that Automation can detect and act on. They may be described by a simple string, e.g., open, or by an object for parameterized events, e.g., { "tag_added" : "<t>" }.

      • Array [Event identifier]

        Defines a condition that activates a trigger immediately when an event matching it occurs. If a pipeline has multiple immediate triggers, they’re combined via an implicit OR operation. Any one of the triggers firing will activate the pipeline. Immediate triggers are all event identifiers. first_open is a valid event identifier for immediate triggers. However, events within the trigger support AND and OR compound selection.

    • last_modified_time : String

      Read-only timestamp. The date-timeindicating the time that the pipeline was last modified. This is a read-only field that is present on GET responses. If it is included in a POST or PUT request it will be ignored. Format: date-time

    • name : String

      A descriptive name for the pipeline.

    • outcome : AnyREQUIRED

      One of
      • Outcome object : Object

        An outcome object contains a single push object where the audience field must be set to triggered.

        • push : ObjectREQUIRED

          A push object describes everything about a push notification, including the audience and push payload. A push object is composed of up to seven attributes.

          • audience : StringREQUIRED

            A special selector used in Pipelines to indicate that the audience of the push is composed of the device or devices that activated the trigger. See Pipeline objects for more information.

            Possible values: triggered

          • campaigns : Campaigns object

            An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

          • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

            An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

            ARRAY ITEM
            • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

          • in_app : In-app message

            A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

          • message : Any

            One of
          • notification : Notification object

            The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

          • options : Push options

            A JSON dictionary for specifying non-payload options related to the delivery of the push.

          • orchestration : Object

            An object used to indicate the strategy to employ when deciding which channels to target for a contact. An orchestration object can be stored in Airship as the default strategy. If the orchestration section is included in a push payload, it will override the configured default value. The overall default strategy is fan_out.

            • channel_priority : Array [String]

              An array of channel types in priority order. Required if type is set to channel_priority.

            • type : StringREQUIRED

              The name of the orchestration strategy to employ.

              Possible values: channel_priority, fan_out, triggering_channel, last_active

      • Array [Object]

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Outcome object

          An outcome object contains a single push object where the audience field must be set to triggered.

          • push : ObjectREQUIRED

            A push object describes everything about a push notification, including the audience and push payload. A push object is composed of up to seven attributes.

            • audience : StringREQUIRED

              A special selector used in Pipelines to indicate that the audience of the push is composed of the device or devices that activated the trigger. See Pipeline objects for more information.

              Possible values: triggered

            • campaigns : Campaigns object

              An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

            • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

              An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

              ARRAY ITEM
              • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

            • in_app : In-app message

              A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

            • message : Any

              One of
            • notification : Notification object

              The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

            • options : Push options

              A JSON dictionary for specifying non-payload options related to the delivery of the push.

            • orchestration : Object

              An object used to indicate the strategy to employ when deciding which channels to target for a contact. An orchestration object can be stored in Airship as the default strategy. If the orchestration section is included in a push payload, it will override the configured default value. The overall default strategy is fan_out.

              • channel_priority : Array [String]

                An array of channel types in priority order. Required if type is set to channel_priority.

              • type : StringREQUIRED

                The name of the orchestration strategy to employ.

                Possible values: channel_priority, fan_out, triggering_channel, last_active

    • status : String

      Read-only field indicating whether or not the pipeline is currently issuing push notifications.

      • pending: The pipeline is not yet active. Occurs when the current time is less than or equal to the activation_time.
      • live: The pipeline is active.
      • completed: The pipeline has finished running. Occurs when the current time is greater than or equal to the deactivation_time.
      • disabled: The pipeline is not active.

      Possible values: pending, live, completed, disabled

    • timing : Object

      Determines when pipelines will be sent in accordance with triggers.

      • delay : Object

        Determines the time that Airship should wait after a triggering event before processing the pipeline outcome.

        • seconds : IntegerREQUIRED

          An integer value greater than 0 seconds representing the number of seconds to delay. Min: 1

      • schedule : Object

        The time(s) when the pipeline can issue pushes and behavior for events occurring outside scheduled time(s).

        • dayparts : Array [Object]REQUIRED

          A list of daypart objects that, when combined, are non-intersecting and form a nonempty group of time ranges on a nonzero number of days of the week. Daypart is a term borrowed from television/radio marketing.

          ARRAY ITEM
            • allowed_times : Array [Object]

              A list of allowed time objects. Time intervals specified by allowed time objects may not overlap.

              ARRAY ITEM
              • OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • end : String

                  End time in ISO 8601 format hh:mm:ss. Optional, unless start is specified. Format: time

                • preferred : String

                  Optional, preferred time in ISO 8601 format hh:mm:ss to process an outcome. Must be between the start and end time. This time is used when an outcome is triggered or delayed until a disallowed time. If the subsequent allowed time object contains a preferred time, the outcome will be scheduled for that time instead of the next possible time. Format: time

                • start : String

                  Start time in ISO 8601 format hh:mm:ss. Optional, unless end is specified. Format: time

            • days_of_week : Array [String]

              A list of days of the week that the allowed_times field is applicable for.

              ARRAY ITEM
              • Possible values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

        • miss_behavior : String

          Behavior of the pipeline when a triggering event occurs outside the range of daypart objects and allowed_times. You can specify cancel (do not process the outcome) or wait (delay the outcome until the preferred time of the next allowed_times window or the beginning of that window). Defaults to wait if unspecified.

          Possible values: wait, cancel

        • type : String

          The mode in which to interpret the times in this schedule. Default is local.

          Possible values: local, utc

    • uid : String

      The canonical identifier of the pipeline. This is a read-only field present on responses from the API, but it will be ignored if it is present on requests.

    • url : String

      Read-only string. The canonical resource URL of the pipeline. This is a read-only field present on responses from the API, but it will be ignored if present on requests. Format: URL

Subscription conditions


{ "name" : "Pipeline with Subscription Conditions",
  "enabled" : true,
  "immediate_trigger" : "/* ... */",
  "outcome" : "/* ... */",
  "condition": [
  { "or" : [
      {"subscription" : {"list_name": "sports_updates"}},
      {"subscription" : {"list_name": "silence", "negated": true}}]
  • Subscription conditions have two possible attributes: list_name and negated.

    • list_name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the subscription list to be matched.

    • negated : Boolean

      A boolean indicating the condition should match on the absence from the list.

Tag conditions


    "name" : "Pipeline with Tag Conditions",
    "enabled" : true,
    "immediate_trigger" : "/* ... */",
    "outcome" : "/* ... */",
    "condition": [
            "or" : [
                    "tag" : {
                        "tag_name" : "VIP"

                    "tag" : {
                        "tag_name": "dont_push",
                        "group": "my_special_sandbox",
                        "negated": true
  • Tag conditions have three possible attributes: tag_name, group, and negated. Tag conditions can be replaced by segmentation conditions, which offer more features. But note that the behavior of tag conditions is slightly different than a segmentation condition using tag selectors when it comes to contacts. Tag conditions evaluate against a combined set of all tags of all channels. Segmentation conditions evaluate against all the channels of a contact individually to see if at least one channel satisfies the condition.

    • group : String

      A tag group. Defaults to device.

    • negated : Boolean

      If true, the condition will match on the absence of a tag. If absent or false, the condition will match on the presence of a tag.

    • tag_name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the tag the condition will match against.

Create and Send

Objects and samples for /create-and-send endpoints. A full object can contain parts of schedule, template, audience, and platform override objects (for email, sms, or open:: platforms).

The notification payload for Create and Send objects supports both stored and inline templates. Using inline templates, you can define and populate variables to personalize notifications to your new channels.


You cannot update channel information or opt-in status using create-and-send. If you want to update channels, refer to the appropriate email, sms, or open channel endpoints.

Create and Send to email channels

Example object

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_address": "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_in": "2020-11-29T10:34:22"
        "ua_address" : "",
        "ua_commercial_opted_out": "2020-11-29T12:45:10"
        "ua_address" : "",
        "ua_email_suppression_state": "BOUNCE"
  "device_types" : [ "email" ],
  "notification" : {
    "email": {
      "subject": "Welcome to the Winter Sale! ",
      "html_body": "<h1>Seasons Greetings</h1><p>Check out our winter deals!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
      "plaintext_body": "Greetings! Check out our latest winter deals! [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
      "message_type": "transactional",
      "sender_name": "Airship",
      "sender_address": "",
      "reply_to": "",
      "click_tracking": false,
      "open_tracking": false,
      "attachments": [
          "id": "0e10a6b9-725c-4f6b-9af2-9ef5b31328c0",
          "id": "5503b5fe-ed69-4609-bef6-6fef0e6e428f"
  "campaigns": {
      "categories": ["winter sale", "west coast"]
  • The payload for a Create and Send operation to email channels. When registering and sending to email channels, device_types must be set to email.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The email addresses and opt in agreements for the channels you want to register and send to.

      • create_and_send : Array [Object]REQUIRED

        Each object in the array represents a channel you want push to and/or register. Channel registration fields are prefixed with ua_ and have the same requirements as the email registration endpoint.

        You cannot provide optional channel registration fields using this endpoint (like locale_language for email channels). All other fields represent variables if notification specifies a template. Max items: 1000

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Create-and-send email channel registration and template substitutions. Each object in the array represents a channel.

          Note: The opted in/opted out dates are mutually exclusive. Providing a date for both ua_commercial_opted_in and ua_commercial_opted_out, both ua_transactional_opted_in and ua_transactional_opted_out, both ua_open_tracking_opted_in and ua_open_tracking_opted_out, or both ua_click_tracking_opted_in and ua_click_tracking_opted_out in the same row is considered invalid.

          • ua_address : StringREQUIRED

            The email address you want to register.

          • ua_commercial_opted_in : String

            The date-time when the email address gave permission to receive commercial emails. If this date-time is newer than a commercial_opted_out value on the channel, the channel will receive your message but Airship will not update the channel’s opt-in status or value. Format: date-time

          • ua_commercial_opted_out : String

            The date-time when the email address opted out of receiving commercial emails. Format: date-time

          • ua_email_suppression_state : String

            The reason for suppression.IMPORTED is for reasons other than BOUNCE, SPAM_COMPLAINT, or COMMERCIAL_SPAM_COMPLAINT.


          • ua_transactional_opted_in : String

            The date-time when the email address gave permission to receive transactional emails. Transactional emails do not require this value, but you can set it if you want it to appear in email channel listings. Format: date-time

          • ua_transactional_opted_out : String

            The date-time when the email address opted out of receiving transactional emails. Format: date-time

          • substitutions : Object

            Like substitutions in the template merge data object, you can provide additional keys and values representing variables in your notification template. Variable keys can be any type of value, including arrays, objects, etc. Your variable keys must not be prefixed with ua_. See Email Notification Object with Inline Template for more information about template substitutions.

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      The platform you want to register channels for and send notifications to.

      • Possible values: email, mms, sms, open::<open_platform_name>

    • notification : ObjectREQUIRED

      An alert notification or a platform override matching the value in device types. A notification with a platform override that does not match your device_types will result in a 400 error.

      • email : Any

        You can either provide the standard object that you would provide when performing a /api/push to an email platform, or you can provide some of the email platform override fields along with an inline template.

        One of
        • Email override

          Notification fields specific to email messages. This object is required when email is enabled for an appKey and email is specified in the payload’s device_types field.

        • Email notification with template

          Notification fields specific to email messages with an inline template for use in a /api/create-and-send payload. Using a template enables you to provide and populate variables in your notification. You can also add conditional statements based on those variables, determining message text that to send to each member of your audience. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

Create and Send MMS notification

Example create-and-send for MMS without template

  "audience": {
    "create_and_send": [
            "ua_msisdn": "15558675309",
            "ua_sender": "15551234567",
            "ua_opted_in": "2020-11-11T18:45:30",
  "device_types": [
  "notification": {
    "mms": {
      "fallback_text": "Delivery failed, but you should still check this out.",
      "subject" : "Hey, thanks for subscribing!",
      "slides": [
          "text": "Check this out!",
          "media": {
              "url": "",
              "content_type": "image/jpeg",
              "content_length": 52918
  • The payload for a Create and Send operation that registers SMS channels and sends a multimedia payload (MMS). When sending an MMS payload, device_types must be set to mms.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The SMS information and opt in parameters for the channels you want to register and send to.

      • create_and_send : Array [Object]REQUIRED

        Each object in the array represents channel you want to register and push to. Channel registration fields are prefixed with ua_ and have the same requirements as the SMS channel registration endpoint.

        All other fields represent variables if notification specifies a template. Max items: 1000

        ARRAY ITEM
          • ua_msisdn : StringREQUIRED

            The phone number of a mobile device. Entries with ua_msisdn values that are not reachable by ua_sender values will be silently dropped.

          • ua_opted_in : StringREQUIRED

            The date-time when the user (msisdn) opted in to messages from the sender. If this date-time is newer than an opted_out value on the channel, the channel will receive your message, but Airship will not update the channel’s opt-in status or value.

            Format: date-time

          • ua_sender : StringREQUIRED

            The long or short code your SMS messages are sent from. — 12345.

          • substitutions : Object

            Like substitutions in the template merge data object, you can provide additional keys and values representing variables in your notification template. Variable keys can be any type of value, including arrays, objects, etc. Your variable keys must not be prefixed with ua_. See the Push template payload for more information about template substitutions.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      The platform you want to register channels for and send notifications to.

      • Possible values: email, mms, sms, open::<open_platform_name>

    • notification : ObjectREQUIRED

      • mms : AnyREQUIRED

        A platform override for MMS messages; device_types must be set to mms. A notification with a platform override that does not match your device_types will result in a 400 error.

        One of
        • MMS platform overrides

          Provides the content for a push to MMS channels. If sms is in the device_type array, your request may include this object. It cannot be combined with an SMS Platform Override as a single push can only include either an SMS or MMS payload.

        • MMS notification with inline template

          Template and notification overrides for a Create and Send payload with device_types set to mms. With a template, you can provide and populate variables and conditional statements based on those variables. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

Create and Send to open channels

Example object

  "audience" : {
    "create_and_send": [
        "ua_address" : "36d5a261-0454-40f5-b952-942c4b2b0f22",
        "name": "Perry"
  "device_types" : [ "open::smart_fridge" ],
  "notification" : {
      "open::smart_fridge": {
          "alert" : "Hey {{name}}, you're out of ice cream!"
  "campaigns": {
      "categories": ["needs_ice_cream", "cookies_and_cream"]
  • When registering and sending to open channels, the device_type must be set to open::<open_channel_name>.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The open channels and opt-in information for the channels you want to register and send to.

      • create_and_send : Array [Object]REQUIRED

        Each object in the array represents channel you want to register and push to. Channel registration fields are prefixed with ua_ and have the same requirements as open channel registration. Max items: 1000

        ARRAY ITEM
          • ua_address : StringREQUIRED

            The address that you want to populate the channel’s address field. See the channel object for more information.

          • substitutions : Object

            Like substitutions in the template merge data object, you can provide additional keys and values representing variables in your notification template. Variable keys can be any type of value, including arrays, objects, etc. Your variable keys must not be prefixed with ua_. See the Push template payload for more information about template substitutions.

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      The platform you want to register channels for and send notifications to.

      • Possible values: email, mms, sms, open::<open_platform_name>

    • notification : ObjectREQUIRED

      An alert notification or a platform override matching the value in device types. A notification with a platform override that does not match your device_types will result in a 400 error.

      • open::open_platform_name : Open channel override with template

        Use a template with an open channel-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

Create and Send to SMS channels

Example object

 "audience": {
    "create_and_send" : [
        "ua_msisdn": "15558675309",
        "ua_sender": "12345",
        "ua_opted_in": "2020-11-11T18:45:30"
  "device_types" : [ "sms" ],
  "notification" : {
    "sms": {
      "alert": "Check out our winter sale!",
      "expiry": 172800,
      "shorten_links": true
  "campaigns": {
      "categories": ["winter sale", "west coast"]
  • The payload for a Create and Send operation to SMS channels. When registering and sending to SMS channels, device_types must be set to sms.

    • audience : ObjectREQUIRED

      The SMS information and opt in parameters for the channels you want to register and send to.

      • create_and_send : Array [Object]REQUIRED

        Each object in the array represents channel you want to register and push to. Channel registration fields are prefixed with ua_ and have the same requirements as the SMS channel registration endpoint.

        All other fields represent variables if notification specifies a template. Max items: 1000

        ARRAY ITEM
          • ua_msisdn : StringREQUIRED

            The phone number of a mobile device. Entries with ua_msisdn values that are not reachable by ua_sender values will be silently dropped.

          • ua_opted_in : StringREQUIRED

            The date-time when the user (msisdn) opted in to messages from the sender. If this date-time is newer than an opted_out value on the channel, the channel will receive your message, but Airship will not update the channel’s opt-in status or value.

            Format: date-time

          • ua_sender : StringREQUIRED

            The long or short code your SMS messages are sent from. — 12345.

          • substitutions : Object

            Like substitutions in the template merge data object, you can provide additional keys and values representing variables in your notification template. Variable keys can be any type of value, including arrays, objects, etc. Your variable keys must not be prefixed with ua_. See the Push template payload for more information about template substitutions.

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      The platform you want to register channels for and send notifications to.

      • Possible values: email, mms, sms, open::<open_platform_name>

    • notification : ObjectREQUIRED

      An alert notification or a platform override matching the value in device types. A notification with a platform override that does not match your device_types will result in a 400 error.

      • sms : Any

        One of
        • SMS platform overrides

          Provides override options when sms is one of the device_types specified in the payload.

        • SMS notification with template

          Notification fields specific to SMS messages with an inline template for use in a /api/create-and-send payload. Using a template enables you to provide and populate variables in your notification. You can also add conditional statements based on those variables, determining message text that to send to each member of your audience. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

External Data Feeds references

A push request property specifying which External Data Feeds should be invoked and with what parameters in order to support personalization from feed content.


You must first create an external data feed in the dashboard, then you can refer to its ID as the name in the feed references object. The Coupons service is a type of external data feed. See Coupons for formatting and usage information.

Feed references object

Example push external data feeds request

POST /api/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "device_types": ["ios"],
    "audience": { "tag": "earlyBirds" },
    "notification": {
       "alert": "{{#feed \"featured_product\"}}Hello, {{user}}, could I interest you in {{product_name}} today?{{/feed}}"
    "options": {
       "personalization": true
    "feed_references": {
       "feeds": [
             "name": "featured_product"
       "defaults": {
          "featured_product": {
             "category": "featured"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: push_ids

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "5e7852b0-6909-4e60-a73f-4d6b92d94c80",
    "push_ids": [
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

Example feed references object

   "feed_references": {
      "feeds": [
            "name": "featured_product",
            "params": {
               "sub_category": "shoes"
            "on_error": "continue"
      "defaults": {
         "featured_product": {
            "category": "featured"
  • An object used to indicate that an external data feed should be invoked, the name of the feed to invoke, and the way in which to invoke it. You can only include a feed if you include a templates object in the payload or set the personalization option to true.

    • defaults : Object

      Default parameter values for your feed. These values override any defaults you set for your feed in the Airship Dashboard. Min properties: 1

      • * : Object

        The feed you want to specify default values for.

        • * : Any

          A list of default values, where the key is the name of the property you want to set a default for.

          One of
          • String

          • Number

    • feeds : Array [Object]REQUIRED

      An array of feeds that you want to use to personalize your message.

        • name : StringREQUIRED

          The feed ID set in the dashboard.

        • on_error : String

          Determines how the message is handled if the feed is unreachable or does not return an expected response. Defaults to cancel.

          Possible values: continue, cancel

        • params : Object

          An optional dictionary of overrides for default parameters in handlebars referencing the feed.

          • * : Any

            One of
            • String

            • Number


OAuth Scope

  • The value of the scope parameter is a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings. If multiple scopes are specified, their order does not matter. Each string adds an additional access range to the requested scope.

    • att: Attachments
    • chn: Channels
    • lst: Lists
    • nu: Named Users
    • pln: Pipelines
    • psh: Push
    • sch: Schedules

    Possible values: att, chn, lst, nu, pln, psh, sch


  • A space-delimited set of identifiers for which subjects a token is allowed. Example: app:JQIMcndxIHWy2QISpt1SpZ

    • app: May operate on the given app


Example tag actions

   "actions": {
      "add_tag": [
      "remove_tag": [
      "share": "Check out Airship!",
      "open": {
         "type": "url",
         "content": ""
      "app_defined": {
         "some_app_defined_action": "some_value"

Example landing page action

   "actions": {
      "open": {
         "type": "landing_page",
         "content": {
            "body": "<html>content</html>",
            "content_type": "text/html",
            "content_encoding": "utf-8"
         "fallback_url" : ""

Example open phone app

   "actions": {
      "open": {
         "type": "url",
         "content": "tel:15035551234"

Example deep link action

   "actions": {
      "open": {
         "type": "deep_link",
         "content": "prefs",
         "fallback_url": ""

Example Subscription List action

   "actions": {
      "subscription_list": [
            "action": "subscribe",
            "type": "contact",
            "list_id": "cool_deals",
            "scope": "app"
  • Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • add_tag : Array [String]

      An array of tags. Max items: 100

    • app_defined : Object

      A map of registered action names to payloads as defined by the app or SDK. Some of these actions are supported as their own property on the Actions object, but be aware that their registered names in the SDK may be different. For a summary of the actions registered by the SDK, including usage information, see the Mobile docs.

      • Application-Defined Action Payload : Object

    • open : Any

      Open action. When a user interacts with the notification, opens one of: URL, deep link, or landing page as described in the associated content property.

      One of
      • Open URL Action : Object

        Opens a URL or passes a string for use as a custom action.

        • content : StringREQUIRED

          Any string. A URL string that starts with either http or https will open a URL or a string that starts with tel: followed by a sequence of numbers will open the phone app.

        • type : StringREQUIRED

          Possible values: url

      • Open Deep Link Action : Object

        Opens a deep link.

        • A non-blank string. Max length: 1024 Min length: 1

        • A URL that can be used on platforms that don’t have full support for the otherwise defined action. Format: url Pattern: ^http.*:\/\/.+

        • Possible values: deep_link

      • Open Landing Page : Object

        Opens a landing page.

    • remove_tag : Array [String]

      An array of tags. Max items: 100

    • share : String

      String indicating the text that will populate the share action. Max length: 1024 Min length: 1

    • subscription_list : Array [Any]

      Alter subscription list membership for a channel or contact.

      • Subscription List action

        One of
        • Channel Subscription List action : Object

          Alters Subscription List membership for a channel.

          • action : Subscription List actionREQUIRED

            A string representing the membership mutation action to be taken for a given list.

            Possible values: subscribe, unsubscribe

          • list_id : List IDREQUIRED

            A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

          • type : StringREQUIRED

            Possible values: channel

        • Contact subscription list action : Object

          Alters subscription list membership for a contact.

          • action : Subscription List actionREQUIRED

            A string representing the membership mutation action to be taken for a given list.

            Possible values: subscribe, unsubscribe

          • list_id : List IDREQUIRED

            A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

          • scope : ScopesREQUIRED

            The channel types where membership applies. The app scope includes iOS, Android, and Amazon channels.

            Possible values: app, web, email, sms

          • type : StringREQUIRED

            Possible values: contact

Assertion JWT

  • A JSON Web Token (JWT) used for authorization in OAuth token requests. The JWT must be signed with the private key corresponding to the client_id in the kid header using the ES384 algorithm.

    All of
    • Headers : Object

      Assertion JWT headers

      • alg : StringREQUIRED

        The signing algorithm.

        Possible values: ES384

      • kid : StringREQUIRED

        The key used to sign the JWT, the client_id.

    • Claims : Object

      Assertion JWT claims

      • aud : StringREQUIRED

        The valid request endpoint. Example:

      • exp : IntegerREQUIRED

        The assertion’s expiration timestamp in seconds since epoch, after which it is not valid. The expiry must not be more than 10 minutes in the future. This is for the assertion, not for the token that will be returned. Example: 1681862754

      • iat : IntegerREQUIRED

        The issue timestamp in seconds since epoch. Example: 168186250

      • ipaddr : String

        A space-delimited list of CIDR representations of valid IP addresses to which the issued token is restricted.

      • iss : StringREQUIRED

        The issuer, the client_id.

      • nonce : StringREQUIRED

        A unique string that must not have been used recently with this client_id. We will store this for a minimum of 2 hours. If you are relying on the nonce to defend against replay attacks, it is recommended to also enforce a narrow ipaddr range in order to prevent requests that utilize the returned access token from being replayed by an outside client. Max length: 50 Min length: 1

      • scope : OAuth Scope

        A space-delimited list of scopes to which the returned claim should be restricted. If not provided, the full list of scopes the client_id is granted will be in the returned claim.

      • sub : SubjectREQUIRED

        A space-delimited set of identifiers for which subjects a token is allowed. An app subject is required. Example: app:JQIMcndxIHWy2QISpt1SpZ.


  • The array can hold string, number, boolean, objects, and array. Accepts numbers and strings for integer/number type attributes, but your string must be convertible to a number or the request will fail. Objects must be valid JSON or the request will fail.

    • One of
      • String

      • Number

      • Boolean

      • Object

      • Array

        The array can hold string, number, boolean, objects, and array. Accepts numbers and strings for integer/number type attributes, but your string must be convertible to a number or the request will fail. Objects must be valid JSON or the request will fail.

Audience limits object

Audience limits

  "options": {
    "audience_limits": {
      "max_recipients": 1000
  • Defines limits to be applied to Push Notifications and standard in-app messages (not In-App Automations or Scenes) only. See Audience Limit in the Message delivery user guide for additional information and limitations.

    • max_recipients : Integer

      The maximum number of recipients a push can be delivered to.

Ban List parameters

Ban List parameters

  "ban_list_parameters": {
    "category": "api-cat"
  • A list of parameters, where the key and value are both strings, that will be used to override the default values set for variables in a Ban List request URL.

    • * : String

Campaigns object

Example campaigns in a push payload

   "audience": "all",
   "notification": {
      "alert": "Taco Kitten wins Kentucky Derby by a whisker"
   "campaigns": {
      "categories": [
   "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ]
  • An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • categories : Array [String]REQUIRED

      Array of strings representing the campaigns you wish to associate with the notification. Must have between 1 to 10 items in the array with a 64 character/byte maximum per item. Max items: 10 Min items: 1

Channel listing object

Example iOS channel

   "channel_id": "b8f9b663-0a3b-cf45-587a-be880946e881",
   "device_type": "ios",
   "installed": true,
   "background": true,
   "opt_in": false,
   "push_address": "FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660",
   "created": "2020-08-08T20:41:06",
   "last_registration": "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
   "named_user_id": "some_id_that_maps_to_your_systems",
   "alias": null,
   "tags": [

   "tag_groups": {
      "sports fan": ["Federer fan", "Messi fan"],
      "music fan": [ "Beyonce", "Muse" ],
      "ua_locale_country": [ "US" ],
      "ua_locale_language": [ "en" ]

   "ios": {
      "badge": 0,
      "quiettime": {
         "start": null,
         "end": null
      "tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
  • Describes a channel listing object.

    • address : String

      The address to send push notifications to when device_type is email or open. For all other device_type values, this key is replaced with push_address.

    • alias : StringDEPRECATED

      Displays the alias associated with the channel, if one exists. Aliases are the precursor to Named Users, our user mapping system. If you are using aliases, please upgrade to Named Users. Listed as null when not set.

    • attributes : Custom and predefined Attributes

      A dictionary of attributes that you’ve associated with the channel. See the Attributes guide for more information about creating and assigning attributes.

      The attributes listed here are “predefined” by Airship, but you can create new attributes in the Airship dashboard.

    • background : Boolean

      If true, the device can receive background push notifications. If false, it cannot. This field only appears for iOS devices.

    • channel_id : String

      The unique channel identifier for a device. Format: uuid

    • commercial_opted_in : String

      The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive commercial emails.

      Format: date-time

    • commercial_opted_out : String

      The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive commercial emails.

      Format: date-time

    • created : String

      The creation date-time of this channel. Format: date-time

    • device_attributes : Device Attributes

      Native attribute properties that Airship gathers automatically assigns to a channel. Varies by channel type. See: Default Attributes.

      For segmentation, when using ua_app_version, ua_sdk_version, or ua_device_os, only semantic versioning formatting is accepted, and anything after the third decimal place is excluded, e.g., 12.2.3-alpha is compared as 12.2.3. You can use operators equals, contains, less, greater, is_empty with values in the formats 1, 1.2, 1.2.3.

    • device_type : String

      Specifies the device platform for a channel.

      Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, open, email, sms

    • email_address : String

      The email address associated with the email channel when device_type is email.

    • installed : Boolean

      If true, the channel is installed. If false, it is uninstalled.

    • ios : iOS channel object

      Contains parameters that apply when the device_type is set to ios.

    • last_registration : String

      The last registration date-time of this channel, if known. Format: date-time

    • msisdn : String

      The phone number associated with the SMS channel. Must be numeric characters only, without leading zeros. Pattern: ^[0-9]*$ Max length: 15

    • named_user_id : String

      A customer-chosen ID that represents the device user, e.g., CRM ID. This ID cannot have leading or trailing whitespace. Listed as null when not set. Pattern: ^(?!\s).{1,128}(?<!\s)$ Max length: 128 Min length: 1

    • open : Open channel options

      Contains options that apply when the device_type is set to open.

    • opt_in : Boolean

      If true, the channel is opted in to push notifications. If false, it is not. Required for all types except email.

    • opt_in_date : String

      (SMS only) The date-time when the SMS channel gave permission to receive messages. Format: date-time

    • opt_out_date : String

      (SMS only) The date-time when the SMS channel opted out of receiving messages. Format: date-time

    • push_address : String

      Required if opt_in is true. The address to send push notifications to for all device_type values other than email and open. When device_type is email or open, this key is replaced with address.

    • subscription_lists : Array [Subscription List object]

      Lists all the subscription lists that this channel is subscribed to.

    • suppression_state : String

      If an email channel is suppressed, the reason for its suppression. Email channels with any suppression state set will not have any delivery to them fulfilled. If a more specific reason is not known, use imported.

      Possible values: spam_complaint, commercial_spam_complaint, bounce, imported

    • tag_groups : Tag Group object

      One or more tag group objects (including Device Property Tags) associated with this channel.

    • tags : Array [String]

      An array of tags associated with this channel. Max items: 1000

    • transactional_opted_in : String

      The date-time when a user gave explicit permission to receive transactional emails. Users do not need to opt-in to receive transactional emails unless they have previously opted out.

      Format: date-time

    • transactional_opted_out : String

      The date-time when a user explicitly denied permission to receive transactional emails.

      Format: date-time

    • web : Object

      Contains parameters that apply when the device_type is set to web.

      • subscription : Object

        The web subscription. This optional field is not present for cases where a browser is registered (for purposes of Feature Flags) but isn’t opted-in to push notifications.

        • keys : Object

          Encryption keys required for signing the push package.

          • auth : String

            The authentication secret.

          • p256dh : String

            The public key.

      • user_agent_string : String

        The full user agent string.

Contact subscription lists object

Example contact Subscription Lists object

   "list_ids": ["example_listId-2", "example_listId-4"],
   "scope": "app"
  • A list of subscription list items associated with the specified contact. Each item consists of a list of list IDs and an optional scope.

    • list_ids : Array [List ID]REQUIRED

      A list of subscription lists associated to the specified scope. If no scope is specified these subscription lists are not scoped. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

    • scope : Scopes

      The channel types where membership applies. The app scope includes iOS, Android, and Amazon channels.

      Possible values: app, web, email, sms

Custom Event object

Example Custom Event

   "occurred": "2020-05-02T02:31:22",
   "user": {
       "named_user_id": "cool.person"
   "body": {
       "name": "purchased",
       "value": 239.85,
       "transaction": "686f53d4-7e0s-36d7-234e-c9792dac6e7b",
       "interaction_id": "",
       "interaction_type": "email",
       "unique_id": "4c2c380a-0400-4d34-ab04-aaf31f0967c7",
       "properties": {
          "description": "sky high",
          "brand": "victory",
          "colors": [
          "items": [
             "text": "New Line Sneakers",
             "price": "$ 79.95"
             "text": "Old Line Sneakers",
             "price": "$ 79.95"
             "text": "Blue Line Sneakers",
             "price": "$ 79.95"
          "name": "Cool Person",
          "userLocation": {
          "state": "CO",
          "zip": "80202"
      "session_id": "22404b07-3f8f-4e42-a4ff-a996c18fa9f1"
  • Defines a Custom Event.

    • body : ObjectREQUIRED

      Contains information about your Custom Event. While only the event name is required, it is recommended that you provide as much information in this object as possible, so that your event is relevant and informative.

      • interaction_id : String

        The identifier defining where the event occurred. In a traditional website, this would be the path and query string from the URL. In a single page app that uses hash routing, it would be the path, query string, and fragment identifier.

      • interaction_type : String

        Describes the type of interaction that triggered the event, e.g., url, social, email. This should almost always be ‘url’ for web events. Airship can separate events with the same name by interaction_type, providing greater insight into Custom Events.

      • name : StringREQUIRED

        A plain-text name for the event. Airship’s analytics systems will roll up events with the same name, providing counts and total value associated with the event. This value cannot contain upper-case characters. If the name contains upper-case characters, you will receive a 400 response.

        Pattern: [^A-Z]

      • properties : Object

        An object containing Custom Event properties. You can use handlebars to access Custom Event properties in templates or messages triggered by the Custom Event. Items in the properties object are limited to a 255 character maximum string length.

      • session_id : String

        The user session during which the event occurred. You must supply and maintain session identifiers.

      • transaction : String

        If the event is one in a series representing a single transaction, use the transaction field to tie events together.

      • unique_id : String

        If properties for the Custom Event are being used for triggering and personalizing a Sequence, use a unique ID to introduce uniqueness in order to differentiate messages and prevent dropping sends as duplicates.

      • value : Number

        If the event is associated with a count or amount, the ‘value’ field carries that information. Airship will treats this field as a representation of money; mathematical operations will use fixed precision representations of this field. The value field respects six digits of precision to the right of the decimal point. This field is optional; if empty, its value will default to zero.

    • occurred : String

      The date-time when the event occurred. Events must have occurred within the past 90 days. You cannot provide a future date-time. If omitted, the current date-time is used. Format: date-time

    • user : AnyREQUIRED

      Contains the Airship channel identifier for the user who triggered the event.

      One of
      • Named User : Object

        • named_user_id : String

          The Named User associated with the event.

      • Fire OS Channel : Object

        • amazon_channel : String

          The unique channel identifier for a Fire OS device. Format: uuid

      • Android Channel : Object

        • android_channel : String

          The unique channel identifier for an Android device. Format: uuid

      • iOS Channel : Object

        • ios_channel : String

          The unique channel identifier for an iOS device. Format: uuid

      • Web Channel : Object

        • web_channel : String

          The unique channel identifier for a web device. Format: uuid

      • Generic Channel : Object

        • channel : String

          Airship canonical identifier for a user. Airship will determine the device. Format: uuid

Experiment object


   "name": "<experiment name>",
   "description": "<experiment description>",
   "control": "<control group>",
   "audience": "<audience-selection>",
   "device_types": "<device-types>",
   "campaigns": "<campaigns>",
   "variants": "[<variant specifications>]",
   "id": "<id>",
   "created_at": "timestamp",
   "push_id": "<push_id>"
  • An experiment object describes an A/B test, including the audience and variant portions.

    • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)REQUIRED

      The audience for the experiment.

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      Campaigns object that will be applied to resulting pushes.

    • control : Number

      The proportional subset of the audience that will not receive a push. The remaining audience will be split between the variants. It may help to think of this value as a percentage. See Audience groups in the API in Message A/B tests. Format: float

    • created_at : String

      The date-time when the experiment was created. This value is created and assigned automatically by Airship and appears in responses only. Format: date-time

    • description : String

      A description of the experiment.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

      • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

    • id : String

      The unique ID assigned to this experiment. This value is created and assigned automatically by Airship and appears in responses only. Format: uuid

    • name : String

      A name for the experiment.

    • push_id : String

      The push ID associated with this experiment. This value is created and assigned automatically by Airship and appears in responses only. Format: uuid

    • variants : Array [Object]REQUIRED

      The variants for the experiment. An experiment must have at least 1 variant and no more than 26. Max: 26 Min: 1

      • Each object represents a push that will be sent to a subset of the experiment’s audience. Message Center is not currently supported for experiments.

        • description : String

          A description of the variant.

        • id : Integer

          Reflects the position of the variant in the array (beginning at 0). This ID is applied automatically and only appears in responses.

        • name : String

          A name for the variant.

        • push : ObjectREQUIRED

          A push object without audience and device_types fields. These two fields are not allowed because they are already defined in the experiment object.

          • in_app : In-app message

            A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

          • notification : Notification object

            The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

          • options : Push options

            A JSON dictionary for specifying non-payload options related to the delivery of the push.

        • schedule : Schedule specification

          The time when the push notification should be sent.

        • weight : Integer

          The proportion of the audience that will receive this variant. Defaults to 1.

iOS channel object

  • Contains parameters that apply when the device_type is set to ios.

    • badge : Integer

      The iOS badge number. Must be greater than zero. Format: int32

    • quiettime : Object

      Quiet time settings. Requires presence of tz.

      • end : String

        Quiet time end in HH:MM format.

      • start : String

        Quiet time start in HH:MM format.

    • scheduled_summary : Boolean

      If true, the scheduled summary notification status is enabled.

    • time_sensitive : Boolean

      If true, the time sensitive notification status is enabled.

    • tz : String

      The channel’s time zone. A list of possible time zone values is maintained at the IANA Time Zone Database.

In-app message


   "audience": "all",
   "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
   "notification": { "alert": "This part appears on the lockscreen" },
   "in_app": {
      "alert": "This part appears in-app!",
      "display_type": "banner",
      "expiry": "2020-04-01T12:00:00",
      "display": {
         "position": "top"
      "actions": {
         "add_tag": "in-app"
  • A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • alert : StringREQUIRED

      The text displayed on the in-app message.

    • display : Object

      The allowed fields for this object depend on the value of of the display_type field. Currently, the only valid display_type is banner, so the following is an associated display object for the banner display type.

      • duration : Integer

        Specifies how long the notification should stay on the screen in seconds before automatically disappearing; set to 15 by default.

      • position : String

        One of either top or bottom, specifies the screen position of the message. Defaults to bottom.

        Possible values: top, bottom

      • primary_color : String

        Specifies the primary color of the in-app message (format #rrggbb).

      • secondary_color : String

        Specifies the secondary color of the in-app message (format #rrggbb).

    • display_type : StringREQUIRED

      Specifies the display type.

      Possible values: banner

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

Interactive notification object

Example with `type` actions

   "interactive": {
      "type": "ua_yes_no_foreground",
      "button_actions": {
         "yes": {
            "add_tag": "more_cake_please",
            "remove_tag": "lollipop",
            "open": {
               "type": "url",
               "content": ""
         "no": {
            "add_tag": "nope"

Example with `ua_share` actions

   "interactive": {
      "type": "ua_share",
      "button_actions": {
         "share": { "share": "Look at me! I'm on a boat." }
  • An interactive notification.

    Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • button_actions : Any

      An object containing keys that must be the button IDs for the specified interactive notification type. If the notification type begins with ua_, the keys must match exactly the button IDs for that type or a strict subset. The names of the button IDs cannot be validated for custom notifications.

      One of
      • Yes/No : Object

        Yes/No button action

        • no : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • yes : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Accept/Decline : Object

        Accept/decline button action

        • accept : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • decline : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Shop Now : Object

        Shop now button action

        • shop_now : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Buy Now : Object

        Buy now button action

        • buy_now : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Follow : Object

        Follow button action

        • follow : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Opt In : Object

        Opt in button action

        • opt_in : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Unfollow : Object

        Unfollow button action

        • unfollow : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Opt Out : Object

        Opt out button action

        • opt_out : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Opt In/Remind : Object

        Opt in/remind button action

        • opt_in : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • remind : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Remind : Object

        Remind button action

        • remind : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • More Info : Object

        More info button action

        • more_info : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Download : Object

        Download button action

        • download : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Share : Object

        Share button action

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Download/Share : Object

        Download/share button action

        • download : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Remind/Share : Object

        Remind/share button action

        • remind : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Opt In/Share : Object

        Opt in/share button action

        • opt_in : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Opt Out/Share : Object

        Opt out/share button action

        • opt_out : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Follow/Share : Object

        Follow/share button action

        • follow : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Unfollow/Share : Object

        Unfollow/share button action

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • unfollow : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Shop Now/Share : Object

        Shop now/share button action

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • shop_now : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Buy Now/Share : Object

        Buy now/share button action

        • buy_now : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • More Like/Less Like : Object

        More like/less like button action

        • less_like : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • more_like : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Like/Dislike : Object

        Like/dislike button action

        • dislike : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • like : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Like : Object

        Like button action

        • like : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Like/Share : Object

        Like/share button action

        • like : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • share : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Add to Calendar/Remind : Object

        Add to calendar/remind button action

        • add_calendar : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • remind : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Add : Object

        Add button action

        • add : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Save : Object

        Save button action

        • save : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Follow/Save : Object

        Follow/Save button action

        • follow : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • save : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Rate : Object

        Rate button action

        • rate : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Rate/Remind : Object

        Rate/remind button action

        • rate : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • remind : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Search : Object

        Search button action

        • Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Book : Object

        Book button action

        • book : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Happy/Sad : Object

        Happy/Sad button action

        • happy : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • sad : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Up/Down : Object

        Up/down button action

        • down : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

        • up : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

      • Custom Action : Object

        Custom button action

        • * : Actions

          Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • type : StringREQUIRED

      A string that specifies the name of either a predefined or a custom-defined interactive notification type. Predefined types are prefixed with ua_.

      Possible values: ua_yes_no_foreground, ua_yes_no_background, ua_accept_decline_foreground, ua_accept_decline_background, ua_shop_now, ua_buy_now, ua_follow, ua_opt_in, ua_unfollow, ua_opt_out, ua_opt_in_remind, ua_remind_me_later, ua_more_info, ua_download, ua_share, ua_download_share, ua_remind_share, ua_opt_in_share, ua_opt_out_share, ua_follow_share, ua_unfollow_share, ua_shop_now_share, ua_buy_now_share, ua_more_like_less_like, ua_like_dislike, ua_like, ua_like_share, ua_add_calendar_remind, ua_add, ua_save, ua_follow_save, ua_rate, ua_rate_remind, ua_search, ua_book, ua_icons_happy_sad, ua_icons_up_down, <custom_defined_interactive_notification_type>

Landing page content

  • One of
    • Object

      • uri : StringREQUIRED

        The URI to be opened as a landing page. This value supports http or https schemes and can be personalized using handlebars expressions. Format: url

    • All of
      • Object

        • content_encoding : String

          A string specifying the encoding of the text in the body attribute. Defaults to utf-8.

          Possible values: utf-8, base64

        • content_type : StringREQUIRED

          A non-blank string, which must be a MIME type. Max length: 128 Min length: 1

      • One of
        • Object

          • body : StringREQUIRED

            A string containing content which will be uploaded to our internal content hosting system. Max length: 8192 Min length: 1

        • Object

          • template : AnyREQUIRED

            One of
            • Object

              • template_id : StringREQUIRED

            • Object

              • fields : ObjectREQUIRED

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • html_body : StringREQUIRED

                  A string containing templated HTML content of the landing page. Corresponds to (and overrides) the “body” field. Note that the only legal values for “content-type” and “content-encoding” fields when used with this template field are “text/html” and “utf-8”, respectively. Max length: 8192 Min length: 1

List response object

List response object

  "ok": true,
  "lists": [
        "name": "ua_attributes_my_list",
        "description": "My first list",
        "extra": {
            "filename": "list.csv",
            "source": "crm"
        "created": "2020-05-13T21:41:25",
        "last_updated": "2020-05-13T21:45:17",
        "channel_count": 0,
        "error_path": "",
        "status": "ready"
        "name": "ua_attributes_another_list",
        "description": "My second list",
        "extra": {
            "filename": "list2.csv",
            "source": "api"
        "created": "2020-05-14T21:41:25",
        "last_updated": "2020-05-14T21:45:17",
        "channel_count": 0,
        "error_path": "",
        "status": "ready"
  • Contains all user-specified data about a static list or attributes list (metadata), but does not contain CSV list contents. Use the /api/lists/{name}/csv endpoints to upload or download list contents.

    • channel_count : Integer

      A count of resolved channel identifiers for the last uploaded and successfully processed identifier list. This will always be 0 for attribute lists.

    • created : String

      The date-time when the list was initially created. Format: date-time

    • description : String

      An optional description for the list. Max length: 10000

    • error_path : String

      If non-empty, indicates that there were errors in the processed CSV file. The value is either an empty string or a URL to download a file describing the errors.

    • extra : Object

      An optional JSON map of up to 100 key-value (string-to-string) pairs associated with the list. Keys in this object have a 64-character maximum; values can be up to 1,024 characters.

    • last_updated : String

      The date-time when the identifiers of the list were last updated successfully. Format: date-time

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the list, consists of up to 64 URL-safe characters. The name is how the list is identified, so it should be unique and memorable. Max length: 64 Min length: 1

    • status : String

      A string value representing the state of the list.

      • ready — The list was processed successfully and is ready for sending.
      • processing — The list is being processed.
      • failure — There was an error processing the last uploaded list.

      Possible values: ready, processing, failure

Localization object

Example array of localizations

  "localizations": [
         "language": "de",
         "country": "AT",
         "notification": {
            "alert": "Grüss Gott"
         "language": "de",
         "country": "DE",
         "notification": {
            "alert": "Guten Tag"
  • An object used to indicate that message content delivered to a device should be customized for a specific locale subset. Each localization object must have at least one of country and language. Which of those two fields are present does not need to be consistent across localizations.

    In addition, each localization object must have one of notification, message, or in_app set. If the top level notification, message, or in_app fields are set, they will be delivered to any user in the audience not matching any of the localizations.

    • country : String

      The ISO 3166-2 two-letter country code for this localization.

    • in_app : In-app message

      A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

    • language : String

      The ISO 639-1 two-letter language code for this localization.

    • message : Message Center object

      A Message Center message.

    • notification : Notification object

      The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

Message Center object

Message object example

   "audience": "all",
   "notification": {
      "ios": {
         "badge": "+1"
   "message": {
      "title": "This week's offer",
      "body": "<html><body><h1>blah blah</h1> etc...</html>",
      "content_type": "text/html",
      "expiry": "2020-04-01T12:00:00",
      "extra": {
         "offer_id": "608f1f6c-8860-c617-a803-b187b491568e"
      "icons": {
         "list_icon": ""
  • A Message Center message.

    • body : StringREQUIRED

      The body of the message.

    • content_encoding : String

      A string denoting encoding type of the data in body. Defaults to utf-8. base64 encoding can be used in cases which would be complex to escape properly, just as HTML containing embedded javascript code, which itself may contain embedded JSON data.

    • content_type : String

      A string denoting the MIME type of the data in body. Defaults to text/html.

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • extra : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string-to-string key-value pairs. If you wish to pass structured data in an extra key, it must be JSON-encoded as a string.

      • * : String

    • icons : Object

      A JSON dictionary of string key and value pairs representing icons. At this time, only the list_icon key is supported. Values must be URI/URLs to icon resources. For resources hosted by UA, use the following URI format ua:<resource_id>.

      • list_icon : String

    • title : StringREQUIRED

      The title of the message.

Message type

  • Indicates the purpose of a message.

    Possible values: transactional, commercial

Named User object

Example Named User

  "named_user": {
      "named_user_id": "user-id-1234",
      "created" : "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
      "last_modified" : "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
      "tags": {
        "loyalty program": [
        "crm id": [
      "subscription_lists": [
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-1", "example_listId-5"],
          "scope": "web"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-2", "example_listId-3"],
          "scope": "app"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-2"],
          "scope": "web"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-3"],
          "scope": "email"
          "list_ids": ["example_listId-4"],
          "scope": "sms"
      "attributes": {
        "item_purchased": "Fur removal tool",
        "cats_name": "Sammy",
        "pets_age": 12
      "user_attributes": {
        "ua_country": "US",
        "ua_language": "en",
        "ua_tz": "America/Los_Angeles"
      "channels": [
            "channel_id": "dceafd02-b852-4305-83df-98b65fa40dd4",
            "device_type": "ios",
            "installed": true,
            "opt_in": true,
            "push_address": "FFFF",
            "created": "2020-04-08T20:41:06",
            "last_registration": "2020-05-01T18:00:27",
            "tags": [
  • The response body for a Named User listing, including tags, channels and attributes associated with the Named User.

    • attributes : Custom and predefined AttributesREQUIRED

      Attributes associated with a channel or Named User. This object contains predefined attributes that you enable and assign to the channel, or custom attributes that you create and assign.

      This object enumerates predefined attributes, but you can create your own in the Airship dashboard.

    • channels : Array [Channel listing object]REQUIRED

      Listing of channels associated with the Named User.

    • created : StringREQUIRED

      The creation date-time. Format: date-time

    • last_modified : StringREQUIRED

      The last modified date-time. Format: date-time

    • named_user_id : StringREQUIRED

      A customer-chosen ID that represents a user, e.g., CRM ID. This ID cannot have leading or trailing whitespace.

    • subscription_lists : Array [Subscription list item object]REQUIRED

      A list of subscription list items associated with the Named User.

    • tags : Tag Group objectREQUIRED

      One or more tag group objects associated with the Named User. See Named User Tags.

    • user_attributes : ObjectREQUIRED

      User attributes consist of three values that are copied from the last channel associated with the Named User.

      • ua_country : String

        An ISO 3166 two-character country code. Example: “US”.

      • ua_language : String

        An ISO 639-1 two-character language code. Example: “en”.

      • ua_local_tz : String

        Time zone as a string. Example: “America/Los_Angeles”

Subscription list item object

Example Subscription List item

  "list_ids": ["example_listId-2", "example_listId-3"],
  "scope": "app"
  • An item consisting of a list of list IDs and scope.

    • list_ids : Array [List ID]REQUIRED

      A list of subscription lists associated to the specified scope. If no scope is specified these subscription lists are not scoped. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

    • scope : String

      Scope as a string.

      Possible values: app, email, sms, web

Named User Subscription Lists object

Example Subscription Lists object

    "subscribe": ["stickers", "gifs"],
    "unsubscribe": ["cookies"]
  • Defines the Subscription List changes.

    • subscribe : Array [String]

      Subscribe to the specified Subscription List identifier.

    • unsubscribe : Array [String]

      Unsubscribe the specified Subscription List identifier.

Named User update payload

  • At least one of associate, disassociate, tags, or attributes must be provided. If a channel is provided in both associate and disassociate sections, a 400 will be returned.

    • associate : Array [Any]

      Associate a list of channels or email addresses with the Named User. If the channel_id or email_address is already associated with the Named User, this operation will do nothing.

      • Any of
        • Channel : Object

          • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

            Format: uuid

          • device_type : String

            The device type of the channel. If the channel is not yet registered in Airship and device_type is not provided a 400 will be returned.

            Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, email, sms, open

        • Email address : Object

          • email_address : StringREQUIRED

            This email channel must already be registered in Airship or a 400 will be returned

            Format: email

    • attributes : Array [Attribute assignment]

      Set or remove attributes on a Named User.

      A single request body may contain set or remove operations, or both. If both set and remove fields are present and the intersection of the attributes in these fields is not empty, then a 400 will be returned.

      If at least one of the attributes included in the request is valid, i.e., at least one attribute exists, Airship returns a 200 with a warning containing a list of attributes that failed to update.

    • disassociate : Array [Any]

      Disassociate a channel or an email address from the Named User.

      • Any of
        • Channel : Object

          • channel_id : StringREQUIRED

            Format: uuid

          • device_type : String

            The device type of the channel. If the channel is not yet registered in Airship and device_type is not provided a 400 will be returned.

            Possible values: ios, android, amazon, web, email, sms, open

        • Email address : Object

          • email_address : StringREQUIRED

            This email channel must already be registered in Airship or a 400 will be returned

            Format: email

    • tags : Object

      Add, remove, or set tags on a Named User. A single request body may contain add and/or remove objects or a single set field. At least one of the add, remove, or set objects must be present in a request.

      A tag must be < 128 characters. A request with one or more tags longer than 128 characters will return a 400 response.

      If at least one of the tags included in the request is valid, i.e., at least one tags exists, Airship returns a 200 with a warning containing a list of tags that failed to update.

      • add : Tag Group object

        Add the list of tags to the Named User, but do not remove any. If the tags are already present, they are not modified.

      • remove : Tag Group object

        Remove the list of tags from the Named User, but do not remove any others. If the tags are not currently present, nothing happens.

      • set : Tag Group object

        Set these tags for the Named User; any tags previously associated that are not in this current list are removed.

Notification object

Example notification with all platforms

   "audience": "all",
   "device_types": [
   "notification": {
      "ios": {
         "alert": "Hello, iDevices"
      "android": {
         "alert": "These are not the...yeah, lame joke."
      "amazon": {
         "alert": "Read any good books lately?"
      "web": {
         "alert": "Oh the tangled web we weave"
      "email": {
         "subject": "Did you get that thing I sent you?",
         "html_body": "<h2>Richtext body goes here</h2><p>Wow!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>",
         "plaintext_body": "Plaintext version goes here [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]",
         "message_type": "commercial",
         "sender_name": "Airship",
         "sender_address": "",
         "reply_to": ""
      "open::toaster": {
         "alert": "Would you like avocados with that?"
  • The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

    • actions : Actions

      Describes Actions to be performed by the SDK when a user interacts with the notification. You can personalize message actions using Handlebars.

    • alert : String

      A notification message, displayed for any platforms receiving the push without a platform override.

    • amazon : Any

      One of
      • Fire OS override

        The platform override section for Kindle Fire (for Amazon Device Messaging).

      • Fire OS override with template

        Use a template with a Fire OS-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • android : Any

      One of
      • Android override

        The platform override section for Android. Maximum 4,096 bytes.

      • Android override with template

        Use a template with an Android-specific fields. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • email : Any

      One of
      • Email override

        Notification fields specific to email messages. This object is required when email is enabled for an appKey and email is specified in the payload’s device_types field.

      • Email notification with template

        Notification fields specific to email messages with an inline template for use in a /api/create-and-send payload. Using a template enables you to provide and populate variables in your notification. You can also add conditional statements based on those variables, determining message text that to send to each member of your audience. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

    • interactive : Interactive notification object

      An interactive notification.

      Attempting to specify an interactive payload for an unsupported device type will result in an HTTP 400 response.

    • ios : Any

      One of
      • iOS override

        The platform override section for iOS. Maximum 4,096 bytes.

      • iOS override with template

        Use a template with iOS-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • mms : Any

      One of
      • MMS platform overrides

        Provides the content for a push to MMS channels. If sms is in the device_type array, your request may include this object. It cannot be combined with an SMS Platform Override as a single push can only include either an SMS or MMS payload.

      • MMS notification with inline template

        Template and notification overrides for a Create and Send payload with device_types set to mms. With a template, you can provide and populate variables and conditional statements based on those variables. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

    • open::open_platform_name : Any

      One of
      • Open channel override

        The platform override section for open platforms uses the prefix attribute open:: before the configured open platform name. The open::<open_platform_name> object will contain an object with the following attributes.

      • Open channel override with template

        Use a template with an open channel-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

    • sms : Any

      One of
      • SMS platform overrides

        Provides override options when sms is one of the device_types specified in the payload.

      • SMS notification with template

        Notification fields specific to SMS messages with an inline template for use in a /api/create-and-send payload. Using a template enables you to provide and populate variables in your notification. You can also add conditional statements based on those variables, determining message text that to send to each member of your audience. Conditionals begin with {{#operator}} and end with {{/operator}}. For more information, see Handlebars.

    • web : Any

      One of
      • Web override

        The web platform overrides determine message behaviors for web notifications.

        Safari behaves differently from other browsers and supports only the alert and title overrides. It ignores all other web overrides.

      • Web override with template

        Use a template with a Web-specific message. You can reference a template by ID, or use {{handlebars}} directly in your message.

        Safari behaves differently from other browsers and supports only the alert and title overrides. It ignores all other web overrides.

Open channel options

  • Contains options that apply when the device_type is set to open.

    • identifiers : Object

      A set of up to 100 key:value pairs representing identifiers for this channel in your own delivery systems and delivered as a part of webhook payloads.

    • old_address : String

      If a channel exists for the value of old_address, replaces that channel’s address with the value of address. Use infrequently, such as when an end user’s phone number or email address permanently changes.

    • open_platform_name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the open channel that this channel_id is registered on.

Push object

Example push object

   "audience": {
      "OR": [
            "tag": [
            "ios_channel": "9c36e8c7-5a73-47c0-9716-99fd3d4197d5"
   "notification": {
      "alert": "Hi from Airship!{{#if super_sale }} We're having a sale on {{ }}!{{/if}}",
      "ios": {
         "extra": {
            "url": ""
   "options": {
      "expiry": "2020-04-01T12:00:00"
   "message": {
      "title": "Message title",
      "body": "<Your message here>",
      "content_type": "text/html"
   "in_app": {
      "alert": "This part appears in-app!",
      "display_type": "banner",
      "expiry": "2020-04-01T12:00:00",
      "display": {
         "position": "top"
   "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
   "global_attributes": {
      "super_sale": true,
      "products": [
          {"id": 1, "name": "New Line Sneakers", "price": "79.95"},
          {"id": 2, "name": "Old Line Sneakers", "price": "59.95"}

Example personalized push

   "device_types": [
   "options": {
      "personalization": true
   "notification": {
      "sms": {
         "alert": "Hi {{name}}, {{#feed \"weather_updates\" kw="today" as |weather|}}It's going to be {{weather.temp}} in {{weather.loc}} today!{{/feed}}",
   "audience": {
      "tag": "local_updates",
      "group": "weather"
   "feeds": [
         "name": "weather_updates",
         "params": {
            "kw": "today"

Example localized push

  "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
  "audience": {
     "tag": "needs_a_greeting",
     "group": "new_customer"
  "notification": {
     "alert": "Hi!"
  "localizations": [
         "language": "de",
         "country": "AT",
         "notification": {
            "alert": "Grüss Gott"
         "language": "de",
         "country": "DE",
         "notification": {
            "alert": "Guten Tag"
  • A push object describes everything about a push notification, including the audience and push payload. A push object is composed of up to seven attributes.

    • audience : Audience selector (max 1000)REQUIRED

      An audience selector forms the expression that determines the set of channels to target. Max items: 1000

    • campaigns : Campaigns object

      An object specifying custom campaign categories related to the notification.

    • device_types : Array [String]REQUIRED

      An array containing one or more strings identifying targeted platforms. Min items: 1

      • Possible values: android, amazon, ios, web, sms, mms, email, open::open_platform_name

    • feed_references : Feed references object

      An object used to indicate that an external data feed should be invoked, the name of the feed to invoke, and the way in which to invoke it. You can only include a feed if you include a templates object in the payload or set the personalization option to true.

    • global_attributes : Object

      The global attributes object may contain an arbitrary set of keys and values, including arrays and nested objects, which will be added to the global attributes rendering namespace for this push. Top-level keys must start with a letter and cannot start with the reserved sequence ua_. If the global attributes object is nonempty, it implies the personalization: true option.

    • in_app : In-app message

      A JSON object describing an in-app message payload.

    • localizations : Array [Localization object]

      An array of localizations. Channels bearing the specified language/country combination will receive the corresponding message.

    • message : Any

      One of
    • message_type : Message type

      Indicates the purpose of a message.

      Possible values: transactional, commercial

    • notification : Notification object

      The notification payload that is required unless either message or in_app is present. You can provide an alert and any platform overrides that apply to the device_type platforms you specify.

    • options : Push options

      A JSON dictionary for specifying non-payload options related to the delivery of the push.

    • orchestration : Object

      An object used to indicate the strategy to employ when deciding which channels to target for a contact. An orchestration object can be stored in Airship as the default strategy. If the orchestration section is included in a push payload, it will override the configured default value. The overall default strategy is fan_out.

      • channel_priority : Array [String]

        An array of channel types in priority order. Required if type is set to channel_priority.

      • type : StringREQUIRED

        The name of the orchestration strategy to employ.

        Possible values: channel_priority, fan_out, triggering_channel, last_active

    • snippet_references : Snippet references object

      An object used to indicate that a set of snippets should be loaded for use in message content. Use the following syntax in your payload: {{> your_snippet_name }} to reference the snippet content within a notification or rich message.

      See Snippets to see how to create a snippet in the Airship dashboard.

Push options

  • A JSON dictionary for specifying non-payload options related to the delivery of the push.

    • audience_limits : Audience limits object

      Defines limits to be applied to Push Notifications and standard in-app messages (not In-App Automations or Scenes) only. See Audience Limit in the Message delivery user guide for additional information and limitations.

    • ban_list_parameters : Ban List parameters

      A list of parameters, where the key and value are both strings, that will be used to override the default values set for variables in a Ban List request URL.

    • bypass_ban_list_processing : Boolean

      If true, a user’s status on a Ban List will not be verified before sending the push.

    • bypass_frequency_limits : Boolean

      If true, the push ignores any Message Limits that would otherwise apply to your message.

    • bypass_holdout_groups : Boolean

      If true, the push ignores withholding any messages for users in a holdout group for a Holdout Experiment that is active at send time.

    • expiry : Any

      Delivery expiration, as either absolute ISO UTC timestamp, or number of seconds from now.

      One of
      • Integer

        Number of seconds from now. When the delivery platform supports it, a value of zero (0) indicates that the message should be delivered immediately and never stored for later attempts.

      • String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • no_throttle : Boolean

      If true, the push will ignore global throttling rates that have been configured for the application, resulting in delivery as quickly as possible.

    • omit_from_activity_log : Boolean

      If true, the push is omitted from the Activity Log.

    • personalization : Boolean

      If true, enables Handlebars-style template syntax for eligible fields in a notification or message center objects. You can do this to enable handlebars for all available fields without using individual template objects for different platform overrides.

      This setting is implicitly true whenever your payload includes a platform override with a template object.

    • redact_payload : Boolean

      If true, the push payload will not appear in Airship’s logs. You cannot use this option with Message Center, A/B Tests, Automation, or Scheduled pushes, which all require the payload to be stored separately by design.

    • use_strict_sms_validation : Boolean

      This field is only compatible for Create and Send API requests targeting SMS and MMS device_types.

      If true, Create and Send requests containing any selector entries that would result in silent row drops will return a 400 Bad Request response code. Detailed error messages will be returned for all invalid rows.

      If false, requests that contain row entries with silent errors as documented for the targeted required selector fields will return a 200 status code. However, all invalid entries will be silently dropped during request processing.

      By default, this attribute is implicitly set to false unless every entry in the request would be dropped silently as determined by the targeted selector type, at least one malformed JSON error is found in the request, or at least one validation error is encountered for a required selector field that is not documented to handle invalid data with silent drops.

Schedule object

Example schedule

    "url": "http://go.urbanairship/api/schedules/2d69320c-3c91-5241-fac4-248269eed109",
    "schedule": {"scheduled_time": "2020-04-01T18:45:30"},
    "name": "My schedule",
    "push": {
        "audience": {"tag": "49ers"},
        "device_types": [ "ios", "android" ],
        "notification": {"alert": "Touchdown!"},
        "options": {"expiry": 10800}
  • A schedule object consists of a schedule, i.e., a future delivery time, an optional name, and a push object.

    • localization_ids : Array [String]

      An array of identifiers used for reporting. Each ID represents a localized message (push object with localizations array).

    • name : String

      An optional string.

    • push : Push objectREQUIRED

      A push object describes everything about a push notification, including the audience and push payload. A push object is composed of up to seven attributes.

    • push_ids : Array [String]

      An array of the push IDs associated with the schedule. The push_ids key is set by the server, and so is present in responses but not in creation requests sent from the client. Requests that contain this key will return a HTTP 400 Bad Request. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

    • schedule : AnyREQUIRED

      Any of
      • Schedule specification

        The delivery time specified in UTC.

      • Recurring schedule : Object

        Recurring schedules allow you to send a message multiple times at a set cadence. This is useful for subscription reminders, birthdays, etc. This is accomplished by adding recurring data to the schedule endpoint.

        • recurring : Object

          • cadence : AnyREQUIRED

            Defines how often the message is to be sent. It consists of the type (unit) and an optional value (count).

            One of
            • Standard Cadence : Object

              • count : IntegerREQUIRED

                The frequency of messaging corresponding to the type. For example, a count of 2 results in a message every 2 hours, days, weeks, months, etc. based on the type value. Min: 1

              • type : StringREQUIRED

                The unit of measurement for the cadence.

                Possible values: hourly, daily, monthly, yearly

            • Weekly Cadence : Object

              • count : IntegerREQUIRED

                The frequency of messaging on the weekly cadence. For example, a count of 2 results in a message every 2 weeks. Min: 1

              • days_of_week : String

                The days of the week on which Airship can send your message.

                Possible values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

              • type : StringREQUIRED

                Possible values: weekly

          • end_time : String

            The date-time when the schedule will end and stop sending messages. Format: date-time

          • exclusions : Array [Any]

            The date-time ranges when messages are not sent. Min items: 1

            ARRAY ITEM
            • One of
              • Hour range : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • hour_range : String

                  The hourly interval exclude from your cadence. Use 24-hour time separated by a dash, example: "12-14". Times are inclusive.

              • Date range : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • date_range : String

                  The date-time ranges to exclude from your cadence. Separate the start and end date-times with a forward slash (/). Date-times are inclusive.

                  Format: date-time

              • Days of the week : Object

                OBJECT PROPERTIES
                • days_of_week : Array [String]

                  The days of the week that you want to exclude from your schedule cadence. Days are inclusive. Airship considers monday the beginning of a week. Min items: 1

                  ARRAY ITEM
                  • Possible values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

          • paused : Boolean

            If true, the schedule is paused, and will not result in sends at the regularly scheduled cadence.

    • url : String

      The url key is set by the server, and so is present in responses but not in creation requests sent from the client. Format: url

Schedule specification

Global schedule

   "scheduled_time": "2020-04-01T18:45:30"

Best time example

  "best_time": {
    "send_date": "2020-06-01"

Local time

   "local_scheduled_time": "2020-04-01T18:45:30"
  • The delivery time specified in UTC.

    One of
    • Scheduled time : Object

      Scheduled push to be delivered globally at the same moment.

      • scheduled_time : String

        A date-time. Format: date-time

    • Local scheduled time : Object

      Deliver a message at each device’s local time. This ensures that users receive your message at the same time of day across all time zones in your app’s audience. This feature only works for channels that have a timezone tag (or Named Users containing at least one channel with a timezone tag). Devices in the audience that do not have a timezone tag will not receive your message.

      • local_scheduled_time : String

        Alternative to scheduled_time. The scheduled device local date-time to send the notification.

        Format: date-time

    • Best time : Object

      Alternative to scheduled_time. Uses predictive analytics to send the notification at the optimal send time for each member of your audience. best_time is represented as “Optimize” in the dashboard and is an add-on feature in Airship’s Predictive suite.

      • best_time : Object

        Schedules the notification for the optimal send time.

        • send_date : String

          The date set by the user for when the push should go out, localized to the time zone for a given channel. Best-time pushes require activation of our predictive analytics toolset.

          Format: date

Named User scoped batch item

Example scoped batch item

    "scope": ["app"],
    "subscription_lists": {
        "subscribe": ["stickers", "gifs"],
        "unsubscribe": ["cookies"]


  • The channel types where membership applies. The app scope includes iOS, Android, and Amazon channels.

    Possible values: app, web, email, sms

Snippet references object

Example push snippets request

POST /api/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Master authorization string>
Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Type: application/json

    "device_types": ["ios"],
    "audience": { "tag": "earlyBirds" },
    "notification": {
       "alert": "Hello, {{user}}, how are you today?{{> \"signoff\" }}"
    "options": {
       "personalization": true
    "snippet_references": {
       "snippets": [
             "name": "signoff"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3
Content-Length: 123
Data-Attribute: push_ids

    "ok": true,
    "operation_id": "5e7852b0-6909-4e60-a73f-4d6b92d94c80",
    "push_ids": [
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.
This operation is not currently supported.

Snippet references example: The `copyright` snippet is loaded by the `snippet_references` object and inserted at the end of the `alert` text.

   "notification": {
      "alert": "Hi {{ name }}: Thanks for your purchase! {{> copyright }}"
   "snippet_references": {
      "snippets": [
            "name": "copyright"
  • An object used to indicate that a set of snippets should be loaded for use in message content. Use the following syntax in your payload: {{> your_snippet_name }} to reference the snippet content within a notification or rich message.

    See Snippets to see how to create a snippet in the Airship dashboard.


    Make sure that the location where you are using a snippet supports the content defined in the snippet. For example, an image URL or HTML will not render in a push notification since push notifications only support plain text.

    • snippets : Array [Object]REQUIRED

      An array of snippets that you want to use to personalize your message.

        • name : StringREQUIRED

          The name of the snippet that you set up in the Airship dashboard.

List ID

  • A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

Subscription List action

  • A string representing the membership mutation action to be taken for a given list.

    Possible values: subscribe, unsubscribe

Subscription List object

Example Subscription List object

  "action": "subscribe",
  "list_id": "exciting_news"
    • action : AnyREQUIRED

      One of
      • Channel Subscription List action : Object

        Alters Subscription List membership for a channel.

        • action : Subscription List actionREQUIRED

          A string representing the membership mutation action to be taken for a given list.

          Possible values: subscribe, unsubscribe

        • list_id : List IDREQUIRED

          A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

        • type : StringREQUIRED

          Possible values: channel

      • Contact subscription list action : Object

        Alters subscription list membership for a contact.

        • action : Subscription List actionREQUIRED

          A string representing the membership mutation action to be taken for a given list.

          Possible values: subscribe, unsubscribe

        • list_id : List IDREQUIRED

          A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

        • scope : ScopesREQUIRED

          The channel types where membership applies. The app scope includes iOS, Android, and Amazon channels.

          Possible values: app, web, email, sms

        • type : StringREQUIRED

          Possible values: contact

    • list_id : List IDREQUIRED

      A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

    • timestamp : String

      The date-time when the attribute changed. Server time is used when not present.

      Format: date-time

Subscription list result object

Example Subscription List result object

   "list_id": "example_listId-2",
   "name": "A nice readable name 2",
   "description": "A very nice description for you.",
   "scopes": ["app", "web"],
   "default_opted_in": true
  • Defines the subscription list result object.

    • default_opted_in : BooleanREQUIRED

      True if the audience defined by scopes are opted in by default, otherwise false.

    • description : Object

      Description of the subscription list.

    • list_id : List IDREQUIRED

      A list ID that contains only alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens. Max length: 32 Min length: 1

    • message_type : String

      The message type.

      Possible values: transactional, commercial

    • name : String

      Human readable name.

    • scopes : Array [Scopes]REQUIRED

      An array of scopes applicable to the subscription list. Valid scopes are app, web, email, and sms. Max items: 100 Min items: 1

Tag Group object

A simple tag group that has 2 tags associated with the group tags.

  "sports fan": ["Federer fan", "Messi fan"]

A simple Airship-specific tag group, associating one tag with the group

  "tag_groups": {
      "ua_locale_country": ["US"]

An array of Tag Groups for a channel. Channels can have Airship-specific tag groups; Named Users do not have Airship-specific Tag Groups.

  "tag_groups": [
        "sports fan": [
            "Federer fan",
            "Messi fan"
        "music fan": [
        "ua_locale_country": [
        "ua_locale_language": [

An array of Tag Groups for a Named User. Named Users do not have Airship-specific tag groups.

  "tags": {
      "crm_id": [
      "loyalty program": [
  • Tags belong to Tag Groups. Tag Groups appear within the tags object for a Named User or the tag_groups object for a channel. See also Device Properties ua_ is a reserved prefix for Airship-specific tag groups.

    A Tag Group has two parts: a “name” string of 1-128 characters, and an array of tags, containing 0-100 tags. Each tag in the array is also a string consisting of 1-128 characters.

    • Tag Group name : Array [String]

      An array of tags. Max items: 100

Tag list metadata object

  • Contains all user-specified data when defining a tag list in Airship. Although add, remove, and set are optional, one or more must be present.

    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • description : String

      An optional description for the list. Max length: 10000 Min length: 1

    • extra : Object

      An optional JSON map of up to 100 key-value (string-to-string) pairs associated with the list. Keys in this object have a 64-character maximum; values can be up to 1,024 characters.

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the list, consists of up to 64 URL-safe characters. The name is how the list is identified, so it should be unique and memorable. Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ Max length: 64 Min length: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list are removed.

Tag list response object

Tag list response object

  "name" : "ua_tags_foo",
  "description" : "",
  "extra" : { "key": "value" },
    "tag-group-name": [
    "tag-group-name2": [
  "remove": {
    "tag-group-name3": [
  "set": {
    "tag-group-name4": [
  "created" : "2013-08-08T20:41:06",
  "last_updated" : "2014-05-01T18:00:27",
  "channel_count" : 0,
  "mutation_success_count": 1000,
  "mutation_error_count": 10,
  "error_path":  "",
  "status" : "ready"
  • Contains information (metadata) about the tag list.

    • add : Tag Group object

      Adds the specified tags to the channel. Tags that are already present are not modified/removed as a result of this operation.

    • channel_count : Integer

      A count of resolved channel identifiers for the last uploaded and successfully processed identifier list. This will always be 0 for attribute lists.

    • created : String

      The date-time when the list was initially created. Format: date-time

    • description : String

      An optional description for the list. Max length: 1000

    • error_path : String

      If non-empty, indicates that there were errors in the processed CSV file. The value is either an empty string or a URL to download a file describing the errors.

    • extra : Object

      An optional JSON map of up to 100 key-value (string-to-string) pairs associated with the list. Keys in this object have a 64-character maximum; values can be up to 1,024 characters.

    • last_updated : String

      The date-time when the identifiers of the list were last updated successfully. Format: date-time

    • name : StringREQUIRED

      The name of the list, consists of up to 64 URL-safe characters. The name is how the list is identified, so it should be unique and memorable. Max length: 64 Min length: 1

    • remove : Tag Group object

      Removes the specified tags from the channel.

    • set : Tag Group object

      Assigns a list of tags exactly. Any previously set tags that are not in this current list are removed.

    • status : String

      A string value representing the state of the list.

      • ready — The list was processed successfully and is ready for sending.
      • processing — The list is being processed.
      • failure — There was an error processing the last uploaded list.

      Possible values: ready, processing, failure